Title: Bild 1
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A PalCom Device by Peter Bergdahl, ID03, K3,
Malmö University
- Problem Issues
- IT Infrastructure at Home
- Tricky Configurations
- Lack of Oversight
- Increasing Numbers of Appliances
- Identification of Entities
- Limited Amount of Connections
- The Importance of Security
A PalCom Device by Peter Bergdahl, ID03, K3,
Malmö University
- The Connect System - Prerequisites
- Compatibility Issues
- An Omnipresent Home Network
- Multiple Modes of Connection Possible
A PalCom Device by Peter Bergdahl, ID03, K3,
Malmö University
- The Connect System Main Interface
- Introducing the Connect Control Node
- Easy to Connect Different Entities
- List, Search, Add and Zoom
- Presets and Fallback
A PalCom Device by Peter Bergdahl, ID03, K3,
Malmö University
- The Connect System Main Interface (cont.)
- Multi-Accessible Interface
- Interface Layered on any Screen
- Changes Settings if Required
- Secure Disconnect
- Shows Status and Errors
A PalCom Device by Peter Bergdahl, ID03, K3,
Malmö University
- The Connect System PalCom Challenges
- Easy Visualization of Accessible Entities
- Combined with Setting Control
- Any Display is a Control Node
- with Layered Interface
- A Digital Way of Showing Physical
- Connections Combined with Conversion
- of Digital Information
A PalCom Device by Peter Bergdahl, ID03, K3,
Malmö University
- The Connect System PalCom Challenges
- A Semi-Physical Representation Visualizes
- the Infrastructure and Aids Configuration
- Invisible Connections Created between
- Compatible Entities
- Identification of Entities within the Network
- gives Easier Interaction with Certain Appliances
A PalCom Device by Peter Bergdahl, ID03, K3,
Malmö University
- The Connect System Digital vs. Physical
- Digital System
- Omnipresent
- Open
- Easily Adaptible to New Situations and Entities
- Physical System
- Restricted in Space
- Locked
- Difficult to Adapt and Add To
A PalCom Device by Peter Bergdahl, ID03, K3,
Malmö University
- The Connect System Future Possibilities
- Inter-Appliance Identification
- and Communication
- More Usable Screens with
- Better Possibilities for Interaction
A PalCom Device by Peter Bergdahl, ID03, K3,
Malmö University
- The Connect System - Conclusion
- Visualizes and Helps the Infrastructure
- Aids Configuration
- Easily Adaptible to New Situations
- Helps to Identify Entities
- Unlimited Connections
- Secure
- IT Infrastructure at Home
- Tricky Configurations
- Lack of Oversight
- Increasing Numbers of
- Appliances
- Identification of Entities
- Limited Amount of
- Connections
- The Importance of Security
A PalCom Device by Peter Bergdahl, ID03, K3,
Malmö University