Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology


Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY 1. Anatomy is the branch of science that deals with the structure (morphology) of body parts their ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology

Introduction to Human Anatomy Physiology
  • 1. Anatomy is the branch of science that
    deals with the structure
  • (morphology) of body parts their forms
    and arrangements.
  • 2. Physiology is concerned with the functions
    of body partswhat they
  • do and how they do it.
  • 3. It is difficult to separate the topics of
    anatomy and physiology because
  • the structures of body parts are so
    closely associated with their
  • functions.
  • 1. The traits that humans share with other
  • a. movement- self initiated change in
    position (motion)
  • b. responsiveness- ability to sense and
    react to change
  • c. growth- increase in body size without
    changing shape
  • d. reproduction- process of making a new
  • e. respiration- process of obtaining

  • f. digestion- process by which
    various food substances are chemically
  • changed into simpler forms
  • g. absorption- passages of
    substances through membranes
  • h. circulation- movement of
    substances from place to place within the body
  • i. assimilation- changing of
    absorbed substances
  • j. excretion- removal of wastes
  • 2. Each of these characteristics of life
    depends upon physical and chemical changes that
  • occur within the body these changes are
    referred to as metabolism.
  • A. Needs of organisms include water, food,
    oxygen, heat, and pressure
  • 1. Although organisms need the above
    materials, this alone does not ensure survival.
  • B. Homeostasis is the tendency to maintain a
    stable internal environment.
  • 1. Homeostasis mechanisms help regulate
    body temperature and blood pressure.
  • 2. If an organism is to survive, the
    conditions within its body fluids must remain
  • relatively stable.
  • 1. The body is composed of parts that
    occupy different levels of organization.
  • a. material substances are composed of
  • b. atoms join together to form

  • f. tissues are organized into organs
  • g. organs that function closely
    together comprise organ systems
  • h. organ systems constitute the

  • 1. The Human Organism is a complex structure
    composed of many
  • parts. Its major features include
    several Body Cavities, layers of
  • membranes within these cavities, and a
    variety of organ systems.

  • A. Body Cavities
  • 1. The human organism can be divided
    into an axial portion, which
  • includes the head, neck, and trunk
    and an appendicular portion,
  • which includes the arms and legs
  • 2. The axial portion of the body
    contains the dorsal and ventral cavities
  • a. dorsal includes the cranial and
    spinal cavities
  • b. ventral includes the thoracic and
    abdominopelvic cavities
  • 3. Thoracic and abdominopelvic
  • a. Thoracic membranes
  • 1. pleural membranes line the
    thoracic cavity and cover the lungs
  • 2. mediastinum separates the
    thoracic cavity into right and left
  • compartments
  • 3. pericardial membranes
    surround the heart and cover its
  • surface
  • b. Abdominopelvic membranes
  • 1. peritoneal membranes line
    the abdominopelvic cavity and
  • cover the organs inside

  • B. Organ Systems
  • 1. The human organism consists of several
    organ systems.
  • 2. Body Covering
  • a. integumentary system include the
    skin and various accessory
  • organs such as the hair, nails,
    sweat glands, and sebaceous glands
  • 1. protect underlying tissues, help
    regulate body temperature, house
  • sensory receptors, and
    synthesize certain products
  • 3. Support and Movement
  • a. skeletal system is composed of
    bones, cartilages, and the
  • ligaments that bind bones
  • 1. provides a framework,
    protective shields, and attachments for
  • muscles it also produces
    blood cells and stores inorganic salts
  • b. muscular system includes the
    muscles of the body
  • 1. responsible for body
    movements, the maintenance of posture,
  • and production of body heat

  • 4. Integration and Coordination
  • a. nervous system consists of the
    brain, spinal cord, nerves, and
  • sense organs
  • 1. functions to receive impulses
    from sensory parts, interpret these
  • impulses, and act on them by
    causing muscles or glands to
  • respond
  • b. endocrine system consists of
    glands that secrete hormones
  • 1. hormones help regulate
  • 2. includes the pituitary,
    thyroid, parathyroid, and adrenal glands
  • the pancreas, ovaries,
    testes, pineal gland, and thymus gland
  • 5. Processing and Transporting
  • a. digestive system receives foods,
    converts food molecules into
  • forms that can pass through cell
    membranes, and eliminates
  • materials that are not absorbed
    produce hormones
  • 1. includes the mouth, tongue,
    teeth, salivary glands, pharynx,
  • esophagus, stomach, liver,
    gallbladder, pancreas, small and
  • large intestines

  • b. respiratory system provides for the
    intake and output of air and for
  • the exchange of gases between the
    air and the blood
  • 1. includes the nasal cavity,
    pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and
  • lung
  • c. circulatory system transport
    oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and
  • wastes
  • 1. includes the heart, which pumps
    the blood and blood vessels,
  • which carry blood to and from
    the body parts
  • d. lymphatic system is composed of
    lymphatic vessels, lymph nodes,
  • thymus, and spleen
  • 1. transports lymph from the
    tissues to the bloodstream and aids
  • aids in defending the body
    against disease causing agents
  • e. urinary system includes the
    kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and
  • urethra
  • 1. filters wastes from the blood
    and helps maintain water and
  • electrolyte balance

  • f. reproduction systems are concerned
    with the production of new
  • organisms
  • 1. male reproductive system
    includes the scrotum, testes, urethra,
  • and penis, which produce,
    maintain, and transport male sex cells
  • 2. female reproductive system
    includes ovaries, uterine tubes,
  • uterus, vagina, clitoris,
    vulva, which produce, maintain, and
  • transport female sex cells
  • 1. Terms with precise meanings are used to
    help investigators
  • communicate effectively.
  • 2. The anatomical position is standing
    erect, the face is forward, and the
  • arms are at the sides, with the palms

  • a. relative position terms are used to describe
    the location of one part with
  • respect to another part
  • b. body sections are planes along which the body
    may be cut to observe to
  • relative locations and arrangements of
    internal parts
  • c. body regions are various body regions are
    designated by special terms

Quick Review
  • Answers must be in complete sentences.
  • Read over the Introduction on page 2 in your
    textbook and answer questions 1 and 2.
  • What factors probably stimulated an early
    interest in the human body?
  • What idea sparked the beginning of modern
  • How are the characteristics of life related to
  • Why is homeostasis important to survival?
  • What is meant by visceral organs?
  • What organs occupy the dorsal cavity?
  • Name the cavities of the head.
  • Describe the general function of each organ
  • Describe the anatomical position.
  • Describe three types of body sections.

  • Quiz Tomorrow (Tuesday, January 12, 2010)
  • Lecture Notes
  • You must know the following info
  • Difference between anatomy and physiology
  • The characteristics of life
  • Levels of organization
  • The body parts that make up the axial and
    appendicular portion
  • Body cavities and their membranes
  • The function of each organ system

  • Short Answers Use complete sentences
  • Define anatomy and physiology.
  • List and describe the (8) levels of organization.
  • Several pairs of structures are given next. In
    each case, choose the one that meets the
    condition given first.
  • a. Distal the knee/the foot
  • b. Lateral the cheekbone/the nose
  • c. Superior the neck/the chin
  • d. Anterior the heel/the toenails
  • e. External the skin/the skeletal
  • At the Clinic Use complete sentences
  • A nurse informed John that she was about to take
    blood from his antecubital region. What part of
    the body was she referring to? Later, she came
    back and said she was going to give him an
    antibiotic shot in the deltoid region. Did he
    take off his shirt or drop his pants to get the
    shot? Before John left the office, the nurse
    noticed that his left sural region was badly
    bruised. What part of the body was bruised?
  • 5. Jennie Dip fell of her motorcycle and tore
    a nerve in her axillary region. She also tore
    ligaments in her cervical and scapular regions
    and broke the only bone of her right branchial
    region. Explain where each of her injuries is
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