Title: TRD Production at GSI
1TRD Production at GSI
- Joerg Hehner TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI
2 Starting Production in November
2004 3 L5C1 Radiator Frames
wired 5 L5C1 Radiators Frames
glued 4 Padplanes glued
Production Status
- Joerg Hehner TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI
3 3 L5C1 Moduls tested with Fe55
SourceClosed with Tape Gas ArCO2 70/30
HV-Anode 1550 V, HV-Drift -2000 VO2
Concentration below 30ppm, Flush 40l/h, 8hup
to know Dark Current lt 1nA
Testing Status
- Joerg Hehner TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI
Derived from our experience for TPC Production,
after some Modification of Tools we approached
the Production Mode to build 2 TRD Chambers / 7
Working Days Issues of the Design, mass
Production, Quality Control, system assembly and
testing of this large and complicated detector
system are very important to guarantee a good
quality of the whole system.
- Joerg Hehner TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI
5 Thank youto Sandra Schwab, Gert
Augustinski, Andre Radu, Heinz W. Dauesand all
the Students to help us to produce TRD Chambers
- Joerg Hehner TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI