Solo Talk - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Solo Talk


Title: S3 Solo Talk Author: debbie.roberts Last modified by: gemma.douglas Created Date: 3/2/2006 11:54:05 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: debb3186
Tags: solo | talk


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Solo Talk

Solo Talk
  • LI I will understand how to achieve a credit
    grade for my solo talk.

Talk tips to boost your grade
  • The difference between a general level talk and a
    Credit level talk is the sophistication of your
    presentation. As Talk counts for a third of your
    final grade, it has a big influence on your final
    grade in May.

The Credit GRC
  • The Credit GRC expect you to give an Individual
    Talk of considerable length and which is made
    up of ideas of quality, relevance and
    distinction. This means you have a lot of work
    to do preparing your Talk, and getting all that
    information into a format you can easily use.
  • The aim of this presentation is to give you some
    helpful and practical tips that will help you to
    talk at length on a subject, and achieve the best
    final grade possible. Good luck!!!

Tip 1 Good Openings!
Effective Openings
  • Look at the following openings. Which one do you
    think achieved the Credit grade?
  • Doctors, nurses, patients..As youve probably
    guessed I spent my work experience week in a
  • Im going to talk about my weeks work
    experience. I spent my time in a hospital.

  • You should have spotted that the first one is the
    Credit one. The distinctive difference is that
    the Credit speaker draws the audience in,
    intrigues them, and immediately starts painting
    pictures in the listeners heads, while the
    General speaker starts by saying something
    everyone probably knows already.
  • Tip 1 - Make sure that your own opening has
    maximum impact and immediately catches the
    attention of the audience.

Tip 2 Varying Vocabulary
Tip 2 Varying Vocabulary
  • The GRC ask you to use varied and accurate
    vocabulary and to use a wide range of spoken
    language structures which means varying the
    lengths and types of sentences you use as well.
  • This means that any boring repetition should be
    avoided, and that you should make use of
    sophisticated language as appropriate, just as
    you would in your writing. As well as varying
    your vocabulary, you can also use.

Tip 3 Humour and Anecdote
Tip 3 Humour and Anecdote
  • One of the easiest ways to win over your audience
    is to give them something to laugh at
    especially if that something is you! Being funny
    to order may sound like a hard thing to do, but
    we all make our friends laugh all the time in
    real life by using anecdotes. An anecdote is an
    amusing story, often one we tell about, or even
    against, ourselves. Consider the following

Im going to talk to you today about the first
time I went away without my parents. I was just
ten when I went away to Cub camp.
  • or.
  • Ive never forgotten my first Cub camp. It
    started pretty badly. I had just managed to prise
    my weeping mother off me at the scout hut door. I
    was on my way to join my Irn Bru crazed wee pals
    when she appeared again. To my horror she was
    waving the teddy bear I had had since birth and
    yelling at full pitch, Darling you forgot Mr
    Snuggly and I know you never go to bed without

Which opening is more likely to capture your
  • Although anecdotes are especially useful in
    personal talks you do not have to personally star
    in each one that you use. An anecdote can just as
    easily be something you observed, or an
    experience that you know happened to someone else.

Tip 4 Make eye contact and gestures
  • You must engage your audience by looking directly
    at them.
  • When you are having a conversation, you make
    facial expressions and hand gestures to show your
    emotions. You must do this during your solo talk
    to show how you feel about your topic.

Tip 5 Use your voice
  • Vary the tone of your voice to express emotion
  • Speak loudly and clearly so everyone can hear you
    and understand what youre saying

What can we learn from these speeches?
  • YouTube - Barack Obama Speech on Race (Tuesday,
    March 18, 2008)
  • YouTube - Clueless Theatrical Trailer

Learning Intention
  • I will start to plan my solo talk and make the
    content as interesting as possible.

Top tips!
  • Be original
  • Explain what you mean
  • Give examples
  • Engage with your topic
  • Show an interest

Choosing a topic.
  • You can do your solo talk on a topic of your
  • Choose something you are interested on and know
    lots about.
  • Try to pick something that will interest people
    and nobody else is doing.

Some examples.
  • Hobbies
  • Favourite film
  • Favourite band
  • A current affair
  • What you want to do when you leave school
  • Work experience

Learning Intention
  • I will prepare for my solo talk in order to get
    the highest grade possible.
  • Tasks
  • Develop ideas
  • Write notes
  • Make visual aids (power point, poster)
  • Practise the talk
  • Time the talk it should be 5 minutes long
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