Title: Flat 33% Training Discount Extended
1Flat 33 Training Discount Extended
Presented by Attune
2- The Global IT Infrastructure Services and
Training Provider, Attune World Wide, has
extended its Flat 33 Discount Offer on all the
Training Programs Registration for one more week. - Attune World Wide had started flat 33 discount
on all the Training Programs as April Fools Day
Offer. But, considering the response of offer,
Attune World Wide has extended the offer period
for one more week. The Offer will last till 22nd
April, 2016.
3- Attune World Wide introduced this offer with the
concept of Creating Geniuses, Instead of Making
Fools from 1st April, 2016. But considering the
massive Training Registration Applications, it
has extended the offer period till 22nd April,
2016. - Attune World Wides Technical Training Programs
includes the latest technologies like Cloud
Computing platforms, Liferay, Alfresco,
Activiti-BPM (Enterprise and Community),
Jboss(JBPM), MuleSoft and PHP framework. To get
the discount one can opt any of the training
programs such as Corporate Training, Online
Training, Self-Paced Training, and the One Month
Training Program.
4- Attune World Wide, with its proficient and
experienced professionals team, is well equipped
with the latest technology expertise and modern
training tools. Attune World Wide is an active
training provider in the industry and empowered
the Enterprises and Resources for better
technology management and implementation or
5Contact Us Website www.attuneww.com Email
contact_at_attuneww.com Phone India91-90999-1299
5 USA1-732-703-9847