Intergroup Relations: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Intergroup Relations:


Reducing Prejudice and Discrimination. The Contact Hypothesis. Common Ingroup ... Discrimination: positive or negative behavior directed toward the persons or ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Intergroup Relations:

Lecture 12
  • Intergroup Relations
  • Prejudice and Discrimination

  • Introduction
  • What is Prejudice?
  • Theories of Intergroup Relations
  • Authoritarian Personality Theory
  • Realistic Conflict Theory
  • Social Identity Theory
  • Reducing Prejudice and Discrimination
  • The Contact Hypothesis
  • Common Ingroup Identity Model

  • Ingroup The social group to which an individual
    perceives herself or himself as belonging (us).
  • Outgroup Any group other than the one to which
    individuals perceive themselves as belonging

What is prejudice?
  • Prejudice is a positive or negative attitude
    towards individuals based upon their membership
    in a particular social group.

What is Prejudice?
  • 3 components of a prejudiced attitude
  • (A) Affective
  • Evaluative/emotional aspect
  • (B) Behavioral
  • Discrimination positive or negative behavior
    directed toward the persons or groups who are
    targets of prejudice
  • (C) Cognitive
  • Stereotypes A cognitive framework (i.e.,
    schema) to the effect that all members of a
    specific social group share certain

Theories of Intergroup Relations, cont.
  • Authoritarian Personality Theory
  • The authoritarian personality can be described in
    terms of 3 components
  • 1. Authoritarian submission
  • A high degree of submission to authorities who
    are perceived to be established and legitimate in
    the society in which one lives.
  • 2. Authoritarian aggression
  • A general aggressiveness, directed against
    various persons, that is perceived to be
    sanctioned by established authorities.
  • 3. Conventionalism
  • A high degree of adherence to the social
    conventions that are perceived to be endorsed by
    society and its established authorities.

Theories of Intergroup Relations, cont.
  • Authoritarian Personality Theory, cont.
  • Scape-goating
  • A response to frustration whereby the individual
    displaces aggression onto a socially disapproved

Theories of Intergroup Relations, cont.
  • Realistic Conflict Theory (Sherif)

Harmonious intergroup attitudes
Biased perceptions
Development of Group Culture
Intergroup Cooperation
Intergroup Conflict
Group Formation
Tasks require intragroup cooperation
Intergroup competition for scarce resources
Introduce superordinate goal
Theories of Intergroup Relations, cont.
  • Social Identity Theory (Tajfel, 1978)
  • Social categorization
  • Social identity
  • Social comparison
  • Psychological group distinctiveness

Theories of Intergroup Relations, cont.
  • Social Identity Theory, cont.
  • Social comparison
  • The cognitive tendency to divide the social world
    into categories (i.e., social groups). This
    categorical differentiation has the effect of
    sharpening the distinctions between the
    categories and blurs the differences within them.

Theories of Intergroup Relations, cont.
  • Social Identity Theory
  • Social identity
  • That part of the individuals self-concept which
    derives from knowledge of his or her membership
    in a social group, together with the value and
    emotional significance associated to that

Theories of Intergroup Relations, cont.
  • Social Identity Theory, cont.
  • Social comparison
  • The process through which characteristics of the
    ingroup are compared to those of the outgroup.

Theories of Intergroup Relations, cont.
  • Social Identity Theory, cont.
  • Psychological Group Distinctiveness
  • The state desired by individuals in which the
    ingroup has an identity that is perceived by the
    group members as being both distinct and positive
    vis-à-vis relevant comparison groups.

Reducing Prejudice
  • The Contact Hypothesis (Amir, 1969)

Cooperative Interdependence
Prejudice Reduction
Equal Status
Acquaintance Potential
Institutional Support
Reducing Prejudice, cont.
  • Common Ingroup Identity Model
  • Individuals in different groups who view
    themselves as members of a single social entity
    will experience more positive contacts between
    themselves and intergroup bias will be reduced.
  • Recategorization
  • Shifts in the boundary between an individuals
    ingroup and various outgroups cause persons
    formerly viewed as outgroup members now to be
    seen as belonging to the ingroup

Reducing Prejudice, cont.
  • Dissociation Model (Devine, 1989)
  • Based on a conflict between stereo-typed
    responses and personal beliefs
  • Automatic Processes (stereotyped-response)
  • Involve the unintentional (spontaneous)
    activation of previously developed associations
    in memory that have been established through a
    history of repeated activation.
  • Controlled Processes (personal beliefs)
  • Refers to the intentional activation of
    information stored in memory. More flexible than
    automatic processes, but they can be initiated
    only with active attention and not under
    conditions in which ones cognitive capacity is
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