Title: Motivation and Emotion
1Motivation and Emotion
- Quality is never an accident it is always a
result of high intention, sincere effort,
intelligent direction and skillful execution it
represents the wise choice of many alternatives. - Willa A.Foster
2Welcome to week 11!
- Well use your completed syllabus pages 32 and 33
next week (not pages 36 and 37, sorry) - Exam is 3-30. Two essays Erikson and Memory
- Prepare for the quiz on Chapter 10 Motivation,
put Chapter 10 and your row number on your
scantron and earn 5 points for each correct
3Motivation Essay
- Motivation Describe your peak experience
including the following - _____/10 What is self-actualization?
- _____/5 What happened?
- _____/10 What did it mean to you then?
- _____/10 What does it mean to you now and how has
it changed you? - _____/15 What three new personality traits do you
now have as a result of this experience? (5 each) - _____/50
4Memory Essay
- Memory Describe how a stimulus becomes a memory
using the model described in class and an example - _____/5 Stimulus
- _____/5 Attention
5- _____/10 Sensory storage (iconic 5, echoic
5) - _____/10 Short term memory
- lasts lt 1 min (2)
- acoustic (2)
- electrical (4)
- 7/- two items (2)
- _____/5 Rehearsal
- (7 rehearsals (2)
- moves stimulus from STM to LTM (3) )
6- _____/10 Long term memory (infinite (5), chemical
(5) ) - _____/3 Encoding (memory trace or engram)
- ____/2 Retrieval (remember or forget)
7Development Essay
- Development Describe Eriksons psychosocial
stage of intimacy versus isolation - _____/5) At what age does it occur?
- _____/15) What is the task of this stage?
- _____/15) Is successful in this stage, how does
an adult act? - _____/15) If unsuccessful in this stage, how does
an adult act? - _____/50
- Motivation
- a need or desire that energizes and directs
behavior - Instinct
- complex behavior that is rigidly patterned
throughout a species and is unlearned
9Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
Self-actualization needs Need to live up to ones
fullest and unique potential
- Peak Experiences occur at the top of this
Esteem needs Need for self-esteem, achievement,
competence, and independence need
for recognition and respect from others
Belongingness and love needs Need to love and be
loved, to belong and be accepted need to avoid
loneliness and alienation
Safety needs Need to feel that the world is
organized and predictable need to feel safe,
secure, and stable
Physiological needs Need to satisfy hunger and
10Your motivation
- 1-no motivation
- 2-average motivation
- 3- maximum motivation
- How motivated are you in your courses?
11Your motivation continued
- 1-no motivation
- 2-average motivation
- 3- maximum motivation
- How motivated do you expect to be in your
12If there is a difference, how do you explain it?
13- What does being asked these questions make you
think about?
14Exam 4 Study Items
- Homeostasis
- Motivation
- Rehearsal
- Type A B personalities
- Encoding Retrieval failure
- Need
- Short term Long term Memory
- Mnemonics
15Study items continued
- Lowest-level of need in Maslows hierarchy
- Serial position effect
- Retroactive interference
- Psycho physiological illness
- Type A B personality
- General adaptation syndrome
16Study Items continued
- Aerobic exercise
- Belongingness needs
- chunking
- Encoding
- Iconic memory
- Process of getting info out of memory storage
- catharsis
- Echoic memory
- Fulfilling ones potential
- Maximizing awareness, skill, personal
characteristics - Being more tomorrow than you are today!
18Self-Actualization Survey
- Write this response scale in your notes
- 1. disagree
- 2. somewhat disagree
- 3. somewhat agree
- 4. agree
- 1. I do not feel ashamed of my emotions
- 2. I do not feel I must do what others expect me
to do. - 3. I believe that people are good and
trustworthy. - 4. I feel free to be angry at those I love.
- 5. It is not necessary that others approve of
what I do.
20Questions continued
- 6. I accept my own weaknesses.
- 7. I can like people without having to approve
of them. - 8. I do not fear failure.
- 9. I like mental challenges.
- 10. It is better to be yourself than to be
21Questions continued
- 11. I have a mission in my life that I feel
dedicated to accomplish. - 12. I can express my feelings even when they may
result in tension. - 13. I feel responsible to help others.
- 14. I am not bothered by fears of being
inadequate. - 15. I am loved because I am loveable.
22Scoring the Survey
- Below 15, not much growth!
- 15-29 low self-actualization
- 30-44 medium self-actualization
- 45-60 high self-actualization
23The Arbitrary Scale of Life
- 5 Self-Actualizing
- 4 On the path toward self- actualization
- 3 normal, average, maintaining
- 2 - problems in at least one area
- (work, play, relationships, sex)
- 1 problems in all areas
24Characteristics of Self-Actualizing People
- Efficient perception of reality
- Sincere acceptance of self and others
- Spontaneity, simplicity, naturalness
- Task oriented
- High need for privacy
- General independence of culture
25Characteristics continued
- Freshness of appreciation
- Capacity for peak experiences
- Sincere interest in humanity
- Deep personal relationships
- Democratic character structure
- Non-hostile sense of humor
- Creative
26Characteristics continued
- Fully experience life in the present
- Make growth choices, not fear choices
- Strive toward honesty
- Meaningful life activities
27Emotional Intelligence
- Self-awareness knowing what you feel and using
your gut sense to make decisions you can live
with happily, having a strategy for understanding
your emotions, making good sense of them, and
good decisions based on feelings combined with
28Emotional Intelligence
- Motivation zeal, persistence and optimism in the
face of lifes setbacks, finding purpose and
meaning in what you do so you face obstacles and
handle them because your goals are worth it!
- Management of Feelings controlling impulses,
soothing your anxiety, having anger that is
appropriate, being assertive with yourself about
your beliefs so they are self-enhancing, not
ruminating or obsessing with self-defeating
thoughts that are irrational and persistent
- Empathy reading and responding to unspoken
feelings and having the courage to bring them up,
being brave enough to deal with emotions rather
than try to make them go away.
- Social Skill handing emotional reactions in
others, interacting smoothly, managing
relationships effectively, face to face
resolutions, dealing with things in a timely
manner, telling the truth, not being attached to
the outcome when you know you did the right
thing, examine your motives!
32Emotional Quotient
- I am aware of subtle feelings when I have them.
- I find myself using my feelings to help make
decisions. - Bad moods do not overwhelm me.
- I express my anger effectively.
- I can delay my gratification.
- I prepare well and accomplish public speaking or
testing with success. - I stay hopeful and optimistic in the face of
challenges and setbacks. - I can sense what people feel.
- I am compassionate about others situations.
- I can handle emotional upset in others.
- I can sense the pulse of a group or relationship
and state unspoken feelings. - I can soothe or contain distressing feelings so
they dont keep me from doing things I need to do.
35Techniques of Suffering
- 1. Delaying gratification
- 2. Accepting responsibility
- 3. Dedication to the truth
- 4. Balancing all aspects of life