The World in 1500 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The World in 1500


Move was Across the Land Bridge Beringia ... The Inuit hunted things such as Caribou and made arrow heads from things like bones and antlers. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The World in 1500

Chapter 1
  • The World in 1500

Crossing to America
  • Section 1

The First People in America
  • Scientist believe that the first Americans
    Migrated here from Asia.
  • Not sure when this took place
  • Move was Across the Land Bridge Beringia
  • Other Scientist believe people came to America
    over 30,000 years ago.
  • Found artifacts to prove this theory
  • Came by many routes over thousands of years
  • Came by boat, from island to island

Agriculture Leads to Civilization
  • Culture is a way of life shared by people with
    similar arts, beliefs and customs
  • First Americans were believed to be hunters and
  • Domestication led to things such as farming and
    allowing a civilization to remain in one place.
  • This led to permanent villages .
  • Farmers were able to produce large harvests so
    that fewer people needed to farm
  • People began different practices such as weaving
    or pot making and some became religious leaders.

  • Civilizations have five features
  • Cities that are centers of trade
  • Specialized jobs for different people
  • Organized forms of government and religion
  • A system of record keeping
  • Advanced tools

Early Mesoamerican Civilizations
  • The Olmec people first began in 1200 BC in a
    region from Present day Central Mexico to
  • Olmec set up a system of trade routes and built
    large mounds shaped like pyramids
  • In 400 BC the Olmec abandoned their cities.
    Scientist do not know why to this day.

Early Mesoamerican Civilizations
  • The Maya people had developed a great
    civilization about 650 years after the Olmec
    around A.D. 250
  • They too built pyramid mounds topped by temples
  • From artifacts it shows that the Maya had a
    calendar system that was yearly.
  • They were the first to develop a number system
    using zero and had written language using
  • By 900 the Maya had disappeared, scientist
    believe it was because of revolts, disease or
    crop failure that caused the society to fail.

Hohokam and Anasazi
  • Hohokam lived in present day Arizona from 300
    B.C. to about A.D. 1400.
  • The Hohokam altered their desert environment by
    building hundreds of miles of canals to carry
    river water to their crops called irrigation.
  • Hohokam raised corn, beans and squash. Gathered
    wild plants and hunted.
  • They traded with people in Mexico, the southwest
    and California.
  • Their pottery and religious practices show
    influence from Mesoamerican culture- learned
    through trade.

Hohokam and Anasazi
  • Anasazi began about A.D. 100 and lived where
    Utah, Arizona, Colorado and New Mexico now meet.
  • They were mainly farmers and traded widely
  • The Anasazi build houses with hundreds of rooms.
  • For protection they placed buildings against
    overhanging canyon walls
  • Spanish explores called the houses pueblos
    meaning villages
  • In 1300, either drought or Warfare caused the
    Anasazi to leave their homes

Mound Builders
  • Mound Builders were early Native Americans who
    built large earthen structures.
  • The Adena and the Hopewell are the two oldest.
  • Little is known of the Adena
  • The Hopewell lived from 400 B.C. to A.D. 400 in
    the midwest. They grew corn like the Hohokam.
  • They had a large trade network stretching from
    the Atlantic to the Rocky mountains.
  • Their mounds served as burial sites

Societies of North America
  • Section 2

Native American Diversity
  • By 1500 Native Americans had divided into
    hundreds of cultures with 2000 languages.
  • Each group adapted to its own environment which
    shaped its economy, technology and religion.
  • Environment affected Religion. Native Americans
    believed that certain places were sacred and that
    animals, plants and Natural forces had spiritual

People of North and Northwest Coast.
  • The Aleut and Inuit were people from the Far
  • Aleut lived on Islands off Alaska and the Inuit
    lived near the coast on Tundra
  • Because the Climate was so cold, they were
    hunters of the Icy seas spearing whales, seals
    and walruses.
  • The Inuit hunted things such as Caribou and made
    arrow heads from things like bones and antlers.

People of the West
  • People of the west included tribes from
    California, Columbia Plateau and the Great Basin
  • The people of the west survived mainly by hunting
    and gathering.
  • The men hunted deer and elk while the women
    gathered wild foods, nuts and berries. Western
    groups usually moved with the seasons to collect
  • People of the west were very spiritual and held
    ceremonies for large food supply. Others held
    dances to ask for rain and good hunting.

People of Mexico
  • Aztecs ruled a great civilization of which is now
    Central Mexico.
  • Their origin is unclear but they may have been
    hunters and gatherers.
  • Around 1100 they migrated into the valley of
  • Around 1325 they began to build their capitol
    city of Tenochititlan.

People of Mexico
  • Things that allowed the Aztecs to become a strong
  • Drained swamps and built an irrigation system
    enabling them to grow food.
  • Warlike people who conquered most of their
  • They had a class system
  • Elaborate religious ceremonies linked to their
    calendar and they studied the sun, moon and stars
  • Feeding the Sun God human Blood.

People of the Southwest
  • Pueblo people were ancestors of the Hohokam and
  • Pueblo people used irrigation to alter their
    region for farming.
  • Lived in strong adobe houses.
  • Raised corn, beans and squash and hunted game and
    raised turkeys for meat.

People of the Southwest
  • The Navajo and the Apache were nomadic people who
    came to the region.
  • They were hunters and gathers, relied on game,
    cactus, roots and pinon nuts
  • They often traded with the Pueblo for supplies
    they needed.
  • Navajo over time adopted farming and other Pueblo

People of the Great Plains
  • Plains people were from the Mississippi River to
    the Rocky mountains
  • Some plains groups were nomads, those that
    werent lived by rivers that allowed them to farm
  • They hunted Bison by foot by stampeding the herd
    over a cliff either killing or disabling the
  • They ate the meat, used the hides for clothes and
    bones for tools
  • Spiritual beliefs varied
  • Some would hold animals sacred
  • Others danced the Sun Dance asking the creator
    for Aid

People of the Southeast
  • Area stretches from east Texas to the Atlantic
  • Plentiful rainfall
  • Climate led to Chactaw, Chickasaw and other
    groups becoming farmers
  • Grew corn, beans, squash and pumpkins
  • Women did most of the farming while men hunted
    fished and cleared land
  • Gatherings at central squares for meetings and
    religious ceremonies
  • Green Corn festival

People of the Eastern Woodlands
  • People living in this area spoke either Iroquoian
    or Algonquian language
  • Slash and Burn Agriculture
  • Practice of farmers cutting down trees in a
    forest to clear a plot of land. The ashes would
    enrich the soil

People of the Eastern Woodlands
  • Algonquin lived in wigwams or domelike houses
  • For protection both the Iroquois and Algonquin
    surrounded their villages with high fences made
    with poles.
  • Often need protection not only from enemies but
    from themselves. Other neighboring tribes would
    attack villages for food and captives

People of the Eastern Woodlands
  • Around the 1500s five Iroquois nations took
    advice from Deganawida and formed an alliance
    called the Iroquois league
  • Followed the rules of the Great Law of Peace
  • The Iroquois were a matrilineal society
  • If the leader did something wrong, he could be
    voted out by the women of the society

Section 3
  • Societies of West Africa

African Geography and World Trade
  • Second largest continent behind Asia
  • Three quarters of Africa lies within the tropics
  • Dense rain forests
  • By 1500 A.D. coastal ports had linked Africa with
    the rest of the world
  • Ships from the Mediterranean and Red Sea carried
    goods to Arabia and Persia

Ghana Grows Wealthy
  • West Africa was connected to the wider world
    because of camel caravans
  • First African nation to become rich through trade
  • Became a marketplace for traders going North and
    South looking for salt and gold
  • Ghanas king became rich through trade by putting
    a tax on all gold and salt coming through

Islam enters Ghana
  • Muslims are followers of the religion of Islam
  • Islam teaches that there is one God named Allah
  • Muslim empires of North Africa wanted to convert
    Ghanas people to Islam and control the gold
  • This lessened Ghanas power.

Mali replaces Ghana
  • Mali had taken over most of Ghanas territory
  • Because Mali was farther south than Ghana, it was
    better able to control the trade on the upper
    Niger River
  • Malis first great ruler was Sundiata who reigned
    from about 1230-1255
  • Came to power by crushing a cruel unpopular
  • Mansa Musa- came to power in 1312
  • Devout muslim who under his leadership empire
    became one of the largest in the world

The Empire of Songhai
  • Leader was Sunni Ali
  • Under Ali, captured city of Timbuktu
  • Set up organized system of government
  • After Ali, Askia Muhammad came to power and
    governed the empire for 35 years

Other West African Kingdoms
  • Hausa- emerged in 1000
  • Thrived on trade
  • Yoruba- lived in the forests southwest of the
    Niger River
  • Benin- known famous for its art
  • In 1400, Portuguese arrive and set up trade
    center near Benin City.

Section 4
  • Societies of Europe

Feudalism in Europe
  • Feudalism is a political system in which a king
    allows nobles or lords to used lands belonging to
    the king. In return, the lords owe the king
    military service and protection for the people on
    the land.
  • Manor system- lords dividing up their land into
    manors or large estates that were farmed by serfs

Revival of Trade
  • Trade was revived with a stability to society
  • Merchants felt safe to travel again
  • Population increased which lead to a demand for
    goods to increase
  • The people who were serfs ran away to towns and
    became craftsman and merchants selling different
    things for each other

Trade with the East
  • Italian cities traded with other ports
  • War spurred trade
  • The Crusades, a series of wars to capture the
    holy land, brought about bringing goods from the
    middle east
  • After the crusades, Italians continued trading
    with the Muslim people.

The Decline of Feudalism
  • The growth of trade and towns weakened feudalism
  • So many serfs left the manors for town life
    shrinking the power of the lords and fewer people
    to control.
  • The Bubonic plague swept across Europe killing
    1/4th of the pop. And reducing the workers

The Decline of Feudalism
  • As lords lost power, kings became stronger.
  • They won support of townspeople because they
    could raise large armies to enforce laws.
  • The townspeople supported the kings by paying

The Renaissance and Reformation
  • Italy- Birthplace of the Renaissance- a time of
    increased interest in art and learning.
  • Spread from Italy, all throughout Europe
  • Printing press- invented in 1455 by Johannes
    Gutenburg- allowed people to print pages

The Renaissance and Reformation
  • Martin Luther- German monk who publicly
    criticized the church in his 95 statements
  • This began the period of Reformation
  • A movement to correct the problems in the church.
  • Split the church into two groups- Catholics and
    the protestants

Changes in Trade
  • Renaissance period also brought change in trade
  • Use more exact ways of keeping records of
    businesss income and costs
  • Determined profit
  • Italians used military strength to control trade
    on the Med. Sea
  • Other European countries found different routes
    to Asia, diff. from Italian routes.

Section 5
  • Early European Explorers

A Water Route to Asia
  • Caravel- a ship with Triangular sails as well as
    square sails
  • Caravel was better than other European ships
  • Bartholomeu Dias reached the southern tip of
  • Vasco De Gama- found an alternate route to Asia
  • Allowed Portugal to trade with Asia

Columbuss Plan
  • Christopher Columbus thought he had a faster way
    to Asia.
  • Columbus thought you could sail west and it would
    be faster
  • Listened to Marco Polo and Paolo Toscanelli
  • Thought Asia was farther from west to east
  • Underestimated the size of the Globe

Columbuss Plan
  • In 1483, Columbus asked the King of Portugal to
    finance a voyage
  • Kings advisors opposed the plan
  • Reminded the king of the progress they were
    making sailing down coast of Africa
  • King was persuaded not to finance the voyage

Help from Spains Rulers
  • King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella liked
    Columbuss plan.
  • Wanted a share of the riches from Asian trade
  • Three reasons why Spains advisors didnt want to
  • Doubted Columbuss calculations
  • Spain was in a costly war
  • Columbus wanted a high payment for his services

Help from Spains Rulers
  • Columbus wanted to be Admiral of the ocean and a
    of any wealth he brought from Asia.
  • In 1492, the Spanish conquered the Muslim
    stronghold- Had money to finance the trip.
  • The King and Queen agreed to finance
  • Columbus prepared to set sail

Setting Sail
  • Columbus struggled finding a crew at first
  • A respected local shipowner signed on as captain
    of the Pinta, other crew members followed
  • 90 men loaded the ships with enough food for one
  • Set Sail August 3, 1492
  • After 10 weeks, the men were becoming worried,
    not seen land and afraid of starving

Reaching the Americas
  • Columbus had believed he had reached the Indies
  • Taino greeted Columbus and his men, Columbus
    called them Indians
  • Named the Island San Salvador
  • Took possession of the island
  • Reached the Island of Hispaniola
  • Found gold and other precious objects
  • This convinced Columbus he had reached Asia

Reaching the Americas
  • Columbus decided to return home, leaving 39 of
    his men on the Island.
  • They already stole from the Taino.
  • When Columbus returned, The Taino had killed the
  • Spanish rulers brought him to the royal court to
    report on the voyage
  • No Europeans knew he had reached a continent that
    was unknown

(No Transcript)
An Expanding Horizon
  • Columbus made 3 more trips to the Americas
  • Failed to bring riches back to Spain and failed
    to bring Christianity to the new people.
  • Died in 1506, still believing he had reached Asia
    and bitter for not receiving fame or fortune
  • Columbuss voyage gave Europeans a reason to not
    see the Ocean as a Barrier.
  • Columbuss explorations began an era of great
    wealth and power for Spain.
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