Title: Geografiske computermedier I: Modelbaserede medier
1Geografiske computermedier - IModel-baserede
- Gennemgang af geografiske medier, der baserer
sig på 3D-modeller, f.eks. VRML-modeller og 3D
MUDs - Primærlitteratur Jensen (2000)
2Geografiske computermedier - IModel-baserede
- Introduktion
- Modelbaserede, geografiske medier
- Jens F. Jensen 3D MUDs/MOOs, beboede
3D-verdener -
- Projektmøde
3Jens F. JensenInteraktion, repræsentation og
udsigelse i beboede 3D virtuelle verdener
- Jens F. Jensen
- lektor ved Institut for Kommunikation, Aaalborg
Universitet, beboede 3D-verdener - redaktør af FISK-serien
- deltager i Staging 3D-projektet
- (censor ved DKM)
- FISK 4 Internet, World Wide Web,
Netværkskommunikation - Om netmedier, netkulturer, beboede 3D virtuelle
verdener og meget mere.
4Fra Flatland til Spaceland
- E.A. Abbot Flatland (1884) - fra flatland
til spaceland - 3D-verdener foregår i en 2D-repræsenteret
virtuel 3D-verden - Bruce Damer
- the Internet is about to become a place for
people, and it will become the biggest place in
the world ... cyberspace with a human face The
best part about these virtual worlds is that when
you visit them, you are not alone Houndreds or
even thousands of people are there with you,
exploring, communicating, and creating. (min
kursivering) - a place for people en bestemt stedmæssighed
- cyberspace with a human face avataren som
menneskelig repræsentation - exploring, communicating, and creating
centrale aktiviteter.
53D Inhabited Virtual Worlds (3D IVW)
- 3D Inhabited Virtual Worlds (3D IVW) som begreb
i forhold til - 3D MUD Multi-User Domain/Dimensions, Multi-User
Dungeons Dragons - 3D MOO MUD Object Oriented
- Karakteristik
- 3D rumlig verden, der kun eksisterer i cyberspace
- Repræsenteret af/på en 2D-skærm
- indeholder repræsentationer af brugere avatarer
- Avatarer navigable på 3D scenen
- Avatarer med viewpoint (POV)
- Avatar-POV styres relativt til scenen
- Internettet ellers en stak 2D-dokumenter, man
kan surfe på, 3D IVW en volumen man kan kan
være i
63D IVW som specifikt medium
- At 3D IVW som multi-mediesystem eller slet og ret
medium har udviklet et sæt af tegn, koder og
konventioner, i.e. et mediesprog En
mediesemiotisk teori. - Hvad er semiotik?
- Hvad er tegn, kode og konvention?
- Hvorfor specificitet?
- At denne specificitet sætter rammerne for
interaktiviteten (bruger/system) og den
virtuelle interaktion. En sociologisk og
interaktionsanalytisk teori. - Internettet ellers en stak 2D-dokumenter, man
kan surfe på, 3D IVW en volumen man kan kan
være i
7Jensens analyse af 3D IVW
- Beskrive rum, artefakter/objekter og aktører
beskrivelse af forskellige former for interaktion
herimellem. Forhold mellem virtuelt materiale og
aktualisering heraf Space/place, map/tour - Beskrivelse og analysere præsentations- og
henvendelsesmodus tekstmæssig udsigelse
story/discourse, stedordsbetegnelser 1. Person,
3. Person osv. - Beskrivelse af social interaktion og
83D MUDsRepræsentation og entiteter
- Virtual world 3D environment
- koordinatbaseret enhver position kan bestemmes
med tre koordinator - geometrisk endeligt
- kontinuerligt navigerbart seamless
- sociale, fysiske oa. regler bundet til miljøet
- verden repræsenterer en bestemt vision/koncept
bestemmende for miljøets udvikling en egen
ontologi - Objects
- Agents
- Avatars
- Bots og andre autonome agenter
9Avatarer, objekter og cyber-hybrider
- Avatar Fremtræden (appearance) og funktionalitet
(functionality) - Avatar og objekt
- Cyberhybrider
- Alife/Digital biota
- Karakterer baseret på genetiske algoritmer lærer
af interaktioner - Spilkarakterautonome agenter knyttet til en
spilsammenhæng - Maskekarakterer en smart avatar
- Virtual humans Stand-ins baseret på simulering i
udtrykket - Avatar/Agent skifter mellem bot- og
10Rum/figur-interaktion i IVW
- Interaktion beskrevet med begrebsparret
virtualitet/aktualitet - konkretiseret med
begrebsparrene - Space/place (lieu/espace) hos Michel de Certeau
Practice of everyday life Menneskelligt
hverdagsrum (espace, antropologisk rum cf.
Merleau-Ponty) er praktiseret sted (lieu,
geometrisk sted) - Tours and maps To måder at forstå
interaktionsrum på Observationel versus
operationel - eller synkron versus diakron Rum
opfattet via et samlende overblik (som i metriske
eller i det mindste relationsmæssigt korrekte
kort) eller via en bestemt praksis, i.e. tur
først til højre, så til venstre Svarer til
grundlæggende forskellige kognitive måder at
forholde sig til rum på. 3D MUDs primært baseret
på turmodellen.
11Udsigelse i 3D MUDs/3D IVW
- Udsigelsesteori - stammer fra analysen af
fortællende medier man må skelne mellem oplevet
historie og diskursive operationer, altså det,
der får os til at opleve noget som historie,
f.eks. via en udsigelse. Således begrebsparret
story/discourse. - Jensen skelner mellem
- Udsigelsesform Discourse space/story space
- Personkategori jeg, du, han, hun den 1.-2. og
3. person ental. - Rum og tid deiktiske markører Her/der, nu
12Interaktion og virtuel interaktion
- Interaktion i sociologien normalt forstået som
grundlæggende interaktion mellem fysisk
inter-nærværende mennesker i det sociale at
enkelt handlinger i det sociale er indbyrdes
afhængige i sammenhæng. - Virtuel interaktion forstået som interaktion
mellem virtuelle repræsentanter og miljø - Menneskelig aktør
- Avatar
- Bot
- Objekt
- Verden
13Interaktion og virtuel interaktion
- Interaktionsformer
- Human Actor/Avatar Menneskeinteraktion med egen
avatar - Human Actor/Object Menneskeomgang med virtuelle
objekter via avatarer - User-in-Avatar/user-in avatar interaktion mellem
mennesker repræsenteret ved avatarer - User-in-Avatar/Virtual Worlds
- User-in-Avatar/Bot
- User-in-Avatar/Object
- Virtual World/Bot
- Virtual World/Object
- Virtual World/Virtual World
14- Background Basic Questions
- Theory What is geographical representation for
the lay-man user in web-served visualization in
computer-mediated communications (CMC)? - Application How do we strategically make use of
media and design when applying visualization in
planning communication and public participation
in decision making?
15- Geographical media in Web-Served CMC
- Panoramic visualization, e.g. QuickTime VR
- Outdoor live web-cams
- 3D models, e.g. VRML
- Geographical 3D MUDs, e.g. ActiveWorlds
- Animations
- Streaming media
- CAD model viewers, e.g. the VoloViewer
- Still pictures
16- Common Themes Specificity - I
- All media have a strong geographical theme
- All media are thematized by the technique of
their production, i.e. either photographic or
digital production (models, photo-manipulation) - All media are thematized by the technique of
their presentation hyper-mediation or model
navigation - All media are thematized by the technique of
their distribution, i.e, as web-served media
17- Common Themes Specificity - II
- All media have a strong geographical theme in
the pictorial presentation as such - All media have additionally a geographical theme
associated to the technique of their production
(i.e., the obvious use of geo-data), their
presentation (i.e. the use of models or
hyper-maps), and/or their distribution (e.g. the
access to a web-server with explicit geographical
location, the access to live geo-data via a
web-server, etc.)
18- Common Themes Specificity - I
- All media have a strong geographical theme
- All media are thematized by the technique of
their production, i.e. either photographic or
digital production (models, photo-manipulation) - All media are thematized by the technique of
their presentation hyper-mediation or model
navigation - All media are thematized by the technique of
their distribution, i.e, as web-served media
19- Common Themes Specificity - II
- All media have a strong geographical theme in
the pictorial presentation as such - All media have additionally a geographical theme
associated to the technique of their production
(i.e., the obvious use of geo-data), their
presentation (i.e. the use of models or
hyper-maps), and/or their distribution (e.g. the
access to a web-server with explicit geographical
location, the access to live geo-data via a
web-server, etc.)
20- The Concept of Grounding
- The concept of ground in C.S Peirces semiotic
philosophy, i.e., the idea on which a sign
relation is based - Grounding visualization discovering the idea
that founds visualization as a specific sign
relation - Cyber-geographic re-grounding of pictorality
and cartographic space (Johansson 2000a, 2000b)
21- Grounding GIS and CAD?
- The grounding of visualization should capture
the idea of representation in both GIS and CAD - GIS represents positively a world of geography
and corresponds to the world-view of geographers - CAD may represent the idea of a geography, and
corresponds in this sense rather to the
world-view of artists
22- Semiotic Grounding
- To discover in semiotic terms the ideas of
actual sign relations, i.e. the principles of how
signification is organized in the world - C.S. Peirce Three types of sign relations
iconic in terms of similarity, indexical in terms
of contiguity or factorality, and symbolic, in
terms of convention - Pictorial semiotics Exploring the signs of
23- The Re-Grounding of Pictorality
- Pictorality images as a specific sign relation
- The re-grounding of pictorality in new media
what is an image in the age of digitalization,
hyper-mediation, etc. (Sonesson 1999, Johansson
2000c) - The apologetic re-grounding of the concept of
iconicity in semiotics and its implication for
our understanding of the idea of images (eg.
24- The Ground of Pictorality
- Pictorality The iconic mediation of a
primordial life-world, i.e., the set of
indexicalities that makes out the world of our
perceptual experience - Iconic sign relations are asymmetrical and
hierarchical Images are thus secondary to the
world - The image mediates iconically a life-world and
forms part of a life-world as index, i.e. as
artefact or as a node in a hyper-mediated
environment hence the two-dimensionality of
pictorial representation
25- A Cybergeographic Image?
- An image whose status as both iconic
representation and indexical object seems to
double itself along with the techniques of
production, presentation, and distribution (e.g.
geo-referenced, hyper-mediated, and web-served
images). - The themes of production, presentation, and
distribution are given as a synchronic system - An image which assumes the status as node in the
system of cyber-geography
26- Nodal Pictures on Distinct Levels
- Nodes, incl. nodal pictures may be surfed and
thus be integrated in a sense of every-day space
realized by the routine use of the lay-man. - Following Michel de Certeau we think of space
as the practice of place, i.e. as the surfing of
nodes and nodal pictures in a cyber-geographic
27- Cybergeographic Images
- Cyber-geographic images are at the same time
nodes and representations they lend themselves
to surfing as nodes on a number of distinct
levels while constantly escaping the status as
artifact. In this manner they make possible the
unfolding of the indexical dimension of
pictorality and weaken at the same time the
theoretical importance of a singular life-world
grounding of pictorality