- Course Introduction Overview
- Teaching Objectives
- To enhance our ability to recognize understand
the manifestations impacts of all forms of
diversity in the business context. - To enhance readiness ability to reflect upon
our own reasoning tendencies around questions of
2Course Introduction Objectives
- To identify practice strategies skills for
maximizing the potential benefits of operating in
an increasingly diverse context - To enhance our readiness ability to take
leadership roles in addressing diversity within
business organizations.
3Learning Contract for This Course
- Learning happens in two ways much of the time
- There is the actual content of our conversation.
- The experiential learning skill-building that
comes from actually talking about differences.
4Organization of the Course
- Part 1 Ways of Thinking
- Five essays readings which present different
way of thinking about diversity - 1. Ways of Thinking About and Across Difference
- 2. Gender Differences in Managerial Behavior the
Ongoing Debate - 3. Race and Ethnicity
5Organization Part 1
- 4. National Culture and Management
- 5. Global Work Force 2000 The new world Labor
Market - Part 2. Individual Choices
- Managerial Effectiveness Diversity Individual
6Part 2 Individual Choices
- Entry
- Understanding Communicating About our Group
Identities our Differences - Performance Development
- ConflictManaging Conflict in a Diverse Workplace
7Part 3 Organizational Choices
- Managerial Effectiveness Diversity
Organizational Choices - Groups in the Workforce
- Sexual Harassment
- A Note on the Law of Sexual Harassment
- Spousal Equivalents
- Affirmative Action
8Part 4 Redefining Leadership
- Redefining Leadership through Diversity
- Personal leadership in Diversity
- Typical Motivations that cause individuals to
take Leadership positions around Diversity - The barriers that prevent such position
- Leadership skills/strategies that enable one to
be effective in this arena
9Issues/Discussion Topics
- Affirmative action
- Comparable Worth
- Conceptual Frameworks
- Diversity in Customer Base
- Employee Pressures/Issues
- External Pressures
- Glass Ceiling
10Issues/Discussion Topics
- Impacts on Perf. Dev.
- Institutional Bias
- Labor Market Demographics
- Leadership
- Legal and Regulatory Issues
- Organizational Change
- Stereotyping Prejudice
- Work/Family/Life Balance
11Pedagogy for this Course
- Case Exercises
- Theory Research
- Quest Lecturers
- Students actively participation in class
12Diversity in the Future by . Loden Rosener
- .Massive demographic changes are creating new
challenges for mangers - We must replace the cookie cutter approach to
HR in which employee diversity is ignored or
devalued - New attitudes skills will be required to hire
develop diverse employees lead.
- There needs to be a shift in focus away from a
homogeneous view of employees towards pluralistic
view. - To make this shift, managers will need to
- Recognize cultural diversity.
- Value respect fundamental differences.
- Find common ground on which to build
relationships of trust mutual respect..
14A New Understanding of Diversity by .R. Thomas
- Integrating several lines of business into a
strategic whole - Orchestrating a merger to maximize benefits and
minimize hassles - Managing change so that you improve the health of
your organization without killing the patient in
the process - Evaluating various global global opportunities
smart decisions
- A new philosophy about what diversity is anew
process of Diversity management that can be of
benefit in all strategic areas - Defining Diversity
- Diversity is not synonymous with differences, but
encompasses differences similarities. - Diversity refers to the collective
(all-inclusive)mixture of differences
similarities along a given dimension.
- The component elements in diversity mixtures can
vary, and so a discussion of diversity must
specify the dimensions in question. - Challenge yourself to get better at recognizing
the diversity mixtures in the situations that
- The Critical Link Between Diversity Complexity
- Complexity is function of the number of
components involved and the degree of
variability.. - Diversity the more lines of business.., the more
function, the more races represented, the
greater the diff, among them, the greater the
- Where diversity increases, complexity increases
where complexity becomes pronounced, so does
diversity. - To find new formulas for competitive advantage,
are forcing managers to expand their capability
to deal with such apparent contradictions - You must develop skill at understanding
- Dealing with diversity will also know how to
understand deal with complexity.
20A New Tool for Strategic Management
- Workforce diversity are growing managers must
find vehicles to ensure full use of these
employeespotentials - Teaming as a strategic structure- transforming to
focused unit - Acquisitions mergers-strategies-gun-shy
confused - Cross-functional coordination-collaboration
21A New Tool for Strategic management
- Managing change means dealing with
- Create an environment in which all employees
team members - Create a global organization that will enable
full realization - Weave the acquisition?merger partners into one
effective organization - Enhance our ability to process diverse, complex
22The Diversity Management Process
- Step 1 Analyze the circumstances identify the
problem. - Step 2 Identify the diversity mixture at hand
define its ingredients - Step 3 Determine whether diversity tension is
present and, if so, whether it is interfering
with success. - Step 4 review the action options choose
- The Ways of Thinking About and Across Difference,
provides a descriptive critique of the reasoning
pitfalls often encountered of all kinds, but
particularly differences of identity such as
race, gender, ethnicity, and so forth. - This essay requires a self-reflection
- Thinking patterns can restrict the ability to
respond effectively to , and learn from,
differences... - Habitual Ways of Thinking About Difference
Patterns of Duality Oppositionality - Examining nine common reasoning models
25(1)Ways of Thinking About Across Difference
- Mary Ann Glendon Rights Talk
- - Have you observed the types of thinking about
RIGHTS that Glendon describes in diversity
discussion? - What are the consequence of this type of
thinking? - Insularity vs. self-corrective learning
- assertion vs reason-giving
26(2) Self-Definition Through Oppositionality
- What would it mean to define oneself more
complexly, in ways other than in opposition to
others? - Allows for differences/distinctions within
identity groups - Allows for internal contradictions
- allows for greater personal dynamism, growth and
change - individual identity becomes a more fluid and
yet more resilient concept
27(3) Cultural Generalization Dichotomy or
- Have you seen examples of useful and/or
ineffective applications of cultural or group
generalizations? - True Understanding learning is limited at
either pole of this dichotomy the assumption
that we understand an individual because we hold
generalizations about a group (ender, race
Nationality,etc.) to which they belong----
28(4) Shelby Steele Seeing for Innocence
- Do you agree with Steele analysis that both
African-Americans and Caucasian Americans can be
tempted to claim the status of victim with
regard to the other? Why or why not? - If so what are the implications?
- Barrier to understanding and change
29(5) Cornel West and racial Reasoning
- Can you understand and explain the tendency
toward closing ranks and demands of racial
authenticity that West describes? - Can you see similar tendencies within other
identity groups? - Is this tendency unique to non-dominant groups?
30(6) Chris Argyris and Defensive Reasoning
- Do you recognize the phenomenon Argyris
describes? - How is it anti-learning?
- How does it limit our ability to learn about and
from differences?
31(7) Thomas Gilovich and How We Know What Isnt So
- How do the reasoning errors that Gilovich
describes affect thinking about differences, in
our own experience or in that of others we have
32(8) Pareto Optimality/Scarcity Thinking
College of Business (
- Are there instances where my privileges may be a
direct result of someone elses exclusion -
through no merit of mine or fault of theirs? - How does one address that situation?
- Identify opportunities missed (for learning,
innovation, growth) - identify interdependencies
- consider fairness
33(9) Masking and Overdetermined Terminology
- Can you think of other terms (besides Merit)
that have taken on an assumed clarity that masks
many assumptions and differences of opinion? - diversity
- minority
34Assignment Questions
- Can you think of examples of the reasoning
pitfalls (described in the essay) that you have
heard, read, or thought in response to managerial
issues of diversity? - Using the model for reframing diversity described
in this essay, can you generate alternative
analyses of these same managerial issues?
35Reframing Diversity A Model
- 1. Multiple Identities
- 2. Salience
- 3 Costs and Benefits
- 4. Choice
- 5. Redefinition and Change
- 6.Shared Goals
36Dimensions of Diversity
- Primary dimensions-help form our core identities
minimally include age, ethnicity, gender,
physical abilities /qualities, race and sexual/
affecttional orientation - Secondary dimensions-educational background,
geographic location, religious beliefs, income,
marital status work experience
37The Diversity ParadigmOptions for Action
- Considering the diversity mixture at hand, what
are the available action choices? - What are the factors that determine what action
is selected? - Include/exclude suppress
- Deny Isolate
- Assimilate Build relationships
- Foster mutual adaptation
38The Diversity Paradigm
- Understanding the Action Options
- Of the eight options, only one unequivocally
endorses diversity - None of action options is inherently good or bad
in itself It all depends on the context - Action choices can be used in combination
- The selection of action choices is dynamic and
determined by context - Each option can be used with any collective
mixture of differences similarities
39Selecting a Course of Action for The Diversity
- Your point of reference
- Individual inclination
- Individual mindset
- Organizational environment
- Diversity tension
- Depending on the circumstances, any one of these
factors or any combination, can be dominant at
any particular time
- Readings
- Gender Differences in Managerial Behavior The
Ongoing Debate - Race and Ethnicity
- Managerial effectiveness and Diversity
Individuals Choices - Dimensions of Diversity
41Gender Differences in Managerial Behavior The
Ongoing Debate by Herminia Ibarra
- Two conflicting perspectives on gender difference
- Psychological theories emphasize the different
outlook, attitudes, and values inculcated in men
women during their development socialization - Situational theories argue that gender
differences are few, largely an artifact of
differences in opportunity, power, lack of
- Representation in business and organizational
settings - The research that has done on these questions is
often contradictory - Some suggests - the real measurable differences
in the way men women act interact
- Other studies suggest that these differences are
rooted in the organizational contexts where the
men women work. - These two ways of viewing gender differences in
the workplace have different implications for the
actions on might take to address inequities. - The problem-solving framework - Ways of
44RACE AND ETHNICITYBy Taylor Cox, Jr. Stella Nkomo
- Cox Nkomo extend the discussion raised in
Ibarras essay from gender to race and ethnicity.
What are the different research perspectives when
applied to race and ethnicity? - The research literature on racioethnic effects in
five areasjob satisfaction/attitudes,
performance appraisal, leadership, motivation,
careers (entry and upward mobility).
- The broad question of whether psychological
perspectives or situational perspectives most
adequately explain gender differences. - What exactly are these different research
perspectives have revealed when applied to race
and ethnicity?
- What are some tangible examples of the ways
differences can impact workplace experience? - What are some broad conceptual questions of race
ethnicity as cultural phenomena ( as well as
biological realities)? - How would you use intergroup theory to enrich
ones understanding of racial ethnic diversity?
- What is the implications of the intersection of
racioethnicity and gender? - How would you use the theory of everyday racism
as a means of exploring the ways in which values,
beliefs and prejudices about race and ethnicity
are embedded invisibly-in the codes of everyday
language and experiences
- What are the four continua set up by Hofstede as
a sort guide for exploration learning - There is no single categorization captures a
culture, how would you use Halls languages and
Hofstedes spectrums as a guide for exploration
and understanding others?
- What are the primary secondary dimensions of
people in this class? - How can the class benefit from these factors?
What are the liabilities? - What word(s) would you use to refer to the
following groups women, black people, Asian
people, American indians, gay men and lesbians,
and older adults?
- Do the terms we use to label people really make a
difference in how we communicate with each other? - How does the interconnectedness of these
dimensions (primary secondary) really shapes
identities, values, and perceptions? For
51Managerial Effectiveness Diversity Individual
- Intent versus Perception
- Power and Access
- Is Equal Fair?
- Creative Conflict
52Managerial Effectiveness and Diversity
Individual Choices
- Bystanders and Third Parties
- Freedom of Expression
- Freedom to hold express our views, opposed to
the right to have others comply with them - Freedom to express our views for the purpose of
constructive dialogue learning, as opposed to
the purpose of silencing or harassing other - Personal values beliefs Vs. values beliefs
germane to the workplace
53Anne Livingston Power Max System A-E
- This case series provides an opportunity to
examine how identity differences can have an
impact upon and individuals ENTRY into an
organization or work group. - Some of the issues first impressions,
self-fulfilling prophecies, stereotypes,
prevailing cultural norms institutional bias,
the impact of being in a majority or a minority,
54Anne Livingston Power Max Systems
- Group dynamics, the presence/absence of mentors,
the presence/absence of informational support
networks, comparable worth, glass ceilings
leadership - Entry into any group is a complex situation
- Difficult to know when reactions are
- related to ones newness or ones identity group
memberships (racial, gender, etc.)
55Anne Livingston Power Max Systems
- Do the gender and racial identities of Livingston
her Power Max colleagues have anything to do
with the way they are working together and their
performance? - The lesson is that effective management of gender
racial differences encourages effective
management of all differences (of ideas, of
styles, of personality, etc.)
56Anne Livingston Power Max Systems (A)
- Should Livingston accept this job if offered?
- Pro
- Con
- Is Power Max a good fit for Livingston (her
style, her identity) ? Is power Max a good fit
for women of color? Should she consider that?
57Anne Livingston Power Max Systems (B1) Case
- How well as Livingston managed her initial entry
onto the team at Power Max? What has she done
well? What should she have done differently? - Why do you think Murray fumbled her title? What
were her options in the situation/ - Should Livingston have responded differently to
the senior engineers comment about equal
opportunity hiring?
58Anne Livingston Power Max Systems (C1) Case
- How should Livingston respond to Dixon the
software teams doubts right then? - Could Livingston have avoided this situation? Why
didnt Dixon respond earlier? What is Murray
doing? - How well did Livingston manage Jordan? Amjas?
What kind of credibility did she have by this
point, and with whom?
59Anne Livingston Power Max Systems ( D1) Case
- Should Livingston hire Leung?
- What so you think of her efforts to diversify the
team? What are her arguments? Do you agree with
them? - Is she doing all she should to make the
environment hospitable to new hires? - Does this emphasis upon diversifying the team
help or hinder her personal success/
60Anne Livingston Power Max Systems (D1) Case
- Should Livingston hire Leung?
- What do you think of her efforts to diversify the
team? What are her arguments? Do you agree with
them? - Is she doing all she should to make the
environment hospitable to new hires? - Does this emphasis upon diversifying the team
help or hinder her personal success?
61Anne Livingston Max Systems (E1) Case
- What should Livingston do now? What are her
options what ends do they serve? - How effective has Livingston been? Is her
management style a problem? Is she tough
enough? - What do you think of her attempt to talk to Dixon
about her style being culture-based?
62Anne Livingston Power Max Systems Conclusion
- It is worth noting that entry into an
organization can be tricky in any case, but that
is becomes especially complex when one is trying
to understand whether responses from colleagues,
subordinates supervisors are tied to ones
identity or ones actual performance. The
individual entering the new situation will be
weighing when to confront a situation when to
hold back, to wait and see.
63Understanding Communicating About Group
Identities Differences
- Workshop Objectives
- Pre-Workshop Written Assignment
- Student pre-Work
- Read The case for mutual understanding The
Johari Window (Point) - Read The case for ambiguous communication
(Counter Point) - Learning about Yourself Exercise (Listening
64 Communication Reading Assignments Decoding
Garbled Communication
- To become effective communicators, managers and
employees must increase their - Language sensitivity
- Awareness of stylistic elements of communication
- Avoid using terms expressions that ignore or
devalue others - Become familiar w/person communication styles
vary among individuals diverse groups
65Decoding Garbled Communication
- Managers can improve the quality clarity of
their communications with others by following
these four steps - Identify the specific elements of ones own
communication style. - Recognize personal filters test assumptions in
cross-cultural communications
66Decoding Garbled Communication
- Acknowledge ones own style when communicating
with others. - Be aware of differences in cultural context.
- Garbled communication is less likely to occur if
managers assume the are communicating with
67Beyond Stereotypes Developing Authentic
Relationships W/Diverse Others
- Stereotyping defined--fixed distorted
generalization made about all members of a
particular group - Stereotypes are frequently used to reinforce an
underlying prejudice about others. - Prejudices are judgments made about others that
reinforce a superiority/inferiority belief
68Beyond Stereotypes
- Prejudices foster the destructive isms
(including -heterosexism, racism sexism) - Prejudices combined with institutional power
used to systematically disadvantage others - Everyone develops some prejudices stereotypes
about others as a result of early socialization.
69Beyond Stereotypes
- Prejudices can be managed minimized in the
following five step process - Accepting responsibility for the problem
- Identifying problem behaviors
- Assessing the impact of problem behaviors oth
others - Modifying negative behavior.
- Obtaining feedback from others
70Performance DevelopmentJensen Shoes Assignment
- What were Twitchells assumptions about Kravitz
abilities, attitudes motivations? On what were
these assumptions based? - What were Kravitz assumptions about Twitchells
abilities, attitudes and motivations? On what
were these assumptions based?
71Jensen shoes Assignment Questions
- What would Twitchell Kravitz have had to do
differently to result in a more effective working
relationship? - Background What kind of environment is Jensen
Shoes for women Minorities - What would you see as the strengths weaknesses
of twitchells Kravitzs performance,
interactions, 7 career management thus far? What
are they doing well? What are they doing poorly?
72Jensen Shoes
- What were Twichells Kravitzs assumptions
about the others abilities, attitudes
motivations? Upon what evidence were these
assumptions based? - What would they have to do differently to create
an effective working relationship? Could this
assignment have worked?
73Managing Culture Clash
- Culture clash is conflict over basic values that
occurs between groups of different core
identities. - When? In the workplace when the values, attitudes
behaviors of dominant group are questioned by
others. - Example--when an organizations move away from
assimilation--valuing diversity
74Managing Culture Clash
- What are the three types of culture clash
- Threatening
- Confusing
- Enhancing
75Establishing Common ground
- To shared set of assumptions cooperative
action. - To move away from assimilation, towards greater
differentiation to integration. - True integration require a organization culture
becomes one that values supports diversity.
76Establishing Common Ground
- To create a culture of diversity, other must play
an active role in shaping organizational
standards expectations - The major responsibility for this change rests
with the dominant group-possess greater
organizational power. - There is no quick fix to culture change or
establishing common ground
- Karen Leary (BC)
- How has Leary taken charge of the Elmville branch
office? - What is your evaluation of Chungs performance?
- If you were Leary, how would you respond to
Chungs request for a private office?
78Karen Leary (B C)
- What factors would you consider? What specific
actions would you take to improve Chungs
performance, as well as your working relationship
with him? - If you were Learys regional director (her
immediate supervisor), how would you evaluate her
79Performance Development Laura Wollen ARPCO,Inc.
- Should Wollen recommend Lewis for the U.K.
position? Is Abbott correct in saying that
Wollen has made this too much of a personal
issue? - If she does recommend him, are there other steps
she should take to insure his success? - If she does no recommend him, are there other
steps she should take on his behalf or within the
firm more generally?
80Understanding Group Dynamics Minimizing
- What are the affects of diversity in the
workplace? - What are the factors that have a particularly
strong impact on on the effective functioning of
diverse work groups? - How would you explain the an insidious dynamic of
collusion in the workplace?
81Understanding Group Dynamics Minimizing
- Explain how collusion can be conscious and
unconscious enticing among group members that
reinforces stereotypic attitudes, behavior and
prevailing norms? - How do people collude?
- What is often the motivation for collusion
- How would you break collusive behavior patterns?
82Conflict Diverse Workplace Vignettes
- Intent vs. Perception
- Power Access (Nikki Bliss)
- Is Equal Fair? (Moses Wu)
- Julia Mack MacKenzie
- Creative Conflict (Cassandra Barton)
83Managing Conflict in a Diverse Workplace
- Bystanders Third Parties (Everett Evans)
- Freedom of Expression
- Jillian Reese
- Jacqueline LaRue
- Terry O Leary
- The Implications of Involvement
84Conflict Case Ann Hopkins
- What caused the problem described in the case?
- Was the problem avoidable? If so How?
- What should Ann Hopkins do?
85Model of Organizational Diversity
- Workforce Diversity
- Behavioral
- Situational
- Identity groups
- Business Diversity
- Operating environment
- Markets
- Product/Services
86Model of Organizational Diversity
- Structural Diversity
- Functional
- Level
- Divisional
- Interorganizational alliances
- Organizational Responses to Diversity (A
descriptive Framework) - MOTIVATORS
88Understanding Organizational Responses
- Legal Regulatory Pressures
- Labor Market Demographics
- Globalization of Business
- Diversifying Customer Base
- External Pressure from Community, Religious, /or
Political Groups
- Is it a discrete problem to be solved?
- Is it a discreet competitive opportunity to be
tapped? - Is it a potential threat to be avoided?
- Is it a cluster of interrelated challenges
opportunities? - Is it experienced as a primarily external (to the
organization) or primarily internal reality
- Is it experienced as a primarily external (to the
organization )or primarily internal reality? - How broadly is diversity defined?
- Are the points of leverage seen as primarily
person-based, or embedded in the organization? - Is it seen as a time-limited, time-bounded agenda
- Cultural Audit
- Training
- Recruiting/Hiring initiative
- Networks, Discussion Groups Task Forces
- Performance Development/Career Management
- Working Conditions Benefit Policies
- external Programs
92Global Work Force 2000 The New world Labor
- Another way of thinking about diversity-demographi
cs - Diversity in the workplace point to shifting
labor market demographics as a motivation for
attending to this issue--global complex context - Demographic projections must be seen in the
context of interlocking interdependent
93Global Work Force 2000 The New World Labor Market
- They are immigration patterns, educational
patterns, cultural realities around gender
racial equity, age representation, availability
of health retirement benefits--both within
between countries.
94Global work force 2000 The New World Labor Market
- Taken together, the essay by authors provide
specific insights into four types of diversity
gender, race, ethnicity, and national culture - These essays suggest some specific ways
- The general reasoning framework model-in Ways of
Thinking About Across Difference
- Reaping substantial long-term rewards in the
future - Full utilization of human capital.
- Reduced interpersonal conflict.
- Enhanced work relationships.
- Shared organizational vision increased
commitment among diverse employees - Greater innovation flexibility
- Organizations that continue to view diversity as
liability - High turnover among others.
- Low employee morale.
- Limited innovation.
- Lagging productivity.
- Increased inability to recruit the most talented
new workers.
- Valuing Diversity in Leading-Edge Organization-
share three characteristics - Commitment to the value of diversity among senior
management. - A different but equal operating philosophy.
- Expanded definitions of effective performance.
98Diversity in Leading-Edge Organizations
- Leading-edge organizations share basic
assumptions including - Employee diversity is a competitive advantage.
- The organization is in transition.
- Change the culture not the people.
99Diversity in Leading-edge Organizations
- Some common practices of - Leading-Org.
- Linking diversity to the strategic vision.
- Systems procedures that support diversity.
- Monitoring of recruitment, development,
promotion trends. - Technical reeducation.
- Awareness education.
- Awareness education.
100Diversity in Leading-edge Organizations
- Some common practices
- Rewards based on performance results.
- Enhanced education
- Rewards based on performance results.
- Reinforcement of the value of diversity in hiring
promotions. - Attention to subtle reinforces of the homogeneous
101Diversity in Leading-edge Organizations
- Some out comes from these practices including
- Help to increase the presence of others in
visible leadership roles. - To increase the voice of others as resources in
efforts to change the organizations culture. - To increase employee interest involvement in
integrated nit works.
- The Miami Herald Publishing Company
- Assignment Questions
- How should Lawrence define his papers market
papers role in the Miami - How do these definitions serve Knight-Ridder, the
parent company? - How do these definitions serve the different
communities in the Miami area?
103The Miami Herald Publishing Company
- What are the major business challenges facing the
newspaper industry in 1994? - So with this business context, where are the
growth opportunities for The Miami Herald? - It is clear that all of these strategies are
focused ether primarily or at least significantly
on the Hispanic markets.
104Th Miami Herald Publishing Company
- Tell me about the Hispanic market in Miami The
Miami Heralds relationship to it. - In considering a segmentation strategy, what are
the advantages the disadvantages of splitting
the core product into two free-standing papers,
The Miami Herald El Nuevo Herald? - What should Lawrence do? What should
Knight-Ridder want him to do?
105The Miami Herald Publishing Company
- The melting pot or assimilation model for
community with some new metaphor for an
increasingly diverse nation- multiple
identities - Do separate papers necessarily divide the
community? - Does a single paper (or voice) Necessarily unite
the community?
106The Miami Herald Publishing Company
- Could the different perspectives of the different
papers enrich each other? ( In other words, isnt
this more than an issue of language?) - When does the market (it size distinct
characteristics, economic clout) drive such
decisions, as opposed to a commitment to the
mission of a major metropolitan newspaper as
Lawrence defines it?
- Is the bank guilty of discrimination? Please pay
careful attention to exhibits one two - As a senior executive of the bank, what issues
would concern you most in this situation? - What steps should the bank take in the next few
months? In the next few years? - The fundamental questions of the case Looking a
the statistics in Exhibit 2, can you say that
BayBank discriminated or was there something else
at work?
- 1. Introduction This Case can teach us something
about how people work together in teams, how
managers handle collaborative endeavors, and how
organizations can nurture those teams - 2. Diagnosis What is happening and why?
- How has Mod IV ended up where it is now?
- How would you assess Mod IV?
- 3. ActionWhat do you expect will in fact happen
at a team meeting (to resolve the modules issue.
For example)? - 4. Reflection and Action Reconsidered
- Whats the purpose of teams (at BCD and in
general)? - Action
- How would you ideally like to see the team act?
- 5. Conclusion
- Macro conclusions teams as logical, but many
challenges - Micro conclusion team members in a double-bind.
- Managers have tasks that require paying attention
to both macro and micro levels
- Mod IV Product Development Team
- How has Mod IV ended up where it is now?
- What is its history where is it now?
- What forces are affecting the Mod IV teams
culture outcome? - What were the major controversies involved in its
development? - What organizational factors have influenced it?
- Accountants Business Advisors, Inc, City
Office - Is retention of women a problem for the City
Office? - What factors contribute to the lower retention
rates for women? - What does shaughnessy lern from the four female
partners? - What should Shaughnessy do?
- Landgraf Du Pont Merck Pharmaceutical Company
- How should Landgraf respond to the African
American Core Teams concerns the threat of a
lawsuit? - Should the issues raised by the African American
Scientists impact downsizing decisions? - What should Landgrafs priorities be a how
should he communicate them?
114Black Caucus Groups at Xerox
- Black employees felt that the HR policies at
Xerox were inadequate as a result they created a
black caucus system? - As David Kearns, how would you respond to the
prospect of a national caucus meeting or the
formalization of the caucus system into a
national organization? - What are you going to do?
115Sexual Harassment Free Speech, or
- Which of the scenarios presented in the case
involve sexual harassment? How compelling is the
claim? - In which situations do complainants have a valid
legal claim? For those situation, identify the
parties with potential liability. - How would you advise the complainants in each
116Sexual Harassment Free Speech, or..
- What is your appraisal of the legal framework
governing sexual harassment in the United States/
117Employee Pressures/Hiring/Benefits Policy
- Lotus Development Corporation Spousal
Equivalents - Why is Campanello considering the proposal?
- What would be the likely costs benefits of
Lotus offering benefits to employee spousal
equivalents? - What should Campanello decide? Why?
- What kind of response can Campanello Lotus
expect from the market investors from
competitors? From employee?
118Building a Balance Workforce
- The Balance workforce a Xerox Corp.
- Do the governments factors make sense?
- Does the weighting scheme make sense?
- What problems did the old process face?
- What does BWF change? Did it create new problems?
- How does Xerox expect managers to achieve their
goals, once set? - What is making it harder for managers to achieve
their goals? - c
119Affirmative Action
- The FCC an License Auctions for emerging
Technologies - What ought the objectives of Congress the FCC
be, if any, with regard to designated entities
the Spectrum auctions? - Are the FCC auction policies for designated
entities likely to work as intended? - If they do work, who benefits? Who loses?
- Is there a better alternative
120Building Diversity among Suppliers
- Peak Electronics Vendor Relationship with the
Ford Motor Company - What were Yancys motivations?
- What do you think if the arrangement outlined in
Fords letter of November 7 to Yancy? Was it
fair ? Did it favor any on party in particular?
121Peak Electronics
- How do you evaluate Peaks performance since
commencing operations in January 1990? How has
Yancy conducted himself? - How do you evaluate Ford (both corporate
electronic division management) since Peak
commenced operating in January 1990 - What should E.J. Yancy now do? What proposal
should he make to Ford?
122Redefining Leadership Through Diversity
- Monitor Company
- What motivates the different individuals profiled
in the case to take a leadership role around
diversity - How do they define diversity?
- Are there conflicts between these definitions
the goals they engender
123Monitor Company
- Can the Monitor culture and value system
accommodate diverse styles of learning and
leadership without sacrificing it distinctive
124The Pluralistic Leader
- Participative versus Pluralistic
- New attitudes skills are required to lead
- Effective managers empower employees
- Effective leaders go beyond basic competencies
must be to inspire employees - visibly committed to creation of culture of
diversity - Moving beyond current models of participative
- leadership
125The Pluralistic Leader
- Pluralistic Leadership Characteristics
- Vision values that recognize support
diversity within the organization - Ethical commitment to fairness the elimination
of all types of workplace discrimination. - Broad knowledge awareness regarding the primary
secondary dimensions of diversity
multicultural issues.
126Creating the Culture of Diversity
- The culture of diversity is an institutional
environment built on the values of fairness,
diversity, mutual respect, understanding,
cooperation where shared goals, rewards,
performance standards, operating norms, and a
common vision of the future guide the efforts of
every employee manager.
127Creating Organizational Cultures that Value
- Blueprint for creating this culture actions
- Phase 1 Setting the Stage
- Acknowledging the fundamental difference between
equal employment opportunity valuing diversity. - Endorsing the value of diversity at the top
communicating this throughout the organization.
128Creating Cultures that value Diversity
- Phase 2 Education change Implementation
- Providing awareness education to minimize culture
clash improve work relationships. - Enlisting support for change from employees at
all organizational levels. - Diversifying work groups decision-making groups.
129Creating Cultures that Value DiversityPhase 2
- Creating benefit plans that reflect diverse
employee priorities - Tying individual group rewards to consistent
behavior that values diversity. - Creating structures to support organizational
change. - Developing coaching tutoring mechanisms to
enhance individual group effectiveness.
130Creating Cultures that Value Diversity Phase 3
- Periodic cultural audits.
- Periodic employee opinion surveys.
- Annual survey feedback for managers
- Awareness training.
- Continuous monitoring of recruitment, hiring,
development, promotion trends.
131 The Pluralistic Leader Characteristics
- Openness to change based on diverse input
feedback about personal filters blind spots. - Mentor empowered of diverse employees
- Ongoing catalyst model for individual
organizational change.
132Redefining Leadership Through Diversity and
- Pre-Class Assignment
- Identify an individual (or individuals) who, in
their opinion, has demonstrated leadership
trough/around diversity be prepared to explain
why you selected him or her. - Reflect upon how they suspect this individual
would answer the following questions
133Redefining Leadership Through Diversity
- (Or, if feasible , students could actually
interview individuals whom they have identified
as leaders in this area) - Why did you choose to take a leadership role
around diversity? - What special abilities/skills personal
characteristics enable you to be effective in
this kind of leadership role?
134Redefining Leadership Through Diversity
- What are the personal characteristics that hinder
an individuals ability to be effective in this
role? - What risks did you take when you took on such a
role? - What rewards have you seen?
135In-Class Discussion Small Groups
- Break students into small groups of four or five
- Students will be in small groups for thirty
minutes. - Students will share the stories of the leaders
they identified, as well as their responses to
the five reflection questions.
136In-Class Discussion Large Group
- How do you define leadership around/through
diversity? - How is leadership through diversity distinct from
your more general definition of leadership? - Are there different forms or types of leadership
in this area? (for example., interpersonal or
organizational) Why might an individual exhibit
on form over another?
137In-Class Discussion Large group
- What happens when a number of individuals are
committed to taking a leadership role around
diversity in an organization, but they disagree
among themselves and among other organizational
members about how to define and respond to
diversity? (provide some examples-the case study
or from students own experiences)
138In-Class Discussion
- How might one use an understanding of the variety
of motivations for, and types of, diversity
leadership in order to trigger it in others? - In light of the stories you shared in small
groups, what would spur YOU to take a leadership
role around diversity?
139Monitor Company
- What motivates the different individuals profiled
in the case to take a leadership role around
diversity? How do they each define diversity?
Are there conflicts between these definitions and
the goals they engender? - Can the monitor culture and value system
accommodate diverse styles of learning and
leadership without sacrificing its distinctive
140Monitors Culture?
- What were the distinguishing characteristics of
Monitors culture? - How does this culture support or obstruct
diversity? - Is there an opportunity here for monitor to
rethink its contribution measures and paths to
corporate leadership, or is this beyond one
firms control or responsibility?
141Monitors Cultures
- How would you characterize Monitors approach to
diversity initiatives? - What were the drivers for this effort What
were the key components of their initiative? Was
this a strategy? What were its strengths and
weaknesses? - Take a look at the individuals profiled in this
case What motivates each of them?
142Monitors Culture?
- How does each of them define the importance and
key issues related to diversity at monitor? - Does fact that one is motivated by different
experiences and commitments affect ones
priorities in this work? - Without a single vision for diversity, could any
real progress be achieved?
143Monitor Culture
- Was such a singular vision antithetical to the
task? (page 15 of the case) - Are the views necessarily mutually exclusive?
144Class Assignment
- Develop a statement of the optimal role of
diversity for your organization (past or current)
or your class that is broad enough that you
believe everyone could/would be willing to share
it, while still specific enough to suggest
meaningful action and goals.
145Personal Reflection
- What would motivate you to take a leadership
position around diversity in your organization? - What barriers would hinder this action?
- What skills and frame of mind will be most useful?
146(No Transcript)