Technology for Non Profits - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Technology for Non Profits


Accounting Software Analysis Worksheet. Basic Database Analysis Worksheet. Collection of Finance and Fundraising Software for NPOS. Non-Profit TechWorld. 28. Connectivity ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Technology for Non Profits

Technology for Non Profits
  • Sree Nilakanta
  • Priya Kothari

Learning Objectives
  • To provide a basic understanding of the elements
    of a technology plan and planning process.
  • To introduce a scalable methodology for launching
    and sustaining a technology planning process so
    participants can work effectively with their
    technology teams.
  • To develop the capacity for organizations to
    address and continue to solve technology issues
    to build capacity.
  • To introduce a method for assessing internal
    technology strengths and weaknesses and
    identifying key issues.

Learning Objectives
  • To build awareness of technology sustainability
    issues and encourage creative thinking to find
    solutions for professional development/training,
    implementation, budgeting, and fundraising.
  • To demystify important technical concepts that
    should be addressed as part of the technology
    planning process.
  • To introduce techniques for researching
    technology information efficiently on the
    Internet and a hands-on opportunity to practice.
  • To develop a knowledge community or enabling
    network of artists around technology.

Seven Characteristics of an Online Organization
  • Email addresses and desktop Internet access for
    every staff member
  • A local area network (LAN)
  • Technical expertise to keep the systems going
  • Technology as a component of organizational
  • Email addresses for important online
  • Virus protection and routine data backup
  • An organizational Web site

Technology Plan
  • What
  • Why
  • Who
  • How
  • Critical Success Factors
  • Resources
  • Gotchas

  • Written document
  • Identifies Goals and missions
  • Identifies Strategies and objectives
  • Identifies Technologies
  • Identifies Timeline
  • Defines Budget Resource requirements

  • Obtain Funding
  • Effectively use technology
  • Buy right equipment
  • Save money
  • Avoid crises
  • Efficient use of staff time
  • Reduce turnover

  • Tech team
  • Staff, board, outside consultants
  • Technical and non-technical people
  • Leader
  • Regular meeting and agendas
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Tasks and deliverables

  • Organize
  • Form Tech Team, Articulate Vision/ Goals, and
    Involve Leadership
  • Research
  • Do Internal and External Research and Undertake
    Technology Learning
  • Formulate
  • Revise Goals, Sustainability Strategies, and
    Implementation Strategies
  • Refine
  • Evaluate and Monitor regularly

Critical Success Factors
  • Leadership
  • Capacity for change
  • Integration with strategic plan

Winning strategies
  • Assess IT literacy
  • Tech management versus tech leadership
  • Manage supply and demand
  • Technology driven innovation
  • Business vision-led innovation
  • Build technology into leadership activities
  • Get to know your CIO
  • Use technology personally

Winning Strategies
  • Examine your infrastructures
  • Look outward
  • Hire internet revolutionaries (?)
  • Talk to customers all the time
  • Never stop learning

Elements of Technology Plan
  • Vision Statement
  • Goals
  • Integration with Strategic Plan
  • Programs Services
  • Operations Administration

Tech Plan Elements
  • Infrastructure
  • Connectivity
  • Equipment Lifecycle
  • Software

Tech Plan Elements
  • Staff Development Training
  • Staffing
  • Funding Strategy
  • Implementing Change
  • Timeline
  • Budget
  • Evaluation

Technology Vision Statement
  • Describes how technology will benefit your
    organization's mission and audience
  • Has several paragraphs or a single page
  • Synthesizes discussions with your technology team
    and key audiences about the outcomes of
    mission-driven use of technology

Tips for Writing Technology Vision Statement
  • Our organization uses technology (adverb) to
    achieve x outcome with x audience(s)

Examples of Vision Statement
  • The Alliance is a recognized leader among artist
    communities organizations in the creative and
    efficient use of technology for program
    management and in establishing a global forum for
    a dialogue on creativity and artists' creative
    processes as a vital national resource.

Example of Vision Statement
  • The Hoyt Institute of Fine Arts strives to bring
    the best possible arts to the greatest number of
    people by integrating the use of technology to
    efficiently deliver all programs and services.

Technology Goals
  • Short "to do" statements
  • Accomplish a specific outcome
  • Reflect a specific mission-driven outcome related
    to programs and services
  • Think expansively to articulate strategic
    planning goals
  • Be realistic.

Examples of Goals
  • Goal 1 To integrate the use of electronic
    communications and technology to deliver Alliance
    programs, resources, and services to the field.
  • Goal 5 To improve the Alliance's internal
    capacity for staff members to share and exchange
    information electronically within the main
    office, with the upstate office, contracted
    personnel, board members, and with all
    appropriate external constituents.

Integration with Strategic Plan
  • Describe how your organization has integrated
    technology planning into an overall strategic
    planning process or content of strategic plan.
  • Describe board involvement in the technology
    planning process and how they will continue to be
    involved during implementation
  • Describe how your organization involves
    individuals with both technology and program
    expertise in the technology planning process
  • Describe the Tech Team's role in the planning
    process and during implementation
  • Describe any guiding philosophies that describe
    your organization's approach to integrating
    technology into the daily life of your

  • Goal 1 - Develop and implement a technology plan
    that supports Creative Time's current strategic
  • This goal will be met by
  • Involving staff in the development of the
    technology plan with strategic input by board
  • Assessing the current status of technology at
    Creative Time
  • Establishing priorities and time lines for
    implementation of the plan that are in line with
    the current strategic plan priorities
  • Research advances in technology as we plan for
    hardware and software upgrades, and cost
    effective connectivity solutions.
  • Building in feedback and evaluation patterns to
    map the organization's progress and make
    meaningful adjustments to the plan as necessary.

Programs Services
  • Describe programs and services.
  • Summarize any audience research, field research,
    or work process analysis
  • Describe how technology will enhance the delivery
    of programs or services.
  • Describe how technology will make programs or
    services more efficient.
  • Include descriptions of any upgrades, redesigns,
    and improvements in any program or service
    communication, materials creation, or information
  • Include a description what role the
    organization's Web site and Internet presence
    will play in the short-term and long-term
  • Describe how information collected through the
    organization's Web site will be integrated with
    organizational databases.

Example of Programs Services
  • Arts/Mail - We will redesign the customer
    database to capture more detailed information on
    buying habits and contribution history. Upgrading
    the database to Microsoft ACCESS will enable us
    to utilize the relational capabilities that are
    inherent in the program. The redesign of the
    ticketing database to ACCESS will incorporate the
    production of contracts, therefore eliminating
    double entry of information. In addition,
    financial information will to be directly
    accessible by the Finance office over the
  • Member Services -By increasing our communication
    with the arts groups over the web, we will
    generate more income for Arts/Boston through
    increased poster and list sales. Also, Member
    Services will institute a Hardware Recycling
    program. Ultimately, Arts/Boston members will be
    able to apply for used computers when we upgrade
    our hardware.

  • Describe how technology will make administration
    and operations more efficient.
  • Summarize any audience research, field research,
    evaluation of technology tools, and work process
    analysis your team undertook to make decisions
    about technology.
  • Describe how technology will make administration
    and operations more efficient.
  • Describe any upgrades, redesign, or improvements
    in information systems that support
    administration or operations. Include several
    paragraphs for each the following business
    systems listed below, if applicable.
  • Contact Databases Fundraising Financial
    Marketing and Sales Inventory Other

  • TechSoupAccounting Software Analysis
    WorksheetBasic Database Analysis Worksheet
  • Collection of Finance and Fundraising Software
    for NPOSNon-Profit TechWorld

  • Describe any upgrades, improvements, or redesigns
    of your organization's LAN, WAN, and Internet
    connection. If moving to a LAN or redesigning a
    LAN, include a schematic diagram.
  • Discuss strategy for installation of network
    cards, hubs, routers, and wiring. If upgrading
    Internet service, describe type and selection of
  • Describe how staff who require access to online
    resources have the software and hardware needed
    to connect to these resources and individual
    email accounts.
  • Describe shared information resources.

  • Worksheets
  • TechSoup's Internet Connection Worksheet will
    help you figure out what type of Internet
    connection is needed for your organization.
  • TechSoup's Local Area Network (LAN) Worksheet
    will help you think through local area network
  • Articles Books
  • OneNorthWest's LAN Primer is a brief introduction
    to networking concepts.
  • TechSoup offers an excellent introductory article
    on networks called "Networking 101."
  • TechSoup's Selecting the Best Internet Connection
    will give you an overview of the different types
    of connection.

Equipment Lifecycles
  • Describe strategies for upgrading existing
    equipment and retiring obsolete equipment.
  • Include specific information about computers
    (hardware), voice/mail systems, fax, copy
    machines, and other technology equipment.
  • Identify strategy for future purchase of new
  • Identify maintenance schedule for existing and
    new equipment.
  • Include description of maintenance contracts for
    any existing and newly purchased equipment.
    Include description of leasing details, if
  • Identify staff person responsible for overseeing

  • Worksheets
  • TechSoup Hardware Analysis worksheet - Questions
    to help you think through your hardware needs.
  • Hardware Inventory worksheet - Helps you analyze
    the age of your equipment and replacement cycle.

Staff Development Training
  • Summarize the results of the digital literacy
    self-assessment or discussions with Team
    regarding professional development.
  • Describe what staff training/development is
    needed to support the successful implementation
    of your organization's technology plan.
  • Describe minimum technology use requirements for
    all staff.
  • Describe methods and strategies for providing
    technology training for minimum technology-use
    requirements and for specific areas as related to
    your technology plan.

  • Worksheet
  • Techsoup's Staff Training Worksheet will help you
    think through staff training needs.
  • Articles
  • TechSoup Integrating Technology Training Into
    The Organizational Culture by Mary Duffy
  • Suggestions to Enrich Any Training Plan by Carter
    McNamara, The Management Assistance Program for
  • Secrets of Success Making Technology
    Professional Development Work by Jamie McKenzie

  • Describe who on staff and your technology team
    will be responsible for implementation of your
    technology plan.
  • Describe any new staff positions that will be
    required as part of the plan. Identify technology
    consultants that will be contracted.
  • Describe staff responsibility or consultant
    contract for administering network, regular
    maintenance (backup/virus protection), fixing
    things when something goes wrong, and incremental
    and major upgrades.
  • Describe any technology-related policies such as
    acceptable Internet use that will be implemented.
  • Describe strategies for implementing ergonomics
    and educating staff regarding safe computing

  • Worksheet
  • TechSoup's Support Staff Worksheet Use these
    more detailed questions to help you think through
    technology staff support needs.
  • Articles
  • TechSoup What do you need? Staff, Volunteers, or
  • Coyote Communications,How To Support Your
    Computer/Internet Systems
  • Consultants OnTap Advice on Selecting a
  • TechSoup Hiring a System Administrator

Funding Strategy/Revenue Sources
  • Describe strategy for ongoing funding of
    technology plan.
  • Describe how technology needs will be integrating
    into organizational fundraising.
  • How will you integrate technology costs into
    existing revenue sources.

  • NPower
  • Network for Good

Implementing Change
  • Describe strategy for moving from "paper" to
  • Describe any pilots, phasing, or incremental
  • Describe strategies for implementing change,
    particularly introduction of new or upgraded
    equipment and software.
  • Describe the mechanism through which your
    organization plans to keep current on "best
    practices" use of technology in the
    nonprofit/for-profit sector and incorporates this
    knowledge into the technology plan.

  • Use the worksheet to identify how much plan will
    cost implement.
  • Base budgets on price quotes not older than 18
  • Identify revenue sources and how technology costs
    will be covered by earned and unearned income or
    be part of general operating costs.

  • Resources
  • Budget Worksheet to estimate costs
  • TechSoup Technology Budgeting Basics by John
  • Total Cost of Ownership
  • Taking TCO to the Classroom - links to resources
    to help you analyze the cost of your technology
  • NPower TCO Analysis SpreadSheet
  • Web Site Budgeting
  • To Research Equipment Prices
  • Ziff-Davis ZdNet Check the product reviews
    section and do a price comparision in the
    ComputerShopper section.

Getting Ready Organizational Assessment
  • Leadership Development
  • Organizational Learning
  • Change Management
  • Stakeholder Involvement
  • Evaluation of Systems
  • Clarification of Programmatic Goals

Leadership Development
  • Is there support among your organizations
    leadership to develop a technology plan?
  • What are their perceptions and attitudes about
    technology and technology planning?
  • How can you best educate these individuals?

Organizational Learning
  • What type of expertise do you need on a planning
  • Who in your organization has this expertise?
  • Staff
  • Board
  • Consultants
  • Volunteers

Change Management
  • What role does the implementation of new
    technologies play in your strategy for the next
    five years?
  • Growth in current operations
  • New opportunities

Who do you need Volunteer, Consultant or Staff?
  • Is your need short-term or ongoing?
  • Is the project urgent or mission critical?
  • What is your potential budget?
  • Is the project limited in scope?
  • What time commitment does the project require?
  • What kind of follow-up will be needed?
  • How large is your organization?

Stakeholder Involvement
  • Are staff members able to use the technology that
    is crucial to their efficiency and to the tasks
    they need to accomplish?
  • What type of training have staff members
    completed in the past? How useful was it?

Evaluation of Systems
  • How would you assess your use of technology
    compared to other agencies with similar missions?
  • Why do you need better systems?
  • Streamline operations
  • Increase communication among staff
  • Reach out to clients
  • Cultivate your board
  • Communicate with your members

Clarification of Programmatic Goals
  • What do you see as the most pressing needs for
    your organization, that technology might address?
  • Why/how do you think computers can help?

Activity Assessing Strengths and Weaknesses
  • You should work in pairs with someone from an
    organization other than your own. Each person
    will have an opportunity to interview the other.
    Use the question worksheet and take notes as you
    listen to the other person. After you both have
    gone through the interview, work together to
    create a list of positive and negative factors
    that might help or impede a successful technology
    planning process. Select one or two "negative
    factors" and brainstorm possible solutions. At
    the end of the session, we will ask everyone to
    share a summary of their interviews.

Activity Technology Assessment
  • Technology Questionnaire
  • Financial
  • Staff
  • Internal communications and information systems
  • Web site
  • Email strategy
  • Print materials development

Getting Ready Technological Assessment
  • Hardware assessment
  • Software assessment
  • Network setup, access policies, protocols
  • Databases
  • Email
  • Internet connectivity and web presence

Hardware Inventory
  • Sense of overall capacity and range of
    workstations in your organization
  • Avoid buying redundant technology
  • Assess whether any of your current technology is

Software What to Look For
  • Compatibility
  • Works well on both Mac and Windows platforms
  • Does not require a huge computer processor or
    hard drive to function

Software What to Look For
  • Stability
  • People! Talk to other computer users
  • Reviews available online
  • CNET (
  • ZDNet (

Software What to Look For
  • Scalability
  • Flexibility to run software over an extended
    period of time
  • Ensures investment and saves money
  • Support
  • Ask around
  • Test support by calling and asking a question

Software What to Look For
  • Ease of Use
  • Intuitive
  • If a complex program is required, ensure that
    staff training is included in the budget
  • Software Individuality
  • Alternative software
  • Free applications

Software What to Look For
  • Discounts and donations
  • Many major software applications are available at
    a discounted price
  • Ask for a donation from the manufacturer

  • Consistent Computer Bargains, Inc.
  • Gifts In Kind International
  • TechSoups Discounted and Donated Software
    Resource List
  • TechSoups TechSurveyor
  • Do a technological assessment

Information Management
  • Collecting
  • Organizing
  • Analyzing
  • Reporting

  • Repository for your organization's information
  • Accessed and re-sorted for various uses
  • Databases are quite pervasive
  • More sophisticated and can manipulate the data
    (i.e., sort, aggregate, skip fields, etc) much
    more skillfully than a spreadsheet

Use of Databases
  • If you are an advocacy group, your mailing list
    is a wonderful source of rich data on your core
  • If you are a social services organization, the
    information you are collecting about your clients
    on your intake and registration forms is just the
    beginning of the data you are collecting on
    services and referrals that you are coordinating.
  • If you are an arts organization, the inventory
    you collect on your collections is data-driven.
  • If you are a school, the data you collect on
    enrollment and test scores is critical to
    assessing overall performance.
  • Every nonprofit collects data and in many cases,
    collects data that if organized, can send
    powerful messages about the impact the sector is
    making on communities and peoples' lives.

Planning for Database
  • Map out the current data collection process in
    order to fully visualize what the current
    practice is within your agency. You can't
    modify your practices if you don't know your
    starting point. Use a giant whiteboard and be as
    detailed as possible, breaking down the process
    into bite-sized steps. Once that is done you can
    more easily add and take steps away.

Planning for Database
  • Create a detailed model of your ideal data
    collection process, incorporating all of what you
    consider to be your agency's best practices.
    Once you have mapped out your current practice,
    map out your ideal model of data collection using
    all of the wisdom your staff has from actual
    experience. It's so important to look at the
    realities of the situation in order to map out
    your best practice situation. Think about the
    process not only from your staff perspective but
    also from the perspective of the clients from
    whom you are collecting the information.

Planning for Database
  • Identify the specific information the database
    must manage and the outcomes your agency tracks
    (or wants to track). This step is critical. You
    don't necessarily want to capture all of the
    information you currently collect, or you might
    want to collect more or different information.
    What data is needed by management to make sound
    decisions about program success or planning for
    the future? What outcome data is your government
    funding source asking? What data does your board
    need to see on a regular basis?

Planning for Database
  • Develop the functional requirements of your
    agency's best practice service delivery model.
  • Functional requirements are simply the things or
    functions you want a database or software tool to
    do. How do you want the data manipulated in order
    to retrieve the information you need?
  • For example, you may want a database to be able
    to search to see if a client or consumer has
    received services from your agency before. Or you
    may want a database to be able to link
    individuals with other family members so that
    your agency can get a count of both individuals
    served and families served. Both of these are
    examples of functional requirements.

Database Design Dos
  • Create relational database tables
  • Put like data in a single field
  • Put only 1 piece of data in a field
  • Use a number instead of a range
  • Decide on consistent rules for data entry
  • Create only necessary address fields
  • Enter information in the proper field

Database design Don'ts
  • Create one flat file
  • Create repeating fields
  • Use a range instead of a number
  • Enter data inconsistently
  • Create too many address-oriented fields
  • Use too many Yes/No fields
  • Enter the wrong type of data in a field

Types of Databases
  • Information and Referral databases
  • Donation databases
  • Contact/Client databases

Information and Referral
  • list of organizations
  • most current and most complete list of services
    and service providers
  • relatively straightforward in design
  • considerable staff time to keep current
  • a fast machine and a network are necessary

Donor databases
  • track information about potential donors, actual
    donors and all donations
  • require accurate reports of the destination
    and/or sources of donated funds
  • At minimum a donorbase should be able to do the
  • Generate donation reports
  • Allow you to sort your donors in a variety of
  • Record multiple donation/donor details
  • Create and sort lists of potential and current
  • Print letters and labels and a variety of reports

Client database
  • most common
  • very simple to the very complex
  • automatically generate reminders
  • Broad categories - like donation events - are
    often built into pre-designed packages

Benchmarks for Effective Database
  • Build and Integrated Relationship Management
  • Your organization's database should be the
    "single source" for contact, donation history,
    and all other significant interactions with all
    of the people who are important to your
    organization. It should be a tool for creating
    and tracking online and offline communications
    with all of those people. And it should be a tool
    for recording your organization's activities over
    time. In short, your database should be a tool
    for managing relationships over time.

Five Effective Tips
  • Goal 1 - Your organization's database contains
    information for all of the people and
    institutions with whom your organization has
  • Have a single unified database, rather than a
    hodgepodge of separate databases -- e.g.,
    fundraising, media, activists, email address
    books, etc.
  • Gathering all of your relationship management
    data/contact information into one database makes
    it much easier to keep it up to date and
    available to all key staff.
  • Maintain information about folks' relationships
    to you what kind of people are they, and what
    are they most interested in hearing about from

Five Effective Tips
  • Goal 2 - Your database is able to function as a
    "communications engine" that lets you generate
    online communications with targeted groups of
  • use your database to easily and effectively
    generate both online and offline communications
    with people
  • use your database to generate a series of emails

Five Effective Tips
  • Goal 3 - Your database is able to track your
    online and offline interactions with people and
  • track not only people, but events
  • generate a phone list of people who have attended
  • collect and analyze detailed information on your
    organization's activities over time

Five Effective Tips
  • Goal 4 - All key people within your organization
    should be able to input and retrieve information
    in ways that are appropriate to their job
    functions. Your database should protect sensitive
    information (e.g. givinghistories) from
    unauthorized access.

Five Effective Tips
  • Goal 5 - Your database should be regularly backed
    up, and a copy stored in a secure off-site
  • back up your database every day you use it
  • make sure you always have a reasonably current
    copy of your database stored in a secure off-site

How can you use Email?
  • Email Newsletters
  • Action Alerts
  • Surveys
  • Event Invitations
  • Housekeeping
  • Autoreplies
  • Building Web Site Traffic
  • Fundraising

Benefits of Email
  • E-mail combines the speed and efficiency of the
    telephone with the written word.
  • Unlike the telephone, e-mail allows users to
    transfer files and documents.
  • Communication can take place whenever and
    wherever users choose, freeing correspondents
    from the office and minimizing the time
    difference between correspondents in distant
  • E-mail can reduce time spent in meetings by
    educating staff on issues before the meeting, or
    it can eliminate the need for the meeting
  • E-mail allows the user to contact many users at
    once, eliminating production and postage costs.

Sending effective email
  • Be concise keep it one page
  • Use descriptive subject headers
  • Use shorter paragraphs
  • Use 70 char per line
  • Use discretion when quoting
  • Be polite and respectful
  • Be swift
  • Proof-read and spell check before sending
  • Continue to network through other means
  • Do not respond in anger
  • Let sender know of misdirected mail
  • Do not forward without senders permission

What you need to Build a Basic Web Site
  • Computer
  • Internet Access
  • Web Space
  • Web Editor
  • Graphics Editor
  • Domain Name

Building an Accessible Website
  • Organize content
  • Clear and logical
  • Headings, lists and consistent Structure
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
  • Images
  • Provide text equivalents for non-text elements

Building an Accessible Website
  • Hypertext Links
  • Use text that makes sense when read out of
    context (e.g. avoid Click Here)
  • Headings, lists and consistent Structure
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
  • Frames
  • Dont use them!

Building an Accessible Website
  • Tables, Graphs, Charts
  • Use them!
  • Summarize
  • Check your work
  • Validate

Tips for Avoiding Bad Web Design
  • Words, words, words
  • Less is more
  • Make your most important point first
  • If you have a lot to say, give your visitor a
    synopsis, and then a link to the full article
  • Unreadable text
  • Do not use a tiny font size
  • Do not use a color that blends or clashes with
    the background color

Tips for Avoiding Bad Web Design
  • Huge pictures and graphics
  • Too much download time
  • Use a graphic-optimizing program to downsize
  • If you have a lot to say, give your visitor a
    synopsis, and then a link to the full article
  • Long pages
  • One or two screens of material per page
  • Provide navigation

Tips for Avoiding Bad Web Design
  • Blinking, Twinkling, Twirling Images
  • Can get annoying
  • Ask yourself if the movement works with the
    images to convey your idea

Why get Online? To Find Out
  • How to get funding for a position
  • Where to find certain government documents
  • What to remember when creating a database
  • Where to find grants to buy a computer system

Why get Online? To Find Out
  • Info about a problem with a word processing tool
  • Tips for creating a newsletter
  • Cool graphics
  • How to connect with other nonprofit organizations
  • How to get volunteers

Online Tips and Resources
  • Time-saving search strategies
  • Listservs and Internet Mailing Lists
  • Databases and websites for nonprofits

Time-saving search strategies
  • Be specific
  • Enter exact phrase you are looking for
  • Do not use all-CAPS unless what you are looking
    for specifically uses them

Listservs and Internet Mailing Lists
  • Build community through the internet
  • Forward the same message to many people at once
  • Receive many messages at once in a compiled and
    organized fashion
  • Set up both by organizations and individuals

Listservs and Internet Mailing Lists
  • Listservs function in two basic ways
  • Announcement
  • Receive-only Lists
  • Discussion
  • Moderated Lists
  • Unmoderated Lists

Listservs and Internet Mailing Lists
  • Lists can serve different functions
  • Information Lists
  • Dialogue Lists
  • Project Lists
  • Create your own Listserv
  • Yahoo Groups
  • Yahoo Briefcase 30MB of storage space

Mailing List resources
  • TechSoups Listserv Resource List
  • Google Groups (
  • Easy to use search archive of Usenet discussion

Databases and Websites for Nonprofits
  • Idealist
  • Guidestar
  • TechSoup
  • Volunteer Match
  • Local volunteer centers
  • 800-VOLUNTEER (800-865-8683)

  • A program or piece of code that is loaded onto
    your computer without your knowledge and runs
    against your wishes.
  • Most viruses can also replicate themselves.
  • All computer viruses are manmade.
  • Can make a copy of itself over and over again is
    relatively easy to produce. Even such a simple
    virus is dangerous because it will quickly use
    all available memory and bring the system to a
  • An even more dangerous type of virus is one
    capable of transmitting itself across networks
    and bypassing security systems

Importance of Virus Protection
  • Install virus protection software on all
    computers and download the definitions on a
    regular basis.
  • Prevention is much easier than cleaning up an
    infected system.
  • Email is a vehicle to bring virus.
  • Don't wait until your entire organization is
    infected with an ugly virus that can delete all
    your data to learn more about viruses!

Keys to Virus Prevention
  • Use Anti-Virus Software
  • Update Virus Definitions at lease Every Month
  • Be Very Careful of Attachments
  • Check All Incoming Data Disks
  • Perform Regular Backups
  • Run Windows Update or Apple Software Update

Prevent Email Virus
  • Disable or Uninstall Windows Scripting Host
  • Symantecs noscript.exe will disable scripting
  • Make File Extensions Visible
  • Disable Scripts Running from within Email
  • Woody Leonhard's free "Cure for Love" utility

  • Symantec Anti-Virus Research Center
  • http// 
  • Symantec's noscript utility
  • http// 
  • Norton AntiVirus tutorials
  • http//

  • McAfee Anti-Virus Center
  • http// 
  • Symantec Product Donation Information
  • Symantec Donation
  • Grisoft AVG 6.0 Free Edition -- Free Personal
    AntiVirus software
  • http//

  • CERT
  • http//
  • The Virus Myths Home Page
  • http// 
  • Yahoo's Listing of Virus Resources
  • http//

  • "Cure for Love" utility to detect and prevent
    script viruses
  • http// 
  • Microsoft Office Service Release 1a
  • http//
  • Backing up your data
  • ONE/Northwest's Backup Info 

Recycling Computers
  • Computer Recycling Center (http// )
  • Dells Managing Product End-of-Life
    50_environ.htm )
  • IBMs PC Recycling Service (http//
    /environment/products/pcrservice.phtml )
  • Share the Technology (http//www.sharetechnology.o
  • PEP (Parents, Educators, Publishers)
    index.html )
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