Title: Nessun titolo diapositiva
1Bernard Smith
Head of Division Preservation and Enhancement of
Cultural Heritage
2Moving from access to scientific and cultural
content through the networking of libraries,
archives and museums To intelligent systems
for dynamic access to and preservation of
tangible and intangible cultural and scientific
5th Framework Programme (1998-2002)
6th Framework Programme (2002-2006)
3- The Treaty provides for research (Art. 163) and
culture (Art. 151) - Bring common cultural heritage to the fore
- Encourage cooperation ... safeguarding of
cultural heritage of European significance - Take cultural aspects into account in other
policies - Cultural institutions are guardians of some
fundamental societal values, and cultural assets
are one of the key riches of European society - Culture is an excellent "reality check" for
technology developers - Cultural is an integral part of the knowledge
economy and a major owner of digital assets
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55th Framework Programme (1998-2002)
6- Accessing, preserving, managing and re-using
assets from European broadcast and film archives - Making historical film collections available
- Tools for restoring damaged film to broadcast
quality - Improving workflow in large video and film
archives - New business models based upon new services for
Europes film and video collections, thus helping
to safeguard our film heritage - Cluster of projects PRESTO, BRAVA, COLLATE,
5th Framework Programme (1998-2002)
85th Framework Programme (1998-2002)
95th Framework Programme (1998-2002)
10see www.trisweb.org for more info.
VALHALLA Webcams and 3D GIS for remote access
to historic gardens in the UK
E-ISLAM new Islamic collection of the Benaki
Museum using 3D and VR
CTIC 3D photorealistic and VR of costumes and
textiles in 8 UK West Midlands regional museums
VIRMUS let users create their own 3D
environments around the Latvian Ethnographic Open
Air Museum
5th Framework Programme (1998-2002)
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12- Measurable impact
- For digital collections the aim is a Europe-wide
approach to depositing new digital content and to
Web archiving, resulting in a stable distributed
repository of Europes digital content and
community memory within 5 to 10 years - Reduce by 50 the cost of digitisation and
modelling of cultural objects, monuments, sites,
etc. within 5 years - Improve the accessibility and preservation of
significant cultural digital resources, leading
to assured protection from loss in the timeframe
5-10 years
13 Objective To develop advanced systems and
services that help improve access to Europes
knowledge and educational resources (including
cultural and scientific collections) and generate
new forms of cultural and learning
experiences. Improving accessibility,
visibility and recognition of the commercial
value of Europe's cultural and scientific
resources, by developing
14- Advanced digital libraries services, providing
high-bandwidth access to distributed and highly
interactive repositories of European culture,
history and science - Focus on shared test-beds and increased
cultural-research cooperation - broadband objectives of eEurope 2005
15- Environments for intelligent heritage and
tourism, re-creating and visualising cultural and
scientific objects and sites for enhancing user
experience in cultural tourism - Focus on enhancing user experience
- Addressing the common needs of Europes museums,
monuments, sites, etc., and not a specific
museum, monument, site, .... - An effective network should demo
16- Advanced tools, platforms and services in support
of highly automated digitisation processes and
workflows, digital restoration and preservation
of film and video material, and digital memory
management and exploitation - Focus on structuring new research communities
around preservation - Substantially reduce the cost of digitisation
- Lower barriers for institutional investment in
long-term digital preservation - Provide an industrial platform for film and video
restoration and preservation
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28Policies now exist is many Member States, and
internal coordination networks have been
Some best practice projects have been identified,
but more are needed that are useful for
small/local institutions
A EU-wide status report will be produced (early
2003) on digitisation policies and programmes
A EU-wide Quality Framework is needed for
cultural content
29What is the cost and scale of the problem? How to
ensure that governments and institutions are
fully aware about the problem? What guidence is
needed? Focus on data creators Recognise the
skills deficit, and decide what new skills will
be needed Build a large-scale multidisciplinary
and multi-institutional collaboration Take
collective responsibility for long-term access
30Organisational change, economic means and
possibly legal right
What about a system of certified digital archives?
- Need large-scale, sustainable, and significant
initiatives - Stimulate public support
- Explicit priority setting and selection criteria
- Must treat sociatal issues such as privacy and
data protection - Must take seriously revenue generation
31Must be made a major policy objective
Need practical, acceptable and affordable
- Need answers to
- What should be preserved?
- Who will archive information and what skills will
they need? - What meta-data will be needed and who will create
and keep it? - Who will pay?
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