Title: Bild 1
1Differential-Algebraic Multiview Constraints
Anders Heyden Fredrik Nyberg Applied Mathematics
Group Malmö University Sweden heyden,fredrik.nyb
2Main results
- In this work we present a novel type of multiview
constraints, called differential-algebraic
multiview constraints. - These constraints are useful for on-line
structure and motion estimation, e.g. based on
filtering techniques. - They enable linear update of current motion
estimate (for calibrated cameras) based on at
least three corresponding points.
- The structure and motion problem
- Discrete methods
- Multilinear constraints
- Linear methods
- Continuous methods
- Motion estimation
- Structure estimation
- Hybrid methods
- Matching constraint tracking
- Differential-Algebraic matching constraints
4The Structure and Motion Problem
- Reconstruct the three-dimensional world from a
number of its two-dimensional perspective images - Calculate at the same time the position and
orientation of the camera at the different
imaging instants - This talk concentrates on the motion estimation
and recursive methods aiming at real-time
5Different camera models
Calibrated camera K known lxKR j -RtX ) y
R j Rt X, with xKy. Uncalibrated camera K
unknown lxPX ) x PX . This talk mainly
deals with calibrated cameras, but the techniques
can be applied to uncalibrated cameras as well.
6Matrix formulation
Consider one object point X and its m images
lixiPiXi, i1, . ,m
i.e. rank(M) lt m4 .
7The epipolar constraint
Consider minors obtained from three rows from one
image block and three rows from another
which gives the bilinear epipolar constraint
8The trifocal constraint
Consider minors obtained from three rows from one
image block, two rows from another and two rows
from a third
which gives the trilinear constraints
9Structure and Motion Estimation
- Use eight corresponding points in two images or
seven corresponding points in three images to
estimate F or T linearly. - Extract the camera matrices from F or T (linear
algorithms) - Estimate 3D-coordinates of feature points using
the camera equations (linearly), called
intersection - These methods ignores the nonlinearities
- In the calibrated case there are severe
non-linearities! (cf. The Kruppa equations)
10Motion Models
11Image Acquisition Models
- Assume a calibrated standard pinhole camera model
- From discrete system formulation
- From continuous system formulation
- Assume image coordinates normalized such that the
last homogeneous component 1
12Standard Epipolar Constraint
- Discrete measurement version from
which results in
13Continuous epipolar constraint
Start with the camera matrix equation and its
Multiply the second equation above with
where u denotes image velocities x
14Structure and Motion estimation from the
continuous epipolar constraint
- Use cec to estimate v and w (nonlinear!)
- Estimate v first
- Then w
- Use the motion parameters and the camera matrix
equation to estimate the structure
15Combining discrete and continuous measurments
- Assume relatively closely spaced discrete time
perspective observation of a rigid object moving
relative to a calibrated camera
- Recursively estimate both the 3D position and the
motion parameters at time t, given the set of
perspective measurements up to that time instant
16The essential matrix increment
Investigate the incremental change in E
17The hybrid matching constraint
Inserting the expression for the essential matrix
increment into the epipolar constraint gives
The so called hybrid epipolar constraint
18Motion estimation from HEC
- The HEC are linear in the motion parameters, w, d
- The motion parameters, w and d, can be estimated
from at least 6 point-matches
19Differential-Algebraic Epipolar Constraint
Start from
Use the first order approximations in Dt
and the image motion field
This results in
which implies
- Computing the 4 x 4 minors of MCDEC results in
- Minors containing the first three rows give the
standard epipolar constraint - Minors containing two rows out of the first three
give constraints linear in wt and dt - in total
nine such constraints, with two linearly
independent - Minors containing the last three rows give
constraints nonlinear in the parameters wt and dt
23Recursive motion estimation algorithm
1. Initialize motion parameters (e.g. using the
continuous epipolar constraint) 2. For each new
image estimate the motion parameters, ? and d,
linearly using DAEC and at least three
corresponding points 3. Update the motion
paramters R and b according to
4. Update the structure parameters based on the
new motion estimates 5. Goto 2
24Extensions 1 Trifocal hybrid matching
- Minors containing only one row out of the first
three gives the previously derived
differential-algebraic epipolar constraint. - Minors containing only one row out of the last
three gives the standard discrete trifocal
constraints. - Minors containing two rows out of the first
three, one row out of the middle three rows and
two rows out of the last three rows give 27
linear constraints in the motion parameters
25Extensions 2 Moving Stereo Head
- Minors containing only one row out of rows 4 to
6 gives the previously derived differential-algebr
aic epipolar constraint between views 1 and 2. - Minors containing only one row out of the last
three rows gives the previously derived
differential-algebraic epipolar constraint
between views 2 and 1. - Minors containing at least two rows out of row 4
to 6 and at least two rows out of the last three
rows, unfortunately gives either trivial
constraints or non-linear constraints in the
- Recursive motion estimation algorithm based on
DAEC. - Only three observed object point matches needed
- Update is performed using linear constraints
only - First order approximations employed
- Requires image motion field information
Additional work
- Combination with structure estimation using EKF
- Error feedback step to improve estimates
- Please, see poster!
27Thank You!