Title: Prsentation PowerPoint
1Territory Management Methods Tools
8 Participants from 3 Stiment regions
Since 2004
The aim is to develop a Concept of methods and
tools, which lead to create pre-conditions of
entrepreneurship and co-operation within the
stiment regions participating including rural and
suburban zones
Abdel TAZIBT, Lead Participant
2Strategy of Work
Construction of common Questionnaire
Launch of Surveys
Analysis of Results
The brakes and Features of the LED
Development of the T2MT Concept
3Main Results the brakes of LED
High Labour costs
Difficult access to external financing
Lack of European funding information
Rules of Competition
4Main Features of the Regions
Co-operation - work at Local Regional level
seeking international co-operation
Adm. rules - Weight of the central administration
Export - Seeking new pan European markets
5Outputs 3 tools
MLA Manual for Local Authorities
SLOT Stiment Logistics Optimized Tool
BBP Business to Business Process
63 main components
1. Growth Stimulation of local economy 1.1
Growth Stimulation of SMEs, 1.2 Opening of
economy outwards. 1.3 Consolidation of Business
Supporting Organization System 1.4 Local
authority pro-economic policy.
2. Local Authorities infrastructures
amplification. 2.1 Technical infrastructure. 2.2
Institutions infrastructure. 2.3 Informatics
3 Modern human Resources and Labour Market. 3.1
Modern system of persistent education. 3.2
Elimination of pathologies on labour market. 3.3
Increasing European Awareness. 3.4 Modern labour
7SLOT Stiment Logistics Optimized Tool How to
make Full Truck Loads Transportation Cost Less
- Result
- Unaccuracy in deliveries
- Problems with quality
- Requires lots of administration
- High environmental impact
- High costs
BBP Business to Business Process How to create
direct links bridges by t2mt between SMEs to do
Ongoing actions
In a panel of 10 french SMEs going for the 1st
time (may 2005) out of France to Poland, 4
decided to invest there....... Last week, 16
french SMEs went to Lublin Futuralia event the
movement is increasing............. And the move
will continue next year with a new demand from
more than 20 SMEs
11Future plan
To make the T2MT Concept operational
Practical efficient MLA
Operational functional SLOT
Effective BBP
12Thank you !
Thanks to the expertise of all the partners which
are deeply involved in business support to SMEs,
AND thanks to the STIMENT support, this work has
been conducted in good conditions !