Title: Bild 1
1Håkan MarklundMonitoring sectionEnvironmental
monitoring and supervisionSwedish EPA
2Reporting 2005
A report showing that the member states actually
are afoot
3The directive says
- Reporting 22 mars 2005
- DDescription of status pressure and impact, an
estimate of which water bodies is at risk to not
fulfil the objectives, and economic analysis - TThis evaluation will give us a platform for
future work concerning monitoring, measures etc.
4Reality says
- Status and impact shall be evaluated by
biological quality elements - BBut we have to few data
- DDue to lack of relevant monitoring
sitesNational program 100 lakes 100rivers
100 groundwater
5Reality also says
- The estimate shall be monitored as a deviation
from a type specific value - HHowever the types are not yet identified and
there by not the references either. - HHowever the intercalibration is not completed so
a classification is not possible.
6Quality elements
7Quality elements
Fisk Ej kust
Näring N P
Salthalt Ej kust NaCl
Syre O2
Försurning Endast sötvatten
Prioriterade ämnen
Förorenande Ämnen
8Lakes gt1 km2 watercourses gt15 km
9- SSelect 1500 reporting areas for surface waters
- FFind available data
- CCompile sheets corresponding to threats hot
(Eutrofication, acidification, metals, organic
substances and biological quality elements and
when available, hydro morphology - AAnd finally make an over all judgement
10Most of water bodies in high or good status No
Some water bodies in good status some in
moderate. Further investigation
Most of water bodies in moderate or worse
status Measures
11Karakterisering 2005 en plattform
Follow up characterisation Collect data Develop
a management plan
Quality criterias Typ-anpassning
Legislation Föreskrifts- arbete/AR Utarbetandet
av normer
12Quality criterias 2005 ?
- To develop type specific quality criteria's
- Inter calibration of available systems
- To develop criteria's thats missing i.e. hydro
morphology, priority substances
Will all get satisfied?