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An indication of whether it is a full or day session and an explanation as to which ... Shakespeare-Midsummer Nights Dream, Macbeth. 1/2 day English EYFS KS1 KS2 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: School

Schools Programme
Below is a list of activities offered. An
indication of whether it is a full or ½ day
session and an explanation as to which sessions
work well together to maximise the learning
potential of your visit. They are colour coded
into subjects.
Title/ Key Stage Content Curriculum Links
Forester for the day - Measure and Record. Your Group become Foresters for the day and can combine this session with the Biodiversity session for a full day activity. Introduction to the group regarding forest management and uses of timber. Their activity is to measure up trees in the forest to see which ones are ready for felling and to work out how much wood and profit can be made! Firstly they have to consider the hazards of working in the forest and dress appropriately. Then we work through the mathematical equations using measurements of heights using clinometers, girth and information on tree species to find out the volume of timber in each tree and then the market price for this timber - depending on what it is being used for. Present their findings in the form of a graph. The children ultimately make the decision of the Forester and decide if the tree is to be felled or kept to grow on for the future. Read and interpret mathematical statements. Measure and record lengths, heights, volume. Compare, describe and solve practical problems. Geometry and angles. Statistics. Science identifying deciduous and evergreen trees.
1/2 Day Maths KS1 Year 2 KS2- These sessions can be simplified for differing key stages. Your Group become Foresters for the day and can combine this session with the Biodiversity session for a full day activity. Introduction to the group regarding forest management and uses of timber. Their activity is to measure up trees in the forest to see which ones are ready for felling and to work out how much wood and profit can be made! Firstly they have to consider the hazards of working in the forest and dress appropriately. Then we work through the mathematical equations using measurements of heights using clinometers, girth and information on tree species to find out the volume of timber in each tree and then the market price for this timber - depending on what it is being used for. Present their findings in the form of a graph. The children ultimately make the decision of the Forester and decide if the tree is to be felled or kept to grow on for the future. Read and interpret mathematical statements. Measure and record lengths, heights, volume. Compare, describe and solve practical problems. Geometry and angles. Statistics. Science identifying deciduous and evergreen trees.
Forester for the day - Bioblitz Your Group become Foresters for the day and can combine this session with the Measure and Record session for a full days activity. Introduction to the group regarding forest management and uses of timber. Their activity is to become ecologists for the session and record and measure the biodiversity present in the forest. They will be given all the tools required to conduct a simple survey. Through a simple habitat survey they will count and record flora and fauna in the forest floor and also use external data to find out further information on species numbers. They will collect their findings in the form of a tally chart and present information in graphs and block diagrams. A final discussion on the value of habitat for wildlife and the balance of woodland management vs. conservation. Read and interpret mathematical statements. Statistics. Interpret and construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams, simple tables. Pupils record, interpret, collate, organise and compare information. Identify and classify plants and animals.
1/2 Day. Maths/science KS1 Year 2 KS2 These sessions can be simplified for differing Key Stages. Your Group become Foresters for the day and can combine this session with the Measure and Record session for a full days activity. Introduction to the group regarding forest management and uses of timber. Their activity is to become ecologists for the session and record and measure the biodiversity present in the forest. They will be given all the tools required to conduct a simple survey. Through a simple habitat survey they will count and record flora and fauna in the forest floor and also use external data to find out further information on species numbers. They will collect their findings in the form of a tally chart and present information in graphs and block diagrams. A final discussion on the value of habitat for wildlife and the balance of woodland management vs. conservation. Read and interpret mathematical statements. Statistics. Interpret and construct simple pictograms, tally charts, block diagrams, simple tables. Pupils record, interpret, collate, organise and compare information. Identify and classify plants and animals.
Title/ Key Stage Content Curriculum Links
Maths outside the classroom. A 1/2 day of mathematical puzzles using natural resources and problems. Pick up sticks- introduction using sticks to create and identify shapes, work as a group to discover who can make the most shapes using only 9 sticks. Meet a tree- using directional language guide your partner to meet and discover one of our amazing trees. Measuring Logs predicting which is bigger or smaller and using measures to find out if they are right. Counting tree rings to find out how old a tree is. Property of shapes, recognising shapes in different orientations and sizes. Position and direction. Measurement. Compare describe and solve practical problems.
1/2 Day Maths EYFS KS1 KS2 A 1/2 day of mathematical puzzles using natural resources and problems. Pick up sticks- introduction using sticks to create and identify shapes, work as a group to discover who can make the most shapes using only 9 sticks. Meet a tree- using directional language guide your partner to meet and discover one of our amazing trees. Measuring Logs predicting which is bigger or smaller and using measures to find out if they are right. Counting tree rings to find out how old a tree is. Property of shapes, recognising shapes in different orientations and sizes. Position and direction. Measurement. Compare describe and solve practical problems.
Whens a stick not a stick?... When its a ..bow, knife, boomerang, fishing rod.. Explore simple metaphors to create a woodland poem to take back to school. Using sticks and leaf slides. The children will be given opportunity to explore the woodland and scavenge for materials to inspire them. We will also develop some creativity through free play. Poetry. Composition. Evaluate and edit. Read Aloud
1/2 day English KS2 Can be simplified for KS1, EYFS When its a ..bow, knife, boomerang, fishing rod.. Explore simple metaphors to create a woodland poem to take back to school. Using sticks and leaf slides. The children will be given opportunity to explore the woodland and scavenge for materials to inspire them. We will also develop some creativity through free play. Poetry. Composition. Evaluate and edit. Read Aloud
Title/ Key Stage Content Curriculum Links
Forest Fables These can link with FC trails at certain times of the year. We will read your chosen story then complete and forest activity and extension activity to develop English skills. Choose from Gruffalo-read the story and create a Gruffalo Woodland feast using mud and woodland scavenged materials. Link to textures, animals and free play and role play. 3 Little Pigs- link to den building, property of different materials. Billy Goat Gruff- Making muddy trolls/forest faces/role play/Rope bridges/log bridges- balancing physical. Going on a Bear Hunt- Mapping on the woodland floor, Hide and seek, exploration of the woodland, rhyming words, create our own bear hunt and associated noises through the forest. Stickman- Find stickman, use of basic tools, role play, extending the story developing a new stickman adventure. Superworm- Link to minibeast hunt, create our own minibeast creatures using clay and scavenged materials. Room on a Broom- besom brooms, whiffy potions using senses-sensory walk. In development for Key Stage 3 - Shakespeare-Midsummer Nights Dream, Macbeth. Be encouraged to link what they hear to their own experiences. Become familiar with key stories, fairy stories and traditional tales. Recognise and join in with predictable phrases. Learn to appreciate rhymes. Participate in discussion about what is read to them taking turns and listening to what others say. Reading aloud.
1/2 day English EYFS KS1 KS2 These can link with FC trails at certain times of the year. We will read your chosen story then complete and forest activity and extension activity to develop English skills. Choose from Gruffalo-read the story and create a Gruffalo Woodland feast using mud and woodland scavenged materials. Link to textures, animals and free play and role play. 3 Little Pigs- link to den building, property of different materials. Billy Goat Gruff- Making muddy trolls/forest faces/role play/Rope bridges/log bridges- balancing physical. Going on a Bear Hunt- Mapping on the woodland floor, Hide and seek, exploration of the woodland, rhyming words, create our own bear hunt and associated noises through the forest. Stickman- Find stickman, use of basic tools, role play, extending the story developing a new stickman adventure. Superworm- Link to minibeast hunt, create our own minibeast creatures using clay and scavenged materials. Room on a Broom- besom brooms, whiffy potions using senses-sensory walk. In development for Key Stage 3 - Shakespeare-Midsummer Nights Dream, Macbeth. Be encouraged to link what they hear to their own experiences. Become familiar with key stories, fairy stories and traditional tales. Recognise and join in with predictable phrases. Learn to appreciate rhymes. Participate in discussion about what is read to them taking turns and listening to what others say. Reading aloud.
Creative Forest Use reference to different artists but include Andrew Goldsworthy. Use scavenged materials to make sculptures on woodland floor. Colour pallets/textures- link to tree id. Sensory Trail. Patterns and sequences. Shadow Art and talk about light properties. KS1-Science, Art, English can introduce some mathematics looking at patterns such as Fibonacci Sequence. KS1/2- Science-Light
½ day Art Science EYFS KS1 KS2 Use reference to different artists but include Andrew Goldsworthy. Use scavenged materials to make sculptures on woodland floor. Colour pallets/textures- link to tree id. Sensory Trail. Patterns and sequences. Shadow Art and talk about light properties. KS1-Science, Art, English can introduce some mathematics looking at patterns such as Fibonacci Sequence. KS1/2- Science-Light
Title/ Key Stage Content Curriculum Links
Woodland Flora Plant Explorer Plants- Spotter Trail to ID common plants and trees. Deciduous and Coniferous forest floor picture. Structure of a plant label. Build a tree game. Needs of a plant game. Year 1- Identify and name a variety of common plants. Deciduous and Evergreen. Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants. Should use the local environment to explore and answer questions about plants growing in their habitats. Year 2 observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. Find out how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy. Introduce requirements of plants for growth and survival as well as processes of reproduction and growth in plants.
½ day Science EYFS KS1 Plants- Spotter Trail to ID common plants and trees. Deciduous and Coniferous forest floor picture. Structure of a plant label. Build a tree game. Needs of a plant game. Year 1- Identify and name a variety of common plants. Deciduous and Evergreen. Identify and describe the basic structure of a variety of common flowering plants. Should use the local environment to explore and answer questions about plants growing in their habitats. Year 2 observe and describe how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. Find out how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy. Introduce requirements of plants for growth and survival as well as processes of reproduction and growth in plants.
Who dun' it? Animal Clues Animal ID game using a murder mystery concept. Follow an animal clue trail- to introduce concepts and get them to explore around the forest. Talk about carnivore, herbivore and omnivore- developing a simple food chain using the animals. Can be linked to a Minibeast Hunt or Pond Dip for a full day session. Year 1- Identify and name a variety of common animals that are birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, invertebrates. Identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals. Exploration of the local environment. Learn how to take care of animals taken from their local environment and the need to return them safely after study. Use senses to compare different textures, sounds and smells. Year 2- Basic needs of animals for survival. Life cycles
1/2 Day EYFS KS1 Animal ID game using a murder mystery concept. Follow an animal clue trail- to introduce concepts and get them to explore around the forest. Talk about carnivore, herbivore and omnivore- developing a simple food chain using the animals. Can be linked to a Minibeast Hunt or Pond Dip for a full day session. Year 1- Identify and name a variety of common animals that are birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, invertebrates. Identify and name a variety of common animals that are carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. Describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals. Exploration of the local environment. Learn how to take care of animals taken from their local environment and the need to return them safely after study. Use senses to compare different textures, sounds and smells. Year 2- Basic needs of animals for survival. Life cycles
Title/ Key Stage Content Curriculum Links
Un-nature Trail Follow a trail to find a variety of objects made from different materials. Identify what each object is made from and the properties of the material. Highlight wooden objects and how they have been produced in the forestry process. Highlight 'Sustainability' of wood. Go on a textures scavenger hunt to find natural materials with differing properties. Change the structure of a woodland material to create something else e.g. Create string from nettles/brambles/bark- use to create friendship bracelets or woodland necklaces' to decorate and take home. This could be linked with the animal activity to make recycled bird feeders or Bug Homes to take back to school or home. Distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made. Identify a variety of Everyday materials. Describe the properties of a range of everyday materials. Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties. Find how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing bending twisting and stretching. Stretchy/Stiff, Shiny/Dull, Rough/Smooth, Bendy/Not Bendy
½ day Science - Everyday Materials EYFS KS1 Follow a trail to find a variety of objects made from different materials. Identify what each object is made from and the properties of the material. Highlight wooden objects and how they have been produced in the forestry process. Highlight 'Sustainability' of wood. Go on a textures scavenger hunt to find natural materials with differing properties. Change the structure of a woodland material to create something else e.g. Create string from nettles/brambles/bark- use to create friendship bracelets or woodland necklaces' to decorate and take home. This could be linked with the animal activity to make recycled bird feeders or Bug Homes to take back to school or home. Distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made. Identify a variety of Everyday materials. Describe the properties of a range of everyday materials. Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties. Find how the shapes of solid objects made from some materials can be changed by squashing bending twisting and stretching. Stretchy/Stiff, Shiny/Dull, Rough/Smooth, Bendy/Not Bendy
Seasonal Detectives A half day session to explore the characteristics of each season in relation to the Forest. Can be linked to other sessions such as Pond Dip/Minibeast Hunt. Discussion about what plants/animals do in each season. Use of sensory trails, scavenger hunts and a creative activity to take home. Seasonal Changes. KS1- Science Animals/Plants
½ day Science Seasonal Changes EYFS KS1 A half day session to explore the characteristics of each season in relation to the Forest. Can be linked to other sessions such as Pond Dip/Minibeast Hunt. Discussion about what plants/animals do in each season. Use of sensory trails, scavenger hunts and a creative activity to take home. Seasonal Changes. KS1- Science Animals/Plants
Sounds of the Forest Forest Sound Mapping and Woodland Orchestra activity. Create instruments using woodland materials. Explore rhythms around the woodland seating circle. Sound- observe and name a variety of sources of sound, noticing that we hear with our ears. Recognise that sounds get fainter with distance. Explore ways of making sound. Compare different sound sources. Everyday materials.
½ day Science EYFS KS1 Forest Sound Mapping and Woodland Orchestra activity. Create instruments using woodland materials. Explore rhythms around the woodland seating circle. Sound- observe and name a variety of sources of sound, noticing that we hear with our ears. Recognise that sounds get fainter with distance. Explore ways of making sound. Compare different sound sources. Everyday materials.
Title/ Key Stage Content Curriculum Links
Forest Investigators Familiarisation with trees. Meet a tree tree id forest management Leaf pressing make own id sheets to take home. collect seeds/leaf print KS1/2- Science Plants/Classification. Art using different materials and techniques.
1/2 day EYFS KS1 KS2 Familiarisation with trees. Meet a tree tree id forest management Leaf pressing make own id sheets to take home. collect seeds/leaf print KS1/2- Science Plants/Classification. Art using different materials and techniques.
The needs of a seed Take part in a Seed spotter trail. Group seeds into how they are dispersed. Group challenge to design a dispersal method for a seed to travel the furthest distance using simple materials. Transpiration experiment to show water movement. Build a tree activity. Working Scientifically-Identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants. Explore requirements for life and growth and how it varies from plant to plant. Investigate the way in which water is transported within plants. Explore the part that the flowers play in the life cycles of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal. Links to Design and Technology.
½ day Science Plants/Forces KS2 Can be delivered to KS1 EYFS Take part in a Seed spotter trail. Group seeds into how they are dispersed. Group challenge to design a dispersal method for a seed to travel the furthest distance using simple materials. Transpiration experiment to show water movement. Build a tree activity. Working Scientifically-Identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants. Explore requirements for life and growth and how it varies from plant to plant. Investigate the way in which water is transported within plants. Explore the part that the flowers play in the life cycles of flowering plants, including pollination, seed formation and seed dispersal. Links to Design and Technology.
States of matter Using fire to discuss changes in states of matter- boiling a kettle, making charcoal in a can. Linking to water cycle game. Measuring puddles. Transpiration experiment between broadleaves and coniferous. Solids, Liquids, Gases. Identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle. Associate the rate of evaporation with temperature. Art-use charcoal to draw and develop using a range of materials.
1/2 Day Science - States of Matter/ Properties and changes of materials. KS2 Using fire to discuss changes in states of matter- boiling a kettle, making charcoal in a can. Linking to water cycle game. Measuring puddles. Transpiration experiment between broadleaves and coniferous. Solids, Liquids, Gases. Identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle. Associate the rate of evaporation with temperature. Art-use charcoal to draw and develop using a range of materials.
Title/ Key Stage Content Curriculum Links
The Key to Classification Your choice of a minibeast hunt or pond dip. Use keys to classify and assign animals found to groups. Construct a group food web using information gathered during the session. Review concepts such as predator/prey and demonstrate how these can affect food chains. Explore the impact of humans on the food chain. Create your own classification key and take back to the classroom to continue with further exploration at school. Identify and name a variety of living things using classification keys to assign them to groups. Recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things. Examples of Human impact on the environment. Construction of a variety of food chains identifying producers predators, prey. English using a range of non-fiction text. Describe how living things are classified into broad groups based on similarities and differences- including microorganisms, plants and animals. Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics. Look at the work of Carl Linnaeus
Full Day Science KS2-All living things Classification Your choice of a minibeast hunt or pond dip. Use keys to classify and assign animals found to groups. Construct a group food web using information gathered during the session. Review concepts such as predator/prey and demonstrate how these can affect food chains. Explore the impact of humans on the food chain. Create your own classification key and take back to the classroom to continue with further exploration at school. Identify and name a variety of living things using classification keys to assign them to groups. Recognise that environments can change and that this can sometimes pose dangers to living things. Examples of Human impact on the environment. Construction of a variety of food chains identifying producers predators, prey. English using a range of non-fiction text. Describe how living things are classified into broad groups based on similarities and differences- including microorganisms, plants and animals. Give reasons for classifying plants and animals based on specific characteristics. Look at the work of Carl Linnaeus
Forest Rocks! Become Geologists for the day! Start off with an exploration of different rocks looking at their properties. Take part in a fossil hunt, compare and contrast animals with similar creatures today. Link to a minibeast hunt or pond dip or woodland floor microhike. Study how the animals/plants caught are adapted to their environment. Draw and label adaptations. think how animals/plants may evolve to adapt to future environmental pressures/change- global warming- Compare and group different rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties. Describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped in rocks. Recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter. Recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the earth millions of years ago. Recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents. Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit the environment in different ways.
Full Day Science KS2- Rocks/Evolution and inheritance Become Geologists for the day! Start off with an exploration of different rocks looking at their properties. Take part in a fossil hunt, compare and contrast animals with similar creatures today. Link to a minibeast hunt or pond dip or woodland floor microhike. Study how the animals/plants caught are adapted to their environment. Draw and label adaptations. think how animals/plants may evolve to adapt to future environmental pressures/change- global warming- Compare and group different rocks on the basis of their appearance and simple physical properties. Describe in simple terms how fossils are formed when things that have lived are trapped in rocks. Recognise that soils are made from rocks and organic matter. Recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the earth millions of years ago. Recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents. Identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit the environment in different ways.
Title/ Key Stage Content Curriculum Links
Local Study Local Study of the history of the Forest. Using maps and historical records including photographs. Research how the forest has been used over the centuries. Have a go at some traditional woodland crafts. KS1 History/Geography/Science- Everyday Materials. English-using a range of written sources.
Full Day History KS1- Local Study of the history of the Forest. Using maps and historical records including photographs. Research how the forest has been used over the centuries. Have a go at some traditional woodland crafts. KS1 History/Geography/Science- Everyday Materials. English-using a range of written sources.
Stone age for a day Spend a day in the Stone age. Dress up as a stone age person. Go Hunting for Wild Boar. Have a go at fire lighting using real flint. Make and decorate a pot. Make your own Stone age shelter. Muddy Cave Painting History. Science-Everyday Materials, Changing States.
Full Day History KS2 Spend a day in the Stone age. Dress up as a stone age person. Go Hunting for Wild Boar. Have a go at fire lighting using real flint. Make and decorate a pot. Make your own Stone age shelter. Muddy Cave Painting History. Science-Everyday Materials, Changing States.
Anglo Saxon for a day Bring the Anglo Saxons to life. Have a go at Wattle and Daub. Dye your own wool and make a bracelet. Make your own Bow and Arrow. Role play invaders. History. Science-Everyday Materials, Changing States. English.
Full Day History KS2 Bring the Anglo Saxons to life. Have a go at Wattle and Daub. Dye your own wool and make a bracelet. Make your own Bow and Arrow. Role play invaders. History. Science-Everyday Materials, Changing States. English.
Mapping Use an orienteering trail to practise mapping skills and refresh mapping symbols. Create a Treasure Trail for another group using simple directional language and compass directions. Construct a simple map of the woodland using scavenged materials from the woodland floor. Using basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical and human features. Use simple compass directions and location direction and language to describe the location of features and routes on a map.
½ day Geography KS1 Use an orienteering trail to practise mapping skills and refresh mapping symbols. Create a Treasure Trail for another group using simple directional language and compass directions. Construct a simple map of the woodland using scavenged materials from the woodland floor. Using basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical and human features. Use simple compass directions and location direction and language to describe the location of features and routes on a map.
Orienteering Geogaching/Orienteering Grid references, eight points of a compass. Symbols and keys, OS Maps.
1/2 Day Geography KS1 Geogaching/Orienteering Grid references, eight points of a compass. Symbols and keys, OS Maps.
Title/ Key Stage Content Curriculum Links
Forest Survivor A selection of Team Building Tasks. Based on surviving in the Forest. Can your team complete the challenges? Develop your skills to be able to build your own fire, boil some water and make a hot chocolate and marshmallow feast. Take part in an outdoor adventurous activity that challenges both individually and in a team.
1/2 Day Team building KS1 KS2 A selection of Team Building Tasks. Based on surviving in the Forest. Can your team complete the challenges? Develop your skills to be able to build your own fire, boil some water and make a hot chocolate and marshmallow feast. Take part in an outdoor adventurous activity that challenges both individually and in a team.
Capture the flag Based on the Game of Capture the Flag, your group will be split in two and need to use a combination of cunning, strategy, and teamwork to be the first to capture the opposing teams flag. Take part in an outdoor adventurous activity that challenges both individually and in a team.
1/2 Day Team Building KS1 KS2 - Based on the Game of Capture the Flag, your group will be split in two and need to use a combination of cunning, strategy, and teamwork to be the first to capture the opposing teams flag. Take part in an outdoor adventurous activity that challenges both individually and in a team.
Winter Woodland Wonder- What happens to the Forest in Winter? Find out the difference between deciduous and coniferous trees. The strategies of the woodland animals to survive the winter. And enjoy a Christmas story around the campfire with a cup of Hot Chocolate and a Marshmallow. Make a woodland reindeer from forest materials. Take home a mini Christmas tree to plant and grown on- at school/home. Link to Science KS1 Animals/Plants
1/2 Day EYFS KS1 KS2 Seasonal Activity offered from November What happens to the Forest in Winter? Find out the difference between deciduous and coniferous trees. The strategies of the woodland animals to survive the winter. And enjoy a Christmas story around the campfire with a cup of Hot Chocolate and a Marshmallow. Make a woodland reindeer from forest materials. Take home a mini Christmas tree to plant and grown on- at school/home. Link to Science KS1 Animals/Plants

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