Title: GAMA 2003
1GAMA 2003 Livingstone, Zambia
An analysis of economic data as indicators for
business opportunities for consulting engineers
in African countries
by Peter Silbernagl March 2003
- Introduction and background
- Overview
- Some sample analyses
- Whats on the CD
- Whats next?
3A. Introduction and Background
- Contribution to GAMA Business Plan
- Business Plan developed by GAMA Exco
- Mandated at Johannesburg meeting, May 2002
- Accepted Acapulco October 2002
4GAMA Business Plan
Vision To promote the business interests of GAMA
members by providing leadership in the provision
of infrastructurein Africa and globally Five
focus areas
5GAMA Business Plan and Vision
- Five Focus Areas
- Access to work by member firms
- Ability to execute work
- Image
- Growth of GAMA
- Cooperation among GAMA members
6- Contribution to
- Access to work by member firms
- Growth of GAMA
- Cooperation among GAMA members
7B. Overview
- All countries in Africa evaluated, including
Indian Ocean Islands (not Reunion, Spanish
enclaves) - 53 countries altogether
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9B. Overview (cont.)
- Factors included
- Population size
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
- growth in GDP (one year)
- Economic Aid
- Foreign Direct Investment
10B. Overview (cont.)
- Factors not included
- Human Development Index including literacy levels
- Political factors
- Levels of corruption
- etc.
11C. Some sample analyses
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15Economic Profiles of African Countries (US)
GDP GDP GDP/ Country Pop.
bill. growth capita Algeria 32
mill 177 3.8 5600 Angola 11 mill 13.3 5.4 1330
Benin 7 mill 6.8 5.4 1040 Botswana 2
mill 12.4 4.7 7800 Burkina Faso 13
mill 12.8 4.7 1040 Burundi 6 mill 3.7 1.4 600
Cameroon 16 mill 26.4 4.9 1700 Cape Verde 0.5
mill 0.6 3.0 1500 Chad 9 mill 8.9 8.0 1030
16Economic Profiles of African Countries (US)
(Sample cont.)
Eco.aid Eco.aid FDI Country (
mill) Eco.aid /capita ( mill) Algeria 100 0.38
3098 - Angola 384 1.47 36203 2488.6 Benin 343
1.31 50474 30.8 Botswana 73 0.28 45876 36.5 Bu
rkina Faso 484 1.85 38411 10.3 Burundi 74 0.28
11611 0.0 Cameroon 1260 4.83 77851 36.9 Cape
Verde 136 0.52 332714 15.1 Chad 238.3 0.91 264
86 15.3
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24DfID Bilateral Aid African Countriesin Top
20 Recipient Countries
Total (m) Avg (m p.a.) Global Country over 3
yrs over 3 yrs Ranking Uganda 235 78 2 Tanzania 19
8 66 4 Ghana 176 59 5 Zambia 101 51 (2
yrs) 7 Malawi 151 50 8 Mozambique 126 42 9 Kenya
107 36 10 Sierra Leone 102 34 11 Rwanda 60 30 (2
yrs) 13 South Africa 85 28 15 Nigeria 53 18 20
25Sources of Information
- CIA World Factbook
- Economist Intelligence Unit
- UN Economic Commission for Africa
- Dept. for International Development (UK)
- World Bank Annual Report
- Africa Institute of South Africa (Africa at a
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27Sources of Information (cont.) Useful websites
Africa Institute of SA www.ai.org.za African
Development Bank www.afdb.org CIA World Fact
Book www.cia.gov.cia/ publications/factbook/
index.html Dept. for International
Dev www.dfid.gov.uk Dev. Bank of Southern
Africa www.dbsa.org Economic Commission
for Africa www.uneca.org Economist Intelligence
Unit www.economist.com JICA (Japanese Aid
Agency) www.jica.go.jp/english/ link/05org.html
28Sources of Information (cont.) Useful websites
Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau
(KFW) www.kfw.de/EN Nepad www.nepad.org United
Nations (UN) www.un.org World Bank Annual
Report www.worldbank.org/ annualreport/2002 World
Bank Group www-wds.worldbank.org
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31Whats on the CD
- This presentation!
- African Development Bank Group
- Aid Agencies
- CIA Factbook on Africa
- Country Briefings from Economist Intelligence
Unit - Country Profiles from African Economic Outlook
32Whats on the CD (cont.)
- Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA)
- Department for International Development (DfID)
- Economic Profiles (Graphs)
- Foreign Direct Investment Reports
- IFC Donor Report 2002 (Extract)
- UN Economic Commission for Africa Economic
Report for Africa 2002
33Whats on the CD (cont.)
- World Bank
- World Summit on Sustainable Development
- Miscellaneous useful websites, Africa map
34Whats next?
- Have a look at the CD and the websites
- Draw your own conclusions
- Look for strategic fit
- - Markets
- - Country
- - Discipline
- - Client
- - Funder
- Review when report by DBSA is published -
Financing Africas Development
35Any questions?
36Thank you for your attention