Digital Design and Synthesis with Verilog HDL - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Digital Design and Synthesis with Verilog HDL


Digital Design and Synthesis with Verilog HDL Eli Sternheim, Ph.D. interHDL, Inc. Rajvir Singh interHDL, Inc. Rajeev Madhavan Cadence Design System,Inc. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Digital Design and Synthesis with Verilog HDL

Digital Design and SynthesiswithVerilog HDL
  • Eli Sternheim, Ph.D.
  • interHDL, Inc.
  • Rajvir Singh
  • interHDL, Inc.
  • Rajeev Madhavan
  • Cadence Design System,Inc.
  • Yatin Trivedi
  • YT Associates

Chapter 1
  • Why hardware description languages?
  • Evolutionary trends in design methods.
  • The use of hardware description languages (HDLs)
    for logic design has greatly expanded in the last
    few years.
  • Engineering managers no longer face the dilemma
    of whether to design with an HDL or not.

Designing with Verilog HDL
  • Verilog HDL is simple and elegant.
  • It provides constructs to describe hardware
    elements in a succinet and readable form.
  • A comparable description, for example in VHDL,
    can be twice as long as a Verilog description.

Designing with Verilog HDL
  • In Verilog, a designer needs to learn only one
    language for all aspects of logic design.
  • Simulation of a design, at least, requires
    functional models, hierarchical structures, test
    vectors, and man/machine interaction.
  • In Verilog, all of these are achieved by one
  • Almost every statement that can be written in
    procedural code can also be issued in an
    interactive session from the terminal.

Designing with Verilog HDL
  • Verilog is not only concise and uniform, but also
    is easy to learn.
  • It is very similar to the C programming language.
  • Since C is one of the most widely used
    programming languages, most designers should be
    familiar with it and may, therefore, find it
    easy to learn Verilog.

Chapter 2
  • Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • In this chapter we introduce the Verilog hardware
    description language through a sequence of
  • A more complete specification of the language can
    be found in the Language Reference Manual and
    in the Condensed Reference Manual in Appendix A.

Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • A module definition example, structural style.
  • //structural
  • module AND2 (in1, in2, out)
  • input in1
  • input in2
  • output out
  • wire in1, in2, out
  • and u1 (out, in1, in2)
  • endmodule

Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • A module definition example, data flow style.

Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • A module definition example, behavioral style

//behavioral module AND2 (in1, in2, out)
input in1 input in2 output out
wire in1, in2 reg out always _at_
(in1 or in2) out in1
in2 endmodule
Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • Test Fixture for and2 module
  • module test_and2
  • reg i1, i2
  • wire o
  • AND2 u2 (i1,i2,o)
  • initial begin
  • i10 i20
  • 1 display (i1b, i2b, ob, i1,
    i2, o )
  • i10 i21
  • 1 display (i1b, i2b, ob, i1,
    i2, o )
  • i11 i20
  • 1 display (i1b, i2b, ob, i1,
    i2, o )
  • i11 i21
  • 1 display (i1b, i2b, ob, i1,
    i2, o )
  • end
  • endmodule
  • Test results
  • i10, i20, o0

Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • Structural and_or module example.
  • module and_or (in1, in2, in3, in4, out )
  • input in1, in2, in3, in4
  • output out
  • wire tmp
  • and 10 u1 (tmp, in1, in2 ) ,
    u2 (undec, in3, in4 )
  • or 20 (out, tmp, undec )
  • endmodule
  • Data flow and_or example.
  • module and_or (in1, in2, in3, in4, out )
  • input in1, in2, in3, in4
  • output out
  • wire tmp
  • assign 10 tmp in1 in2
  • wire 10 tmp1 in3
  • assign 20 out tmp
  • // The three
    assignments could be condensed
  • //into one
  • //assign 30 out(in1
    in2) (in3 in4)

Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • Behavioral and_or example.
  • module and_or (in1, in2, in3, in4, out )
  • input in1, in2, in3, in4
  • output out
  • reg out
  • always _at_ (in1 or in2 or
    in3 or in4) begin
  • if (in1 in2
  • out 30 1
  • else
    out 30 (in3 in4)
  • end
  • endmodule

Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • Test fixture for and_or module.
  • And_or simulation results

module test_and_or reg r1, r2, r3, r4 wire o and_or u2 (.in2(r2), .in1(r1), .in3(r3), .in4(r4), .out(o)) initial begin bl reg 40 i1234 for (i1234 0 i1234lt16 i1234 i12341) begin (r1, r2, r3, r4) i1234 30 31 display (r1r2r3r4 bbbb , ob, r1, r2, r3, r4,o ) end end endmodule

r1r2r3r4 0000 , o 0 r1r2r3r4 0001 , o0 r1r2r3r4 0010 , o0 r1r2r3r4 0011 , o1 r1r2r3r4 0100 , o0 r1r2r3r4 0101 , o0 r1r2r3r4 0110 , o0 r1r2r3r4 0111 , o1 r1r2r3r4 1000 , o0 r1r2r3r4 1001 , o0 r1r2r3r4 1010 , o0 r1r2r3r4 1011 , o1 r1r2r3r4 1100 , o1 r1r2r3r4 1101 , o1 r1r2r3r4 1110 , o1 r1r2r3r4 1111 , o1
Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • Basic Operators and Expressions
  • integer i, j
    //two integers
  • real f, d
    //two real numbers
  • wire 70 bus
    //8-bits wide bus
  • reg 015 word
    //16-bits wide word
  • reg arr 015
    //array of 16 one-bit regs
  • reg 70 mem0127
    //array of 128 bytes
  • event trigger, clock_high
    //two events
  • time t_setup, t_hold
    //t1, t2
  • parameter width 8
  • parameter width2 width2
  • wire width-10 ww
  • //the following are illegal
  • wire w015
    //wires cannot be in arrays
  • wire 30 a, 70b
    //only one width specification per declaration

Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • Summary of Verilog Operators
  • Operator Precedence

- / //arithmetic gt gt lt lt //relational ! //logical ! //logical equality ? //conditional //concatenate //modulus ! //case equality //bit-wise ltlt gtgt //shift

/ Highest precedence - ltlt gtgt lt lt gt gt ! ! Lowest precedence
Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • Difference between and

module equequ initial begin display ( bx bx is b, bx bx) display ( bx bx is b, bx bx) display ( bz ! bx is b, bz ! bx) display ( bz ! bx is b, bz ! bx) end endmodule
Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • Concatenation and replication

module concat_replicate (swap, signextend ) input swap, signextend reg 150 word reg 310 double reg 70 byte1, byte2 initial begin byte15 byte27 if (swap) word byte2, byte1 else word byte1, byte2 if (signextend) double 16 word15 , word else double word end endmodule

Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • A for statement

module for_loop integer i initial for ( i0 ilt4 ii1 ) begin display ( i 0d ( b binary) ,i ,i ) end endmodule
  • Results of for_loop execution

i 0 ( 0 binary ) i 1 ( 1 binary ) i 2 ( 10 binary ) i 3 ( 11 binary )
Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • A while_loop statement
  • A case statement

module while_loop integer i initial begin i0 while ( ilt4 ) begin display ( i d ( b binary) ,i ,i ) ii1 end end endmodule
module case _statement integer i initial i0 always begin display ( i 0d, i) case ( i ) 0 i i 2 1 i i 7 2 i i 1 default stop endcase end endmodule

Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • A repeat loop

module repeat_loop ( clock ) input clock initial begin repeat ( 5 ) _at_ ( posedge clock) stop end endmodule
  • A forever loop

module forever_statement ( a, b, c ) input a, b, c initial forever begin _at_( a or b or c ) if ( a b c ) begin display (a( d) b( d) c(d),a ,b, c) stop end end endmodule

Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • The axis of time
  • current time t1
    t2 t3

Event 0
Event 3
Event 4
Event 1
Event 5
Event 2
  • Multiple behavioral instances

module event_control reg 40 r initial begin display ( First initial block, line 1.) display ( First initial block, line 2.) end initial for ( r 0 r lt 3 r r 1) display ( r 0b, r ) endmodule
Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • expression
  • _at_event-expression
  • wait (expression)
  • Example of time control

module time_control reg 10 r initial 70 stop initial begin b1 //Note a named block, b1 10 r 1 //wait for 10 time units 20 r 1 //wait for 20 time units 30 r 1 //wait for 30 time units end initial begin b2 //Note a named block, b2 5 r 2 //wait for 5 time units 20 r 2 //wait for 20 time units 30 r 2 //wait for 30 time units end always _at_r begin display ( r 0d at time 0d, r, time ) end endmodule
Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • Example of event control

module event_control event e1, e2 initial _at_e1 begin display ( Iam in the middle. ) -gte2 end initial _at_e2 display ( Iam supposed to execute last. ) initial begin display ( Iam the first. ) -gte1 end endmodule

Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • Example of parallel processes

module fork_join event a, b initial fork _at_a _at_b join endmodule
  • Example of disable

module disable_block event a, b //Block name is needed fork block _at_a disable block 1 _at_b disable block 1 join endmodule
Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • Simulating break and continue statements

begin breakloop for ( i0 ilt1000 ii1 ) begin continue if ( ai 0 ) disable continue // i.e continue if ( bi ai ) disable break // break display ( a , i , , ai ) end end
  • Example of a task

task tsk input i1, i2 output o1, o2 display ( Task tsk, i10b, i20b , i1, i2 ) 1 o1 i1 i2 2 o2 i1 i2 endtask
Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • Example of a function

function 70 func input i1 integer i1 reg 70 rg begin rg 1 for ( i 1 i lt i1 i i 1 ) rg rg 1 func rg end endfunction
Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • Behavioral description of a 4-bit adder

module adder4 ( in1, in2 , sum, zero ) input 30 in1 input 30 in2 output 40 sum output zero reg 40 sum reg zero initial begin sum 0 zero 1 end always _at_( in1 or in2 ) begin sum in1 in2 if ( sum 0 ) zero 1 else zero 0 end endmodule

Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • Using an initial forever assignments

initial begin forever _at_( in1 or in2 ) begin sum in1 in2 if ( sum 0 ) zero 1 else zero 0 end end
Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • Using a continuous assignment

module adder4 ( in1, in2 , sum, zero ) input 30 in1 input 30 in2 output 40 sum reg 40 sum output zero assign zero ( sum 0 ) ? 1 0 initial sum 0 always _at_( in1 or in2 ) sum in1 in2 endmodule
Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • Structural description of 4-bit adder

module adder4 ( in1, in2, s, zero ) input 30 in1 input 30 in2 output 40 s output zero fulladd u1 ( in10, in20, 0, s0, c0 ) fulladd u2 ( in11, in21, c0, s1, c1 ) fulladd u3 ( in12, in22, c1, s2, c2 ) fulladd u4 ( in13, in23, c2, s3, s4 ) nor u5 ( zero, s0, s1, s2, s3, s4 ) endmodule
  • Behavior of a 1-bit full adder

module fulladd ( in1, in2, carryin, sum, carryout ) input in1, in2, carryin output sum, carryout assign carryout, sum in1 in2 carryin endmodule
Anatomy of the Verilog HDL
  • Mixed mode representation

module adder4 ( in1, in2 , sum, zero ) input 30 in1 input 30 in2 output 40 sum output zero reg zero fulladd u1 ( in10, in20, 0, sum0, c0 ) fulladd u2 ( in11, in21, c0, sum1, c1 ) fulladd u3 ( in12, in22, c1, sum2, c2 ) fulladd u4 ( in13, in23, c2, sum3, sum4 ) always _at_( sum ) if ( sum 0 ) zero 1 else zero 0 endmodule
Chapter 3
  • Modeling a Pipelined Processor
  • In this chapter we take the specification of a
    32-bit processor and develop a functional model
    for it through various stages of successive
  • First we implement an instruction set model,
    then we describe a register transfer level (RTL)
  • In the next chapter we arrive at a structural
    model that maps the processor to various
    building blocks.
  • In the process, we explain modeling of such
    concepts as pipelining, concurrency, instruction
    execution, functional partitioning, and creation
    of test vectors.

Modeling a Pipelined Processor
  • The emphasis here is on the process of modeling
    as opposed to describing the architecture of a
  • It is not our intention to explain the detailed
    functionality of any commercial microprocessor
    or architecture.
  • Some discussion on processor architecture is
    presented to explain the concepts and process of

Chapter 4
  • Modeling System Blocks
  • In the previous chapter we saw how to model a
    processor at the instruction set level and its
    function at the behavioral level.
  • In this chapter we present a structural model of
    the SISC processor and show how to model its
    various building blocks.
  • We begin with the block diagram of the SISC
    processor and present its corresponding
    structural model to show the interconnections of
    its building blocks.
  • In subsequent sections we develop functional
    models for these blocks, namely, the datapath,
    the memory elements, the clock generator and the
    control unit.

Chapter 5
  • Modeling Cache Memories
  • In this chapter we examine the process of
    designing a simple cache system in Verilog HDL.
  • The description can be synthesized to obtain a
    gate level implementation.
  • At the end of this chapter we consider ways to
    improve the basic design.

Modeling Cache Memories
  • A cache in a computer system is a small, fast,
    local memory that stores data from the most
    frequently accessed addresses.
  • The cache is always small compared to main memory
    because cache RAMs are more expensive then the
    slower dynamic RAMs used for main memory.
  • As a result, only a small portion of the main
    memory can be stored in the cache.
  • The efficiency of a cache is measured by the
    cache hit ratio, i.e., the number of times data
    is accessed from the cache over the total number
    of memory accesses.
  • Typical hit ratios are in the range of eighty to
    one hundred percent.

Chapter 6
  • Modeling Asynchronous I/O UART
  • In this chapter we present an example of
    modeling an asynchronous peripheral device, a
    dual Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
    (UART) chip.
  • We develop two models of the chip.
  • The first model is a high-level abstractionwhich
    describes the functionality of the chip and
    emphasizes simplicity, readability and ease of
  • The second model is oriented toward gate-level
  • This model is partitioned so that a logic
    synthesizer can be used to automatically
    implement the chip with library components.

Chapter 7
  • Verilog HDL for Synthesis
  • In the previous chapters we introduced Verilog
    HDL and showed how it can be used in different
    ways to support top-down hierarchical design.
  • In this chapter we cover the basics of synthesis,
    discuss how Verilog may be used for synthesis
    and describe how modeling for synthesis affects
    the coding style, the design organization and

Chapter 8
  • Modeling a Floppy Disk Subsystem
  • In this chapter we provide a complete example of
    a floppy disk subsystem (FDS) model in Verilog.
  • Such a model may be needed when you perform a
    full system simulation and want to simulate the
    execution of code which accesses the disk.
  • The FDS model would typically be used to
    perform a full functional simulation during the
    development of a CPU board.
  • This example demonstrates the modeling of
    asynchronous systems, I/O buses, timing
    constraints, and other techniques of writing
    large models.

Chapter 9
  • Useful Modeling and Debugging Techniques
  • Learning to design and simulate in Verilog is
    more then just learning the syntax and semantics
    of the language.
  • As in every learning process, the best way to
    learn is by doing.
  • As you start using the language, you will develop
    your own style of design, and you will discover
    techniques for modeling in Verilog.
  • In this chapter we present some tips and
    techniques that we hope will help you in
    developing your own techniques on the way to
    mastering Verilog.
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