A Look at STEWARDSHIP Programs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A Look at STEWARDSHIP Programs


After the last one on the route has used the bag, it is relayed back to the ... Estimate of Giving Card on 'Celebrate the Gift' Sunday ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: A Look at STEWARDSHIP Programs

A Look at STEWARDSHIP Programs
No Need to Start From ScratchPublished Resources
  • Plus some theological, practical, and cultural

Stewardship Begins With Theology
  • Any campaign should begin with and be conducted
    with a biblical basis and a spiritual focus.
    The focus is first on stewardship, then on the
  • Stewardship ought to be integrated holistically
    into the entire ministry and mission of a
    congregation. The actual campaign to fund the
    budget is only one part of the education,
    worship, and mission arising out of stewardship
    over the year.

In a Nutshell Quotes
  • Stewardship is not only a matter of money.
    But it is never LESS than a matter of

In a Nutshell Quotes
  • Jesus summed up the spiritual connection between
    money and God this way Where your treasure is,
    there your heart will be also (Luke 1234).
    Financial stewardship is treasure management that
    helps us to escape the trap of selfishness by
    keeping ourselves spiritually focused on God.
    Each of us makes two choices in life. We either
    become emotionally attached to our money, or we
    become emotionally attached to the God who gives
    us our money.
  • New Consecration Sunday

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In a Nutshell Quotes
  • Stewardship means using the gifts God has given
    us to produce Gods shalom on earth.
  • --Celebrate the Gift Stewardship Beyond

Living Grateful LivesStewardship Theology in
Our Time
  • As we think about the acts of God on our behalf,
    our hearts respond with gratitude
  • Then, as we think about living grateful lives, we
    realize that we are not really developing a
    theology of stewardship. Instead, we are
    discovering a theology which draws us directly
    into a life of stewardship.

Living Grateful LivesStewardship Theology in
Our Time
  • Given these understandings, and building on the
    biblical base, stewardship is the responsive
    practice of Christians making proper use of the
    gifts God has given them for the sake of God's
    work in the world and is marked by the following

Living Grateful LivesStewardship Theology in
Our Time
  • Stewards recognize that "the earth is the Lord's
    and all that is in it." (Psalm 241-2)
  • That recognition includes the realization
    that the steward is the Lord's as well.

Living Grateful LivesStewardship Theology in
Our Time
  • 2. Stewards understand that, while they are
    given a great deal of freedom, they are not
    autonomous. The owner will review their work.
    Just as the potter molds the clay (Jeremiah
    181-13), so the Lord of Creation shapes the life
    of the steward. To realize this is to realize, as
    well, that stewardship is not a matter of finding
    rules but recognizing that the whole of life is
    under the Rule of the Redeemer. Therefore, a life
    of stewardship will be an "exhibition of the
    Kingdom of Heaven to the world." (Book of Order

Living Grateful LivesStewardship Theology in
Our Time
  • 3. Stewards are not just caretakers. They are to
    hand on their work with improvements. In
    creation, God instructed humankind to "be
    fruitful and multiply." Stewards will be creative
    and productive with the resources they have.

Living Grateful LivesStewardship Theology in
Our Time
  • 4 Stewards are not beneficiaries - others are.
    Stewards do not give because they happen to have
    enough to give. Stewards have received what they
    have for the very purpose of giving it away. "No
    surer rule and no more valid exhortation to keep
    it could be devised than when we are taught that
    all the gifts we possess have been bestowed by
    God and entrusted to us on condition that they be
    distributed for our neighbor's benefit." (John
    Calvin, The Institutes of the Christian Religion,
    3.6.5) He goes on to say that since there is no
    way we can increase God's possessions, the way we
    extend generosity toward God is by practicing it
    toward the saints on earth.

Living Grateful LivesStewardship Theology in
Our Time
  • 5. Stewards are to use and build on the gifts
    given in a way that reflects the character and
    purposes of the owner. Therefore, our stewardship
    should bear witness to the love, mercy and grace
    of the triune God creates, redeems and sustains
    the world.

Year Round Stewardship Approach
  • A vital stewardship program goes all year around
    and is explored through these avenues
  • Sermons
  • Worship/Liturgy
  • Bible Study
  • Special events
  • Missional focus
  • Leadership Development
  • Child/Youth Nurture
  • Direct and Indirect references (i.e. Newsletters
    placemats, or financial reports church life

A Callahan Detour
  • Compassion
  • Community Excellent Sprinter
  • Hope
  • Challenge
  • Reasonability Marathon Runners
  • Commitment Key leaders
  • Well come back to Callahan but.

Stewardship Motivation
  • Stewardship Programs usually focus motivational
    prongs from the top half or the bottom half (or
    both) of the motivational grid. One thing which
    seems clear is that if you dont focus on the top
    half, only the committed will be motivated by the
    bottom half.
    grateful response to Gods generosity.
    is the spiritual discipline of Obedience to the

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Talking About Money
  • Formal campaigns are not normative in Western
    PA culture.
  • This is surprising to clergy who come from other
    regions or demographics
  • Many First Call Pastors have not been trained
    about Stewardship as a congregational lifestyle
    or campaigns since the congregations they are
    called to here may never have dealt with it,
    everyone has a learning curve
  • We have an urgent need to develop healthy and
    natural ways to talk about money.

Why the Resistance?
  • Some Reflections
  • Small Churches based on relationships, not
    gimmicks (Tex Sample)
  • Many of the churches who have chosen not to talk
    about money directly are concerned about not
    embarrassing members, particularly those who
    might be facing financial challenges.
  • This is combined with the conviction that
    everyone is doing as much as they can (which
    works with high commitment generations)

Why the Resistance?
  • Fear that running a high pressure campaign
    might offend some people, or that some people
    might leave through anger or embarrassment
  • Many of our churches began as outposts for
    receiving missionthey were the place for support
    for people whose liveswere very hard. They never
    have seen themselves asbeing missional in
  • Your ideas?

Practical Considerations
  • Any campaign is going to take longer than you
  • Now is the time to plan for a Fall launch, even
    if the big focus will be November
  • Whoever is in charge needs to know the materials
    before explaining them to anyone else
  • Expect that Murphys Law
    will defeat
    any quick shipments you need and order

Things We REALLY Dont Talk About
  • When you start to talk about money, its primal
    ground. You can expect the squirrels to jump
    out of the trees and need to not be surprised by
    conflict. Its normal.
  • For many clergy, low entry level salaries (when
    combined with average seminary debt load) creates
    a financial pressure cooker which some ministers
    might feel they need to hide, but which makes it
    difficult to talk about substantive stewardship
    because of the pressure to be lead givers.

Things We REALLY Dont Talk About
  • For those clergy and church leaders who are lead
    givers, its not uncommon to be coming to a
    hidden slow boil over the low level of giving
    among members who could afford to give more.
  • Oftentimes, scheduling a Healthy Church or
    Conflict Workshop might be part of what a church
    could do in coming to grips with stewardship.
  • Unfortunately only 4 out of 10 Protestant
    congregations conduct any sort of annual
    stewardship campaign. This keeps many churches in
    the poverty-syndrome category. (Barnas

  • On to the Programs
  • Consecration Sunday
  • Pony Express
  • Celebrate the Gift
  • Confident Stewards
  • Callahan Compassion Campaign

New Consecration Sunday
  • Program by Herb Miller developed in the 90s
    extensively revised in 2002
  • Rather than requesting financial contributions
    to pay the bills or support the budget, New
    Consecration Sunday asks people to grow
    spiritually by giving a percentage of their
    income to the Lords work through their
    congregations. Annual campaigns are essential
    because people do not drift into good giving
    habits. They decide into them.

Big Picture Overview
  • Assumes laypeople dont want to visit other
    people in their homes to fill out a pledge card.
  • Teaches stewardship on the need of the giver to
    give for their own spiritual benefit, rather than
    on the basis of the need of the church to receive
    to balance the budget.
  • Estimate of Giving cards during worship models
    stewardship as part of our worship of God, rather
    than fundraising procedure.
  • Campaign before building the annual budget.
  • Assumes people can enjoy rather than feel
    negative about stewardship programs.

The Nitty Gritty
  • Led by an invited guest leader chief
    skillability to follow directions and timelines
  • 3 meetings with guest leader and Consecration
    Study Team/Session
  • Publicity (kit includes model letters/announcement
  • Consecration Sunday Celebration Luncheon church
    leaders make calls to secure reservations from
    all members, not to ask for money

The Nitty Gritty
  • Guest Leader preaches on Consecration Sunday
    conducts seven-minute commitment session at end
    of service inviting people to fill out Estimate
    of Giving card
  • Celebration luncheon (catered, not potluck or
    prepared by church group)
  • Results announced at luncheon
  • Followup the next day with those not present
  • Between Labor Day Thanksgiving Day
  • Budget created after campaign

New Consecration Sunday Strengths
  • On the average New Consecration Sunday increases
    a churchs financial contributions 15 to 30
    percent per year.
  • Everything is spelled out systematically and in
    detail. All the materials needed (like Estimate
    of Giving cards) can be ordered.
  • Many tips and points on biblical passages and
    talking about stewardship
  • Very clear process with a manageable amount of
  • Several churches in KiskiPby have seen good
    results, in particular for the first 2 years

Consecration Sunday Drawbacks
  • Very rigid program says one of our pastors.
    Can be perceived as quite dogmatic
  • If the results are not a spectacular increase, a
    church could easily feel like a failure at a
    guaranteed program.In Western PA, spending
    the money on a catered dinner is often a real
    sticking point. May feel wasteful and
    extravagant. May feel SO much this way that
    everything else gets stuck on this point.
    (Tips perhaps see if a neighboring church will
    prepare the meal for a modest amount. Or be clear
    that you have located a very modest caterer.
    Possibly modify Miller by permitting key leaders
    to help subsidize the cost, rather than taking it
    from the budget.)

Pony Express
  • The Pony Express, the leading complete
    stewardship program, has been fulfilling the
    needs of more than 22,000 congregations around
    the country for over 25 years. This famous relay
    system is unsurpassed for maximizing responses
    from your church members. Now with first, second,
    and third year versions, The Pony Express has
    proven so effective that many churches use it
    time and again.
  • StewardshipResources.com (CSS)

Pony Express
  • Here's How The Popular Relay System Works
  • Prior to the solicitation of financial
    commitments, members who are mobile are divided
    into ten-houshold "Pony Express Run" routes. A
    special saddlebag is prepared for each route. It
    contains financial stewardship reading material
    as well as unsealed enclosure envelopes
    containing "estimate of giving" cards. Attached
    to the saddlebag strap is a list showing the
    names, street addresses and phone numbers of the
    route families and the "trail boss" recruited and
    trained to supervise the bag relay from home to

Pony Express
  • Here's How The Popular Relay System Works
  • After the noon hour on the Sunday you designate,
    the trail bosses and their families start the
    Pony Express Run by sitting down in their homes
    and carefully digesting the motivational
    stewardship reading booklet. Then, each
    prayerfully fills in their estimated giving
    during the coming year, stewardship booklet is
    returned to the pouch from which it was removed.
    Next, the saddlebag is hurried on to the second
    household on the route list.

Pony Express
  • This second household repeats the process and
    then, within 24 hours, delivers the saddlebag to
    the third one for it's use. Returning home, this
    delivering "route rider" household reports by
    phone to the trail boss that the bag has been
    handed to a responsible member of the receiving
    household. After the last one on the route has
    used the bag, it is relayed back to the trail
    boss-- who delivers to the church office the
    "church mail" it contains.

Pony Express
  • Route-assigned households who were "missed"
    during the Run are sent letters with estimate of
    giving cards and return envelopes enclosed. They
    agree urged to respond without delay, ahead of
    the Sunday on which the summary report of the
    results of the campaign is made.
  • Prior to the Run, alert homebound members and
    members too scattered to have been placed on
    neighborhood routes will have received in the
    mail their estimate cards and return
    envelopes--with the invitation to let their
    postal carrier assist them in participating in
    their church's campaign. Or, as an option,
    special routes will have been created the these
    persons, with trail bosses recruited to relay the
    bags on for them.

Pony Express
  • What--No Pledge Cards?
  • That's right! The Pony Express Plan does not ask
    members to sign pledge cards. Nor does it call
    for "officials from the church" to call on
    members seeking their financial commitments. Part
    of the magic of this different approach is that
    it "wires around" the objections many members
    have to "signing a pledge."

Pony Express 2nd Year
  • The second year plan builds on the success and
    familiarity your congregation already has with
    the First year program. However, along with new
    artwork and letters there are several new
  • Second Year PX Stewardship Education
  • Prior to the solicitation of estimates of giving,
    members are encouraged to engage in a study of
    Christian stewardship through their Sunday
    morning classes. The teachers' guides for the
    four week adult study and the three week youth
    study are both titled, Stewardship-Our Heritage.

Pony Express 2nd Year
  • Run Sunday Motivational Skit
  • If our church has a celebration worship style,
    then the delightful "Happy Trails" skit offers
    you a perfect opportunity to re-excite your
    members about the saddlebag relay AND remind them
    how it works
  • Second Year Phone Follow Up Solicitation
  • Immediately following the saddlebag relay, you
    will have the opportunity to let a phone team
    contact relay"missed" families and others to
    invite them to make verbal giving estimates.
    Suggested conversation scripts, carefully written
    to fit the categories of persons you may with to
    phone for follow-up solicitation, are provided.
    Missed route families who are also missed by the
    phone team will receive a missed family letter
    that encloses their estimate cards and a return

Pony Express 3rd Year
  • Shortened Relay Time. Whereas the previous Pony
    Express programs called for the bag to be relayed
    at 24 hour intervals over a period of up to two
    weeks, the third year plan calls for the bag to
    be relayed at 30 to 45 minute intervals on Run
    Sunday and the following Monday and Tuesday. The
    big advantage of this abbreviated Run, obviously,
    is that it gets the campaign completed in an even
    shorter time that before! You will be pleased to
    learn that the overwhelming majority of third
    year user churches have experienced satisfaction
    AND success with the shortened relay timeline.
  • Serious Stewardship Education. These excellent
    resources provide teaching materials to be used
    in three Sunday church school sessions prior to
    the solicitation of estimates.
  • And, stewardship involvement materials for older
    and younger elementary age children are provided,

Pony Express 3rd Year
  • Church-wide Chuck Wagon Dinner. Chuck Wagon
    Dinner Sunday, which involves the entire
    congregation, is held in the dining
    room/fellowship hall or other spacious facility
    the week prior to Run Sunday. The primary purpose
    of this popular event is to present to the
    membership the planned program and budget for the
    coming year. An important secondary purpose is to
    re-enforce positive feelings toward the church by
    creating a warm Christian atmosphere in which
    members may experience enjoyable fellowship.

  • Involves the whole congregation with playful
    images and storyline
  • Motivation to complete route on time
  • Every member solicitation without hovering
  • Very detailed check-off sheets and timetable

  • First I spread all the materials out on one
    table. Then I needed another table.
  • All the materials in envelopes seem difficult to
    wrap your mind around and its a bit difficult
    to jump between book and envelopes. Need to make
    backup copies before passing envelopes to trail
    bosses, etc.
  • Not as many biblical and stewardship suggestions
    (in year one at least). Instructions like Preach
    your 3rd sermon on stewardship. There is one
    sermon model.

Celebrate the Gift
  • Stewardship Beyond Survival by Leo Waynick
  • The theme, Celebrate the Gift invites us to
    rejoice both in the gifts with which we have been
    blessed and in Gods gifts of Christ and the Holy
    Spirit. The theme and logo are drawn from 1
    Corinthians 124-7, which describes our

Celebrate the Gift
  • One of 5 10-week programs in the Stewardship
    Beyond Survival Series.
  • It features
  • a prayer connection
  • "Celebrate the Gift" Commitment Sunday
  • celebration cards.
  • The "Celebrate the Gift" program interprets
    stewardship in terms of gifts. It invites your
    congregation to rejoice both in the gifts with
    which you have been blessed and in God's gifts of
    Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

Celebrate the Gift
  • On four Sundays prior to "Celebrate the Gift"
    Sunday, celebration cards are used to help
    members celebrate what they enjoy and appreciate
    about the Christian faith and your congregation.
    The cards are displayed in a prominent place in
    your church after they are completed each Sunday
    so that they may be read as people come to

Celebrate the Gift
  • Coordination Team
  • Begins with celebration cards
  • Uses Lay speakers and info from the cards
  • Estimate of Giving Card on Celebrate the Gift
  • Focuses on developing a vision of stewardship
    beginning with a vision of ministry and mission
  • Focus on prayer and communication

  • Well-Organized
  • Solidly biblical and theological
  • Materials are not overwhelming
  • Provides for flexibility and doesnt feel as my
    way or the highway as Consecration Sunday
  • Rooted in relationships
  • Part of 5 part series which provides for
    difference each year
  • Not as Glitzy or canned

  • Not as Glitzy or canned
  • Some of the printed materials are graphically not
    as attractive (kind of look like they were done
    on a typewriter)
  • Not as many supportive resources
  • The Celebrate the Gift Sunday is not a
    high-powered dinner and may be less well-attended
    (although in our regional area might be just as
    well attended)

Confident Steward
  • Confident Steward 2.0 A Year-round Stewardship
  • A year-round stewardship program consists of
    three major components only one of which is the
    financial campaign. The three components are
  • Stewardship Education Mission Interpretation
    Financial Stewardship
  • Stewardship education is that portion of the
    program that helps the members of congregations
    understand the meaning of stewardship both
    biblically and theologically. Members of all ages
    are taught the lessons of what it means to be the
    stewards of the gifts of God. This program will
    help you locate and plan for stewardship
    education for all ages year round.

Confident Steward
  • Mission is the way that disciples use the gifts
    of God to show Gods grace to each other and to
    the world. An active mission interpretation
    program helps people understand the opportunities
    and the results of their stewardship. This
    program will link you to the latest information
    about the denominational mission program in the
    presbytery, synod and General Assembly. It will
    also help you develop materials and presentations
    that will interpret your local mission.
  • Financial Stewardship is the method by which we
    obtain commitment to the life of discipleship.
    This is done primarily through a financial
    campaign that provides the means for those
    commitments to be made. These campaigns often
    include the opportunity to make commitment of
    time and talent as well as money.

Confident Steward
  • This interactive CD and Web-based year-round
    stewardship program
  • Guides you through suggested tasks each two
    months and provides information about each task
  • Provides material to be used in the stewardship
  • Assists you in preparing your own materials
  • Links you to interpretative information about the
    mission of the church
  • Allows you to use professionally developed
    graphics on your own customized materials

Confident Steward
  • CDs Available (10.95 each)
  • Small Group
  • Direct Mail
  • Consecration Day
  • Every Member Visitation
  • Congregational Dinner
  • Telephone Method
  • Sunday Worship
  • Personal Delivery
  • Each CD includes a Getting started page with
    samples and materials for that particular
    approach. The rest of the CD is the same for each
    theme. (Lets Look at a demo).

Confident Steward
  • Resource with Presbyterian P.O.V.dont have to
    adapt to fit our faith tradition
  • Deep Resource many links, a LOT of material
  • Helpful calendar
  • Good theological and biblical helps
  • When connected to Internet can access other
    useful material on the PCUSA website
  • Nice themes and clipart for several years worth
    of campaigns

Confident Steward
  • The disks we viewed are definitely in beta. Some
    of them had technical problems launching.
  • Not all of the links have been fixed to
    reference the approach the CD is supposed to be
  • (We talked with the director, and the glitches
    are being worked out)
  • But in terms of content, it is very rich/deep,
    but also confusing. Would be almost impossible to
    conduct an organized campaign without a great
    deal of work.
  • Does not have as many models or supplemental
    materials as the other (more expensive) programs

Callahan Compassion Campaigns
  • The problem with Commitment Sundays/pledge drive
    first 50 households give second 50 dont give
    much, but the harvest is
  • eruptive forms of anger
  • subliminal resistance
  • low grade hostility
  • passive aggressive behavior
  • Might think about a campaign which is organized
    on compassion, community, hope
  • Have a Compassion Sunday rather than a Commitment
  • Have a Hope Budget rather than a Commitment

Wording for Estimate of Giving Card
  • We are grateful for the compassion and generosity
    of Gods gifts in our lives.
  • We are thankful for the Hope with which God
    blesses us.
  • We generously pledge(or estimate our gift) ______
    to advance Gods Mission in 2006
  • Bulletin newsletter people-centered/family-center
    ed document, not institutional document

(No Transcript)
Six Ways People Give
  • Six ways people give generously
  • Spontaneous
  • Major Sundays
  • Planned
  • Major project
  • Annual
  • Enduring gifts
  • All six are available to congregations

Spontaneous Giving
  • Spontaneous 3-5 causessave 2 of these out of
    budget for special cause impulse giving
  • If you do not make it available to your people,
    they will give to other organizations
  • Children
  • Youth to Camp
  • Mission project
  • Sudden disaster
  • Special Cause

Major Gift Campaign
  • Major Project blueprint for mission
  • Mission,
  • Staffing
  • Capital improvements
  • New building
  • Debt retirement

Enduring Gifts Campaign
  • Enduring Gifts
  • Discover 5-8 projects
  • set goal for each
  • set date for each goal
  • enduring gifts team
  • Have a good fun gatheringassure people they have
    balance, integrity and enduring appeal

Saying Thank You
  • Positive reinforcement raises more generosity any
    day than negative reinforcement every day
  • When congregation is doing well, say thank you
    well done
  • Send confirmation thank you confirming pledge
  • Thank for current, increased, first time, new
    recorded contributions, special giftspersonal
    notes for all of these. Recruit some whose
    spiritual gift is writing notes of encouragement.
  • Make Statements Thank You Statements and
    include Encouragement Letters

Wisdom from Here at Home
  • About all canned programs
  • Honestly Erin, the best advice I can give on my
    years of using all the ones that you will be
    describing. They will all work extremely well if
    you have a committed team of planners, enablers,
    and carry it outers. I have not seen any
    significant change in commitment, except if the
    message comes from the heart and soul of those
    getting the message out.
  • In our experience the Consecration Sunday tended
    to spin the figures by inflating what those who
    werent there were likely to give. 3 out of our 4
    years we came in lower.

Wisdom from Here at Home
  • The worst campaign is letter form.
  • We had some pretty good success with a
    Phone-a-thon type of program for three years in a
    row. We used one of our local church member's
    business establishments and tied up 4 phone
    lines. People were told they would be getting
    phone calls.
  • The last two years the Session has designed a
    program around some themes that began to be
    presented through marketing in early September.
    This was followed by some intentional designs of
    graphics reflecting theme and materials mailed to
    people along with some Mission moments in church.
    The results compared with that of Consecration
    Sunday. It depends on who your workers are and
    how committed the are willing to be --Gary Lyon

More Wisdom from at Home
  • For the past few years, we dwelt on money at the
    congregational meeting which occurs the week
    prior to the stewardship dinner. An elder walks
    through the budget, quickly summarizing parts and
    taking questions.
  • On the day of the stewardship dinner, copies of
    the budget are made available and another
    opportunity for questions is given. But a major
    focus of the Stewardship Dinner is recognition of
    the commissioned service of the Visitation Teams.
  • Pledges are dedicated in worship on a Sunday
    around this time. Lately we're getting about 40
    of the cards returned.

More Wisdom from at Home
  • Prior to the congregational meeting, our campaign
    has consisted lately of a direct mailing
    including a copy of the line-item budget, a fact
    sheet highlighting parts of the budget, a copy of
    the current year's mission plan, a pledge card
    and a letter written by a different person (or
    people) from year to year.
  • Last fall, 2 of our youth who attended the
    triennium wrote thanking the congregation for
    their support and acknowledging the nurture
    theyve received over the years.
  • This past year we did leadership pledging. When
    the letter went out, it included the fact that
    25 of the budget was already pledged by the
    session and deacons.
  • Hope this is helpful. We are ready to do
    something different -- probably a narrative
    budget to be mailed with the pledge card. We've
    done those before with some success.
  • --Cowansville First Union Church, Mary Marks King

  • Let Your AttitudeBe Gratitude!

(No Transcript)
  • New Consecration Sundaywww.abingdonpress.com
  • Pony Expresshttp//stewardshipresources.com/
  • Celebrate the Gift (LeeWay Resources)
  • http//www.leway.net/Index.htm
  • Confident Stewardhttp//pcusa.org/stewardship/or
  • Kennon CallahanGiving and Stewardship in an
    Effective Church Effective Church Finances
    Fundraising and Budgeting for Church Leaders
    (order from amazon.com)
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