Title: Smartcard
- Safety Wellness Behavior Change
- www.billsims.com
2Results. Tax Free. ROI.
- RESULTS-We increased participation in our
wellness program to over 70 in 3 months! Diana
Morrison, Bank South - LEGAL INCOME TAX FREE STATUS- "Our cash gift
certificate program lost us over 40,000 per year
to income taxes...until we switched to your TAX
FREE program and doubled the value to our
employees without a budget increase! --Georgia
studies, we found that Non-Cash reward programs
outperform cash program by a factor of up to Six
to One --University of Chicago
3Why the Wellness Gurus are wrong
- T-Shirts Water Bottles
- From Pedometers to VisaCards to HealthSavings
Accounts - Same old story, different carrots
- Jane, Earl Bubba
- The Church of the Here and Now vs. Health
Savings Accounts
4Elements of Behavior Change
- Forget incentives, its about behavior change,
Behavior Change
5Smartcard features your employees, health
training topics and comes in any language!
- Your employees pictures go here!
What 12 Health Risk Topics do you want to focus
6You can focus on safety, both on off the job
Your Logo Employee Here
What topics do you want?
7Smartcard E.D.G.E gives you the edge on customer
E xcite and D elight our G uests E veryday! Hi!
Eye Bye!
8Supervisors distribute your custom SmartCards at
employee meetings and employees write the answers
down and turn them in to win trips and prizes!
Our clients average 95 employee participation!
Supervisors win trips awards too!
9Smartcard rewards additional trips and prizes to
teams supervisors with 90 participation or
Monthly report tells you who how many correct
answers are received from each location, branch,
and supervisor !
10Health Risk Appraisals by phone and over 90 of
your employees will call our free Smartcard
Hotline to answer and win free trips other
Front panel
11Instead of data one time per year you get a
STREAM of continual HRA data.
Reports tell you who is healthy, who is AT RISK,
and who is willing to CHANGE.
12We will find out who the Smokers are, the
overweight group, and who need to exercise more
our optional health coaches will call them to
sign up!
13Bill Sims Staff will select a random number of
correct entries and award them trips and catalog
prizeswe do all the work and prize fulfillment.
Reporting shows you who wins what and you set the
award parameters.
14Custom Posters included too! You receive custom
posters to reinforce your Smartcard Campaign
Run it by phone, Internet, Intranet and our New
patented, indestructible SmartKiosk goes in your
breakroom and runs the program for you
15Smartcard Rewards BEHAVIOR CHANGES
- Reward employees for participation and behavior
change using any or all of these - Paperless Star Points
- Paper Scratchoffs
- Email/Internet Scratchoffs
16Smartcard Rewards
- Every single scratchoff is good at a minimum for
a chance at a tax free Dream Vacation.
17Smartcard Rewards
- Earn instant awards..mail to us and we ship to
the home! Scratchoffs can be saved to reach
larger awards.
18Rewards Behavior Change
- Reward everyone the same or we can reward high
risk employees with a greater award than low risk
participants. Rewards are tied to the behavior
change demonstrated.
19Smartcard Rewards Healthpoints
- If you prefer, well issue Healthpoints for
you--tying into your Health Portal, HRA partner,
or from an EXCEL file. HealthPoints accrue like a
frequent flyer point system and are redeemed for
trips and awardsno computers needed!
20You did it Right! Card
- Desired Behaviors are identified on You Did It
Right Cards which managers give out monthly.
- If the employees card is drawn, they AND the
manager who awarded them both win trips! - Optionally we can report all proactive behaviors
to you for analysis.
21Optional Health Kiosk-Paper Based System-Phone
Based-Kiosk Based in the Breakroom!
22Optional Healthy Vending Program-Fights
Obesity-Wage War on Junkfood in your Breakroom
-Use your existing snack vendors or ours
-One time implementation fee of 2500 -Program
administration is free with a 30,000
programpurchase -Your employees eat better
and stay healthier and win more prizes
23Option www.my4minuteworkout.com
- Ask about our 4 minute a day onsite fitness
program that delivers more calorie burn than 30
minutes on a treadmill! Visit my4minuteworkout.com
for research!
24Off the Job Accident Reduction-SafestartFamily
Safety Training Program
-Reduces off the job injuries and
accidents-Simple fun for ages 7 and up-Has
reduced on the job injuries 50 or more-Off the
Job fatalities are 10 times more prevalent than
on the job fatalities
25Strengths versus Competitors
- Custom Communications Programs
- Tracking included, no Spray Pray
- Vacations Guaranteed for you-not a pool
- Legal Income Tax Free Strategy
- Integrates safety on/off job wellness
- Measures rewards middle managersthe weakest
Please call 800 690 1860 to get your program
started today!