1Design Patterns
- A popular and influential software engineering
text - Published in 1995 amid upsurge of OO programming
- Triggered widespread and ongoing interest in
patterns - Often referred to as the Gang of Four (GoF)
book - Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John
Vlissides - Thanks to Stephen Jewett (CSE 432 Spring 2006)
for the following ha-ha-only-serious observation - Warning Reading this Book May Cause an
Uncontrollable Urge to Redesign Everything
2GoF Books Preface
- Assumptions about readers background
- Familiarity with object-oriented design ideas
- E.g., polymorphism, types, interface,
implementation, etc. - A willingness to revisit (see iterator pattern
-) the ideas - What this book isnt
- A deeply technical or formal treatment of
programming - I.e., other texts cover type theory, automata,
algorithms, etc. - A recipe (or cookbook) for generating a design or
designs -
- What this book is
- A (potentially new) way of thinking about program
design - A great source of small illustrative design
examples - A resource to return to again and again as you
design code
3GoF Books Forward
- The GoF books forward was written by Grady Booch
- An early leader in the development of
object-oriented design - Founded Rational Software, which IBM later
acquired - The Booch Method was merged with OMT to form UML
- An important observation about software and
patterns - Well structured object-oriented software is
pattern-rich - Collaborations among objects are common
(recurring) - This level of detail is crucial to crafting
complex systems well - Connecting building and software architecture
- Alexander et al. used patterns to characterize
houses, cities - Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides showed how that
idea can be translated to software systems
4GoF Books Guide to Readers
- Multiple ways to read this book (well use all 3
ways) - As a textbook a primer, then a case study, then
a catalog - As a design treatise from common problems to
specifics - On-demand skipping around based on what you need
- Suggestions for simple and common patterns to
study - Abstract Factory
- Adapter
- Composite
- Decorator
- Factory Method
- Observer
- Strategy
- Template Method
5GoF Books Introduction
- Designing reusable object-oriented software is
difficult - Objects, classes, interfaces, hierarchies,
associations - Structure how these different features
inter-relate in a design - Expert designers already know how to do this well
- They also re-use solutions (or parts of
solutions) that work - How can what they re-use be captured, and
communicated? - Key idea is that the problems and their solutions
recur - So we can document problems and solutions
together - Design patterns do this recording, in an
accessible form - Helps us remember patterns, and learn new ones
6What is a Design Pattern? (GoF 1.1)
- A pattern has a name
- So that we can refer to it, as part of a design
vocabulary - A pattern documents a recurring problem
- Tells us when to apply the pattern, and in what
contexts - A pattern describes the core of a solution
- An approach that we can apply/adapt in different
contexts - Not a recipe for a concrete design (not so
narrow/limited) - A pattern documents resulting consequences
- Possible trade-offs in applying that solution to
that problem - New problems that may arise due to the use of the
7Model-View-Controller Case Study (GoF 1.2)
- A nice illustration of Grady Boochs observation
- Well-structured software (MVC vs. monolithic
interfaces) - Evident patterns (Observer, Composite, Strategy,
etc.) - Observation holds true even for many small
examples - Thought question is MVC itself a pattern?
- Are a name, problem, solution, and consequences
evident? - How general is its domain of applicability?
- Can it be decomposed further into more
fundamental patterns?
8Describing Design Patterns (GoF 1.3)
- We said what features a pattern must have
- a name, problem, solution, and consequences
(inherent) - But, what else is useful to describe about a
pattern? - GoF authors present one such layout in the book
- Intent is particularly useful (see 1.4, inside
front cover) - Also known as helps prune proliferation of
names (a key merit of patterns lies in
commonality rather than originality) - Structure/collaborations relate to design
methodology (UML) - Sample code illustrates use of the pattern
concretely - Known uses help document recurrence of the
pattern - There are many other formats in the patterns
literature - GoF format is merely one of the more popular ones
- Each establishes a particular genre for
describing patterns - And, some authors use some or all of a genres
9A Catalog of Design Patterns (GoF 1.4, 3, 4, 5)
- Each patterns name and intent are listed
- Along with the page number in the GoF book where
it starts - List is also inside the books front cover for
quick access - Patterns are listed alphabetically by name in 1.4
- In the catalog theyre organized by category of
purpose - I.e., creational, structural, or behavioral
(Table 1.1 in 1.5)
10Catalog Organization (GoF 1.5)
- GoF patterns are creational, structural, or
behavioral - Creational patterns involve construction of new
objects - Structural patterns involve static class/object
relationships - Behavioral patterns involve dynamic (run-time)
interactions - Apply (primarily) to classes, objects, or both
- E.g., class form of adapter involves (private)
inheritance - E.g., object form of adapter involves delegation
11How to Select a Design Pattern (GoF 1.7)
- (Well come back to GoF section 1.6 in a moment)
- Think concretely about your design problem (GoF
1.6) - Object/interface/implementation level structure
matters - Everything youve already learned about design
still applies - Look at the intent descriptions in 1.4 (as a
quick index) - Think about how patterns interrelate in evolving
design - See patterns map on page 12 in 1.6, and inside
back cover - Would other patterns in the same category fit
better? - Creational, structural, or behavioral
- Watch and avoid causes of redesign (page 24 in
1.6) - Consider what should be fixed and what should
vary - See table 1.2 on page 30
12How to Use a Design Pattern (GoF 1.8)
- First, skim a pattern to determine whether its
useful - Look especially at applicability and consequences
- If it looks like a good match, study it more
thoroughly - Understand classes, static and dynamic structure
- Look at the code examples for implementation
ideas - Start with high level design
- Initially, name the participants in your design
(descriptively, aptly, and clearly) - Make sure the participants fulfill pattern roles
well - Move into low level design (specification of
classes) - Lay out class members, interfaces, associations
- Move from there into implementation
- Define class methods, their interactions within
the system
13How Patterns Solve Design Problems (GoF 1.6)
- First, a few reminders/pointers to useful info
- Patterns list inside front cover and on pages 8-9
- Patterns map inside back cover and on page 12
- Diagram notation in Appendix B and inside back
cover - Section 1.6 focuses on how design patterns fit
within established object-oriented development
techniques - Patterns augment rather than replace existing
methods - Section 1.6 follows standard design evolution
described in section 1.8 - Begin with high-level design (identifying
participants) - Move to low-level design (specify concrete
relationships) - Move to implementation (define concrete
14Finding Appropriate Objects
- This should all be very familiar in OO design
- An object combines data and behavior
- An object plays a role within a program (does
something) - Not all objects are immediately obvious
- Try the noun/verb trick for spotting objects
- A variant of the CRC approach (not part of GoF
per se) - In any requirement, try to write as concretely as
possible - Should have lots of description of whats done by
whom - Underline nouns in the description as potential
objects - Underline verbs in the description as potential
behaviors - Identifying object granularity and multiplicity
also matters for pattern choice (flyweights vs.
15Specifying Object Interfaces
- Pay attention to operations and their signatures
- Name and ordered list of types supplied to an
operation - Collect common sets of operations into cohesive
abstractions (possibly organized hierarchically) - Allows polymorphic substitution of objects per
16Specifying Object Implementations
- Once the interfaces are established, whats left?
- Need to identify necessary data to implement
interface operations - Need to establish class relationships allowing
substitution of objects passed as operation
arguments - E.g., inheritance for object-oriented
polymorphism - E.g., models relations for generic (interface)
polymorphism - Need to establish other relationships like
delegation, etc. based on interfaces rather than
on implementations (so design isnt brittle to
17Putting Re-use Mechanisms to Work
- Inheritance vs. composition
- Inheritance of interface vs. implementation
- Delegation as a powerful form of composition
(allows replacement of target class even at
run-time if necessary) - Inheritance vs. parameterized types
- This has come a long way since 1995, but they
anticipated several of the most important issues
at least abstractly
18Relating Run-Time and Compile-Time Structures
- Different languages have different compile time
vs. run-time features (say, Smalltalk vs. C) - Even within a language, these distinctions matter
- Run-time polymorphism with C virtual member
functions - Compile-time polymorphism with C templates and
traits - Careful attention to when things can change as
well as what can change is crucial to robust
19Designing for Change
- Change can be required at several different
scales - Fine-grained time scale (e.g., run-time object
substitution) - Medium-grained time scale (e.g., program updates)
- Long-term time scale (e.g., system requirement
evolution) - Designing for change is crucial to master
- Pages 24 through 28 offer tips and ideas
- With pointers to specific patterns that are
relevant (a very nice guide to go back to again
and again as you design) - Experience with when to worry about change also
helps - Design with the idea that change is looking over
your shoulder at all times
20Summary and Review Questions
- The GoF book presents a useful design pattern
genre - And a catalog of many important patterns
described that way - The GoF book also motivates and describes the
process of pattern-oriented design, with examples - E.g., MVC involving observer, strategy,
composite, etc. - Thanks to Genevieve Gurney (CSE 432 Spring 2006)
for the following review questions - What are the four essential elements of a design
pattern? - What design issues dont the GoF design patterns