Title: How to Give a Good Talk
1How to Give a Good Talk
2The speaker approaches the head of the room and
sits down at the table. (You can't see him/her
through the heads in front of you.) S/he begins
to read from a paper, speaking in a soft
monotone. (You can hardly hear. Soon you're
nodding off.) Sentences are long, complex, and
filled with jargon. The speaker emphasizes
complicated details. (You rapidly lose the thread
of the talk.) With five minutes left in the
session, the speaker suddenly looks at his/her
watch. S/he announces -- in apparent surprise --
that s/he'll have to omit the most important
points because time is running out. S/he shuffles
papers, becoming flustered and confused. (You do
too, if you're still awake.) S/he drones on.
Fifteen minutes after the scheduled end of the
talk, the host reminds the speaker to finish for
the third time. The speaker trails off
inconclusively and asks for questions. (Thin,
polite applause finally rouses you from
dreamland.) Paul Edwards
on How to give a talk
3Whats wrong with this picture?
- Reading
- Sitting
- No visual aids
- Small print, busy slides
- No moving about
- Monotone
- Mumbling
- Facing downward
- Lost in details
- Running overtime
- No conclusion
- Ignoring audience
Diagrams, graphs
Large print
Vary pitch
Speak loudly/clearly
Eye contact
Focus on main points
Finish on time
Summarize, conclude
Respond to audience
4What will I talk about today?
- Central Messages
- Giving a good talk is important!
- Dont annoy your audience!
- Preparation
- Where are you presenting?
- Who is your audience?
- What is your central message?
- How are your slides put together?
- How do you answer questions?
- Presentation Types
- oral exam or thesis defense
- conference talk
- Summary
5Giving a Good Talk Its important!
Tamara G. Kolda, 2002
- More people will see your talks than will read
your papers - The audience will form their impressions of you
based on your talks - Early in career, treat every talk like an
interview talk - Start as early as you canno later than 1 year
before your PhD
6How might I annoy my audience?
David Patterson, circa 1983
- not be neat (in good order)
- not covet brevity (concise)
- not write large
- not use color
- not illustrate
- not make eye contact
- not skip slides in a long talk
- not practice
- Know what your surroundings will be like size of
room, microphone, equipment, etc. - Know your audience and tune your message to that
audience - Get to the pointearly and often
- Organize your slides so that they effectively
deliver your central message - Answer questions skillfully
8Where are you presenting?
9Know your surroundings
Patrick Winston on How to Speak
- Look at the hall you want the place to be
comfortably crowded - How many people will be there? Nature of talk
changes with size of audience! - 20 people discussion is possible
- 50 people performance is expected
- Find out who has talked before
- Schedule talk for 11am
- Mood people reading newspapers will make you
feel bad! (Dont allow it.)
10Who is your audience?
11Know your Audience
Tamara G. Kolda, 2002
- One of the biggest mistakes speakers make is not
knowing their audience! - Will your audience include
- Specialists in your sub-field? In your field?
- Researchers in the computer/mathematical sciences
- Engineers and scientists?
- Faculty and postdoctoral researchers? Graduate
students? Undergraduates?
12Delivering the central message
Tamara G. Kolda, 2002
- What did you do? Why is it important?
- Whats the one-sentence summary of your talk that
the audience should walk away with? - Tune your message to your audience
- Symbolic knowledge improves statistical
techniques for cross-language topic detection and
generation of short summaries to represent
foreign-language news articles - Generation of English headlines for foreign news
stories is enhanced when our algorithms use
linguistic knowledge - Repeat the message over and over again throughout
the talk - Keep the content of the talk focused on the
central message
13Slide Organization
Tamara G. Kolda, 2002
- Sample outline of a research talk
- Title slide credit to co-authors and funding
agencies - Up-front carrot (attention-getter)
- Outline (unless 10-15 min talk)
- Background material
- What you did
- new algorithm, theorem, proof, computational
paradigm - Why is it important
- numerical results
- contribution
- Summary and future work
14Background Material
- Minimize background material
- At least 2/3 of talk should be original work
- Identify those who have done related work and
spell their names correctly!Hint People love to
hear their own names. - Describe motivating applications that will later
tie into your results
15What you did
- Emphasize your simple message repeatedly
- Back it up with details of algorithm and theory
- Use pictures and diagrams as much as possible in
lieu of wordy explanation - Keep notation to a minimum and avoid too many
abbreviations - Never use equation numbersrepeat the equation if
necessary - Illustrate your points via simple examples
16How do you present an algorithm?
17(No Transcript)
18Tables and Figures
- Tables
- Dont make font too small
- Use color for emphasis
- Figures
- Be sure axes are clearly labeled
- Use color to differentiate lines
- Dont just copy verbatim out of a conference
19Why is it important?
- Emphasize an application
- What makes it a hard problem?
- Why should people care?
20Summary and Future Work
- Repeat what you did
- Repeat why it is important
- Future work is important for recent PhDs because
it shows you are thinking beyond your thesis
problem - Include contact info at the end
- email, web page
21Fielding Questions
- Repeat the question.
- Talk.
- Demonstrate knowledge of standard problem
solving. - Draw a diagram.
- Specify an analogy.
- List the assumptions.
- List the ideas and tools that seem relevant.
- Respect the questioners and their questions
- Inevitably, someone will tell you your work has
already been done by someone else!
22Oral Exam or Thesis Defense
- Practice!!!!
- Observe and try to emulate excellent speakers
- Ask in advance what examiners will ask!
- Memorize a few key sentences.
- Get there early and set up!
- Cycle in on what you have done.
- Try to convey a sense of quiet confidence.
23Conference talk
Mark Hill, 1992
- Title/author/affiliation (1 slide)
- Forecast (1 slide)
- Outline (1 slide)
- Background
- Motivation and Problem Statement (1-2 slides)
- Related Work (0-1 slides)
- Methods (1 slide)
- Results (4-6 slides)
- Summary (1 slide)
- Future Work (0-1 slides)
- Backup Slides
24Academic Interview
Mark Hill, 1992
- Take a 20-minute conference talk.
- Expand the 5 minute intro to 20 minutes
- Do the rest of the conference talk, minus the
summary and future work. - Add 10 minutes of deeper stuff from your thesis.
- Do the summary and future work from the
conference talk in a manner accessible to all. - Add 10 ten minutes to survey all the other stuff
you have done (to show your breadth). - Save 5 minutes for questions (to show that you
are organized).
25Take-Home Messages
- Know your audience
- Create a simple message and repeat it several
times - Allow plenty of time to prepare your talk
- Practice!
- Dont block the slides during the talk
- Speak slowly, clearly
- Dont run over on time
- Have fun and learn from your mistakes
26Thanks goes to
- http//www.si.umich.edu/pne/acadtalk.htm
- http//www.cs.dartmouth.edu/brd/Teaching/Giving-a
-talk/giving-a-talk.html - http//www.cs.dartmouth.edu/brd/Teaching/Giving-a
-talk/phw.html - http//www.cs.wisc.edu/markhill/conference-talk.h
tml - http//csmr.ca.sandia.gov/tgkolda/abstracts/givin