Nowadays, most sites are controlled in potential by lease and/or OZP. Backgrounds/ Main points ... PNAP 236 - Design of Car Parks and Loading/ Unloading Facilities ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation
In the context of current practice interpretation under the Buildings Ordinance, mainly based on B(P)R enacted on 1.6.1956
2 Site Classifications
Definition under the Buildings Ordinance
Backgrounds/ main points
Discussion (more interactive)
GFA Exemptions
Definition under the Buildings Ordinance
Backgrounds/ main points
Discussion (more interactive)
3 Site Classifications
Interpretation under B(P)R 2
Site/Adjoining sites/ lots
Backgrounds/ Main points
Abutting a street (4.5m)
Intensity g Serviceability Accessibility
g Health Safety
Class A, B, C g4.5m street / 40 / 60
How many site classifications ?
4 Site Classification Site Classification Class A site Class B site 5 Site Classification Site Classification 6 Site Classification Site Classification
B(P)R 19(1)gA, B, C
B(P)R 19(2)g non A, non B, non C (i.e. the 4th type)
B(P)R 5(1)g proper access from a street
B(P)R 5(2)g provide access lane/ road
PNAP 263 Street for Site Classification
PNAP 118 Streets in relation to Site Area- B(P)R 23(2)(a)
7 GFA - Exemptions
Definition Gross Floor Area
B(P)R 2 external wall floor etc
B(P)R 23(1) Building height
B(P)R 23(2) Site Area
B(P)R 23(3)(a)
GFA shall be the area contained .. within external walls each floor level including floor below the level of the ground) balcony .. the thickness of external walls.
8 GFA Exemptions
Definition Gross Floor Area
B(P)R 23(3)(b)
may disregard parkingloading or unloading, material recovery chambers refuse storage other facilities provided to the satisfaction of the Building Authority TBE machinery or equipment lift, air-conditioning similar services.
B(P)R 23A Genuine Hotel
Non-domestic P.R. S.C.
Consisting some supporting facilities (i.e. BOH areas)
9 GFA Exemptions
Backgrounds/ Main points
Control the building bulk g Health Safety
Previously mainly controlled by volume of a building, now by GFA in term of P.R S.C., and others
Nowadays, most sites are controlled in potential by lease and/or OZP
Still, you can see GFA is being somehow used to determine some safety standards (like MOE provisions) under the Buildings Ordinance. (e.g. 230m2 in Fire Safety (Commercial Premises) Ordinance)
10 GFA Exemptions
Backgrounds/ Main points
More direct control by Fire Safety Codes (MOE, MOA, FRC etc) GFA g indirect control g Safety/ Health g seems fading out
However, values of GFA still exist, like what?
P.R. S.C. to be determined by BA on B(P)R 19(2) cases, e.g. existing bulk
Rating Valuation
Implication on lease/ OZP
11 Discussions
Exemptions on GFA calculations
Why BA could discount some items from GFA?
What to consider?
What items would normally be accepted for GFA exemption ?
? 12 Other Relevant PNAPs
PNAP 13 - Calculation of Gross Floor Area and Non-Accountable Gross Floor Area - Building (Planning) Regulation 23(3)(a) and (b)
PNAP 68 - Projections in relation to Site Coverage and Plot Ratio - Building (Planning) Regulations 20 and 21
PNAP 111 - Hotel Development
PNAP 116 - Amenity Features
13 Other Relevant PNAPs
PNAP 207 - Provision of Better Lift Service
PNAP 236 - Design of Car Parks and Loading/ Unloading Facilities
PNAP 258 - Provision of Sky Garden in Refuge Floor
JPN 1 - Green and Innovative Buildings
JPN 2 - Second Package of Incentives to Promote Green and Innovative Buildings