Title: The battle between conventional and organic cotton
1The battle between conventional and organic cotton
2The battle between conventional and organic
cotton Cotton clothes are hands down extremely
comfortable, especially during the summer. This
breathable fabric is used in everyday life in a
huge amount and covers everything from your
clothes to the sheets you sleep in.
3However, conventional cotton production is
gradually being replaced by organic production
which ensures the zero-usage of pesticides, GMO
seeds, etc, which pose serious health threats not
only to the land where it is produced but also to
the farmers. Organic production creating organic
tee shirts offer less human and environmental
threat than the conventional means at a slightly
more expensive.
4Drawbacks of conventional cotton
production Conventional cotton production takes
up almost 10 percent of the total pesticide used
worldwide. This pesticide gets washed into the
nearby lakes and water sources with the rain
water. These toxic elements finally find their
way into the water supply.
5Cotton is still handpicked in many countries
which mean the pesticide is transferred to the
farmers who handle cotton daily. Conventional
cotton supply requires the highest amount of
water supply through irrigation. It is, in fact,
the crop that consumes most water in agriculture.
6Keeping in mind these problems related to cotton
production, organic production of cotton is
something that producers are switching to in
recent times. Organic tees made using this kind
of cotton are safe on the skin and becoming quite
7Why go eco-friendly? Eco-friendly t-shirts are
hugely beneficial for the natural environment
because these are produced under better working
conditions and no exposure to the toxicity of
8The farmers producing them end up saving on the
agricultural costs because pesticides are not
used in its production. Rather, the producers
take the help of nature in getting rid of the
pests. In some parts, birds are used for killing
the pests and creating a natural balance.
9Organic fertilizers are used for increasing
production and maintaining the freshness of the
soil. The producers are also provided with fair
wages and better working conditions which are
conducive towards the production of the crops.
10The benefits in favour of organic t-shirts and
organic production have inspired people worldwide
to start wearing organic products, thus reducing
the prices.