Title: Clauses after Verbs of Fearing
1Chapter 46
- Clauses after Verbs of Fearing
- Sequence of Tenses
- Vis Inertiae
- The Power of Passive Resistence
2The Sequence of Tenses
- The verb goes into the subjunctive,
- according to The Sequence of Tenses,
- dependent upon the main verb
3For purpose clauses I have come to praise Caesar.
The verb goes into the subjunctive, according
to The Sequence of Tenses, dependent upon the
main verb
For indirect commands He persuaded me to stay.
The verb goes into the subjunctive, according
to The Sequence of Tenses, dependent upon the
main verb
For fearing clauses I fear that you do not
understand me.
The verb goes into the subjunctive, according
to The Sequence of Tenses, dependent upon the
main verb
4The Sequence of Tenses (p. 268)
5After verb of mental action, expect the
accusative/infinitive construction Scio vos me
non relicturos esse. I know that you will not
abandon me. Putaverunt castra sua oppugnari. They
thought that their camp was being attacked.
Fearing is considered to be a special category
of mental action. After a verb of fearing,
i.e. timeo, expect
1) a direct object Timeo nullum hominem. I
fear(am afraid of) no person. OR 2) a dative of
reference Timebo patriae meae. I will
fear(be afraid) for my country. OR 3) a
complementary infinitive Timueram
discedere. I had been afraid to leave.
4) a clause, introduced by a flip-flopped ut/ne
(thatnot, that) subjunctive ATTSOTDUTMV
Timeo ut tu me intellegas. I fear(am afraid) that
you do not understand me. Timebam ne mei amici
fugissent. I was fearing(afraid) that my friends
had fled. Timesne ne onus gravius sit? Are you
fearing(afraid) that the burden may be too
heavy? Timuit ut pecunia auxilio sibi esset. He
feared(was afraid) that the money would not help
7Vir v. Vis