Title: MH-20: The Korean War
1MH-20 The Korean War
2Korean War-Overview
- North Korea invaded the South 0430 25 June 1950
- Advanced rapidly down SK Peninsulagt Pusan
- NK showed Maneuver warfare was alive well
- At least for the first year of the war
- North Koreas invasion caught US unprepared
- SECDEF Johnson had gutted military readiness
- He had cut all but Air Forces strategic budget
- US resolve was watched closely by entire world
- Failure of the US to act would discourage allies
encourage foes (to threaten Europe) - Gen MacArthur would turn things around
- Established Pusan Perimeter Inchon Landing
- But Truman, tempted fate by expanding US/UN
war aims to unify Korea under So. Korea - Result US threat to Yalu prompted China to act
- MacArthurs attempt to expand war prompted Truman
to replace him with General Ridgeway - Ridgeways counter-offensive pushed NK back
- Armistice talks drew War out for 2 more years
- NTL direct military nuclear escalation avoided
3Military Strategy serving Political Goals
- Military strategy then became aligned
w/political negotiations - Small limited engagements made
for small advantage - Used as bargaining chips for truce
talks at Panmunjom - As result Korean Wars strategic
aim limited gt - Attain political goals primarily
at bargaining table - Instead of tactical or operational
advances on the Battle Field - Military strategy tactics limited
to serve political goals only - This different approach was a major
change from that of WWII - The reason had much to do with the state of US
military readiness following WWII
4Post-WWII Demobilization Military Readiness
- US Readiness to deal with limited conflict
quickly - US post-War focus in Pacific
- Occupation duty in Japan
- Unit training combat cohesion virtually
nonexistent - Combat readiness woefully inadequate
- Political diplomatic status of Korea given
lower status - Korea was outside US stated defense perimeter in
Pacific - US focus in Pacific Japan (for Asia)
- US 1st priority globally?
- Meanwhile NK (Kim Il Sung) establish well
trained Army - 135K capable trained Army
- Prepared for invasion (eventual) unification of
Korea - Soviets concurred with North Koreas invasion
plan - Also both surprised by US reaction response
- Misled by Dean Rusks ill advised public policy
statement on Asia - Both US South Korea totally unprepared for NK
5North Korean Invasion (25 June 1950)
- North Korea crosses 38th parallel and invades on
broad front - 3rd 4th NK Divisions attack South
Korean west coast - Operational tactical Objectives
- Take Seoul rout South Korean Army gt push them
to the south - 2nd/7th Divisions drive south Yoju
Wonju to East - 5th Division attacks to take Samchok
- Second echelon regiments follow initial invasion
forces - Prepare for deep penetration through lead
elements - Objective South Korean rear areas
- Result ringing tactical success
- Quickly rout ROK defenders
6U.S. Response
- US ROK forces fall back in disarray
- Outgunned by North Korea
- Attempt to delay NK advance
- US political response
- Surprise, embarrassment, anger, resolve
- Truman determined US (w/UN) will defend South
Korea - Problem? (with what when how soon?)
- UN designates US as executive agent
- Who does Truman assign as his commander?
7Mission Operational Strategy
- CINCUNCs mission?
- Halt North Koreas advance eject its forces
from South Korea - What is CINCUNCs Operational Strategy for this
mission? - Slow NK advance to provide time
- (time for what?)
- Re-enforcement from Japan to build up on Pusan
Peninsula - Then counterattack on NKs rear flanks
8Concept of Operations Execution
- Operational Concept
- Delay NKs advance at
Suwon-Taijon Axis How- with what? - Task Force ?___________
- (1/2 Battalion!) to defend line
- Make stand 5km North of Osan
- Against tanks? Level of (over) confidence?
- Execution
- 5 July NK attacks w/2nd wave follow-on frontal
attacks - high casualties all around
- TF Smith forced to withdraw
(surrounded flee many MIAs) - Later TF Smiths sacrifice became symbol of what?
- Initial ?______ ___________
- Lack of adequate support ?___________
9Establishing Pusan Perimeter
- NK forces advances while US ROK forces resist
- Sacrifice of TF Smith buys time to organize delay
- LTG Walkers 8th Army
- 24th, then 25th Divisions delay
NK advance - Fighting withdrawal to form perimeter around
Pusan - Pusan becomes vital port for re-enforcements
re-supply - Rushed in a race against time
10Inchon Landing
- MacArthurs high risk Inchon invasion w/10th
Corps - USMC 1st Division w/untrained 7th division in
reserve - Attitude of JCS, Navy amphibious experts
Landing force Commander? - Difficulties surrounding attempted landing?
- Timing of 30 foot ?_____ ______
- Wolmi-do island also posed potential threat to
invading forces flank
11Inchon Landing Execution
- For the most part- as planned
- Benefit of high risk operations
- Strategic tactical surprise
- NK caught totally by surprise now out gunned
cut off - Offer stiff resistance but soon forced to
retreat back to 38th ll
12Inchon Landing Results
- Results Total success-
- NK LOCs completely cut off
- Strategic situation completely reversed
- Strategic initiative now shifts to US
13Changing War Aims
- Initial War Aims?
- Eject NK from South Korea
- Force them back over
- When changed how? 38th parallel
- Following Inchon radically changed strategic
situation - NSC councils advice to Truman
- DOD (JCS MacArthur) position advice?
- ?___ ___ _____!
- Mission Creep?
- Expanded aim unify Korean Peninsula under South
Korea - Strategy Drive north attack destroy NK Army
14The China Card
- Chinas response unheeded warnings
intelligence - CICUNC intelligence (J-2) breakdown
- Selective perception
- Discounts Korean recon team reports of Chinese
build-up - Chinese volunteers at the Yalu
- MacArthurs assurances to Truman at Wake
- Chinese wont attack
- When Chinese attack gt whos surprised
15Strategic Situation Reversed
- Nov50- Jan51 strategic situation reversed
(again) - Americans SK forces fall back in retreat (8th
Army in West ) - 10th Corps (1st USMC 7th in East (retreat
Chosin Reservoir) - Only US CAS allow 8th Army 10th corps to barely
escape - Col Chesty Puller, USMC, would lead with
16Chosin Reservoir- The Retreat
17US Global Strategic Priorities
- MacArthurs reaction desired response?
- Expand and ?___________ the Wargt bomb
?___________ - US (Truman/JCS) strategic priorities
- Europe!
- View NK invasion as diversion sanctioned by USSR
- Confine conflict to Korean Peninsula (at least
Asia) - Truman determined not to allow war to spread or
escalate - (Avoid spread to China especially Europe
- As Operational situation in Korea grows grim
- Truman hints potential A-bomb use
- NATO (Britain) allies become seriously concerned
- British PM Attlee visits Truman to gain
assurances - Questions US direction of the War
18War Aims Strategy Adjustments
- Result War aims strategy changed again
- PM Attlee Truman reach compromise agreement
- Europe first! gt Asia (Korea) distant second
- Adjusted aims grand strategy
- Both confirm commitment to fight along side South
Korea - 1. Operational Aim establish strong defense line
hold it - 2. Negotiate settlement from position of strength
- 3. Finally throughout conflict keep the war
limited - Both in intensity and geographic region
- Impact on MacArthurs desired Operational
Strategy? - Macs operational objectives in direct conflict
w/this compromise - And therefore with US (Truman) UN political
strategic aims - Truman ordered Mac to change his Op strategy to
19Strategic Defense
- From Strategic Offense to
Strategic Defense - Korean unification shelved
- Political negotiated settlement now pursued
- MacArthurs reaction response
- Goes head to head with the Commander in Chief
- (Not recommended)
- Undermines Presidents political aims for
(MacArthurs) military objectives - Criticized Trumans defensive strategy in
letter to GOP Congressman - There is no substitute for victory
- He would soon be relieved and sent back home-
into retirement
20Ridgeway Operation Killer
- LTG Ridgeway takes 8th Army following Walkers
death - Reinvigorates troops
- Waits for opportunity to strike
- Seizes opening launches counter-attack
- Pushes NK back digs in to await another opening
- Launches several follow-on operations
- Pushes North Korean back over 38th parallel
- Meanwhile Truman seeks to take advantage of
Ridgeways success - Plans speech to offer negotiated
settlement w/China - Mac had undermined presidential
prerogative paid the price - Command changed result
- Ridgeway replaced Mac Gen Van Fleet takes 8th
21Mobile Warfare Ends
- Chinese NK counterattacks April 1951
- Drive X-corps 2 ROK Corps south of 38th
Parallel - Van Fleet seizes opportunity counterattacks in
West into right flank of advancing enemy - 8th Army attacks along entire line
- Chinese surprised withdraws into NK north of
38th Parallel - Mobile warfare ends (May51) at established front
Battle line
22End Game Negotiations Stalemate
- Truman-Attlee agreement precluded conventional
victory - Implicit war aim cease-fire in place
- June 1951 Negotiations start
- Bog down for awhile over protocol issues
- July 1951 Agenda finally set
- Fix demarcation line (DMZ)
- Set terms for Truce supervision
- Protocols for POW return
- Recommendations to warring parties
- UN Forces attempt to take tactical advantage
- Establish strong defensive position
- Capture key terrain point gt
- Objective establish strong negotiating position
- Then gt conduct active defense hold gains
23Communist Response
- Communist take advantage of UNs proposed 30 day
deadline - Dig in establish strong in-depth defense line
- Creates stalemate gt static warfare (WW1)
- Ensured static situation for rest of war
- Therefore Chinese NK outmaneuvered US
politically - Result ground action mobility deteriorates
- NTL Air Naval interdiction continues to apply
pressure on NK
24Small Units Actions
- Both sides compete for small incremental gains in
difficult terrain - Purpose gain small advantage at bargaining table
- 1951-52 Series of night actions patrol level
firefights at fwd outposts - Pork Chop Hill, T-Bone Hill, White House, etc
25Operation Erie
- Operation Erie gt
- Violent Chinese assault on fwd US position
- Typical example of tactics serving politics
- (And troops paying the price as bargaining chips
for political ends)
26Obstacles to Truce POWs
- Truce talks at Panmunjom
- Most all issues settled except?
- ?____________ disposition (issue?)
- UN insists ?_________________ should decide where
to go following truce - China NK position?
- Forced ?_________________
- Results of Red Cross poll remain in SK
- China NK reactiongt incredulous (many former
captured SKs) - Koje-do incident involving hardcore NK (inhibit
defectors) - China NK exploit as propaganda against UN
27Ikes Election Its Impact
- Ike concurred with Trumans strategic aim
- Agreed to negotiated settlement in principle
- But with incentives to Chinese (?)
- Strategic bombing of NK ?__________ authorized
- JCS directed to plan for mobile plans
- Widen war geographically (into China)
in intensity - Signals his intent to use A-Bomb (B-29 Bombers
deployed) - Stalins death changes focus
strategic priorities
for Soviets - ALCON decide it is time to settle
- Concentrate on next USSR leadership
28Assessing Limited War
- Review of Policy, Doctrine, Strategy
- Kennans Long Telegram Truman Doctrine
- Containment Policy associated strategy
- Marshall Plan, NATO, NSC-68
- Korean War costs
- Casualties
- Chinese NK estimated
causalities1.5-2M - 1 million civilian deaths
- UN 88K KIA (23,300 US) 300K SK
- DMZ remains tense potential battle ground- even
today - NK raids agent infiltrations continued
throughout - Terrorism, sabotage, abduction, WMD development
- War by Proxy
- Korean War intensified conflict between
superpowers - Potential to escalate to Nuclear level conflict
at hand - Threat of spreading to other theaters gt Europe
29Rising Defense Spending
- High costs for military unpreparedness
- NSC-68 validated by North Koreas invasion
- US caught by surprise unprepared gt decided
never again - DOD Budget dramatically increased
- Permanent US standing armed forces established
- Largest in US history
- (No more Task Force Smiths type trip wires)
- Combat Ready Force trained ready to deploy
- No mobilization time required
- European forward deployment ( to South Korea)
- Peacetime Draft until after Vietnam
- Military scientific industrial complex expanded
nurtured - National global economic impact ( for defense
30End Result
- Korean War became a model for future wars
- Established major precedence
- Limited War (w/o A-Bomb) now considered possible
- Conflict of limited scope violence for limited
aims - Communist exploitation of limited war
- Stressed a Political vice
strategy - Delay propaganda used
effectively - Win at bargaining table
what cant be won in combat - Political aims of limited war must be a
calculated priority - When confronting future conflicts- especially in
31Back-up Slides
32Korean War (1950-1953)
- North Korea invaded the South 0430 25 June 1953
- As they advanced rapidly down Korean Peninsula gt
- Demonstrated Maneuver warfare was alive well
- At least for the first year of the war
- Both sides maneuvered back forth for 1st year
gt - then entrenched stalemate like WW1 re-emerged
- Overview of the course of the war in a
33Strategic Overview of Key Events
34Korean War
- From a US perspective, the Soviets engaged the US
indirectly through NK China