Title: Stato della ricerca e prospettive in collisioni ultrarelativistiche nucleo-nucleo
1Stato della ricerca e prospettive in collisioni
ultrarelativistiche nucleo-nucleo
- Federico Antinori
- INFN Padova
- Introduzione (QGP, SPS)
- Risultati principali di RHIC
- Prospettiva hard probes (heavy flavour)
- non tratterò di FAIR (GSI, bassa energia)
3QCD phase diagram
4(Partial) Chiral Symmetry Restoration
- Confined quarks acquire an additional mass ( 350
MeV) dynamically, through the confining effect of
strong interactions - M(proton) ? 938 MeV m(u)m(u)m(d) 10?15 MeV
- Deconfinement is expected to be accompanied by a
restoration of the masses to the bare values
they have in the Lagrangean - As quarks become deconfined, the masses would go
back to the bare values e.g. - m(u,d) 350 MeV ? a few MeV
- m(s) 500 MeV ? 150 MeV
5Due predizioni storiche...
6Strangeness enhancement
- restoration of c symmetry -gt increased production
of s - mass of strange quark in QGP expected to go back
to current value - mS 150 MeV Tc
- copious production of ss pairs, mostly by gg
fusion - Rafelski Phys. Rep. 88 (1982) 331
- Rafelski-Müller P. R. Lett. 48 (1982) 1066
- deconfinement ? stronger effect
- for multi-strange
- can be built recombining uncorrelated
- s quarks produced in independent
- microscopic reactions
- strangeness enhancement increasing
- with strangeness content
- Koch, Müller Rafelski Phys. Rep. 142 (1986)
7Charmonium suppression
- QGP signature proposed by Matsui and Satz, 1986
- In the plasma phase the interaction potential is
expected to be screened beyond the Debye length
lD (analogous to e.m. Debye screening) - Charmonium (cc) and bottonium (bb) states with r
gt lD will not bind their production will be
For T 200 MeV lD 0.1 0.2 fm
(very) rough estimate...
8Lera dellSPS...
9CERN heavy-ion programme
- 1994 to 2003
- typically 4 - 6 weeks per year Pb nuclei _at_ 158 A
GeV/c - (40 GeV in 1999, 158 GeV In in 2003, short 20,
30, 80 GeV runs) - 9 experiments
- WA97 (silicon pixel telescope spectrometer
production of strange and multiply strange
particles) - WA98 (photon and hadron spectrometer photon and
hadron production) - NA44 (single arm spectrometer particle spectra,
interferometry, particle correlations) - NA45 (ee- spectrometer low mass lepton pairs)
- NA49 (large acceptance TPC particle spectra,
strangeness production, interferometry,
event-by-event studies) - NA50 (dimuon spectrometer high mass lepton
pairs, J/y production) - NA52 (focussing spectrometer strangelet search,
particle production) - NA57 (silicon pixel telescope spectrometer
production of strange and multiply strange
particles) - NA60 (dimuon spectrometer pixels dileptons and
10A Pb-Pb collision at the SPS
- Busy events! (thousands of produced particles)
- High granularity detectors are employed (TPC, Si
11Particle production
- Rapidity distribution for negative hadrons
(mostly pions) for central Pb-Pb collisions (from
NA49) - 2500 hadrons per collision
- corresponding to an initial energy density of
2 3 GeV/fm3
12Strangeness enhancement at the SPS
- Enhancement relative to p-Be
Enhancement is larger for particles of higher
strangeness content (QGP prediction!) up to
a factor 20 for W So far, no hadronic model
has reproduced these observations (try
harder!) Actually, the most reliable hadronic
models predicted an opposite behaviour of
enhancement vs strangeness
13J/y suppression at the SPS
- measured/expected J/y suppression vs estimated
energy density - anomalous suppression sets in at e 2.3 GeV/fm3
(b 8 fm) - effect seems to accelerate at e 3 GeV/fm3
(b 3.6 fm) - this pattern has been interpreted as successive
melting of the cc and of the J/y
14What have we learned at the SPS?
- We create a strongly interacting fireball in a
state of very large energy density, at which the
very concept of individual, separated hadrons is
not too meaningful - At freeze-out (when the reinteractions between
the produced particles cease) the system is
expanding at ½ c - The properties of this state are not explained in
terms of those of a conventional system of
strongly interacting hadrons we have found a new
regime for strongly interacting system, which
has to be investigated further - This state exhibits many features of the QGP, in
particular the expected effects of deconfinement
(J/y suppression) and chiral simmetry restoration
(strangeness enhancement) are there. It looks
like the partonic degrees of freedom are active - in order to better understand the properties of
this state we need to go to higher energy ? RHIC,
LHC - conditions closer to ideal, harder probes
15The next step RHIC
- Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)
- at Brookhaven National Lab (USA - NY)
- Au-Au collision in STAR
- ?sNN 200 GeV, ? 10 from SPS
- higher energy densities, temperatures, expected
QGP lifetimes, volumes - QCD calculations more reliable ? improve our
understanding! - 10 units rapidity span better separation of
central and fragmentation regions - 4 dedicated, complementary experiments
- 2 larger (STAR hadronic signals, PHENIX
leptonic, e.m. signals), - 2 smaller (PHOBOS, BRAHMS)
16RHIC Headlines
- Rather low multiplicity
- Gluon saturation? (Colour Glass)
- Large Elliptic Flow
- v2
- High pT Suppression
- Rcp, RAA
- Suppression of Away-Side Jets
- Plus an New Structure in Away-Side?
- Valence Quark Counting Rules
- Recombination?
17Particle multiplicity
- Multiplicity per nucleon-nucleon collision
increases - Bjorken estimate of energy density ? ? 5.5
GeV/fm3 - Extrapolation to LHC dNch/dy 2500
18Colour Glass?
- At small x, large A, saturation of gluon pdfs?
- would explain relatively low multiplicity
19Elliptic Flow
- Non-central collisions are azimuthally asymmetric
- The transfer of this asymmetry to momentum space
provides a measure of the strength of collective
phenomena - Large mean free path
- particles stream out isotropically, no memory of
the asymmetry - extreme ideal gas (infinite mean free path)
- Small mean free path
- larger density gradient -gt larger pressure
gradient -gt larger momentum - extreme ideal liquid (zero mean free path,
hydrodynamic limit)
20Azimuthal Asymmetry
- at low pT azimuthal asymmetry as large as
expected at hydro limit - very far from ideal gas picture of plasma
21Rcp, RAA, RdAu
- Yield/collision in central collisions
- Yield/collision in peripheral collisions
Yield/collision in nucleus-nucleus
Yield/collision in proton-proton
Yield/collision in deuteron-nucleus
Yield/collision in proton-proton
22High pT suppression
- High pT particle production expected to scale
with number of binary NN collisions if no medium
effects - Clearly does not work for more central collisions
23AA vs pp
- Differences can arise due to both initial-state
and final-state effects
24Centrality Dependence
Au-Au (cold matter and medium effects)
dAu (only cold matter effects expected)
Preliminary Data
Final Data
- Opposite behaviour with centrality
- Looks like suppression in AA is due to medium
- Parton energy-loss in the medium? (Jet
25Azimuthal Correlations (pp)
- In high energy collisions particles are
correlated in azimuth due to jets - e.g. at RHIC in proton-proton collisions from
STAR - trigger particle 4 lt pTlt 6
GeV/c - associated particles pT gt 2 GeV/c
26Azimuthal Correlations
- away-side jet still present in dAu
- but disappears in central AuAu
- away-side jet quenched?
- trigger bias on jets produced close to surface?
27Two peaks?
- Disappearance of away jet in central collisions
at RHIC - 4 lt pT(trig) lt 6 GeV/c
- pT(assoc) gt 2 GeV/c
- if pT(assoc) is lowered, peak turns up again, but
with strange shape - 0.15 lt pT(assoc) lt 4 GeV/c
F. Wang QM 2004
28- Similar results from PHENIX, too
- Low pT associated particles seem to peak
- 1 radian ( 60O)
- away from p
29Shock wave?
- Idea
- Casalderrey-Solana, Shuryak, Teaney
hep-ph/0411315 - (see also Stocker Nucl.Phys. A750 (2005) 121)
- medium is dense
- away jet parton travels through medium with
speed c - faster than speed of sound in medium cs
- shock wave (sonic boom) is emitted at angle
- with cs2 0.2
30Baryon puzzle _at_ RHIC
- Central Au-Au as many p- (K-) as p (L) at pT
1.5 ? 2.5 GeV
- ee- ?jet (SLD)
- very few baryons from fragmentation!
H.Huang _at_ SQM 2004
- strange particles come to rescue!
- if loss is partonic, shouldnt it affect p and p
in the same way?
32Quark Recombination
- if hadrons are formed by recombination, features
of the parton spectrum are shifted to higher pT
in the hadron spectrum, in a different way
for mesons and baryons - ? constituent quark counting
S.Bass _at_ SQM04
33Where should recombination work?
- Proponents say _at_ pT between 1 and 4 GeV (6 GeV)
for mesons (baryons) - hydro below, fragmentation above (at RHIC energy)
fragmenting parton ph z p, zlt1
recombining partons p1p2ph
R.Fries _at_ QM04
34elliptic flow v2
- Recombination also offers an explanation for the
v2 baryon puzzle...
scaled with n(quarks)
35A few hiccups...
- Strict recombination has a few theoretical
problems... - it violates 2nd law of thermodynamics
- reduction of the number of particles
? lower
disorder ? entropy decreased - it actually also violates the 1st...
- impossible to conserve energy and momentum
simultaneously - what happens to gluons?
36Picture emerging from RHIC
- System formed in AuAu collisions
- presumably partonic
- Strongly collective ( liquid behaviour)
- Very opaque medium (strong energy loss)
- Indications for hadronization by recombination
- How can we test this scenario?
- Need to confirm this picture with a different
probe - Heavy quarks
37Charm beauty ideal probes
- calculable in pQCD calibration measurement from
pp - rather solid ground
- caveat modification of initial state effects
from pp to AA - shadowing 30
- saturation?
- pA reference fundamental!
- produced essentially in initial impact
- probes of high density phase
- no extra production at hadronization
- probes of fragmentation
- e.g. independent string fragmentation vs
38Probing the medium
- quenching vs colour charge
- heavy flavour from quark (CR 4/3) jets
- light flavour from (pT-dep) mix of quark and
gluon (CR 3) jets - quenching vs mass
- heavy flavour predicted to suffer less energy
loss - gluonstrahlung dead-cone effect
- beauty vs charm
- heavy flavour should provide a fundamental
cross-check of quenching picture emerging from
RHIC - at LHC high stats and fully developed jets
39Heavy flavour production in AA
- binary scaling
- can be broken by
- initial state effects (modified PDFs)
- shadowing
- kT broadening
- gluon saturation (colour glass)
- (concentrated at lower pT)
- final state effects (modified fragmentation)
- parton energy loss
- violations of independent fragmentation (e.g.
quark recombination) - (at higher pT)
40Heavy flavour energy loss?
- Energy loss for heavy flavours is expected to be
reduced - i) Casimir factor
- light hadrons originate predominantly from gluon
jets, heavy flavoured hadrons
originate from heavy quark jets - CR is 4/3 for quarks, 3 for gluons
- ii) dead-cone effect
- gluon radiation expected to be suppressed for q lt
MQ/EQ - Dokshitzer Karzeev, Phys. Lett. B519 (2001)
199 - Armesto et al., Phys. Rev. D69 (2004) 114003
average energy loss
distance travelled in the medium
Casimir coupling factor
transport coefficient of the medium
? R.Baier et al., Nucl. Phys. B483 (1997) 291
41Large suppression at RHIC!
- yet, region above 3-4 GeV expected to be
dominated by beauty...
- n.p. electrons as suppressed as expected for c
only (no b)
Xin Dong_at_QM05
- disentangling c/b is a must!
- e.g. full reconstruction of D vertices
hlt0.9 B 0.4 T TOF TPC ITS with - Si
pixels - Si drifts - Si strips
43Track Impact Parameter
- expected d0 resolution (s)
44LHC is a Heavy Flavour Machine!
- cc and bb rates
- ALICE PPR (NTLO shadowing)
Armesto et al. Phys.Rev. D71 (2005) 054027
46D0 ? K-p
- expected ALICE performance
- S/B 10
- S/?(SB) 40 (1 month
Pb-Pb running)
- ? similar performance in pp
- (wider primary vertex spread)
pT - differential
- expected performance (1 month Pb-Pb, 9 months
48B ? e X
- Expected ALICE performance (1 month Pb-Pb)
- e identification from TRD and dE/dx in TPC
- impact parameter from ITS
S per 107 central Pb-Pb events
49At LHC real jets!
2 GeV 20
GeV 100 GeV 200 GeV
Mini-Jets 100/event 1/event
- Well visible event-by-event! e.g. 100 GeV jet
underlying event - e.g. study quenching with b-tagged jets!
50b tagging
- e.g. ATLAS u rejection (Ru) performance in Pb-Pb
- H ? bb, uu with MH 400 GeV
51Away side?
- Collective behaviour opposite to jet
- eg Mach cone
- Casalderrey-Solana, et al. hep-ph/0411315
- Stocker Nucl.Phys. A750 (2005) 121)
- What happens with big-fat-heavy-quark jets?
- e.g. modification of Mach cone? FA, E Shuryak
J.Phys. G31 (2005) 19
52Machine commissioning scenario (as envisaged
- T0 ( 1st of July 2007 as of today)
- One month to get the machine ready for beams (T0
1 month) - Three months to commission the machine with beams
(T0 4 months) - One month of rather stable operations,
interleaved with machine development with 43 and
156 bunches, with the possibility of collisions
for physics during nights ( 20 shifts of 10
hours each L 1to 3.5x1030cm2s1) (T0 5
months) - Shutdown (T0 8 to 9 months) today machine
people talk about 3 to 4 months. It will depend
on requirements by experiments. If T0 1st of
July, start of shutdown will coincide with the
Christmas holidays!
first Pb-Pb collisions in 2008
Stable beams
First collisions.
Shutdown 3 to 4 months?
53Example B in pp
- B ? e X
- electron id in TRD and TPC, electron impact
parameter from ITS
- Expected stats from first large pp sample in
ALICE a few 107 evts
- Stato il campo è più vivo che mai
- SPS osservazione delle signatures storiche
- RHIC comportamento idrodinamico? forte
attenuazione dei jet? - Prospettive lLHC è una macchina ideale per AA
- altissima energia -gt deep deconfinement
- alte rate di hard probes
- un esperimento dedicato (ALICE), buone
performance in altri due (ATLAS, CMS)
55(No Transcript)
56Lattice QCD
- In lattice QCD, non-perturbative problems are
treated by discretization on a space-time lattice
- zero baryon density, 3 flavours
- e changes rapidly around Tc
- Tc 170 MeV
- ? ec 0.6 GeV/fm3
- at T1.2 Tc e settles at about 80 of the
Stefan-Boltzmann value for an ideal gas of q,q g