Title: Bellwork 3/22/12
1Bellwork 3/22/12
- Define
- Elevation, Flow Rate, Fluid, Fluid Dynamics,
Force, Hydrodynamics, Pressure
2Evaluating Energy Resources
- Renewable
- Future availability
- Net energy yield
- It takes energy to get energy
- Habitat degradation
- Cost (initial and ongoing)
- Community disruption
- Political or international issues
- Suitability in different locations
- Polluting (air, water, noise, visual)
3Important Nonrenewable Energy Sources
4Fossil Fuels
- What are the fossil fuels?
5 FOSSIL FUELS 85 of the worldscommercial
6(No Transcript)
720 richest countries consume
- 50 of coal
- 80 of natural gas
- 65 of oil
8North American Energy Resources
US has only 2.4 of worlds oil reserves
Average American uses in one day what a person in
the poorest countries use in one year
Fossilized, condensed carbon-rich fuel
10 X reserves of oil/gas, last 200 years at
present rate
10Coal What is it?
- Solid fossil fuel formed in several stages
- Land plants that lived 300-400 million years ago
- Subjected to intense heat and pressure over many
millions of years - Mostly carbon, small amounts of sulfur
11Coal Formation and Types
12Coal what do we use it for?
- Stages of coal formation
- 300 million year old forests
- peat gt lignite gt bituminous gt anthracite
- Primarily strip-mined
- Used mostly for generating electricity
- Used to generate 62 of the worlds electricity
- Used to generate 52 of the U.S. electricity
- Enough coal for about 200-1000 years
- U.S. has 25 of worlds reserves
- High environmental impact
- Coal gasification and liquefaction
13Coal Trade-offs
Worlds most abundant fossil fuel Mining and
burning coal has a severe environmental
impact Accounts for over 1/3 of the worlds CO2
14Discussion Questions?
- How is your classroom lit?
- Where does the electricity come from to power the
lightbulbs in your classroom? - How much do you think it costs to light your
classroom for one hour?
15Calculating Costs
- The electricity needed for the fluorescent tubes
used to light most classrooms costs approximately
three-tenths of a cent per hour. - Can you figure out how much it would cost to
light our classroom for 1 hour? - N x 0.003 Cost/hour
- How much would it cost for the entire day? Week?
16Coal Costs
- It takes approximately 1 ton of coal to produce
2,500 kilowatthours (kWh) of electricity (or 1
pound of coal to produce 1.25 kilowatt-hours) - The average fluorescent tube uses 18 watts per
hour or .018 kilowatt-hours of power per bulb. - How much coal do we use in 1 hour to light the
school? 1 week? 1 year?