Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination Lecture Outline - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination Lecture Outline


Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination Lecture Outline Components of intergroup bias Theories of prejudice and discrimination cognitive, realistic conflict ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination Lecture Outline

Stereotyping, Prejudice, and Discrimination
Lecture Outline
  • Components of intergroup bias
  • Theories of prejudice and discrimination
  • cognitive, realistic conflict, motivational,
    cultural, evolutionary
  • Consequences Stereotype threat
  • Strategies of overcoming prejudice and


The ABC of Intergroup Bias
  • Stereotypes (Cognition) beliefs about attributes
    that are thought to be characteristic of members
    of particular groups
  • Prejudice (Affect) a negative attitude or
    affective response toward a certain group and its
    individual members
  • Discrimination (Behaviour) negative behaviour
    towards members of a particular group based on
    their membership in that group

The Cognitive Perspective
  • Emphasizes the cognitive processes that produce
    and maintain stereotypes, and how stereotypes in
    turn affect prejudice and discrimination

The Cognitive Perspective
  • implicit (automatic) processes - processes that
    occur outside of our awareness, without conscious
  • explicit (controlled) processes - processes
    that occur with conscious direction and
    deliberate thought

Implicit and Explicit Stereotypes and Prejudice
  • 1) Explicit Attitudes what people consciously
    endorse or believe
  • 2) Implicit Attitudes associations that are
    outside of conscious awareness
  • a. Implicit Association Test (IAT) meaures
    unconscious stereotypes and prejudices toward
    particular groups (Banaji Greenwald, 1995)
  • b. Priming and Implicit Prejudice
  • Priming - procedure used to increase the
    accessibility of a concept or schema (for
    example, a stereotype)

Implicit and Explicit Stereotypes and Prejudice
  • If I an E are different, which one is the true
  • Better question under which conditions each type
    of attitude predicts behaviour?
  • Implicit attitudes predict discrimination esp.
    when cognitive resources are taxed, ex, fatigue,
    time pressure
  • Explicit attitudes predict discrimination better

On misperceiving a weapon (Payne, 2001)
Decision Weapon or tool? .5 second
The Cognitive Perspective
  • Some cognitive biases make stereotypes resistent
    to discomfirmation
  • Outgroup homogeneity effect - tendency to assume
    that within-group similarity is much stronger for
    outgroups than for ingroups
  • Illusory correlations biased perception and
    memory for connection between unusual (negative)
    acts and minority groups
  • Counter-stereotypic examples are subtyped

Realistic Group Conflict Theory
  • group conflict, prejudice, and discrimination
    are likely to arise over competition between
    groups for limited desired resources

Correlation between cotton prices and of
lynchings of Blacks in US South
Cotton Prices
of Lynchings
Similar pattern for unemployment rate and
opposition to immigration in Canada
Realistic Conflict Theory
  • The Robbers Cave Experiment (Sherif et al. 1961)
  • a. Competition and Intergroup Conflict
  • b. Reducing Intergroup Conflict Through
    Superordinate Goals
  • superordinate goals - goals that transcend the
    interests of one individual group, and that can
    be achieved more readily by two or more groups
    working together
  • Example Earthquake diplomacy
  • Evaluating RCT

Minimal Group Experiments
  • Participants are assigned to groups on
    meaningless criteria
  • Then they are given the opportunity to distribute
    resources (e.g., money)
  • Participants show ingroup favoritism!
  • Cannot be explained by RCT
  • We need a motivational perspective

The Motivational Perspective
  • Prejudice and discrimination can be a tool to
    boost our self-esteem and repair perceived
    threats to our self-esteem

The Motivational Perspective
  • Social Identity Theory
  • a persons self-concept and self-esteem not only
    derive from personal identity and
    accomplishments, but from the status and
    accomplishments of the various groups to which
    the person belongs

After negative personal feedback, ppts derogate
outgroups (A), which restores their self-esteem
(B) (Fein Spencer, 1997)
Belief systems to rationalize inequality
  • System justification (Jost et al, 2004)
  • Similar to just world beliefs, applied to groups
    different groups deserve what they get
  • Social Dominance Orientation (Sidanius Pratto)
  • Belief that their own groups are destined to
    dominate other less worthy, groups
  • Members of more privileged groups endorse SDO
    more (men, EuroCanadians, high caste Hindus,
    Ashkenazi Israelis, Maronite Lebanese,
    Mainlainder Taiwanese)
  • High SDO scores predict overt prejudice and more
    stereotyping towards lower-status groups

Distal Explanations of prejudice and
  • Evolutionary account 1
  • Innate tendency for us vs. them thinking or
    coalitional psychology
  • Intergoup psychology evolved (in ancestral
    times) small cohesive, mutually hostile bands
  • But what counts as ingroup vs. outgroup is
    flexible, socially constructed
  • Explains why bases of discrimination is radically
    different across time and place, but us-them
    mentality is so resilient

Distal Explanations of prejudice and
  • Evolutionary account 2
  • Intergoup psychology is misapplication of our
    innate understanding of species with essences
  • We tend to think of different social groups as if
    they are different biological species
  • Explains why many social categories are
  • And why the more essentialized, the easier to

Distal Explanations of prejudice and
  • Cultural account
  • Cultural dissimilarity breeds dislike
  • Brewer Campbell (1976) study of intercultural
  • 30 East African societies in in Uganda, Kenya,
    and Tanzania
  • Measures of cultural similarity, familiarity,
    liking, and personality traits
  • People felt the most positive towards groups
  • (1) Were geographically nearer (2) Culturally
    most similar to themselves

Being a Member of a Stigmatized Group
  • 1. Attributional Ambiguity
  • 2. Stereotype Threat
  • - fear that one will confirm the stereotypes
    that others have regarding some salient group of
    which on is a member

Stereotype Threat in Intellectual Abilities
ST can occur for any social group for which there
is a negative stereotype on a skill
(No Transcript)
Stereotype Threat in Intellectual Abilities
  • African Americans and intellectual abilities
  • Women and math
  • White men and athletic abilities
  • Etc.

Stereotype Threat
Stereotype Threat
Slide 25 of 28
Stereotype threat vs. boost (Shih, Pittinski
Ambady, 1999
Reducing Stereotype Threat in Educational Settings
  • Developing awareness
  • Communicating (and having) high expectations
  • Social support
  • Positive role models

Reducing prejudice and conflict
  • Superordinate goals
  • Superordinate identity
  • Equal status contact
  • Perceived similarity between groups
  • Multiculturalism
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