Title: The Adult and Family Development Project
1The Adult and Family Development Project
- Supported by NIDA Grant DA05227
- Consultants Ken Sher, Bengt Muthen
- Co-Authors of these analyses
- Manuel Barrera, Craig Colder, Amanda Cumberland,
Patrick Curran, Andrea Hussong, Kevin King,
Steven Pitts, Justin Prost, Mike Todd
2Project Goals
- 1. Why does parent alcoholism raise risk for
addictive disorders? (Mediators) - 2. What are protective factors that buffer risk?
(Moderators) - What are consequences of adolescent substance use
for later development?
3Data Sources/Design
- Parents Parents Parents Parents Offspring
- Target Target Target Target Target
- School Sibs Sibs
- Collateral Collateral
1988 1989 1990 1995-1997 2000-2004 12
.7y 13.7y 14.7y 20y 25y (5-12) N454 N732
4Some Methodological Advantages
- Community Sample
- Direct Ascertainment
- Assessment of Co-morbidities
- Includes Alcoholic Mothers
- Multiple Reporter Data
- Good Retention Over Time (90-98)
5 Parent Alcoholism Predicts Adolescent Drug Use
Parent Antisocial Personality
Parent Affective Disorder
Parent Alcoholism
6Parent Alcoholism Raises Risk for Substance Use
- COA Control
OR - Alcohol 52.6 25.3 3.28
- Drug 21.1 8.8 2.79
- (Abuse/Dependence at median age20)
7Hypothesized Mediating Mechanisms (from Sher,
Behavioral Undercontrol
Parent Alcoholism
Stress and Negative Affect
Drug Abuse Dependence
Enhanced Reinforcement
8What is Behavioral Undercontrol?
- Variously operationalized as
- Impulsivity
- Sensation-Seeking
- Constraint
- Rebelliousness
- Aggression
- Conduct Problems
9Is Parent Alcoholism Related to Behavioral
- In Childhood/Adolescence
- Michigan Longitudinal Study
- Montreal Group
- In Late Adolescence/Adulthood
- Minnesota Family Twin Study
- Missouri Health and Behavior Study
- Australian Twin Registry
10Does Behavioral Undercontrol Predict Drug
- Yes-Consistent Agreement
- Across different outcomes
- Prospective and cross-sectional
- e.g., Caspi et al. (1996) for males
11Does Behavioral Undercontrol Mediate Parent
Alcoholism Risk?
- Yes-Cross-Sectionally mediates heritable risk
- Minnesota Twin Family Study (Iacono et al, 1999)
- Slutske et al. (2002)
- Prospectively predicts AUDs (include conduct
problems as undercontrol) Sher et al. (1999)
12Behavioral Undercontrol as a Mediator of Family
Alcoholism Risk for Drug Use Disorder
Parental Alcoholism
Young Adult Drug Use Disorder
Adolescent Under-control
- Mediated Effect.05 (Sobels method, Mackinnon
Dwyer (1993) - Proportion Mediated ? 22.5
- p lt 0.05
- p lt 0.01
- p lt 0.001 N 394
Covariates Gender Age Parent Antisocial
13Complete vs partial mediation
- Mediator of genetic risk vs. genetic plus
environmental risk - Cross-sectional vs. prospective
14Intergenerational Transmission of Behavioral
Mom Impulsivity
Adolescent Impulsivity
Young Adult Drug Diagnosis
Dad Impulsivity
Adolescent Drug Use
Mom Alcoholism
No moderation by Gender For mom-significant
mediation through impulsivity
Dad Alcoholism
Parent Antisocial
n 263
- For Maternal alcoholism
- Correlated process of intergenerational
transmission of behavioral undercontrol - Why not for fathers?
- Sampling? Power? Marginal zero order correlation
of dad and child impulsivity - Different process? Other ways that parents
influence child regulationconflict??
16Is Parenting a Protective Factor?
Maternal Support
Parent Alcoholism
Behavioral Undercontrol
Drug Abuse/ Dependence
Parent Antisociality
- Adolescents perceptions of maternal support
interact with behavioral undercontrol to predict
later drug diagnoses
17Butnot the classic buffering effect
- Interaction is protective but reactive (Luthar
et al., 2000) - Protection is lost at the highest levels of
behavioral undercontrol
18Usefulness of high risk studies
- High Risk Studies
- Allow look at high levels of the risk factor
- Produce protective but reactive form
- (Wooten et al., 1997)
- Community Studies
- Look at less extreme levels of the risk factor
- Produce Classic Buffering
- (Stice Gonzales, 1998)
19Summary of Mediator Findings
- COAs at higher risk for drug disorders (OR 2-3)
- COAs behaviorally undercontrolled
- Behavioral undercontrol prospectively predicts
drug disorders (1sd----doubles the odds) - Undercontrol partially mediates parent alcoholism
effects on later diagnoses - Other Pathways for COAs
- For Maternal Alcoholism, correlated
intergenerational transmission of undercontrol
20Summary of Moderator Findings
- Adolescents perceptions of maternal support
buffer the impact of behavioral undercontrol on
later drug disorders - Buffering is Protective but Reactive
- Interventions to increase maternal support may be
less useful for adolescents who are highly
impulsive and sensation-seeking.