Title: Stigma, Prejudice
1Stigma, Prejudice Discrimination as Social
- Maia Mestvirishvili, PhD
- Tbilisi State University
- Psychology Department
2Course Goals
- Introduce students to
- basic concepts of social stress
- implications of social stress in prejudice and
discrimination - central research topics, recent and ongoing
studies on social stress - theory, knowledge and public health practices in
studying social stress - platform/possibilities/framework for research
engagement - Develop skills for analyzing scientific research
- Social science introductory course
Method of Instruction
- Classes would combine lectures with student
discussions and presentations.
- Credit 5
- Contact hours 30
- Independent work 95
4Method of Evaluation
Score () - Weekly essays
50 -
- Leading one seminar discussion 30
- Presentation
5Course Description (1) Social stress
- Personal and social stress in different social
groups Diversity and genesis of social stress - Methods and measures for assessment of stress,
identity, and health - Theoretical views/perspectives and research
evidence on the role of stress factors in public
6Course Description (2)Determinants of Social
- Concepts of self and identity
- Identity structure and identity development
- Intersections of identities
- Interaction of stress and identity
- Experience of stigma and prejudice in social
7Course Description (3)Social stress outcomes
and coping
- Health outcomes of stigma and prejudice
- Health concepts of self and identity
- Coping with stigma - the costs and benefits of
coping - Public health interventions and minority
8Course outline
- Week1. Overview Minority stress and health
9Main Topics
- Historical overview of stress theories
- Biological and cognitive perspectives (Hans
Selye, Don Meichenbaum, Richard Lazarus, Albert
Bandura) - Socioeconomic class and health outcomes
10Hans Selye General Adaptation Syndrome
(GAS) Stress is the non specific response
(nervous, immunologic or hormonal) of the body to
any demand made upon it (Selye, 1973b). Stress
categories Eustress ("positive stress")
Distress ("negative stress")
11Stress PhasesAlarm reaction The post-shock
response after body detects the external
stimuliResistentionDefensive countermeasures
against the stressor ExhaustionReduction/weake
ning of defensive abilities 1.General
Adaptation Syndrome
12(No Transcript)
13Stevan E. HobfollConservation of Resources
Theory (COR)Stress overuse/loose, threat or
ineffective investment of human resources.
- Hobfoll, S.E. (1998). Stress, culture, and
community The psychology and philosophy of
stress. NY Plenum Press. READ Chapter 1,
The social and historical context of stress. - Gleason, P. (1983). Identifying identity A
semantic history. The Journal of American
History, 69, 910-931. - Barbeau, E.M., Krieger, N., Soobader, M.J.
(2004). Working class matters Socioeconomic
disadvantage, race/ethnicity, gender, and smoking
in NHIS 2000. American Journal of Public Health,
94, 269-278
15- Week 2 Socioeconomic class, social status, and
minority health
16Main Topics
- Linking income inequality to health
- Theory and evidence
- Mechanisms
- (1)Underinvestiment of human capital/education
- (2)Disinvestment of social capital/social
cohesion - (3)Psychological pathway frustration
17- Assignments 1
- Writing Essay
- Minority stress vs. class in public health. Are
the two models always competing?
- Karwachi, I. (2000). Income inequality and
health. In L.F. Berkman I. Kawachi (Eds.),
Social epidemiology (pp. 76 A150 94). NY
Oxford University Press. - Farmer, P. (2003). Pathologies of
power Health, human rights, and the new war on
the poor. Berkley and Los Angeles, CA
University of California Press. READ Chapter
1, On suffering and structural violence Social
and economic rights in the global era.
- Williams, D.R. (1999). Race, socioeconomic
status, and health The added effects of racism
and discrimination, Annals of the New York
Academy of Sciences, 896, 173-188. - Braveman P, Gruskin S. (2003). Defining equity in
health. Journal of epidemiology and Community
20Course outline
- Week 3 Social stress Conceptual background
21Main Topics
- Two levels of stress
- Social
- Individual
- How social and personal stress reflects on people
- Pearlin, L.I. (1999). The stress process
revisited. Reflections on concepts and their
interrelationships. Handbook of the Sociology of
Mental Health (pp. 395-415). New York,
NY Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. - Krieger, N. (2001). Theories for social
epidemiology in the 21st century an ecosocial
perspective. International Journal of
Epidemiology, 30, 668-677.
- Allison, K.W. (1998). Stress and the oppressed
social category membership. In Janet K. Swim and
Charles Stangor (Eds.), Prejudice The Target's
Perspective (149 - 171). New York Academic
Press. - Meyer, I. H. (2003). Prejudice, social stress and
mental health in lesbian, gay, and bisexual
populations Conceptual issues and research
evidence. Psychological Bulletin, 129, 674-697.
24- Assignments 2
- Writing Essay
- Compare and contrast the 2 classes of stressors.
What are some of the characteristics that are
unique to each class of stressors?
25 26Main Topics
- Definition of stigma G.Allport Sartre Fanon
E.Goffman - Dimensions and function of stigma
- Nature of stigmatizations
- Consequences of stigma
- Jones, E.E., Farina, A., Hastorf, A.H., Markus,
H., Miller, D.T., Scott, R.A. (1984). Social
stigma The psychology of marked
relationships. NY W.H. Freeman. READ
Chapter 2 The dimensions of stigma - Parker, R. Aggleton, P. (2003). HIV and
AIDS-related stigma and discrimination a
conceptual framework and implications for action.
Social Science Medicine, 57, 13-24.
- Crocker, J., Major, B., Steele, C. (1998)
Social stigma. In Gilbert, D.T., Fiske, S.T.,
Lindzey, G. (Eds.). The Handbook of Social
Psychology (4th ed.). NY McGraw-Hill. - Link, B. G. Phelan, J. C. (2001).
Conceptualizing stigma. Annual Review of
Sociology, 27, 363-385.
29- Assignments 3
- Writing Essay
- Jones and colleagues describe 6 important
dimensions of stigma. How do they inform our
discussion of minority stress? To illustrate your
arguments, pair dimensions with stigmatized
30- Week 5. Prejudice and discrimination
31Main Topics
- Theories of discrimination
- Measuring racial discrimination
- Nature of contemporary prejudice
- Jones, E.E., Farina, A., Hastorf, A.H., Markus,
H., Miller, D.T., Scott, R.A. (1984). Social
stigma The psychology of marked
relationships. NY W.H. Freeman. READ
Chapter 2 The dimensions of stigma - Parker, R. Aggleton, P. (2003). HIV and
AIDS-related stigma and discrimination a
conceptual framework and implications for action.
Social Science Medicine, 57, 13-24.
- Swim, J.K., Aikin, K.J., Hall, W.S., Huntet,
B.A. (1995). Sexism and racism Old-fashioned
and modern prejudices. Journal of Personality
and Social Psychology, 68, 199-214. - Green, D.P., McFalls, L.H. , Smith, J.K.
(2001). Hate crimes An emergent research
agenda. Annual Review of Sociology, 27, 479
A150 304.
34- Assignments 4
- Writing Essay
- How would you approach the measurement of
discrimination? justify the methods you would
choose to measure discrimination
35Course outline
- Week 6.
- Racism and health outcomes
36Main Topics
- Biopsychological model of racism
- Level of racism
- Racism as stressor
37R. Clarck Contextual model to examine the
Biopsychological Effects of perceived Racism
- Clark, R., Anderson, N.B., Clark, V.R.,
Williams, D.R. (1999). Racism as a stressor for
African Americans A biopsychosocial model.
American Psychologist, 54, 805-816. - Jones, C.P. (2000). Levels of racism A
theoretic framework and a gardenerA146s tale.
American Journal of Public Health, 90, 1212-1215.
- Guyll, M., Matthews, K.A., Bromberger, J.T.
(2001). Discrimination and unfair treatment
Relationship to cardiovascular reactivity among
African American and European American women.
Health Psychology, 20, 315-325. - Schulz, A., Williams, D., Israel, B., Becker, A.,
Parker, E., James, S.A., Jackson, J. (2000).
Unfair treatment, neighborhood effects, and
mental health in the Detroit metropolitan area.
Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 41, 314 -
40- Assignments 5
- Writing Essay
- Clark et al. (1999 in your readings) have
proposed a biopsychosocial model of racism as a
stressor. How does this model capture the
construct of racism?
41- Week 7. Gender, stress, and health
42Main Topics
- Role congruity theory woman and man in leaders
role - Gender and social roles interaction of family
and workplace roles - Sex roles
- Barnett, R. C. Baruch, G. K. (1987). Social
roles, gender, and psychological distress. In
R.C.Barnett, L. Biener, G. K. Baruch (Eds.),
Gender and stress (pp. 122-143). NY Free
Press. - Thoits, P. A. (1986). Multiple identities
Examining gender and marital-status differences
in distress. American Sociological Review, 51,
- Eagly, A.H. Karau, S. J. (2002). Role
congruity theory of prejudice toward female
leaders. Psychological Review, 109, 573-598. - Lopata, H.Z. Throrne, B. (1978). On the term
"sex roles." Signs, 3, 718 - 721.
45- Assignments 6
- Writing Essay
- Despite some similarities, research of minority
stress related to gender seems to stem from a
different conceptual base then research of
minority stress related to race. Describe how the
two research traditions differ from each other.
46- Week 8. Sexual prejudice, homophobia, and
47Main Topics
- Internalized homophobia demographic
characteristics and religiosity - Community and intimacy
- Herek GM, Gillis JR, Cogan JC. (1999).
Psychological sequelae of hate-crime
victimization among lesbian, gay, and bisexual
adults. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 67, 945-51. -
- Meyer, I.H. (2001). Why LGBT health? American
Journal of Public Health. 91, 856 - 859.
- Stall, R. Mills, T.C., Williamson, J. Hart, T.,
Greenwood, G. Paul, J., Pollack, L., Binson, D.,
Osmond, D. Catania, J.A. (2003). Association
of co-occurring psychosocial health problems and
increased vulnerability to HIV/AIDS among urban
men who have sex with men. American Journal of
Public Health, 93, 939-942. - Meyer, I. H. Dean, L. (1998). Internalized
homophobia, intimacy, and sexual behavior among
gay and bisexual men. In G.M. Herek (Ed.), Stigma
and sexual orientation Understanding prejudice
against lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals (pp.
160-186). Thousand Oaks, CA Sage.
50- Week 9. Coping with stigma
51Main Topics
- Social stigma and self-esteem
- Voluntary and involuntary coping responses to
- Miller, C.T. Kaiser, C.R. (2001). Coping with
prejudice and discrimination A theoretical
perspective on coping with stigma. Journal of
Social Issues, 57, 73-92. - Crocker, J. Major, B. (1989). Social stigma and
self-esteem The self-protective properties of
stigma. Psychological Review, 96, 608-630. - Frable, D.E.S., Platt, L., Hoey, S. (1998.
Concealable stigmas and positive
self-perceptions Feeling better around similar
others. Journal of Personality and Social
Psychology, 74, 909-922.
- Postmes, T. Branscombe, N.R.( 2002).Influence
of long-term racial environment composition on
subjective well-being in African Americans.
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 83,
735-751. - Smart, L. and Wegner, DM. (2000). The hidden
costs of hidden stigma. In T.F. Heatherton, R.E.
Fleck, M.R. Hebl, and J.G. Hull (Eds.), The
social psychology of stigma (220-242). NY The
Guilford Press.
54- Assignments 7
- Writing Essay
- Think about one example of stress related to
race/ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. - 1. Briefly describe the stressor.
- 2. Describe two examples of coping with this
stressor one for each of these classes of
55- Week 10. Interventions to reduce stigma
56Main Topics
- Passive and active nature of racial stereotyping
- Personal and structural level of interventions
- Working with police to reduce stigma
- Pinfold, V., Huxley, P., Thornicroft, G., Farmer,
P., Toulmin, H., Graham, T. (2003). Reducing
psychiatric stigma and discrimination
Evaluating an educational intervention with the
police force in England. Soc Psycchiatry
Psychiatr Epidemiol, 38, 337 - 344. - Bigler, R.S. (1999). The use of multicultural
curricula and materials to counter racism in
children. Journal of Social Issues, 55, 687 -
- Pettigrew, T.F. Tropp, L.R. (2000). Does
intergroup contact reduce prejudice? Recent
meta-analytic findings. In S. Oskamp (Ed.), The
Claremont Symposium on Applied Social
Psychology Reducing prejudice and
discrimination pp. 93 A150 114). Mahwah, NJ
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. - Heilman, M.E. Haynes, M.C. (2005). Combating
organizational discrimination Some unintended
consequences. In R.L. Dipboye A. Colella
(Eds.), Discrimination at work The
psychological and organizational bases. Mahwah,
NJ Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
59Course outline
- Assignments 8
- Writing Essay
- Intervention- individual and structural level
- how do you analyze advantages and disadvantages
of these types of interventions.
60Course outline
- Week 11.
- Self and Identity Preliminary concept
61Main Topics
- Emergence of inner selfhood
- Problem of selfhood
- Social identity and self-esteem
- Baumeister, R. (1997). The self and society
Changes, problems, and opportunities. Self and
Identity Fundamental Issues (pp. 191-217). NY
Oxford University Press. - McAdams, D.P. (1997). The case for unity in the
(post)modern self A modest proposal. In R.D.
Ashmore, L. Jussim, (Series Eds.), R.D.
Contrada R.D. Ashmore (Vol. Eds.), Rutgers
Series on Self and Social Identity Vol. 1. Self
and Identity Fundamental Issues (pp.46 - 78).
NY Oxford University Press.
- Ashmore, R. D., Deaux, K., McLaughlin-Volpe, T.
(2004). An organizing framework for collective
identity Articulation and significance of
multidimensionality. Psychological Bulletin, 130,
80-114. - Brewer, M.B. (1991). The social self On being
the same and different at the same time.
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 17,
64- Assignments 9
- Writing Essay
- concept of identity in minority stress.
65- Week 12. Minority identity formation
66Main Topics
- Ethnicity as identity
- Racial-ethnical identity development
- Cross, W. (1995). The psychology of nigrescence
Revising the Cross model. In J.G. Ponterotto, J.
M. Casa, L. A. Suzuki, C. M. Alexander (Eds.),
Handbook of Multicultural Counseling (pp.
93-122). Thousand Oaks, CA Sage Publications. - Phinney, J. S. (1996). When we talk about
American ethnic groups, what do we mean? American
Psychologist, 51, 918-927.
- Eliason, M.J. Schope, R (in press). Shifting
sands or solid foundation? Lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender identity formation. In
I. H. Meyer and M. E. Northridge (Eds.), The
health of sexual minorities Public health
perspectives on lesbian, gay, bisexual, and
transgender populations. NY Springer. - Crawford, I., Allison, K. W., Zamboni, B. D.,
Soto, T. (2002). The influence of dual-identity
development on the psychosocial functioning of
African-American gay and bisexual men. Journal of
Sex Research, 39, 179-189.
69- Assignments 10
- Writing Essay
- What are some similarities and differences
between race and gay identity development models?
70- Week 13. The intersections of minority
71Main Topics
- Class, gender and race as triple oppression
- Race- politically economically and socially
formed category - Ethnicity historical and cultural group
- Acker, J. (2000). Rewriting class, race, and
gender Problems in feminist rethinnking. In
M.Marx Ferree, J. Lorber, B. B. Hess (Eds.),
Revisioning gender (pp. 44-69). Walnut Creek, CA
AltaMira Press. - Glenn, N.E. (2000). The social construction and
institutionalization of gender and race. In
M.Marx Ferree, J. Lorber, B. B. Hess (Eds.),
Revisioning gender (pp. 3-43). Walnut Creek, CA
AltaMira Press
- Mays VM, Yancey AK, Cochran SD, Weber M, Fielding
JE. (2002). Heterogeneity of health disparities
among African American, Hispanic, and Asian
American women unrecognized influences of sexual
orientation. American Journal of Public Health,
92, 632-639. - Diaz, R.M., Ayala, G . Bein, E. Henne, J.
Marin, B.V. (2001). The impact of homophobia,
poverty, and racism on the mental health of gay
and bisexual Latino men findings from 3 US
cities. American Journal of Public Health, 91,
927 - 932.
74- Assignments 11
- Writing Essay
- Describe the concept of intersectionality in the
context of minority stress and explain how the
concept of intersectionality may affect our
thinking about minority stress.
75- Week 14. The interaction of stress and
76Main Topic
- Roles of identity factors in stress process
- Burke, P.J. (1991). Identity processes and
social stress. American Sociological Review, 56,
836-849. - Thoits, P.A. (1999). Self, identity, stress and
mental health. In C. S Aneshensel and J. C.
Phelan (Eds.), Handbook of the Sociology of
Mental Health (345 - 368). NY Kluwer
78Course Outcomes (1)
- Gaining and integrating the knowledge of theory
with public health practices to advance our
understanding of social stressor and its
underlying mechanisms - Integrate knowledge of theory and practice
concerning mental health in the context of social
79Course Outcomes (2)
- Obtain familiarity with the following concept and
research topics - Variations in sensitivity to discrimination
and prejudice within groups - Factors influencing people's tendency to
perceive and report experiences with
discrimination - The psychological effects of being a member
of a stigmatized group - Methods for coping with being a member of a
stigmatized group - Effects of having a stigmatized status within
intergroup contact situations
80 Student Evaluation
..Despite of being designed in uncommon way
for Georgian students I find it very interesting,
the lectures are built on Discussions, what helps
us to develop critical thinking ability, also
interaction between students and lecturer is a
big advantage of the course.
81 Student Evaluation
Course helps me in identification of social
factors influencing my clients mental health.
Besides, knowledge that I receive about stress,
helps me to predict forthcoming exacerbation of
my clients mental condition, and hence it helps
my in it's prevention and case management.
82 Student Evaluation
,,The only disadvantage is that the course can
only be chosen by students who are fluent in
English.. ..it frustrates the students who
would like to choose this course and cannot do
this because of the requirement mentioned
American Councils Junior faculty Development
Program Ilan Mayer Curriculum by Ilan Mayer
(Associate Professor of Columbia University,
School of Public Health) served as the basis for
developing the proposed syllabus
Kristina Vacharadze Tamar Japaridze Khathuna
Ioseliani Open Society
Institute Academic Fellowship Program (AFP )
Tamar Abashidze Associate Professor of Tbilisi
State University, Department of
Psychology Marine Chitashvili Professor of
Tbilisi State University
85 Thank You