Title: Is the Patriot a true representation of real events
1Is the Patriot a true representation of real
2 Introduction In
this PowerPoint presentation you will learn about
the American war of Independence and how the
British government made their own laws which
started the war. You will also find out about the
film The Patriot and how it is biased. This
Project is in two halves one about the real thing
and one about the Film.
3 The Real Events of the American
4The Declaration of Independence
- The American colonies fell out with Britain
because the British were helped to defeat France
by the American colonists, but the British didnt
thank them.
- On 4th July 1776 the colonists sent the British
- This stated that the colonists were now the
- It was written by Thomas Jefferson.
- It said that all men should be free and equal
and everyone had the right to freedom and
Thomas Jefferson
5What happened to the American colonies?
- Goods were being transported in and out of
America on British ships, This made the colonists
very angry.
- The British brought in the stamp act in 1765.
This meant that the colonists had to pay taxes
for newspapers and legal documents.
- The tax was to pay for the British Army in
- The colonists refused to pay the tax.
- The British applied taxes to the good going to
- This made the colonists angry and led to a riot
in Boston, in 1770.
- Five people were killed because the British
soldiers fired upon the crowd.
- In 1773 a cargo of tea arrived at the port of
Boston. The ships were raided by the colonists
and they dumped 340 chests of tea into the
6- They did this because they were protesting about
having to pay tax for it.
- The British closed the port and sent in soldiers
to keep order.
7The Film The Patriot
8The good points of the film
The film has good points that happened or may
still happen now in big massacres, such as
- The Power of the canon ball e.g. although its
not going fast its got charged power inside it.
- How close the battle range would be.
- How inaccurate the guns would be, because the
round bullets were too small for the barrel, the
bullets would bounce off the insides of the
barrel and wouldnt come out straight.
- The black people being taken as slaves.
9The bad points of the film
The film the Patriot is a bad representation of
the real thing as it changes several things such
- The small boy dying to make the father join the
American army.
- How biased they were being on the English e.g.
everything they did was evil.
10The Americans
- The Americans were in red clothes.
- They could change there ranks easily as a higher
ranked solider could do the job, all he had to do
was say so.
- The Americans got help from the France as they
couldnt wait kill the English.
- They had a good leader that out smartened the
English, the English called him The Ghost .
- They would hide in corn fields and wait for
English solider to go by, and then shoot them.
This was called Gorilla fighting.
11The English
- The English were in Blue clothes.
- The English had better tac-tics than the
- The English would kill any black man that
wouldnt be a slave and fight against
- They didnt believe in the American rules of
- Not every English and American citizen wanted to
go to war.
12About the film.
- The film was written by Robert Rodat.
- Robert Rodat was American.
- He made the film because he hated the the
English and he wanted to show how brutal they
behaved and that is why the film is biased.
Robert Rodat
In this investigation I have watched the Patriot
and researched on the American war of
independence. I have learnt lots of things that I
didnt know before this investigation.
I think the film was a good image on the war of
independence and the fiction part was good too
as it pulled the audients in. But the film was
not a true representation of the real thing.
By Andrew Sykes 8tr