Title: 20082009 PTSA
1Oxon Hill High School PTSA 6701 Leyte Drive -
Oxon Hill, MD 20745 Lets Get Growing
October 3, 2008
2008-2009 PTSA Executive Board Committee
Chairs President Eddy McBayne emcbayne_at_msn.com
1st Vice-President Connie Hazzard Conhazzard_at_yahoo
.com 2nd Vice-President Regina
Gilbert rgil1728_at_comcast.net Recording
Secretary Stephanie Davis Stephanie.g.davis_at_us.arm
y.mil Corresponding Secretary Tony
Gaston agaston128_at_aol.com Treasurer Glenda
Pittman Gpittm_at_arlingtonva.us Membership Chair
Vacant  Newsletter Editor Vacant Activities/P
rogram Michelle Gaston (Acting) Mchllnwstrt_at_aol.co
m Assistant Activities/Program Vacant Scholarshi
p Chair Vacant Assistant Scholarship
Chair Vacant Fundraising Michelle
Gaston Mchllnwstrt_at_aol.com Legislative Aide Paul
Clark Paulalanclark_at_comcast.net  Asstistant
Legislative Aide Denise Bell deb_at_bellevista.org Â
PTSA meetings are held at OHHS on the 3rd
Tuesday of the Month _at_ 7pm. Be a Part of the
- Dear Oxon Hill High School Family,
- The PTSA has been offered the opportunity to sell
concessions at the University of Maryland during
football and basketball season to earn money for
school activities. - Our goals this year are simple
- Raise funds to provide scholarships to member of
the Class of 2009 - Help offset student fees for the Classes of 2010,
2011 and 2012. - We need your help to achieve these goals! We
need at least 25 people to work the games where
concessions are sold. The University of Maryland
provides the goods to be sold and start up funds
to make change as goods are sold. The PTSA must
provide able-bodies (age 14 and above) to work
the concession stand. - Students who work will be given community service
hours. The organization that the student
represents (choir, Class of 2009, band, etc.)
will receive a financial contribution based on
net sales. - Please contact Michelle Gaston at the following
email address to get additional information, or
to indicate your availability to work at any of
the events below mchllnwstrt_at_aol.com. - Thank you in advance for your assistance. I know
that with your help, we can Seize the Moment, It
All Starts With You!
2(No Transcript)