Title: Jacksonian Democracy Review
1Jacksonian Democracy Review
2Indian removal act resulted in what?
- Indians forced to move west of the Mississippi
river to Oklahoma territory
3The Trail of Tears is what route?
- Cherokee traveled from Georgia to Oklahoma
4In what order did people earn the right to vote ?
- White males with property
- White males
- Black and white males
- women
5Who formed a confederation of tribes in an effort
to prevent further expansion of white settlers
6What were the Native American and American views
on land ownership
- Americans all about owning the land privately,
Native Americans not at all
7Who worked to reduce the consumption of alcohol
8What is the Southerners' argument used in defense
of slavery?
- They contribute to a prosperous society
9What did the cotton gin do?
- Remove seeds from cotton
- Increased slavery in the south
10Why were women more frequently hired to work in
the factories?
- Could be paid less than men
11Dorothea Dix
- Advocate for mental illness reform
12the public educational system that existed in the
United States before 1830 can be described as
- Not free
- Not mandatory
- Not public
- Usually only rich male children
13Declaration of Sentiments
- All men and women are created equal issued at the
Seneca falls Conference
14Harriet Tubman
- Conductor on the Underground Railroad
15Who had the right to vote in the United States
in the late 1700s
- White males with property
16Battle of Tippecanoe in 1811 was between
- Americans and Native Americans
17Who were the organizers of the women's rights
convention held in Seneca Falls, New York in 1848?
- Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott
18Horace Mann
- Reformer for public education
19principal goal of the supporters of Manifest
- To spread the USA from the Atlantic ocean to the
Pacific ocean
20The climate and topography of the southeastern
United States can be characterized how
21tariffs in the 19th century were intended to
- Increase government revenue and protect American
22What happened at a state dinner at the white
House between Jackson and Calhoun?
- Challenged each others views on nullification
23The Kitchen Cabinet
- Unofficial advisors to Jackson
24First major Tariff of Jackson's administration
was passed in what year?
25Jackson was nicknamed "Old Hickory because?
26What state threatened to secede during the
Nullification Crisis?
27The Tariff of 1828 caused what crisis to happen?
28The "corrupt bargain" after the election of 1824
concerned who?
- Jackson accused Henry Clay of this because he did
not get elected president and instead John Quincy
Adams did
29Jackson asked Congress to do what regarding the
30Specie is
31The Era of Good Feelings is known for
- Improved transportation. Better inventions and
technology. Stable government
32What made transportation on rivers more efficient
33In what order in did these presidents serve
- Washington, Adams ,Jefferson, Madison, Monroe,
34Monroe Doctrine
- Europe to stay out of North America
- No European colonies in the Americas
35Frederick Douglass
- Abolitionist against slavery
36Harriet Beecher Stowe
- Wrote book against slavery called Uncle Toms
37Elizabeth Cady Stanton
- Organizes the womans rights conference at Seneca
38What court case established the Supreme Courts
power of judicial review
39Which President introduced the present day
Democratic party
40Andrew Jacksons number one priority
- The nation or Federal government
41Andrew Jackson's vice president
42What alienated Andrew Jackson from John Calhoun?
43The nullification crisis of 1832-1833 was about
- Tariff of 1828
- States rights
44Andrew Jacksons 3 charges against the Bank of
the United States
- Elite rich people controlled the money
- Bank was a tyrant and used money to corrupt
politicians - Anti-western
45Why did Andrew Jacksons administration support
the removal of Native Americans
46Suffrage is
47How did Andrew Jackson extend suffrage?
- Gave it to all white males with no property
requirement attached
48Overall reason for the War of 1812
- Impressment and concern over western lands of
North America
49Alexander Hamilton's economic plan for the USA
- Establish bank of USA
- Stabilize currency
- Establish taxes and tariffs to increase
government revenue
50appeal to the common man is called
51Clays American System consists of what 3 items
- maintain a national bank
- Establish a national transportation system
- Better the infrastructure
- Starts factory system with water powered mills in
Rhode Island
53McCulloch v. Maryland
- Supreme Court case that says states do not have
right to tax national bank
541818 convention settled what issues
- 49th parallel as boundary with Canada in the west
55The Adams Onis Treaty
- Added Florida to America and gave Spanish lands
east of the Mississippi river to USA
56America for Americans!
- Monroe Doctrine in a nutshell
57What linked western markets to New York City
58Manifest Destiny is the belief that Americans
have the right to do what
- Possess all of the American continent from the
Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean for themselves
59Watt invented what?
60The spoils system is
- Allows victorious political party to fill public
offices with their supporters
62Pinckney's Treaty?
- Helped commerce with Canada and Great Britain
63Mass Production
- Make a large number of parts and use to make a
lot of a product
64John Calhoun, Vice-president to Andrew Jackson,
from South Carolina believed that what rights
reigned supreme?
- Kidnapping of American sailors on to British ships