Title: Status of SPES project
1Status of SPES project
LNL-INFN(REP) 145/99
- SPES (study and production of exotic species)
- First part
- SPES reference design and related RD programs
- Second part
- SPES Fase Iniziale description of the funded
Target area
Driver linac
Exp. Halls
RIB production target
Superconducting main linac
Proton injector
Beam dump
BNCT moderator
Low energy high current applications
A/q3 upgrade
4RD program
- Proton source and RFQ development
- Primary linac design and development of cavity
prototypes (reentrant, HWR, ladder) - Development of 238U target and and optimization
of fission fragment production - Development of neutron converter in Be and 13C
- Interdisciplinary studies (BNCT) developments of
ftalocianina boronate and microdosimetry studies
at TAPIRO reactor .
Trasco RFQ
First two RF meters of SPES
5TRASCO RFQ first and second module
6RD program
- Proton source and RFQ development
- Primary linac design and development of cavity
prototypes (reentrant, HWR, ladder) - Development of 238U target and and optimization
of fission fragment production - Development of neutron converter in Be and 13C
- Interdisciplinary studies (BNCT) developments of
ftalocianina boronate and microdosimetry studies
at TAPIRO reactor .
7SPES nominal linac design (45 m, 100 MeV, 5 mA)
Superconducting quadrupole (MSU-LNL)
8?0.31 352 MHz Half Wave Resonator
- Goals
- 6 MV/m at Plt 10 W
- Energy gain 1.36 MeV/q at ?0.31
- 30 mm bore diameter
- No dipole steering
- Parameters similar to the ALPI QWRs
Electric field distribution
A. Facco and V. Zviagintsev SRF2003
9HWR construction
10Mechanical analysis of the HWR
11Superconducting Reentrant cavity
- Developed for high intensity beams
- 352 MHz, single gap, aperture 30 mm
- Wide velocity acceptance5?100 A MeV
- Successfully tested at 4.2K
- Free from high field multipacting
- Ea 7.5 MV/m _at_7W
Alberto Facco Capri 2003
b00.12) V.Andreev, G.Bisoffi, A. Pisent,
E.Bissiato, M. Comunian, E. Fagotti T.Shirai,
Phys Rev ST
13Tolerances in construction and assembly checked
via a full-scale Al model
Rough Tuning by reducing Lcav as last
step Frequency and Flatness met at 3.3 mm cutting
The design of the cavity is concluded and the
construtction of the Nb prototype will be built
next year
V. Andreev, G. Bisoffi, A.Pisent, E. Bissiato,
M.Comunian, E. Fagotti, D. Micheletti - INFN
LNL, T. Shirai - ICR, Kyoto Univ.
14LINAC beam dynamics
- Superconducting LINAC overview
- Proton beam dynamics
- SPES upgrade Ions injector
- Conclusions
15Simulation constraints and characteristics
- Match the beam parameters at transition between
different periods - Avoid zero current phase advance per lattice
higher than 90 degrees - Avoid parametric resonance (in particular avoid
longitudinal phase - advance doubles transversal one)
- Keep the tune depression ((s-s0)/s0) as low as
- 3D Uniform Distribution at LINAC input
- 300000 macro-particles
- 10000 mesh points
- 3D space charge
Baseline design layout Length 48 m Real estate
gradient 2.0 MV/m Low ? 37 S.C. Reentrant
cavities superferric quad doublets 20?100 MeV
74 S.C. HWR N.C. quad doublets
TTF Structure
17Simulation results
- Reliable design ( I5mA )
- Bore/RMS gt 8
- No losses on 3105 particles
- Negligible emittance growth (7)
18Alternative LINAC design
Baseline design layout Length 45 m Real estate
gradient 2.1 MV/m Low ? 13 S.C. Ladder
cavities superferric quad doublets 20?100 MeV
74 S.C. HWR N.C. quad doublets
TTF Structure
19Simulation results
- LADDER cavity linac
- Pro
- Results are very similar to the
- reentrant cavity configuration
- LINAC is shorter and with a lower
- number of components
- cons
- Ladder Cavity has to be tested!
- Single gap approximation has to be
- verified with a more accurate code
- This linac cannot be fault safe (mainly
interesting for ADS)
3 normal conducting bunchers
5 mA, 5 MeV Beam Line transport
21Ion Injector Overview
22Ions RFQ Preliminary design
- 6 segment 1.2 meters long
- Every segment with 4 RF cell
- Brazing modules as TRASCO
- C10100 Copper
23Thermal Study
- Water velocity _at_ 5.0 m/s
- 20 water cooling channel per cell
- Inlet water temperature of 15 oC
- Max water flow of 1.5 Liter/s
- Max Copper temperature of 37 oC
- Max power density of 35 W/cm2
- Liner power density of 61kW/m
- Max deformation of 50 µm on axis
- Max Von Mises Stress of 56 Mpa
24Injector Design
- Length 8.5 m
- Real estate gradient 2.1 MV/m
- Superferric quad doublets
25QWR with dipole correctiondeveloped by LNLfor
The 161 MHz b0.16 MSU RIA QWR.
Ions Acceleration (A/q 3, I 9 mA)
LINAC Reentrant option
LINAC Ladder option
- We have a baseline design with reentrant
cavities at low - beta, that can accelerate proton and ions up
to A/q 3 - We will have another design option when ladder
cavities - will pass the test
- For both cases a full transmission (300000
macroparticles) - is achieved. Considering that a 100 MeV 5 mA
proton beam - correspond to 500 KW, we loose less than 1.7 W
in the entire - LINAC
- Emittance increase is negligible for proton (8)
and - acceptable for ions (15)
28RD program
- Proton source and RFQ development
- Primary linac design and development of cavity
prototypes (reentrant, HWR, ladder) - Development of 238U target and and optimization
of fission fragment production - Development of neutron converter in Be and 13C
- Interdisciplinary studies (BNCT) developments of
ftalocianina boronate and microdosimetry studies
at TAPIRO reactor .
29RIB Production LNL-GANIL PNPI (Gatchina)
High Density Uranium Carbide Target
UC2 Rod r 11.4 g cm-3 f
11 mm L 28 mm
Ion source
UC2 target
1 GeV 50 nA
Release curve of 94Rb (T1/2 2.7 s)
RIB production target and ion source assembly
30von Mises stress, Pa
Radial stress, Pa
total displacement, mm
GANIL and BINP Novosibirsk Collaboration
150 kW, 20 MeV proton beam
Design of neutron target and ion source assembly.
Temperature distribution along the wheel radius
Carbon 13 sample irradiated with electron beam at
660 keV and 2 kW/cm2 power density. Before
thermo-cycle (left) and after thermo-cycle
(right). (Corresponding to 300 kW/cm2 for the
rotating weel)
Maximum of the temperature distribution for
different samples vs e-beam power density.
32RD program
- Proton source and RFQ development
- Primary linac design and development of cavity
prototypes (rientrant, HWR, ladder) - Development of 238U target and and optimization
of fission fragment production - Development of neutron converter in Be and 13C
- Interdisciplinary studies (BNCT) developments of
ftalocianina boronate and microdosimetry studies
at TAPIRO reactor .
33The SPES-BNCT Project (INFN Legnaro) An
experimental thermal neutron beam facility aimed
at the treatment of skin melanoma
The physical principle of BNCT is based on the
nuclear reaction that occurs when the stable
isotope 10B is irradiated with thermal neutrons
to yield 4He nuclei and recoiling 7Li.
The densely ionising fission fragments have
ranges in soft tissues (8 µm for the ? particle,
5 µm for the lithium ion) smaller than cell
diameter (10 µm). Therefore only the boron
loaded tumour cell will be injured.
The SPES-BNCT project aims to develop a thermal
neutron source by using the intense proton beam
provided by the 5 MeV, 30 mA RFQ injector of the
LINAC accelerator designed do produce radioactive
beams (SPES project). The aim is to obtain an
intense enough thermal neutron beam minimizing
both the fast neutron and gamma component
5MeV 30 mA
Schematic sketch of a thermal irradiation
facility for BNCT treatment
35which will be the first step in the direction of
this challenging facility ?
- Taking into account
- The boundaries in terms of limited resources at
LNL - The European framework for the development of
RIBs in the main laboratories. - It was decided to launch SPES FI (fase iniziale)
that will be - a first significative step in the direction of
SPES and EURISOL, - a very good test for the high intensity community
(ADS) - able to serve a community of interdisciplinary
physics and medical users - The total investment will be about 18.7M over 5
- SPES fase iniziale
- Completion and installation of the 5 MeV 30 mA p
injector - Development and construction of the thermal
neutron facility for BNCT - Development and construction of the
superconducting p linac up to 20 MeV - Continuation of the RD program on RIB
production targets
Superconducting main linac 20 MeV
Proton injector
Beam dump
BNCT moderator
Low energy high current applications
A/q3 upgrade
37SPES Test Facility and BNCT(Ep 20 MeV, I up to
10 mA)
38- Milestones in the first 3 years (INFN three year
plan) - 2004 Production of the Rapporto Tecnico
Dettagliato, and the first design of the
building. Production of the documentation
necessary to begin the licencing procedure - 2005Installation at LNL of the high intensity
source TRIPS and of the - LEBT (Low Energy Beam Transport), e test of beam
characterstics at high and intermediate current
(30, 10 e 5 mA). Test of the prototype of in Be
converter with e-beam. Tender for the building
construction. - 2006 Conclusion of the RFQ construction,
assembling of the 6 modules and low power tests.
Completion of the cryogenic tests of the
superconducting cavity prototypes.
39TRIPS TRASCO p source (off res. RF)developed at
LNS (Catania)RF off resonance, 30 mA, 80
kVEmittance device from Saclay
40LEBT Layout
41TRASCO 5 MeV 30 mA RFQ
42TRASCO RFQ (5 MeV, 30 mA, CW)
- Brazed OFE copper
- Tolerances about 20 mm
wave guide
wave guide
RF loop
vacuum port
RF loop
coupling cell
Part built
7.13 m
43The RFQ
44In the clean room before brazing at CERN
45RFQ TRASCO first module
RF measurements after brazing
46The second RFQ module
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49Explodet view of the target unit
1, 2. Be target 3-6. Target body 7. Flange
connection to D2O 8. Flange connection to
accelerator 9. Water cooling manifolds 10.
Graphite collimator
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54Mock-up test under e-beam (TSEFEY-Facility)
IR temperature measurement 6.5 MW/m2, 1000
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56The 20 MeV 10 mA linac
Transition with ext. doublet
22 m
- Straight linac with dipole for BNCT line
- (38 reentrant or 13 ladder)
- Full transmission (100K)
- lt5 emittance increase
57L-2-CRYO out 10 mA
R-2-CRYO out 10 mA
L-2-CRYO ENV 10 mA
R-2-CRYO ENV 10 mA
58RIB perspectiveNeutron production_at_different beam
Flux of neutrons (above 2 MeV) in the whole solid
angle for a thick beryllium target as function of
p energy.
- The facility SPES, based on a 100 MeV proton
linac, allows 1013-14 f/s, 16 MeV/u after ALPI. - An initial step, 20 MeV and high intensity proton
linac, has been approved. - An intense RD program on accelerators, targets
and ion sources is pursued.