Title: Islam:
1Islam History, values and culture
Shawqi Kassis, Ph.D.
2We are all Muslims some have the Gospels,
others have the Quran
A Patriarch from Syria
31. Which of the following is a true statement
A. All Arabs are Muslims B. All Muslims are
Arabs C. Iran is an Arab country D. None of th
e above
41. Which of the following is a true statement
A. All Arabs are Muslims B. All Muslims are
Arabs C. Iran is an Arab country D. None of th
e above
52. During prayer a Muslim should face
A. Mecca B. Islamabad C. Jerusalem D.
Washington, DC
62. During prayer a Muslim should face
A. Mecca B. Islamabad C. Jerusalem D.
Washington, DC
- Introductory Remarks
- Historical overview 10 min
- Islam as a monotheistic religion 30 min
- the Quran
- God or Allah
- pillars and values
- social code and reforms
- relation with other faiths
- the Sunni and Shiha sects
- Science and civilization 10 min
- Islam today, and Arab Americans 5 min
- Suggested reading, distribution of
- educational material 5 min
- Qs As 20 min
- Founder Muhammad Ibn (son of) Adballah
- Born 571 AD in Mecca, Arabia
- Descendant of Abraham
- Nicknames Almustapha (the chosen), Alamin (the
- Titles The prophet, the messenger (Alrasul)
- Tribe Quraiysh
- Holy Book The Quran, derived from read
9Abraham Ismail Adnan
Quraiysh Qussaiy Abdmanaf Abdshams Hashem
(Amneh) Abdallah Abutalib Hamzeh
Alabbas Abulahab Alhareth
Ummayah Dynasty Abbbassides Dynasty
10Historical Overview
11The Levant
The fertile Crescent
H I j a z
Dynasties of the South
12Middle East, 7th Century
- The Arabian Peninsula
- The source of Arabs and the Semitic race
- Mostly desert, few urbanized areas
- Urban centers, Mecca
- Mainly tribal society
- First mention of Arabs, 854 B.C.
- Arabs of the North and Arabs of the South
- Dynasties in the south
- Religions
- Christianity (inclusive), Judaism (exclusive),
- The Sassanid or Persian Empire
- Ailing
- The Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire
- Christianity is the state religion, 3rd century
- A foreign occupying power
- Sectarian conflicts with the locals
13Byzantine Empire
Persian Empire
An Arabian dynasty
An Arabian dynasty
14Islam, 610-632
- 571 Muhammad born in Mecca.
- 610 First revelation in the Harraa cave (27
- 622 Hijraor Escape. Muhammad and followers
escape prosecution
- and go to Almadinah (Yathrib).
- Year 1 in the Islamic calendar
- Missionaries sent all over Arabia
- building peaceful coalition
- 629 Muhammad conquers Mecca peacefully (NO
- destroys idols in Alqaaba.
- single-handedly, brings peace to war-torn Arabia
- 632 Muhammad dies in Almadinah. Unmarked grave
(his will)
15Islam by the death of Mohammed 632
16632-661 the Four Elected Successors (Caliphs)
- Abu-Bakr - 632-634
- The first elected official. Wise leader, crisis
- Omar Ibn Elkhattab - 634-644
- A first-rate statesman. Honest, modest and just.
- Conquered the Levant, Egypt, Iraq, Persia
- Damascus (9 / 635) and Jerusalem (5 / 638)
surrender peacefully
- Omars pledge to the Jerusalemites
- A modern state Treasury, communication,
defense. Engraved currency.
- Othman bin Affan - 644-656
- Collected and compiled the Quran
- Emergence of power struggle
- Ali Bin Abitalib - 656-661
- Power struggle escalated to armed conflict
- Emergence of political parties
- End of democracy. Ummayah Dynasty in Damascus,
Muawyia (661-680)
17Islam at 644, the year Omar died
18The Ummayah Dynasty, 661-750
- Empire center and capital move to Damascus
- Expansion All N. Africa (Atlantic), W. Europe,
much of C. Asia, the wall of China
- 711 Conquer of Spain and Portugal. Tariq Bin
- Expansion into W. Europe blocked in France by
Charles Martial, 732
- Power Struggle continues, but the Caliphs
brutally liquidate all rivals
- Karbalaa in S. Iraq (10 Nov, 680) and the emerge
of the Shiha
- Addelmalek builds Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of
the Rock in Jerusalem (691)
- Massive translation of Greek and Indian writings
- Arabization of the empire
- Bloom of architecture, arts, agriculture, and
19732, 100 Yrs after Mohammed
20The Abbassides Dynasty, 750-1258
- The center of the Empire moves to Iraq and Iran
- Baghdad, built 762 AD by Almansur (2nd Caliph).
- With over 2 M, Baghdad becomes the glamorous
center of the world
- Science, art, architecture, learning, and wealth
- Lighted streets, public baths, public libraries
and hospitals everywhere
- Other dynasties in Egypt, Spain, and parts of the
- A 2nd Ummayah dynasty in Spain, 9th century
- Qurtoba (Cordova) competes with Baghdad
- Cairo, built 968 AD
21Islam as Monotheistic Religion
22- Islam
- Surrender, related to salaam, or peace.
- Abraham, father of all prophets, is the first
- Islam is also a code for social conduct
- Quran plus the authentic statements of Muhammad
(Hadith) Shareeha (constitution), as
Interpreted by Islamic scholars
- Muhammad is the last prophet (33 40).
- Gabriel highest ranking angel
- The Quran
- Islams holy book, an inspired scripture. Gods
word inspired to his messenger,
- 114 Chapters (chapter Surah), 4 to 200
verses/chapter (verse Aiyah)
- Confirms most narratives and prophets of the
Jewish and Christian faiths
- Special place for Virgin Mary, the only female
(the Chapter of Mary)
- Allah is the word for God used by Christian and
Muslim Arabs
- God Allah (Arabic) Eluhim (Hebrew) El
- One and only one God, no trinity
- Arabic as the language of the Quran
23The 'Five Pillars' of Islam
- The framework for Muslim life. Essential
- 1. The declaration of faith
- "There is no deity but God, and Muhammad is the
messenger of God"
- 2. Prayer
- Five obligatory prayers each day.
- A direct link between the worshiper and God.
- No hierarchical authority or priesthood
- 3. Zakat
- Obligatory charitable giving.
- Wealth belong to God and it is held in trust by
- Zakat, or, "purification" by setting aside a
portion (2.5) for the needy
- 4. Fasting
- From sunrise to sunset during the holy month of
- 5. Pilgrimage
- A pilgrimage (Hajj) to Mecca, Arabia. Only those
who can
24Jihad and the Conduct of War
- Islam is not addicted to war, and jihad is not
one of its "pillars
- Jihad in Arabic does not mean "holy war. It
means "struggle or strive.
- It is the difficult effort needed to put God's
will into practice at every level
- The "greater jihad in the Quran is that of the
soul, of the tongue, of the pen, of faith, of
morality, etc. The "smaller jihad" is that of
arms. - Many directives in the authentic statements of
Muhammad (Hadiths)
- He told his companions as they go home after a
battle "We are returning from the lesser jihad
the battle to the greater jihad, at home"
- Three levels
- Personal That of the soul
- Verbal Raising one's voice in the name of Allah
on behalf of justice.
- "The most excellent jihad is the speaking of
truth in the face of a tyrant" (Hadith)
- Physical Combat waged in defense against
oppression and transgression.
- Profoundly misunderstood in today's world.
25Jihad and the Conduct of War
- Much of the Koran revealed in the context of an
all-out war imposed on early
- Muslims by the powerful city of Mecca, and many
passages deal with the conduct
- of armed struggle.
- While one finds "slay enemies wherever you find
them!" (e.g., 4 89),
- in almost every case it is followed by something
like "if they let you be,
- and do not make war on you, and offer you peace,
God does not allow you
- to harm them" (290 4 90 5 2 8 61 22 39)
- Since good and evil cannot be equal, repel thou
evil with something that is
- better, and love he between whom and thy self
was enmity may then become
- as though he had always been close unto thee, a
true friend" (4134)
- God does not allow harm of civilian, and requests
the protection of women,
- children and the elderly during war (496 9
91 48 16,17)
- If any one slew a person--unless it be for
murder or for spreading mischief
- in the land--it would be as if he slew the whole
people and if anyone saved
- a life, it would be as if he saved the life of
the whole people. (532)
- You shall feed and protect prisoners of war, and
you shall not expect a
- reward (4 25,36 524)
- Thus, the only permissible war in the Quran is
one of self-defense, you
- cannot kill unarmed (civilian), and you have to
protect prisoners of war
26Jihad and the Conduct of War
- Warfare is always evil. Sometimes you have to
fight to avoid persecution. e.g., the one Mecca
inflicted on early Muslims (2 191 2 217), or
to preserve decent values (4 75 22 40) - Muslims may not begin hostilities
- "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you,
but do not transgress limits for Allah loves not
transgressors." (2 190).
- Notice Defensive war, fight back
- Hostilities must be brought to an end as quickly
as possible, and must cease the minute the enemy
sues for peace (2192-3 4134)
- Martyrdom Those killed during fighting or
while doing civic duties (martyrs) are promised a
place in heaven (several passages, e.g., 2154
3169-172) - However, suicide is not allowed it is forbidden
and condemned (e.g., 6151, 1733, 2568)
- One of my favorite Hadiths
- 'Do not attack a temple, a church, a synagogue.
Do not bring a tree or a plant down. Do not harm
a horse or a camel
27Relation with other Faiths
- Like the Torah, the Quran permits retaliation eye
for eye, tooth for tooth.
- But, like the Gospels, it says it is
meritorious to forgo revenge in a spirit of
charity (5 45)
- Acknowledges Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac,
Jacob, Joseph, Moses,
- David, Solomon, Zacharia, Jesus, John the
paptist, and others as the the good prophets of
- A special place for Jesus and Mary (e.g.,
345,46 4156-158 191-98)
- Accepts that Marys conception is from Gods
- Rejects the divinity of Jesus (no trinity).
- Jesus was not killed (e.g., 4155-159 517-19)
28Relation with other Faiths
- Islam did not impose itself by the sword.
- "There must be no coercion in matters of faith"
(2 256)
- Muslims have to respect Jews and Christians, the
"People of the Book,"
- who worship the same God (e.g., 262 2946).
- "And dispute ye not with the People of the Book,
except with means better,
- unless it be with those of them who inflict
wrong but say, 'We believe in
- the revelation which has come down to us and in
that which came down
- to you Our Allah and your Allah is one and it
is to Him we bow.
- In one of his last public sermons Muhammad said
- God tells all human beings, "O people! We have
formed you into nations
- and tribes so that you may know one another"
(49 13). Do not conquer,
- convert, subjugate, revile or slaughter but to
reach out toward others with
- intelligence and understanding
- The Levant remained mainly Christian for almost
200 Yrs.
- No one was forced to convert to Islam
- The right of all faiths to warship was respected
- Sites of warship, holy places and shrines of all
faiths were protected
29Social Justice
- Charity, Charity, Charity .
- On top of the Zakat. Help the orphan, the poor,
the ill, the lost, the homeless, the elderly
- Endless times in the Quran (16 times in Chapters
2-5 alone)
- Freedom, Integrity, Equality, Justice .
- An hour of justice by a ruler is better than
sixty days of hard work (Hadith)
- Endless request for justice in the Quran (e.g.,
2 282 6 152)
- O mankind, Weve created you from a male and a
female and have made
- you nations and tribes that you may know and
interact with each other.
- The noblest of you in the sight of God is the
best in conduct (4913).
- No Arab is privileged over non-Arab but by his or
her conduct (Hadith)
- All people are equal like the teeth of a comb
- You are not considered faithful in the sight of
God unless you like for
- your brother (read, others) what you like for
yourself (Hadith)
- when you are greeted with a greeting of peace,
answer with an even better greeting, or at least
the like thereof" (4 86).
30Other Values
- Right and Status of Women
- Eliminated many pre-Islamic discriminatory
- Gave women rights (e.g., inheritance) and
equality to men, both were made
- from a single soul (e.g., 41)
- Limited the number of wives a man can marry
- Treat women with kindness and respect their
rights as equal to men
- The hijab or head scarf
- Modest dress apply to women and men equally
(Quran and Hadith).
- Women are required to cover their bodies so that
their figure is not revealed.
- Women are not required to cover their faces.
- The forbidden or taboo (muharramat) include
pork, blood, improperly butchered
- animals, baby animals, gambling, and charging
- Alcohol drinking was gradually disallowed
31Science and Civilization
32- A dedicated quest for knowledge and a burst of
scientific innovation
- in a multi-ethnic and multi-faith society
- Lasted for over 8 centuries, and produced a
plethora of knowledge and
- discoveries in all disciplines
- Induced the later European renaissance
- The Arabic tong, invigorated by the Quran, was
the vehicle, and tolerant,
- inclusive, and knowledge-advocate Islamic faith
was the culture
- Repeated requests in both the Quran and the
Hadith for seeking
- knowledge, and application of rational thinking
- Seek knowledge even in China
- Seek knowledge from crib to grave
- On judgement day, the ink of scientists is valued
by God higher
- than the blood of martyrs
- The two important disciplines of science are
theology and Biology
- Initially, massive translation of Greek and
Indian writings
- preserved all literary and scientific works and
transmitted them to Europe
33- Medicine and Pharmacy
- Chemistry and Physics
- Mathmatics
- Astronomy
34Medicine and Pharmacy
- Institutionalized and regulated the practice of
Medicine and Pharmacy
- The modern concept of clinics
- Board exams and license to practice. Regulatory
boards (FDA's!!!)
- Classification of plants and Algae for their
medical use, and outlined possible side effects
- Hospitals
- Tens, including specialized, in each of Baghdad,
Qurtoba, and Damascus.
- Mobile hospitals for emergency.
- Departments and University Hospitals.
- Patients records and vital signs, urine tests,
family history.
- Surgery
- Threads from animals intestine.
- Opium and Hashish for Anesthesia.
- Alcohol as disinfectant.
- Treatment of cataract, and removal of kidney and
gallbladder stones
- Autopsy !!!
- Students training (Anatomy)
- Cause of death
35Known Physicians
- Abu-bakr Elrazzy 9th Century
- Father of Physicians, great clinician and
- Many books including Smallpox and Measles
- Ibn-Elhaytham 10th Century
- Multidisciplinary scientist. Ophthalmologist
- Mechanism of sight. Function of the eye
- Over 100 books in Med. and Math.
- Ibn-Seena (Avisai) 10th Century
- The Qannun, the medical text book in Europe
till 19th Cen.
- Described the medical use of over 2700 plants
- Light has a finite speed, which is much faster
than the speed of sound
- Ibn-Rushd (Aviros) 13th Century
- Philosopher and Physician. Many books
- Ibn-Elnafees
- Blood circulation and the role of lungs
- Abulkassim Alzahrawi (Abulcasis or Albucasis)
11th Century
- One of the greatest surgeons. A good dentist and
- Removal of breast cancer.
- Hemophilia and its hereditary transmission
(female to male)
36Chemistry and Physics
- Arabic terms and methods of preparation for
Alkali, Alcohol, Tartarate
- Discovered and prepared in pure form 28 elements
(Ibn Elhaytham)
- The processes of crystallization, fermentation,
distillation, sublimation,
- Preparation of acids (H2SO4, HCl, HNO3) and bases
- Light travels in straight lines. Laws of
refraction, reflection and illusion of light.
- Eluded to the Magnetic properties of some objects
- Arabic numeral and the decimal system of numbers.
- Right ? Left. English. But 1000
- Arithmetic. Roots and powers
- Algorithm Alkhawarismi
- The mathematical ZERO
- Algebra (combining fractions).
- The Use of (x, y, z) to solve complex
arithmetic/geometric problems
- Trigonometry (Albairuni and Albuzjani),
differential and Integral.
- p 3.141596535898732.
- Some known Mathematicians
- Abu-bakr Alkhawarismi
- Thabit Ibn Qarra (9th Century). Calculus.
- Ibn-elhaytham
- Albairuni (10th Century)
- Albuzjani
- Omar Elkhayam (2 3 equations)
- Astrology (myth) ? Astronomy (science)
- Movement, path, and location of planets and
- The Asturlab
- Earth is spherical and rotates along its axis and
around the sun.
- Calculated earth circumference (Albairuni)
- Calculated the time needed for one rotation
around the sun (solar year), with
- an error of 2 22 only (Albattani)
- Calculated the equinoxes
- Current names of most constellations, and many
stars are from Arabic
- Some known astronomists
- Alkindy (9th Century)
- Albattani (9th Century)
- Ibn-elhaytham (11th Century)
- Thabit Ibn Qarra
- Almajreeti
39Sunni and Shiha
- Sunni
- 90 of Muslims
- Follow the Quran and the Hadeeth as we have them
- and as interpreted by the Sunni scholars
- Shiha
- Came to be as a sect after 680 A.D.
- Believe in the Quran and Hadeeth, like Sunni
- However, they place Ali very high as a holy
figure, and think main stream
- Islam discriminated against him
- Today Shiah is mainly in Iran (90), Iraq (55)
and Lebanon (40)
40Important Holidays
- Al-adhaa (the sacrifice)
- Symbolizes Abraham attempt to sacrifice his son
Ishmael by Gods request.
- Should sacrifice an animal and give the food to
the poor.
- The pilgrimage to Mecca
- Alfetr
- Observed at the end of the holy month of Ramadan
(the fasting month)
- The Islamic New Year
- Yr 1, Islamic calendar 622 A.D.
- Alisraa Walmaaraj
- Symbolizes the ascending, in Jerusalem, of
Mohammed's soul to heaven
- The Birthday of Muhammad
- Ashuraa day (Shiha only)
41Islam Today
- 1.3 Billion worldwide, three continents
- 0.3 Billion Arabs
- Indonesia (200 M) India (180 M) Pakistan (160
M) Bangladesh (120 M)
- China (80 M) Egypt (70 M)
- There are about 20 M Christian Arabs
- Egypt Syria Lebanon Palestine Iraq
- About 7 M Muslims in the USA, 3-4 M are Arabs
- Roughly half of the Arab Americans are Christians
42Arab Americans
- Farouq Elbaz (Egypt), NASA, the moon mission
- Ahmed H. Zewail (Egypt) Winner of the 1999 Nobel
Prize in Chemistry,
- Cal. Tech.
- Saleh Wakeel (Iraq), member of the Natl Acad.
Sci., Biochemistry
- Qais Elawqati (Iraq), member of the Natl Acad.
Sci., Microbiology
- Majdi Yacub, first open heart surgery
- Michael Debakee (Lebanon), chief cardiologist of
the White House
- Ralph Nader (Lebanon), consumer advocate, Green
Party founder,
- and 2000 presidential candidate
- John Sununu (Palestine), White House Ex-Chief of
- John Sununu JR., current state governor
- Donna E. Shalala (Lebanon), Ex secretary of HHS
- Helen Thomas, Ex dean of the White House press
- Edward Attiyeh (Syria), Ex governor of OR
- Spencer Abraham (Lebanon), Secretary of Energy
- George Mitchell
43Arab Americans
- Casey Kasem and Don Bustany (Lebanon) creators of
radio's American
- Top 40
- Mustapha Elaqqad (Syria), Hollywood movie
- (director of the Halloween series)
- Tom Shadyac (Lebanon), Hollywood movie director
- Salma Hayic (Lebanon), a Hollywood star
- Yasser Seirawan (Syria), US Chess Champion
- Jacques Nasser, president and CEO of Ford Motor
- Ray Irani CEO of Occidental Petroleum (Exxon
Mobil) Co
- The Hyatt, Hagar, and Farah enterprises
- Christina McAuliffe, an astronaut who died aboard
the space shuttle
- Challenger
- Candy Lightner, founder of MADD
44Suggested Reading
- History of the Arabs, Philip Hitti
- The Arab People, Albert Hourany
- Islam, An Empire of Faith, PBS Video, 2001
- Islam A Short History, Karen Armstrong, 2000
- Muhammad, Karen Armstrong, 1998
- Jihad A Commitment to Universal Peace, Marcel
A. Boisard, American Trust
- Publications, 1988
- The Oxford History of Islam, John L Esposito,
ed. 1999
- Islam The Straight Path, John L Esposito, ed.
- The Meaning of the Holy Quran, Abdullah Yusif,
Ali, 1997
- Lives of the Prophets, Leila Azzam, 1995
- From Difference to Equas, George Kindy, and
Philip Saliba, eds., NYAS, 1994
- Science in Medieval Islam, Howard R Turner, 1997
- Arab American Encyclopedia, Anan Ameri, and Dawn
Ramey, eds., 2000