Title: History of Germany, Week 8
1History of Germany, Week 8
- Teutonic Cultural Pessimism
2Eliass Kultur/Zivilisation antithesis
- Culture
- German
- Natural
- Middle-class
- Virtue
- German
- Individual
- Community
- Artistic
- Inwardness
- Civilisation
- French
- Artificial
- Aristocratic
- Courtesy
- Anglo-Saxon
- Mass
- Society
- Political
- Superficiality
Norbert Elias, The Civilising Process (1939/60)
3Immanuel Kant, 1724-1804, philosopher
- Rationality as means of self-determination
(Bildung) - Idealism (only reality is that of mental states)
- Phenomenology can only perceive world of
- The Passions of Young Werther (1774) love affair
leading to suicide - Cult of individualism and emotionality
- Sturm und Drang (storm and stress)
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, 1749-1832, writer
5Romanticism and Nature
- Symbolic interior landscapes
- Religious mysticism pantheism (cathedrals of
nature) - Quest for sublime infinite
- Emotion of viewer
- Caspar David Friedrich, 1774-1840, painter
6Caspar David Friedrich
- Cross in the Mountains, 1812
- Wanderer above the Sea of Fog, 1818
7Romanticism and Music
- Gesamtkunstwerk music, stage effects in The Ring
of the Nibelungen, 1876 - Chromatic overlayering of harmony to create
emotional wall of sound - Teutonic myths of Siegfried
- Anti-industrialism
- Anti-semitism in political writings
- Richard Wagner, 1813-83, operatic composer
8Stefan George
- Aestheticist poet believing in art for arts sake
- Symbolist poetry espouses aristocracy
self-sacrifice - Main symbols of stone or unnatural (the black
flower) connote death sacred - Artist as elite of new society
- Made into posthumous Nazi national poet
- Stefan George, 1868-1933, poet
9Stefan George, Algabal, 1892
- Mein garten bedarf nicht luft und nicht wärme
- Der garten den ich mir selber erbaut
- Und seiner vögel leblose schwärme
- Haben noch nie einen frühling geschaut.
- Von kohle die stämme, von kohle die äste
- Und düstere felder am düsteren rain
- Der früchte nimmer gebrochene läste
- Glänzen wie lava im pinien-hain.
- Ein grauer schein aus verborgener höhle
- Verrät nicht wann morgen wann abend naht
- Und staubige dünste der mandel-öle
- Schweben auf beeten und anger und saat.
- Wie zeug ich dich aber im heiligtume
- -So fragt ich wenn ich es sinnend durchmass
- In kühnen gespinsten der sorge vergass -
- Dunkle grosse schwarze blume?
- My garden needs not air nor warmth
- The garden which I built myself
- And its lifeless flights of birds
- Have never seen a spring.
- Of coal the trunks, of coal the branches
- And dark fields on the dark margin
- Of burdens never breaking fruit
- Glitter like lava in the pine grove.
- A grey glow from hidden cave
- Hints not when morn, nor evening draws nigh
- And dusty wreaths of almond oils
- Hang on flowerbeds and common and seed.
- How do I grow you in the sanctuary
- - So I asked when I paced it out in thought
- Forgetting in bold cocoons of care -
- Great dark black flower?
10Arthur Schopenhauer, 1788-1860, philosopher
- The World as Will and Idea, 1818
- Humans part of cosmic, evil will
- Main driving force in mankind will to life
11Ludwig Feuerbach, 1804-72, philosopher
- The Essence of Christianity, 1841
- Divinity as social, human construct
- God outward projection of human consciousness
12Friedrich Nietzsche, 1844-1900, philosopher
- Classical philologist
- Medical metaphors of sick civilisation
- Attacks Christian morality of meekness
- Supports aristocratic values of power
- Will to power
- Thus Spake Zarathustra, 1883-85
13Thoughts Out of Season, 1873-76
- Nietzsche attacks cultural philistines
- Journalism
- Democratic politics
- Genealogy of Morals
- Deconstruction of language
- Perspectivism
- Existence as becoming rather than being
14Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy, 1873
- Apollo
- God of music, art order
- Rationality
- Dionysos
- God of chaos, dance drinking
15Paul Anton de Lagarde, 1827-91, theologist
- German Writings, 1878-81
- God has destiny for each nation
- Germanic nation modelled on family artisans
- Germanic religion with pagan overtones
(Christianity too Judaic)
16Julius Langbehn, 1851-97, art critic
- Rembrandt as Educator, 1890
- Rembrandt as honorary German
- Germanic art folk art in touch with Volk
- Artistic truth more significant than scientific
17Arthur Moeller van den Bruck, 1876-1925, literary
- The Third Reich, 1923
- Rise of young nations (Germany, Russia) against
enfeebled older nations (France, Britain) - Culture is of the spirit and civilisation of the
18Oswald Spengler, 1880-1936, cultural critic
- Decline of the West, 1918
- Cyclical view of history
- "high cultures" Indian, Babylonian, Egyptian,
Chinese, Mayan-Aztec, Arabian, Greece Rome,
- The prime symbol of Western culture is the
"Faustian Soul" (from the tale of Doctor
Faustus), symbolizing the upward reaching for
nothing less than the "Infinite." This is
basically a tragic symbol, for it reaches for
what even the reacher knows is unreachable. It is
exemplified, for instance, by Gothic architecture
(especially the interiors of Gothic cathedrals,
with their vertical lines and seeming
"ceilinglessness"). - High Cultures are "living" things -- organic in
nature -- and must pass through the stages of
birth-development-fulfillment-decay-death. Hence
a "morphology" of history. All previous cultures
have passed through these distinct stages, and
Western culture can be no exception. In fact, its
present stage in the organic development-process
can be pinpointed. - The high-water mark of a High Culture is its
phase of fulfillment -- called the "culture"
phase. The beginning of decline and decay in a
Culture is the transition point between its
"culture" phase and the "civilization" phase that
inevitably follows. - Civilisation witnesses descent into mammon and
20Thomas Mann, 1875-1955, novelist
- Buddenbrooks, 1901 bourgeois family decaying
- Death in Venice, 1912 cholera epidemic as
metaphor for decline - Magic Mountain, 1924 set in sanatorium