Title: Discuss the characteristics of fish in a healthy habitat.
1Discuss the characteristics of fish in a healthy
habitat. Identify major breeds of fish used as
2Freshwater Fish
3- Egg laying fish Females lay eggs and males
fertilize them - Live bearing fish give birth to live young.
4Egg Laying Fish
5Spawning is the reproduction ritual where eggs
are deposited and fertilized by egg
laying species of fish.
6Goldfish Hardy and easy to keep freshwater fish
that prefer pools or cold water aquariums that
have temperatures in the range of 32 - 68F.
7Recommended as the ideal beginner fish pet
because as long as water is kept clean, their
care is not difficult
8Koi are a member of the goldfish family used in
cold water aquariums and ponds.
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10Koi must be moved to outside pools once they
reach 5" in length and may grow to 3 FEET in
11- Beta Fish Freshwater fish that are very
aggressive. - - Often kept alone in aquariums
- Males must NEVER EVER be put in the same
aquarium. - Males are flashier!
12Male Betta Fish!
13Female Betta Fish
14- Tetras
- medium care fish.
- does well in community aquariums.
15Neon tetras
16- Catfish
- include the
- Upside-down catfish
- Glass catfish
- Electric catfish.
17Catfish, Upside down catfish
18Live Bearing Fish
19Live bearing Fish Reproduction is accomplished by
deposit of sperm by male inside the female to
fertilize the eggs until they develop into nearly
full formed fish.
20Guppies Very popular and varieties only differ
in shapes of their fins and tails.
21Fancy guppy
22May average giving birth to 50 live fry each
23Swordtails known for its long sword-like caudal
24Gold swordtail
25Mollies Most Molly species are black and have
large fins.
26- Mollies can have problems
- with their large fins, may have fins grow so
large swimming is difficult. - Mollies prefer to
- live in large schools (groups).
27Platys These fish are very popular and come in
a variety of colors
28Saltwater Fish
29Most saltwater species are egg layers.
30Angelfish (Some can live in freshwater.) They
have a delicate appearance but are very hardy.
31Freshwater angelfish
32Saltwater angelfish
33Clown fish - Orange fish with white bands edged
in black - known for their ability to live around
the tentacles of the sea anemone in a mutually
beneficial relationship known as symbiosis.
34Clown fish
35Discuss the characteristics of fish in a healthy
habitat. Discuss fish physiology and aquarium
36Ornamental fish are fish kept for their
appearance (bright colors and fancy
fins), personal appeal to people, and are not
usually used for food.
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38Tropical fish are popular fish for aquariums that
come from the warmer regions of the world.
African Cichlids
39Marine fish are fish that are kept in salt water
aquariums. Marine fish are often more colorful
than freshwater varieties.
Royal Angelfish
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41Freshwater fish are fish that are kept in a
freshwater tank. Often, they are the most popular
fish for pets.
42Community fish are fish that do well in an
aquarium with other fish species.
43- Species fish do best in an aquarium with fish of
the same species. Examples
include - Pacu
- Red-Tailed Shark
- Spiny eels
45Pacus get large
46Red tail shark
47Spiny Eel Fish
481. Bottom feeders (dwellers) are fish that
inhabit the lower level of the aquarium and feed
off the bottom.
49- A fishs mouth can determine its feeding habits
50Fish have organs called gills 1. Water is drawn
through the mouth by constant opening and
closing 2. Forces water into the pharynx
514. Dissolved oxygen in water is taken into the
blood. 5. CO2 is released into the water from the
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53Signs and Symptoms of sickness/ diseases in fish
54Signs your fish are ill 1. Fish are behaving
unusual/strange. 2. Fish are floating to surface,
sinking to bottom, or leaning to the side of
553. Fishs fins are unusually laying flat against
the body. 4. A fish is off by itself and not
swimming with the school.
565. Fish at the surface gasping for air.
576. Fish fins appearance is frayed.
587. White spots are covering body. 8. Protruding
59B. Parasites
60- White spot (Ich/Ick)
- found under skin
- Most common disease found in aquarium fish.
61Slime disease parasites attack skin of
fish. Heavy mucus dulls skin color
623. Hole-in-the-head organism Hexsamita live
under skin in muscle tissue make tissue break
down and skin opens to make fish appear to have
63Hole in the head
64Bacterial Disease
65Finrot - the edges of the fishs fins start to
appear frayed and ragged, lose their color and
the tissue between the fins breaks down.
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67- Some fish need to be placed in a hospital tank
and treated before returning to normal tank. - Most of the diseases and treatments can be found
at your local pet store.
68Develop a fish aquarium that maintains a suitable
aquatic environment. Discuss aquarium equipment.
69Considerations when purchasing an aquarium
70- Type
- Glass or plastic?
- - Plastic is cheaper, but all glass is easier to
71- Size
- Ranges from a simple Beta or goldfish bowl to 10,
30, 50, or 100 gallon plus.
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73Size depends on the amount of you want to
invest and the type (species) of fish.
74in wall fish tank
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76Shape depends on personal preference and species
of fish you are interested in raising. The most
common shape is rectangular.
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795. Species type of fish purchasing, freshwater
versus tropical
80- Equipment needed for an aquarium
- Filter
- Heater/thermometer
- Substrate (gravel)
- Chemicals
- Decorations
- Air pump
- Power head (salt water tank)
- Lights
81Filter Filter Cartridges
82Air pumps tubing
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84Lighting Bulbs
85Gravel vacuum
86Water changes
- Water changes should be done once or twice a
month. - Only change ΒΌ of the water at one time
88Steps to setting up a fish tank(Freshwater)
- Decide size type of fish RESEARCH!
- Determine budget
- Purchase needed supplies
- Clean tank and all accessories
- Fill tank with water
89Setting up the tank
- 6. Set up heater, filter and air pump.
- - ensure that they are working
- 7. Add chemicals (remove chlorine, add bacteria,
pH balance, etc)
90Setting up the tank
- 8. Let the tank cycle for 1-3 weeks before adding
fish - 9. Test the water (do yourself or take to
fishstore) - 9. Add a few starter fish hearty, small and
inexpensive - 10. After 4-8 weeks of continued cycling and
monitoring you can add more fish slowly
91- Maintain the tank!
- Water changes - 25 once a week/month (depends
on species) - Change and clean filter
- Scrub algae
- Check and change out lights (planted tank UVA/UVB
bulbs need to be replaced every 6 months)