Title: Nessun titolo diapositiva
1JOKE In the class of LITTLE JOHN, the teacher
invites the children to the board to draw an
object and describe it. The first student goes
to the board and .
2 draws a horizontal line saying this is the
ground. The teacher thanks the student who goes
back to his seat. The next student comes to the
board and .......
3 draws a box saying this is a box on the
ground. The teacher thanks the student who goes
back to his seat. Another child comes to the
board and ...
4 add a picture saying this is the house which
contains the box on the ground. The teacher is
very happy of the performance of her children and
she invites another student to the board who .....
5 adds a detail saying this the snow which
melts on the roof of the house which contains the
box on the ground. The teacher is very
enthusiastic of her students and invites another
child to comes to the board who .....
6 adds another detail saying this is the sun
who melts the snow on the roof of the house which
contains the box on the ground. The teacher now
is very very happy .......
7 at this point LITTLE JOHN very
enthusiastically, asks the teacher if he can go
to the board to complete the drawing. The teacher
who is used to the jokes of little John, in a
first moment does not let him to the board, but
by admiring the innocent picture made by the
other children, she assumes that little John
cannot ruin in any way the picture, and she
invites him to come to the board. Little John
goes to the board and ......
8 completing the drawing he says this is my
dad in the shower who takes the soap on the
ground !!!. END.