Title: 20082009 Budget Presentation
12008-2009 Budget Presentation
- North Plainfield
- Public School District
- TAX LEVY REDUCED - 479,055.00
- (131,631.00)
3High Performing District
- New Jersey State Department of Educations
rigorous performance review (NJQSAC) has verified
that North Plainfield is a
- High Performing School District
- Based on the following five areas
- 1. Instruction and Program
- 2. Personnel
- 3. Fiscal Management
- 4. Operations
- 5. Governance
4North Plainfield School DistrictIn an effort to
maintain a comprehensive, thorough and efficient
preschool through adult education program, the
2008-2009 budget emphasizes the following
district goals
- To continue to improve upon the level of
educational excellence for every student
- To continue to incorporate technology into the
educational process to enhance the success of
- To continue to develop a long-range facilities
plan that balances program need with the
financial constraints of the budget, and
- To foster positive perceptions of the district
through improved communications at all levels of
the school community
5 District InitiativesInstructional (New and
- Students
- Ongoing Instructional Initiatives
- New Initiatives
- Staff
- New Staff to Support Initiatives
- Ongoing Professional Development Initiatives
- Parents/Community Members
- Ongoing Parent and Community Outreach
6District InitiativesInstructional
- Ongoing Instructional Initiatives
- Intensive Language Arts and Math Instruction,
- Double-Double, 9th Grade Academic Support
- Reading/Writing/Math Programs with Integrated
- Fast ForWord, Skills Tutor, Accelerated Reader,
My Access
- Summer Enrichment/Support Programs
- Extended Day Programs
- Curriculum Revision and Alignment to match NJ
- Adult High School and Alternative High School
- Bridge Program Special Needs Learning
Academy, Grades 7-12
- Senior Early College Credits Program, Raritan
Valley Community College
7District InitiativesInstructional
- STUDENTS (Continued)
- Elementary Gifted and Talented Program
- Fine, Practical and Performing Arts
Programs, K-12
- District Arts Festival, Theater
Performances, Concerts
- Health and Physical Education
- Climbing Walls
- Full Day Kindergarten
- Pre-school Program
- Breakfast Program
- Navy ROTC Program
- NPHS Canuck Mentoring Program
- Character Education Programs
- Peer Leadership Program and Heroes and
Cool Kids
- Active Student Councils and Service
8District InitiativesInstructional
- STUDENTS (Continued)
- New Instructional Initiatives
- Special Education
- Preschool/Kindergarten Autistic Class
- Behavior Intervention Class (Grades 2-4)
- Athletics
- Freshman Boys Soccer
- Middle School Wrestling
9District InitiativesInstructional
- New Staff to Support Initiatives
- 3- Student Liaison Coordinator (NPHS, WE, and
- 1- ESL Teachers (Somerset)
- 1- Academic Support Teacher (WE)
- 1- Computer Teacher (Somerset)
- 1- Media Specialist (Stony Brook)
- 1- Special Education Teacher (District)
- 2- Teachers (Summer Programs)
- 2- Coaches
10District InitiativesInstructional
- STAFF (Continued)
- Ongoing Professional Staff Development
- Differentiated Instruction, English as a Second
Language, Project Read, Writers Workshop,
Accelerated Reader, and Performance Assessments
- Suicide Prevention, CPR, Defibrillator Training
Verbal Judo
- Expanded First and Second Year Teacher Mentoring
and Induction Programs
- Technology Training Genesis Grade Book,
- On Course Planning
- After School Professional Development Courses
- District Three-Day In-Service Program
11District InitiativesInstructional
- Ongoing Parent and Community Outreach
- Parent Liaison
- Phone Communication (Connect Ed)
- Pre-School and Kindergarten Parent Academies
- Math and Language Arts Parent Presentations
- District, School, and Staff Web Pages
- English as a Second Language for Adults as well
as High School Completion
- Community Adult Schools Senior Platinum Cards
- College and Career Planning Activities on
Financial Aid
- District Violence Prevention Week
- Read Across America
12District InitiativesCapital Improvements
- Whats Being Fixed
- 8 Bathrooms Renovated at HS, Stony Brook, East
End, West End
- 720,000
- Heating System at West End, Harrison, and East
- 1,865,054
- Window Replacement (District)
- 70,000
- Exterior Doors, East End and West End
- Brick Pointing (District)
- Fiber Optics (District)
- 480,000
13Budget ChallengesFinancial Impact of SFRA
- State Aid capped at 20
- Mandated expansion of 3 and 4-year old preschool
programs. Full day programs must be implemented
in five years.
- Adequacy Budget is based on a generalized model
of cost factors for a theoretical district of
5240 students in a K-12 District.
14Budget DevelopmentCost Containment Measures
- Cooperative Purchasing (SCESC, Transportation,
- Special Education (Tuition Savings Autistic
Program, Bridge Program, and Behavior
Intervention Class)
- Energy Savings Initiatives (Member of ACES)
- Energy Rebate Programs (PSEG)
- E-Rate Reimbursements (Verizon)
- Telecommunication Cooperative Purchasing (ACT)
- Furniture Equipment Donations through the
Business and Education Alliance
- Cooperative purchasing of Property Insurance and
Workers Compensation through Diploma Joint
Insurance Fund
15State Aid vs. Local Tax Levy
- Increase in school funding over previous 6 years
- State Aid Still Capped at 20 increase
- Uncapped aid would be 30.7 million
- Bottom line Reduction in property taxes
16RevenuesWhere does the money comes from?
Total Revenue 55,992,867 State and Federal
26,828,029 Local Tax Levy 27,120,757 Savings
from Prior Year 1,981,581 Misc. Income
17AppropriationsWhere does the money get spent?
Total Expenditures 55,992,867
Classroom Instruction 18,134,338 S
pecial Education 9,915,955
Classroom Support 4,401315
Operations Maintenance 5,296,323
Debt Service
1,382,660 Employee Benefits 7
,636,789 Capital Expenditures 4,2
70,234 Other Programs 1,7
19Cost Per Pupil Comparison2007-2008 State
Averages vs. 2007-2008 North Plainfield
Budgeted Costs
- North Plainfield Remains At or Below the State
Averages for K-12 Districts
- Source Data N.J. Department of Education
Comparative Spending Guide
20Tax Reduction
- Comply
- This budget addresses and meets all state
mandated requirements
- Improve
- This budget builds on existing quality programs
and adds additional support
- Maintain
- This budget ensures the commitment to protecting
our facilities and infrastructure
22Ballot Question
- For membership to the board of education
- Vote For Two (Full 3 Year Term)
- Thomas J. Allen
- David W. Branan
23Ballot Question
- RESOLVED that there should be raised for the
General Fund 25,814,619 for the ensuing school
year (2008-2009)
24Where To Vote
- St. Peters Lutheran Church
- 94 Grove Street
- Voting Districts 1, 4 7
- Stony Brook School
- 269 Grove Street
- Voting Districts 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 20
- East End School
- 170 Oneida Avenue
- Voting Districts 2, 10, 12, 14, 16 18
- West End School
- 447 Greenbrook Road
- Voting Districts 11, 13, 15, 17 19
When To Vote Tuesday April 15th 300 PM to 90
0 PM