Title: Smartcard
1NEW Indalex SmartCard Reward and Recognition
2Whats the SmartCard Program?
- The SmartCard Program rewards you for working
safely. How? When you work safely - Youll earn points redeemable for gifts and
prizes! - Youll receive chances at winning a Dream
3How Does It Work?
- Every month, see your Supervisor to receive a
Safetygram. - Review the safety lesson with your fellow
employees and answer the questions. - Fill out your Safetygram with the information
4Give your completed Safetygram to your Supervisor
and earn 1 Scratchoff Smartcard
5What to do with your Scratchoff
- Scratch off the seal to learn if you have won
points that are good for an Award Gift from the
Award of Excellence Catalog. - Redeem the points today or save them for a larger
value gift. - If you dont win points, enter your Scratchoff in
the drawing for a Dream Vacation.
6How else can you earn Scratchoffs?
- Every month if our entire company has zero lost
time injuries, you will earn 1 Scratchoff
SmartCard. If we go TWO months, you earn TWO
Scratchoffs, and so on to a max of 12 per person
per month. You receive your Scratchoff only when
you complete your Safetygram questions for the
month. - Every month that your Supervisors group has no
RECORDABLE injuries, you will earn 1 Scratchoff
7How else can you earn Scratchoffs?
- Each time you turn in a HAZARD HUNT form you will
receive 1 Scratchoff. - Supervisors will be looking for you to
demonstrate safe behaviors. If you are observed
doing this youll earn a You Did It Right! Card.
Give this card to the Safety staff and you will
receive 1 Scratchoff.
8Your Scratchoff could be an instant winner!
Any Scratchoff could be an Instant Winner of
points that you can redeem for gifts from the
Award of Excellence Catalog. Redeem the points
immediately or save them up for a higher-level
gift. If youre not an instant winner, you can
enter it in the drawing for one of the Dream
9Treat Scratchoff Cards like cash!
Lost or stolen Scratchoff cards cannot be
replaced! Be sure to include them when mailing in
an order form for your gift!
10You could win a Dream Vacation!
- Heres how Trips will be awarded
- One trip will be awarded at program kickoff.
- One trip will be awarded every 3 months from all
the You Did It Right! cards, trip entry
Scratchoffs, Hazard Hunts and Safetygrams that
have been turned in for a trip drawing.
11You qualify to win a Dream Vacation if
- You are still employed at Indalex
- You have not won a trip previously
- You have not had any safety violations
If you win a trip, you MUST use it within 6
months or it will be awarded to another employee.
12- Please report all injuries immediately! Failure
to report will cause your team to lose all awards
and may result in termination/disciplinary
action. - Please review pages 40 41 of the Award of
Excellence Catalog. - To learn more about this program, visit
13Remember everyones a winner when you work