Title: Ingen bildrubrik
1MIT June 2002 Y-program Curriculum
DesignLinköping UniversityLinköping Institute
of Technology Karl-Fredrik BerggrenIngela
The Wallenberg CDIO Program
2Mind and heart
4Balanced scorecard
- Web
- //sukura.unit.liu.se/
- Not available yet
- Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering
- Unique combination of engineering programs at
Linköping University, Linköping Institute of
Technology - Industrial environment
- SAAB Technologies
- Ericsson
- Sectra
- (Bio)Science Parks..
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Computer and Information Sciences
- Systems
- Electronics
- Foreign languages in addition to English (Yi)
- Broad program (YYi)
- 180 (15030) students admitted each year
- 4 1/2 years
- 160 credit points
- 20 p Master Thesis, usually in industry
- (one credit is 40 hours of work)
8Y-international (Yi)
- New program (3.3.2)
- Three languages branches French, German, Spanish
- 4 1/2 years
- Third year abroad according to language
specialisation (40 credits) - 160 credit points
- 20 p Master Thesis, usually in industry
9In depth profiles, fourth year
- Applied Mathematics
- Signal and Image processing
- Electronics
- Applied Physics (3 nya)
- Mechanics and Control
- Biomedical Engineering
- Environmental Technology
- Software Engineering
- Communication
- Control- and Information Systems
- Socware-Integrated Systems for Communication and
10In depth profiles
- Restructuring of specialisations within CDIO
25 credits
20 credits
Elective courses
Mandatory courses
5-8 credits
CDIO-Project course
14Expectancies and realityhttp//www.ibv.liu.se/y.
- Department of Behavioural Sciences (IBV), (Elinor
Edvardsson Stiwne) - 31 Study group 2000 background, expectancies
and their experiences of the first semester - 32 Background, expectancies and experiences of
their first semester- a comparison between three
study groups, 1998 1999 and 2000. - 33 Study group 1999 their first year
- 34 Their first year a comparison between two
study groups, 1998 and 1999 - 35 Study group 1998 two years in the study
programme - 36 Study group 1998 three years in the study
programme. Interviews with 8 students - Unique possibility to assess the crossover to
CDIO Y-program
Masters Thesis
Project Software Engineering Embedded Systems
Project Biomedical Sensors
Project System Design
Project Applied Mathematics
Project Advanced Physical Applications
Year 4
Project Systems Engineering
Project Mechanical Engineering Systems
Project Control Communication Systems
Electronics Project Course
Year 3
Year 2
Compulsory courses
Introductory Project Course
Natural Science
Year 1
CDIO Y-program
Masters Thesis
Project Software Engineering Embedded Systems
Project Biomedical Sensors
Project System Design
Project Applied Mathematics
Project Advanced Physical Applications
Year 4
Project Systems Engineering
Project Mechanical Engineering Systems
Project Control Communication Systems
Electronics Project Course
Year 3
Year 2
Compulsory courses
Introductory Project Course
Natural Science
Year 1
Project management
Project Software Engineering Embedded Systems
Project Biomedical Sensors
Project System Design
Project Applied Mathematics
Project Advanced Physical Applications
Year 4
Project Systems Engineering
Project Mechanical Engineering Systems
Project Control Communication Systems
Electronics Project Course
Year 3
Year 2
Introductory Project Course
Year 1
Together with SAAB Technologies and Ericsson
Introductory Engineering Projects
- Project manager Sven Stafström
- Introductory project course, 4 credits (13)
- Implemented 2002, first autumn semester, in
parallel with mathematics - 1 credit Communication (3.2)
- Group dynamics (3.1)
- LIPS,Case studies of project management given by
people from Industry (4.3) - Societal context (4.1, 2.5)
Introductory Engineering Projects
- 3 credits
- Projects aimed at presenting the engineering
working situation (2.1, 4.3-4.6CDIO) - Give students training in team work and
communication (3.1, 3.2) - Groups of 5-6 students. Each project takes 2-4
groups (3.2) - Model for project work at LiTH, LIPS (3.2)
22Y1 Engineering projects
- Hearing aid, an mechanical aid or an engineering
product - Application of design for the environment-redesign
of an electronic product - How could frost formation on heat exchangers
surfaces in heat pumps for heating houses be
detected and removed. - Weather station
- How do we adapt to the surrounding in order to
assure the desired deep body temperature. - SmartCar-the intelligent car
- Industrial process control- from mathematics to
computer engineering - A glimpse into computer vision
- Control system for optimal vehicle function
- Optimization in telecommunications
- Complexity of the course, interdisciplinary, many
departments, many students (160) - Education of teachers in LIPS (4x2h)during spring
2002 - Projects ready in June 2002
- Contract between Y-board and project leaders
- Assessment, Expectations and .... (Magnus H)
- Electronics project
- To be implemented 2003, quarter 1
25Electronics, project course for Y3
Design example A computer
26Electronics project for Y3 at LiTH, 5p Tomas
Svensson 020525
- One of the main goals is to increase the
practical engineering parts on the Y line. In
this course, the students will use their design
spirit. - Prerequisities are the basic courses in
electronics, digital design and computer
architecture - Course start spring 2003
- The students will, in groups of 6 persons, design
a relatively advanced computer controlled
machine. The design will include a number of
computers, discrete digital circuits,
programmable logic, analogue interfaces,
different displaysand a number of sensors. The
design will be built on a circuit board with
wiring technique. - The project includes new theory, that the
students have not met before. For example new
processors, new development environments,VHDL and
programmable logic. The students can gain this
knowledge by several seminar series and mandatory
laboratory work.
- Interdisciplinary reading (4.1)
- Ethics
- Lectures,seminars, reading list and report
- Gender, Technology, Culture (4.1)
- Analyze scientific and popular culture fenomena.
Understand how technolgy and scientific knowledge
envolves in a societal and cultural context. - Lecturesreport
28Follow-up actions
- Syllabus joint article
- Balanced scorecard, Magnus Holmström, Y-board
- Teaching practices, Madelaine E, joint report
with Chalmers and KTH - Learning practices, student project, Åsa Wiklund,
Niclas Svenzen - Interdisciplinary reading, Sabrina, IW, KFB
- Ethics- Instruction guides,with KTH, Collste
- Communication, start-up with MIT
- LIPS, course for teachers, Tomas Svensson,
Christian Krysander - Finished developing Introductory course and
Electronics course - Restructuring of in depth profiles
- Workshop for students and teachers about CDIO
- Meeting with study group from University of