Late 20th Century History - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Late 20th Century History


Late 20th Century History The Conservative Revolution 1980-1992 The Persian Gulf War 1991 -August 1990 Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein, invades neighboring Kuwait ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Late 20th Century History

Late 20th Century History
  • The Conservative Revolution
  • 1980-1992

  • Just six years after the Watergate scandal
    deeply hurt the Republican party Reagan is
    elected in a conservative Republican landslide.

Reagans Political Career
Originally a democrat with FDR as a political
hero Became politically active in the actors
union in Hollywood 1950s becomes more
conservative and joins Republican Party
  • 1966 elected governor of California where he
  • gtcuts spending on social programs
  • gtmoderately increases taxes
  • gtreforms State spending and calls for similar
    reform at National level
  • All of which results in balancing the States

The Evolution of Conservatism
  • At issue liberal vs. conservative views on the
    proper size and role of government
  • 1920s Repubs low taxes minimize spending
  • Dems should do something for suffering
    farmers, Indians, urban poor, etc.
  • 1930s Dems social regulatory programs
    including huge deficit spending to deal with the
    Great Depression
  • Repubs founded the Liberty League,
    which opposed large government
  • WWII

1950s Eisenhower prosperity moderate
Republican with no effort to dismantle big
government of 1930s 1964 Repubs very
conservative Presidential candidate Barry
Goldwater (Ex. Opposed Social Security and anti-
poverty measures) crushed by LBJ However,
anti-integration Southern States do break
Democrats hold on the Solid South Dems LBJ
and his Great Society programs (Exs.
Medicare Medicaid, subsidized housing, etc.,
expanded New Deal style government)
  • 1968 Nixon Presidency
  • gtNixon wanted to trim social welfare programs,
    believing them to encourage people not to work,
    but government actually expands during his
  • Exs. O.S.H.A and the EPA are created
  • gtConservatives also opposed cultural shift
    evidenced by music lyrics, sexual openness, 1973
    Roe vs. Wade decision, gay lesbian rights
    activism, womens rights movement, and violent
    student protests
  • gtOn civil rights, though conservatives generally
    supported the Brown v Topeka ruling, they opposed
    forced bussing to achieve integration as well as
    affirmative action programs

1980 Presidential Election
  • The New Right powerful political coalition of
    conservative groups
  • gtsome wanted to cut government funded social
  • gtsome wanted to restore what they considered
    Christian values
  • Ex. The Moral Majority, led by the televangelist
    Rev. Jerry Falwell, promoted dictates of the
    bible and traditional values
  • A Reagan Landslide
  • gtReagan attacked Carters handling of the
    economy and the Iran Hostage Crisis, and exuded a
    positive can-do attitude
  • gtReagan wins 489 to 49 electoral votes and 51
    to 41 in the popular vote
  • gtRepublicans also gain control of the Senate
    (first time since 53) and gain nationwide in
    this Republican revolution

Reagans First Term
  • 3 stated goals
  • 1.)Slash taxes
  • 2.)Eliminate unnecessary government programs
  • 3.)Bolster the defense capability of the U.S.

Domestic Policies
  • Reaganomics or supply-side economics vs the
    Keynesian theory
  • gtCutting taxes puts money into hands of business
    owners and investors
  • gtThis money would be invested to grow and start
    new businesses (supply-side), thus creating new
    jobs and economic growth
  • gtOppose excessive government spending and high
  • gtKeynesian Theory Government created jobs,
    programs, and payments puts money into hands of
    many people
  • gtThis money would be used to buy goods and
    services (demand) which would cause the economy
    to grow
  • Oppose tax cuts for wealthy and cutting
    government services for the vulnerable

  • Cutting Taxes
  • gt1981 a 5 tax cut went into effect
  • gt1982 a 10 tax cut went into effect
  • gt1983 an additional 10 tax cut went into effect
  • gt1986 Tax code is largely rewritten and
  • -Fewer income brackets
  • -Wealthy benefit the most as tax rate on the
    highest incomes drops from 70 to 28

  • Deregulation
  • Issue over government regulations (which had
    been around since the Progressive Era of early
  • -Supporters say needed to make businesses
    operate ethically
  • gtEx. prevent unfair competition, protect rights
    of labor, and to protect consumers
  • -Opponents say they stifle
  • free market competition
  • gtEx. excessive regulations mean higher costs and
    lower profits to produce, leading to fewer jobs
    and higher prices for consumers
  • gtReagan continues expands deregulation of
    energy banking begun during the Carter
  • gtReagan cuts the number of, and funding for,
    regulatory agencies like the E.P.A., thus
    reducing its efforts and effectiveness.

  • Slowing Growth of Federal Government
  • Issue over social welfare programs
  • -Supporters say Government should help people
    who cant help themselves
  • -Opponents say Anyone can succeed if they work
  • gtThe Reagan administration
  • -Reduced unemployment compensation
  • -Lowered welfare payments
  • -Reduced spending on food stamps
  • -Raised fees on Medicaid payments
  • Note Federal spending still grew during this
    period due to population growth but slower
    than it would have without the cuts

  • Recession and Recovery
  • gtDuring the first 2 years of Regans presidency,
    the U.S. experienced the worst
  • recession since the Great Depression
  • -Unemployment reached 10.8 in 1982
  • -Several hundred businesses closed each week
  • gtThe economy began to recover in 1983
  • -High interest rates had cooled inflation
    (rising prices)
  • -Tax cuts led to increased consumer spending
  • -Business leaders increased investments
  • -The stock market pushed upward
  • gt Debate over supplyside economics
  • -Republicans claimed the recovery supported
    this approach
  • -Poverty homelessness, however, remained high
  • -And contrary to supply-side theorists
    predictions, the Federal deficit grew rather
    than shrank
  • 1981 Assassination attempt
  • - shot by John Hinkley, an unbalanced fan of
    the actress Jodie Foster
  • - Reagan fully recovers, but Press Secretary
    James Brady is
  • permanently disabled, leading to the Brady
    Bill gun law

Foreign Policy
  • Reagan felt our position in the world had been
    weakened in recent years and was determined to
    regain status and defend American interests in
    the Cold War
  • gtReagan spent huge sums to build up both
    conventional and nuclear weapons
  • gtStrategic Defense Initiative (S.D.I.)
    Popularly known as Star Wars, this program
    proposed creating a satellite missile defense
    shield in space to intercept and destroy any
    incoming Soviet missiles
  • Never fully realized, we continue to work on
    missile interceptor technology today

  • Trouble spots in the Middle East
  • gtLebanon In 1983 a suicide truck bomber kills
    241 U.S. marines sent there by Reagan as part of
    a peace keeping force (causing us to withdraw our
  • gtLibya Led by Muammar Gaddafi, this nation
    sponsored terrorism against U.S. and Israeli
    targets in Europe
  • With proof relating to the bombing of a German
    nightclub that killed a U.S. serviceman, Reagan
    ordered an airstrike on Libya on April 14, 1986

  • Fighting Communism in the Americas
  • gtEl Salvador in the 1980s The U.S. supported
    a repressive regime fighting a civil war because
    some of the guerilla fighters were Marxist
  • gtGrenada 1983 Following a military coup by
    forces supportive of Cuba, Reagan ordered U.S.
    military forces to the Caribbean island where
  • -Protected American medical students
  • -Overthrew the military government
  • -Stayed to oversee free elections
  • gtNicaragua explained in detail later in the
    study guide

Reagans Second Term
  • 1984 Presidential Election
  • -Despite the recession early in his first term
    and rising budget deficits, Reagans campaign
    asked voters, are you better off than you were
    four years ago? and most felt that they were
  • -Dems nominate Walter Mondale (Carters V.P.)
    and Geraldine Ferraro, the first woman to be on a
    major partys presidential ticket
  • -The recovered state of the economy and Reagans
    popularity help him win a huge landslide, 525 to
    13 in the electoral college

Patriotism National Pride
  • Reagans optimism and national pride helps give
    the U.S. a sense of confidence it hadnt felt
    since the Kennedy years.
  • Why? Radicalism of 60s, Nam, Watergate, Iran
    Hostage Crisis now behind us
  • Patriotic events included
  • -1984 L.A. Summer Olympics
  • -1986 Centennial of the Statue of Liberty
  • -1987 200th anniversary of the U.S. Constitution

Continuing Social Debates(In the Conservative
  • Black Civil Rights
  • gtSupport for
  • -As a result of the 1960s Civil Rights
    legislation blacks were voting and holding office
    in larger and larger numbers and in more places
  • -1983 Reagan signed a Congressional bill making
    the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. a national
    holiday (third Monday in January)
  • gtOpposition to
  • -Reagan tried to prevent the extension of the
    Voting Rights Act of 1965, backing off only after
    intense criticism
  • -Reagan appoints federal judges less sympathetic
    to civil rights goals
  • -Reagan worked to end affirmative action programs

  • The Womens Movement
  • gtProgress
  • -Women gained access to jobs and opportunities
    previously denied them
  • gtLimiting
  • -In 1982 the Equal Rights Amendment, passed in
    1972, fails to be ratified (so it goes away)
  • -Anti-abortion groups worked to limit Supreme
    Courts 1973 Roe v Wade decision
  • Still a hugely polarizing issue today

Sexual Orientation -The campaign for rights of
homosexuals saw similarly polarizing
views -The AIDS epidemic contributed to this
as many of the earliest victims of this
then-little-understood disease were homosexual
men 1984 Ryan White story
  • Conservatives on the Supreme Court
  • These social issues often wound up in the
    judicial system and during Reagans two terms the
    court shifted to the conservative side due to his
    three appointments
  • -1981 Sandra Day OConnor becomes first woman on
    the Supreme Court
  • -1986 Antonia Scalia is seated and William
    Rehnquist is elevated to Chief Justice
  • -1987 a Reagan appointee, Robert Bork, is denied
    confirmation by Senate Democrats, but his second
    choice, moderately conservative Anthony Kennedy
    is confirmed

The Evolving Economy
  • Following the 1981-82 recession, recovery and
    renewed prosperity was felt unevenly
  • gtStruggled
  • -Farmers Due to oversupply and resulting low
    prices, they relied more and more on Federal
  • -Manufacturing workers Job losses occurred
    due to increased efficiency and to foreign
    competition especially in the Northeast,
    gaining it the nickname the Rust Belt

gtFared well -Wealthy Average income earned
by top fifth of American households rose 23
while among the bottom fifth incomes rose
4 Many more families saw both husbands and
wives working to increase income
Reagans Hands Off Style
  • The Savings Loan (SL) Scandal
  • gtReagan and Congress pressed for deregulation of
    SL banks so the banks could make more
    profitable, but riskier, loans usually
    mortgages or real estate developments
  • gtMany SL officers made personal fortunes
    through risky loans in a hot real estate market
  • gtWhen the real estate market cooled in late 80s
    many SLs collapsed, taking 2.6 billion in
    depositors savings with them
  • Because SL bank accounts are insured by the
    federal government, taxpayers footed the bill

  • Iran-Contra Affair (Nicaragua)
  • -Marxist Sandinistas had seized power in
    Nicaragua in 1979
  • -The CIA then secretly trained and armed
    anti-Sandinista guerillas known as Contras
    (against) to fight the government
  • -In 1984 Congress learned about this and banned
  • -Reagan Administration officials then secretly
    sold arms to (anti-U.S.) Iran and used the money
    to continue to fund the Nicaraguan Contras
  • -Congress learns of this in 1986 through
    investigative hearings, leading to the most
    serious criticisms of Reagans Presidency
  • -Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North takes the blame
    for the arrangements, while Reagan claimed no
    knowledge of it

The Reagan Legacy
  • Despite the SL crisis, the Iran-Contra Affair,
    and a huge stock marked crash in the Fall of
    87 due to budget deficits and rising national
    debt, Reagan leaves office in January 89 with an
    over 60 approval rating

  • Foreign Policy Successes
  • gtGrenada showing Reagans willingness to use
    force when deemed necessary
  • gtImprovement in relations with the U.S.S.R.
  • -Mikhail Gorbachev became Soviet leader in 1985
  • -He introduces two reforms popular with
    Americans and the democratic west
  • Glasnost, or political openness, which
    allowed greater free speech and free press
  • Perestroika, or restructuring, which
    allowed some free enterprise
  • -1987 INF Treaty reduced number of intermediate
    range nuclear missiles
  • -Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall! Though
    the Berlin wall wont be dismantled until
    November of 1989, Reagan helps it come about.
  • As mentioned earlier, despite issues during
    his time in office, Reagans two terms are
    known for renewed national pride and optimism

The George H.W. Bush Presidency
  • Challenge ? Like Adams (G.W.), Johnson (A.L.),
    Taft (T.R.), Truman (F.D.R.), Bush was
    following a legendary President and struggled to
    equal his predecessors success

Background -Decorated WWII bomber
pilot -Profitable career in Texas oil
industry -Congressman in 1966 -Ambassador to
U.N. under Nixon -Envoy to China under
Ford -Head of Republican National
Committee -Head of the C.I.A. in 1970s -V.P.
for both of Reagans terms
  • 1988 Presidential Election
  • -Though conservative Republicans questioned the
    depth of his commitment to their values, Bush
    wins the nomination
  • -Dems nominate MA Gov. Michael Dukakis, who had
    helped MA out of economic struggles and pledged
    to bring his Massachusetts Miracle to the
  • -Republican attack ads, portraying Dukakis as
    soft on crime for example, and Bushs association
    with Reagan, help Bush win a large popular
    (53.37 to 45.65) and electoral College (426 to
    111) majority
  • -Dems, however, controlled both houses of

Foreign Policy/Foreign Issues where Bush has
his greatest success
  • The Cold War Ends
  • Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachevs call for
    glasnost and perestroika in the communist
    countries of Eastern Europe lled to the end of
    the Iron Curtain, European communism, and the
    police states in place there since shortly after

  • Poland
  • gt1970s shipyard workers enduring food shortages
    rioted and tried to form a labor union (some were
    killed by govt troops)
  • gt 1980 they went on strike and forced the
    government to allow them to form a free
    independent labor union
  • gt1981 The government launched a crackdown on the
    now nation-wide alliance of labor groups known as
    Solidarity and jailed its leaders, including
    the popular Lech Walesa
  • gt1983 Lech Walesa wins the Nobel Peace Prize
  • gt1988 Further economic problems led the
    government to meet with Solidarity leaders and
    schedule free elections
  • gt1989 Poles elect their first democratic
    government since before WWII with Lech Walesa as
    their President

The Berlin Wall Falls
  • Throughout Eastern Europe anti-Communist
    revolts were breaking out
  • New (democratic) governments were elected in
    Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, etc.
  • gtSummer 1989 East German tourists visiting newly
    democratic Hungary fled to democratic Austria and
    then to West Germany
  • gtPressure mounts on East German government to
    open borders and institute reforms
  • gtNovember 8, 1989 East Germany announces border
    with West Germany now open
  • gtNovember 9, East and West Germans party on top
    of, and smash much of, the Berlin Wall - the
    biggest symbol of the Cold War
  • gtWithin a month the East German communist
    government collapses and within a year Germany is

The Soviet Union
  • gtGorbachev had hoped to reform the Soviet system
    but keep the communist party in power
  • gtAugust 1991 conservative, hard-line communists
    stage a brief coup hoping to end the reforms, but
    the coup quickly fails
  • gtDecember 1991 the Soviet Union collapses, to be
    replaced by the Common-wealth of Independent
    States (C.I.S.) with President Boris Yeltsin in
  • A number of the former Soviet Socialist
    Republics will then push for independence
  • Ex. Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia
  • START I A Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
    was then signed/ratified by the U.S. and the CIS,
    limiting long range nuclear weapons
  • The Cold War is now behind us, let us not
    wrangle over who won it
  • M. Gorbachev

A New International Role
  • As the worlds now sole superpower the U.S. now
    found itself responding to crises abroad in a new
    post-Cold War way
  • gtTiananmen Square 1989
  • -May
  • Prodemocracy Chinese students gathered in
    huge numbers in Beijings largest public
  • -June
  • The Chinese government used the military to
    beat, disband, and arrest protestors and
    stop the democracy movement
  • With important economic ties with China,
    President Bush limited U.S. involvement to quiet
    (and ineffective) negotiations

  • gtInvasion of Panama Dec. 1989
  • -President Bush invaded Panama to arrest the
    countrys dictator, Manuel Noriega, for
    involvement in smuggling drugs to the U.S.
  • This was seen by many Americans as a decisive
    act in the war on drugs

  • gtThe Persian Gulf War 1991
  • -August 1990 Iraq, led by Saddam Hussein,
    invades neighboring Kuwait
  • -Saddam claims Kuwait belonged historically to
  • -President Bush saw it as a grab of Kuwait oil
    wealth, a threat to our ally Saudi Arabias
    security and the supply of oil to the west, and
    therefore, a matter of national security
  • -U.S. public opinion initially opposed direct
    involvement but passing weeks see
  • Oil prices rise significantly
  • Reports of Iraqi atrocities against Kuwait
    civilians mount
  • Diplomatic efforts fail to get Saddam to

  • -Operation Desert Storm Jan.-Feb. 1991
  • U.N. supported coalition of 28 countries (led
    by U.S.) invades Kuwait to oust the Iraqi army
  • Plan organized by U.S. Chairman of the Joint
    Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Colin Powell
  • Invasion led by U.S. Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf
  • In 6 weeks Kuwait was liberated
  • President Bush chose to end the offensive
    before removing Saddam from power, hoping
    internal Iraqi opposition would. It didnt
  • Despite this, Bushs approval rating in Feb.
    1991, following Desert Storm, soars to 89

Domestic Issues
  • Less success here contributed to Bush being a
    one term President
  • His approval rating by July of 1992 had
    plummeted to 29
  • gtClarence Thomas
  • -Bushs Supreme Court appointee faced intense
    scrutiny over charges of past sexual harassment
  • -This ignited public debate on the issue of
    sexual harassment
  • gtBudget Deficits
  • -Continued to swell under President Bush
  • -He in turn tries to slow spending on social
  • -He finally agrees to new taxes to increase
    revenue, breaking his campaign promise of (read
    my lips) no new taxes

  • gtEarly 1990s Recession
  • -Turmoil in Persian Gulf caused high gas prices
  • -End of the Cold War caused less need for
    military spending, causing job losses
  • -1991 unemployment reaches 7, highest in 5
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