Title: THE RESTORATION, 1815-1830
- In France, marked by a bitter political struggle
between - Ultraroyalists
- Wanted to wipe out everything the French
Revolution achieved - Various liberal groups
- Wanted to preserve best reforms of 1789-1815
- Louis XVIII stood in between two extremes
- In sympathy with ultras but knew their goal would
end in disaster - Hence his moderation
- Recognized major achievements of revolutionary
years - Guaranteed equality before the law
- Retained Napoleonic Code
- Confirmed titles to owners of confiscated land
- Preserved Concordat
- But it did not determine where real political
power resided - Especially ambiguous regarding precise powers of
new bicameral legislature - Chamber of Peers (members appointed for life)
- Chamber of Deputies (elected by 100,000 of the
largest landowners
- Charter invested king with executive power but
did not clearly invest legislature with
legislative power - Only king could initiate legislation
- Legislature could reject or approve a bill but
could not change it without kings consent - Ministers were considered officers of the king
and were not responsible to the legislature - But principle of ministerial responsibility did
become established during Restoration - Although the king new formally conceded this right
- Monarchy and its supporters insisted that the
source of all political power was the king - Others, to a limited degree, argued that the
source of political power was the people and
their elected representatives in the legislature - Never worked out a formal and explicit compromise
- Instead, an uneasy, unspoken true developed
between the two views - Neither side ever actually conceded anything to
the other in a formal way but instead simply
allowed things to develop in a certain way
without formal resistance - Danger was that, in the future, one side might
push too hard and force the other into a corner
where it would have no other choice but to resist
5FIRST PERIOD, 1815-1816
- Ultras won majority in Chamber of Deputies
- Proceeded to embarrass Louis XVIII by announcing
their intention to abolish a number of
institutions established between 1789-1815 and
restore confiscated land to former owners - Louis dissolves Chamber and calls for new
Count dArtois Head of the Ultraroyalists
6SECOND PERIOD 1816-1820
- Period of general calm
- Ended with assassination of Duc de Berry
- Son of Count dArtois
- Assassin motivated by desire to end Bourbon line
- Didnt work Count de Chambord born nine months
after event
7THIRD PERIOD 1820-1830
- Era of increasing tension and repression
- Louis XVIII took less and less active role in
government - Died in 1824
- Count dArtois becomes new king
- Charles X
- Berry assassination used as excuse for imposing
restrictions on the press and revising electoral
laws - Count de Villèle
- Prime minister 1822-1828
- Ultras control Chamber of Deputies
- Passed Law of Indemnity
- Compensated nobles for loss of their estates
during French Revolution - Compensation was financed by reducing interest on
government bonds
Count de Villèle
- Law of Sacrilege
- 1823
- Imposed death penalty for offenses of an
allegedly sacreligious character and for the
theft of religious objects - Appeared to put the state at the service of the
Church - Villèle undermined state educational system
established by Napoleon - Placed bishop at head of the system and fired
liberal teachers - Encouraged growth of Catholic seminaries outside
of the state system - Competed with state schools and undermined
prestige and financial equilibrium of state system
- Opposition grew to Villèle ministry
- Liberal newspapers contributed to this
- Liberal political society founded in 1827
- Aide-toi, et le ciel taidera formed to spread
liberal propaganda - New elections in 1827 result in victory of
moderate royalists over Ultras - King fires Villèle and replaces him with more
moderate Viscount de Martignac
Charles X
- Martinac relaxed reststrictions on press and
fired some notorious Ultras from civil service - But Ultras and liberal extremes harassed him
mercilessly - Providing Charles X with excused to fire him and
replace him with Prince de Polignac - One of the most diehard and fanatical Ultras in
country - Did not represent majority in Chamber of Deputies
in any way
Prince de Polignac
- Charles clearly intended to move country back as
close as possible to absolute monarchy - Dissolves Chamber of Deputies when they petition
for removal of Polignac - New elections of 1830 return larger number of
moderates to Chamber than in 1827 - Indicates most French voters, even though they
were wealthy and conservative, did not approve of
Charles intentions nor his methods
Nice dress!
- Charles issues July Ordinances before new
Chamber even meets - Dissolves new Chamber
- Established new electoral system that deprived
all members of the bourgeoisie of the right to
vote - Imposed rigid censorship of the press
- Announcement of the July Ordinances provoked an
insurrection in Paris - The July Revolution of 1830
- Revolution occurred with minimum of violence
- Because government had not anticipated any
trouble and made no preparations to resist - Three Glorious Days
- Began in Paris on July 26
- Workers, students and some republican agitators
build barricades on July 27 - By July 28, rebels took over city hall and raised
tri-color flag - King offered to fire Polignac but it was too late
for concessions
Liberty leading the People Eugene Delacroix
- Liberal leaders were afraid that events might get
out of hand - Favored a constitutional monarchy
- With Louis Philippe, Duc dOrleans, as king
- Cousin of Charles X
- Louis Philippe was ideal candidate for moderates
- Remained in France and had been officer in
revolutionary army until 1793 - Believed to hold liberal political views
Louis Philippe, Duc dOrleans
- Louis Philippe still viewed Charles X as
legitimate ruler until he renounced all claims to
the throne - Marquis de Lafayette intervened and convinced
Louis Philippe to accept crown - Accepted revised version of Charter of 1814
- Took title of King of the French
- Implied that he owed his throne to the popular
will - Revolution of 1830 was clear victory for the
concept of popular sovereignty over the principle
of absolute monarch
Marquis de Lafayette
King Louis Philippe
- Controlled by Habsburg Dynasty
- Especially by prime minister, Prince Klemens von
Metternich - Metternich had spies everywhere reporting on any
sort of evidence of liberalism or subversion
- In years after 1815 opposition was confined to
tiny minority of students, a few army officers, a
handful of liberal nobles, and a scattering of
merchants - Peasants were not concerned with political issue
- No numerically significant middle class yet
Prince Klemens von Metternich
- Opposition was more nationalist than it was
specifically liberal - In Austria, non-German groups demanded greater
use of their language in schools and
administration - In Italy and Germany, some wanted greater freedom
from Habsburg domination and a greater measure of
unity - Metternichs answer was always the same
- He ruthlessly suppressed them as threats to the
delicate equilibrium of the Habsburg Empire - Completely convinced that even the slightest
attempt to tamper with the structure of the
Habsburg government would bring everything
crashing down - Merely postponed the inevitable explosion
20Federal Diet Consisted of delegates appointed by
the rulers of each of the member states Met in
Frankfort-am-Main Function was undefined but it
was clear that it had been set up to be an
instrument for the exercise of Metternichs
influence throughout Germany
Germanic Confederation Loose confederation of 38
states (including Prussia and Austria)
- Number of German states had granted constitutions
to their subjects - Including Bavaria, Wurttemburg, and Baden
- Similar to French Charter of 1814
- Leadership for reform in Prussia came from Baron
Heinrich von Stein (1807-1808) and Baron Karl von
Hardenburg (1810-1817) - Both convinced that recovery from Napoleonic
defeats could only take place as a result of a
series of political and institutional reforms
Von Stein
Von Hardenburg
- Abolition of serfdom
- Reduction in class distinctions
- Non-nobles allowed to buy land and nobles allowed
to engage in trade and commerce - Introduction of a system of municipal
self-government - Improvements in primary and secondary education
- Establishment of the University of Berlin
- Military reforms
- Eliminated harsh physical punishments
- Encouraged promotion by merit
- Introduced conscription
- Frederick William III had promised during
Napoleonic wars to create a legislature and a
constitution which would establish representative
government in Prussia - Never happened
- Frederick William instead created Council of
State made up of royal princes, ministers, and
army commanders
Frederick William III
- German students organized Burschenschaften at
several German universities - Student societies inspired by Friedrich Ludwig
Jahn - Had organized gymnastic societies during the
Napoleonic Wars to bring about the physical and
moral regeneration of German youth - Nicknamed Turnvater Jahn
- Aggressive nationalist
- Preached hatred of things foreign
- Encourgaed disruptive behavior
- Anti-semitic
Friedrich Ludwig Jahn
- Burschenschaften members gathered at Wartburg
Castle in 1817 to celebrate 300th anniversary of
Luthers break with Rome and 4th anniversary of
Battle of the Nations - Speakers exhorted students to dedicate their
lives to the holy cause of union and freedom - Burned books by conservative and antinationalist
authors - In 1819, Karl Sand assassinated August von
Kotzebue, a reactionary playwright - Mentally disturbed Burschenschaften member
- Arrested and sentenced to death
- Prompts Metternich to issue Carlsbad Decrees
Karl Sand
- 1819
- Dissolved Burschenschaften
- Set up rigid censorship of the press
- Created elaborate system for rooting out
subversive individuals in schools and
universities - Political opposition almost completely disappears
after 1819 as a result - Never strong to begin with
- News of July Revolution of 1830 in France
inspired minor revolts in Baden, Saxony, and
Hesse-Cassel - Metternich convinced that they were part of
international radical conspiracy - Issues new series of decrees in 1832
- Following German Festival at Hambach where 25,000
people drank toasts to Lafayette and denounced
Metternich - Prohibited public meetings and strengthened
restrictions on universities
Festival at Hambach