Title: GIS Masters Project by Rick Gonzalez
1GIS Masters ProjectbyRick Gonzalez
- A GIS Approach to the Geology, Production, and
Growth of the Barnett Shale Play in Newark East
- Angular Uncomformity a rock unit (horizon) that
has been previously tilted at an angle,
subsequently eroded over time, and eventually was
overlaid by other rocks in a horizontal manner - Cross Section a transect view of the subsurface
running from well to well that uses well logs
with formation tops correlated over the same in
order to visualize the relative depths and
thickening and/or thinning of formations. - Cumulative overall total production.
- Dip the attitude of a rock in space in relation
to the horizontal plane and its direction (north,
east, southwest, southeast, etc.) measured in
degree units. - Frac term given to the stimulation technique
performed on a formation at depth in a drilled
well also, fracturing the formation. - Isopach contour map of the thickness of a rock
- Kelly Bushing (KB) the grip on the drilling
floor of a rig that holds the drilling string in
place as it is rotating also the point of
elevation at the top of the Kelly Bushing that is
used as reference and subtracted from the
Measured Depth in order to obtain subsea values
for formation tops. - Lineament a linear expression on the surface of
the earth represented by prominent ridges or
edges on the topography that is usually due to
rock deformation or movement caused by stresses
as the earths crust moves. - Measured Depth (MD) the measurement at a well
from Kelly Bushing (KB) to the Total Depth (TD)
of a well. - Pinch-out the point at which a formation
eventually terminates due to thinning, or is cut
off and is no longer present laterally as in an
angular unconformity.
- Stratigraphy (stratigraphic) related to the
layering of the horizons or formations and their
relationship to other rock units. - Subcrops subsurface rocks or formations.
5Introduction History of Barnett Shale Drilling
- In early existence of Newark East (1981)
technology nonexistent to make economic wells - Mitchell Energy (now Devon Energy) was Barnett
play pioneer in area - Gas shows showed Barnett potential
- Tested and studied Barnett to compile a database
- At same time developed stimulation techniques to
frac Barnett - gel fracture treatment
- Key keep the fractures contained within the
Barnett - Need Viola Ls below and dense Marble Falls Ls
above to contain frac - slick water fracture treatment
- Wells more productive using slick water frac
- Re-stimulation higher rates than initial
fracturing - Play expanded rapidly thereafter
6Introduction Geology
- Barnett 45 quartz, 27 clay, 8 carbonate, 7
feldspar, 5 organic matter, 5 pyrite, 3
siderite, - and trace min.
- Avg. porosity 6, very low permeability
(nanodarcies) - Barnett Shale important b/c produces commercial
volumes of gas (well EUR from 0.5 2 bcf) - Deposited over regional angular unconformity
- Underlying Viola Ls pinches-out at this
unconformity - Wells drilled west of Viola erosional limit
produce a lot of water, little or no gas - Wet Ellenburger Limestone lies directly below
Barnett Shale west of Viola limit
7Introduction Motivation for Study
- Arose from curiosity about the productive history
and geology of the Barnett Shale in Newark East
field. - Because the play is rapidly expanding, was met
with reluctance from operators to share
proprietary data. - Nevertheless, took it as a challenge to dig
around for as much data to understand Barnett
8Introduction Regional Setting
Muenster Arch
Bend Arch
Newark East Field
Gas Maturation Limit
Ouachita Thrust
Fort Worth Basin
Viola Limit
9Introduction Regional Cross Sections
Cross sections borrowed from Recent Development
of the Barnett Shale Play, Fort Worth Basin
(Bowker, 2003)
Viola pinch-out
Erosional contact (unconformity)
10Study Contents
- Objectives
- Literature Review
- Data Collection and Manipulation
- Analysis and Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusion
- References Cited
- Acknowledgments
- Gain insight to the structural geology and its
relation to production using data - To map productive Barnett Shale and its adjoining
subcrops what is the attitude of the structures? - Analyze surface lineaments vs. known subsurface
fracture trends to see if relation exists. - Map field operators to show where present.
- Map field expansion from beginning and show how
it has encroached on the metroplex.
12Objectives What is the significance?
- Study is significant because of the lack of
non-proprietary data available with respect to
this evolving gas field, its geology, and
production. - Most work done is in-house not for public
consumption. - Newark East is rapidly becoming largest gas field
in the U.S. and its NE of the DFW area!
13Literature Review
- Many studies are proprietary.
- Few Internet sources, but some require big
for data and studies. - Found old geologic maps submitted by Mitchell
Energy to TRC. - Obtained text of poster presentation at AAPG
meeting in Dallas (April 2004). - USGS paper on Barnett Shale Total Petroleum
System - Study on core fracture analysis and open hole
fractures. - Other miscellaneous papers on thermal maturation,
organic content and lithology, field development,
and fracture/stimulation techniques.
14Data Collection and Formatting
- Data courtesy of DrillingInfo.com
- Well header (well name, operator,
latitude-longitude, status) - Production numbers
- 2813 wells
- Provided in comma delimited format
- Downloaded from site
- Opened in Excel, cleaned up, and saved (2384
wells) as HeaderData spreadsheet - Lat-long converted to SPCS North Texas
15Data Collection and Formatting
- Formation (depth) data (IHS/PIs) collected from
Oil Information Library in Downtown Fort Worth. - Input to spreadsheet well by well b/c system
would not allow for batch exporting - Tops, GL, KB, MD, TD data were collected.
- Due to time constraint, uniform pattern of well
data were collected. - Data collected for about four and a half months,
twice a week, for eight hours at a time - Another month for verification of depth tops
using well logs on microfiche (not all wells
could be verified) - Some well logs existed where no IHS data were
available. These were used. - Most IHS tops were Barnett Shale (upper and
lower) Marble Falls and Viola not reported as
often. These obtained from logs if available. - Tops for total of 884 wells were obtained.
- Only tops for vertical wells were used
16Data Collection and Formatting
- Data saved asTops spreadsheet.
- Subtract the Measured Depth from a wells KB
value to obtain subsea for mapping - Subseas calculated by opening the Tops table in
ArcMap, creating new fields for each formation,
then using the calculate function to obtain the
subsea value.
17Other Data Used
- Cultural shape files such as roads, lakes,
municipality outlines, county outlines, and
freeways obtained from 2002 ESRI Data CDs. - Viola erosional limit, faults, regional
structural elements, and lineaments were
digitized onscreen to new shapes. - mask.shp created for use in interpolation
- DEM and Hillshade grids downloaded from TNRIS in
E00 format and converted to grid.
18Cross Section Data
- Electric well logs obtained for use in creating
cross sections (transects of the subsurface)
across Newark East field - Converted from microfiche to raster TIFF images
- Cropped in Irfran View software, saved, and
imported to Petra software - Tiffs were depth registered in Petra
- Structural cross sections made using well
locations. - Created three cross sections for use in
demonstrating dip of subsurface structures and
thickening or thinning of formations.
19Methods Geodatabase Setup
- Geodatabase was created in ArcMap.
- HeaderData and the Tops spreadsheet imported as
separate tables to gdb through Access. - HeaderData data were added as an X-Y table event
in ArcMap. - Tops table joined in ArcMap to the HeaderData
table by the API. The API is a unique number
assigned by the state to a well for
identification purposes. - Once joined, data queried by attribute for each
formation - Selected records exported to a new table in the
gdb. - Different number of wells selected for each
formation b/c not every well had every formation
top - Other tables created by query of joined tables
Practical IP, Cumulative Gas, Cumulative Oil,
Operator Name, and First Production Date
20Methods Formation Structure Interpolation
- Preliminary interpolation was done using Inverse
Distance Weighted (IDW) method in Spatial
Analyst. - Used mask to interpolate core drilling area.
- Preliminary maps were analyzed for data busts
areas of bulls eye contouring. - Wells with busts were noted and if could not be
verified and/or corrected they were removed. - Same IDW method was used to create preliminary
maps of Practical IP, Cumulative Gas, and
Cumulative Oil - 24 hour flow rate during 2nd month of production
21Methods Formation Structure Interpolation
- Before obtaining the final interpolated
structures, three cross sections were built. - Allow verification of the general subsurface
structures. - Based on info from cross sections, Practical IP
map, TRC maps, and well data, faults were
interpreted and digitized on screen. - Faults used as barrier in IDW interpolation.
- IDW technique p-value of 2, variable search
radius with 12 points. Grid size of 500 feet for
all formations. - P-values higher than 2 resulted in many bulls eye
effects on the interpolation. (at high p-values
only the immediate surrounding points influence
the interpolation) - Not having enough control points on both sides of
a fault caused problem with interpolation no
interpolation on other side. - Solved problem by creating some ghost points
(wells) on other side of fault.
22Methods Barnett Shale Isopach
- Next, created Barnett thickness map
- From interpolated structures
- Using map calculator
- Subtract Barnett grid from Viola grid
- Results in gross thickness map for Barnett Shale
23Methods Operators and First Prod Date
- Query of HeaderData table for Operator name
- Saved selected records for each Operator to new
table in gdb - Load x-y tables as event themes in ArcMap
- Mapped by Operator name
- Same with First Production Date query for date
intervals (82-85, 86-90, 91-95, 96-98, 99-00,
01-04) - Saved each date interval selection to new table
in gdb - Load x-y tables as event themes in ArcMap
- Map by First Prod Date
24Methods Lineament and Fault Trends
- Pick surface lineaments using DEMs
- 65 surface lineaments digitized on screen to
shape file. - Measured lineaments.
- Measurements input to spreadsheet.
- Data were divided trends 0 to 90 and 91 to 180
deg. - Mean trend of both sets calculated.
25GIS Masters ProjectbyRick Gonzalez
- Results and Discussion History and Geology
- Where are companies operating?
- Devon largest operator
- Most production from Devon
27First Production 1982-1985
28Production In 1986 - 1990
- More wells drilled to establish database
- on Barnett Shale
- Also, develop completion techniques
29Production In 1991 - 1995
- Decline curve model established
- EUR numbers assessed at that time
- (1 BCF per well)
30Production In 1996 - 1998
- Infill drilling
- First slick water frac (1997)
- First refrac of Lower Barnett (1998)
31Production In 1999 - 2000
- Fracturing of Upper Barnett
- Play starts to rapidly expand
32Production In 2001 - Feb 2004
- Horizontal drilling techniques
- improve
33Wells and Urban Places Feb 2004
- Wells being drilled almost everywhere!
- Somewhat limited by urban centers and local
ordinances, - HOAs, mineral rights issues, noise restrictions,
etc. - But Barnett has potential to produce in all
Tarrant and Dallas county - Estimated total gas in place is 26.2 TCF (USGS)
- 4 to 10 tcf recoverable
34Note about Viola
- Viola pinches-out (terminates) in far western
Tarrant County and NW through the middle of Wise
County against regional uncomformity. - West of the erosional limit Ellenburger Limestone
is present. - No well logs found in OIL to examine this western
limit. - Wells in area are not usually drilled deep enough
to log Ellenburger. - No depth tops found from database at OIL except
for one in middle of NE Field.
35Top of Marble Falls Limestone
Muenster Arch
Viola Limit
36Top of Barnett Shale
Muenster Arch
Viola Limit
37Top of Lower Barnett Shale
Muenster Arch
Viola Limit
38Top of Viola Limestone
Muenster Arch
Viola Limit
39Tops of Formations (Looking Northwest)
40Cross Section A A
Marble Falls Top
Upper Barnett Top
Forestburg Top
Lower Barnett Top
Viola Top
41Cross Section B - B
Marble Falls Top
Upper Barnett Top
Forestburg Top
Lower Barnett Top
Viola Top
42Cross Section C C
Upper Barnett Top
Marble Falls Top
Forestburg Top
Viola Top
Lower Barnett Top
433D Model of Structures
44Barnett Thickness Map
45Lineament Mapping of Surface
46Lineament Mapping of Surface
47Lineament Mapping Results
- In this GIS study the NE trending lineaments
averaged 55 degrees. - SE trending lineaments averaged 133.
- The subsurface faults mapped averaged 65 degrees.
- Is there a relationship between lineaments on the
surface and fractures in the subsurface? - Know from previous work (Hill, 1992) that
drilling induced fractures have a mean strike of
54 degrees. - Natural fractures have a mean strike of 114
degrees. - Open-hole fracture tests showed mean of 60
degrees. - results apparently document a change in the
stress field from the time the natural fractures
formed to the present day. (Hill, 1992)
48Lineaments and Subsurface Faults
There seems to be a relationship if one
examines the means, but the data are variable.
The relation is not conclusive.
49GIS Masters ProjectbyRick Gonzalez
- Results and Discussion Production
50Practical IP (Initial Potential)
51Practical IP (Initial Potential)
- Highest prod rates typically
- occur in areas away from fault
- zones.
- Fracture zones tend to produce
- more water.
52Cumulative Gas Produced
- Most production occurs away
- from major faulting.
- Middle part of field is oldest
- thus most prod is from there
53Cumulative Gas Produced(Close Up and Inset With
54Cumulative Oil Produced
- Most crude prod come from
- northern area
- Near edge of oil generation
- window in Montague, Cook,
- Clay, and Jack Counties
55Cumulative Oil Produced
56GIS Masters ProjectbyRick Gonzalez
- Objective was to gain an understanding of geology
and production in Newark East field. - Interpolation of Barnett Shale and adjoining
subcrops data demonstrated structures below
subsurface - Interpolation of production data demonstrated
areas of high and low production - How are two related?
- Demonstrated that faulted areas are not good for
drilling poor production rates occur in these
areas - Communiation with Ellenburger below
- Also, who are the Operators?
- Demonstrated the major operators on map
- Field growth and relationship with urban limits
- Demonstrated growth over time and its
encroachment on urban centers, present state
- Is there a relationship between surface
lineaments and subsurface fracturing/faulting? - It would seem that there is a relationship
because the means for both sets of data are
similar. - Could not conclusively demonstrate this
relationship because of the statistical
variability of the data.
- Related to GIS approach of mapping not just
Barnett Shale, but also formations above and
below it since these have not been mapped in
non-proprietary works. - Study helps to understand the geologic structures
in the most active gas play in the U.S. - Also, a comparison of area surface lineaments
versus subsurface fracturing/faulting might be of
interest to others as such comparison does not
exist. - Study helps to understand current drilling rate
and expansion in DFW area - Study helps understand who the major companies
are that operate in the field
60Future Research
- Incorporate additional wells outside the core
area and update current well data. - Should include data for the formations below the
Viola Limestone group if they exist. - Would be of interest to know the structural
interface between the Viola and Ellenburger - A more thorough analysis of surface lineaments
compared to subsurface fracturing/faulting might
be more indicative of whether or not the two are
61References Cited
- Adams, G., 2004, Challenges of urban drilling
abs Barnett Shale Symposium II, Brookhaven
College, Richardson, Texas. - Bowker, K., 2002, Recent developments of the
Barnett Shale play, Fort Worth Basin, in Law, B.
E. and Wilson, M., eds., Innovative Gas
Exploration Concepts Symposium Rocky Mountain
Association of Geologists and Petroleum
Technology Transfer Council, October, 2002,
Denver, CO, 16p. - Henry, J. D., 1982, Stratigraphy of the Barnett
Shale (Mississippian) and associated reefs in the
northern Fort Worth basin Dallas Geological
Society paper, 21 p. - Hill, R. E., 1992, Analysis of natural and
induced fractures in the Barnett Shale, Mitchell
Energy Corporation, T. P. Sims No. 2, Wise
County, Texas Gas Research Institute Report
GRI-92/0094, 51 p. - Jarvie, D. M., B. L. Claxton, F. Henk, and J. T.
Breyer, 2001, Oil and shale gas from the Barnett
Shale, Fort Worth Basin, Texas abs AAPG Annual
Meeting, Program and Abstracts, p. A100. - Jarvie, D. M. and B. L. Claxton, 2002, Barnett
Shale oil and gas as an analog for other black
shales abs AAPG Midcontinent Meeting, New
Mexico. - Jarvie, D. M.,2003, The Barnett shale as a model
for unconventional shale gas exploration,
presentation for AAPG meeting Accessed June 2004
at URL http//www.humble-inc.com - Kuuskraa, V. A., G. Koperna, J. W. Schmoker, and
J. C Quinn, 1998, Barnett Shale rising star in
Fort Worth basin Oil Gas Journal, v. 96, no.
21, p. 67-68, 71-76. - Lancaster, D. E. et al, 1992, Reservoir
evaluation, completion techniques, and recent
results from Barnett Shale development in the
Fort Worth basin Society of Petroleum Engineers,
SPE paper 24884, 12 p.
62References Cited
- Pollastro, R. M. et al, 2003, Assessing
undiscovered resources of the Barnett-Paleozoic
total petroleum system, Bend Arch-Fort Worth
basin province, Texas Search and Discovery
Article 10034 AAPG Southwest Section Meeting,
Fort Worth, Texas. 17 p. - Steward, D. B., 2004, Personal communication
discussion on the Barnett Shale. - Thomas, J. D., 2003, Integrating synsedimentary
tectonics with sequence stratigraphy to
understand the development of the Fort Worth
basin abs AAPG Southwest Section Meeting, Fort
Worth, 9 p. - Williams, P., 2002, The Barnett Shale Oil and
Gas Investor, v. 22, no 3, p34-45. - Zhao, H. and Givens, N., 2004, The Barnett
Shale not so simple after all poster AAPG
National Meeting, Dallas.
I would like to thank the following individuals
and/or companies who made this study possible
either by donation of their digital data or
access to their hard copy files. Their
contributions to this project are very much
appreciated The Oil Information Library in Fort
Worth and Mr. Roy English for his help while
researching at the library DrillingInfo.com and
Charles Hopkins for the production data he
provided Dan B. Steward and Natalie B. Givens
at Republic Energy Inc. in Dallas for taking the
time to discuss the Barnett Shale and providing
material for research Dr. Robert Stern at the
University of Texas at Dallas and Bill Harrison,
Geoff Ice, Yvette Chovanec, Steve Vonfeldt,
Martin Selznick and Debbie Fierros at Rosewood
Resources, Incorporated for their support and
encouragement on this project. Also, my wife
Alicia for putting up with me while engrossed in
this work. Most of all to the Lord for finally
getting me to the end of this degrees work. If
anyone was left out please know it was not
intentional. Thanks to all!