Title: Cardiovascular System
1Cardiovascular System
- Body System
- Mrs. Pogue
- Health 1000
2Why the Blood Circulates
- The cardiovascular system provides
- Your heart pumps blood to your bodys cells 24
hours a day, even when youre asleep.
3Why the Blood Circulates
- Your heart accomplishes these important tasks
- ___________________________ from the lungs to
body cells
- Absorbing nutrients from food and delivering
nutrients to body cells
- Carrying carbon dioxide from your cells back to
your lungs to be exhaled
- Delivering other waste products to the kidneys
for removal from the body
- Helping the ________________ cells fight disease
by attacking infectious organisms
4How the Blood Circulates
- The cardiovascular system consists of the heart,
blood, and blood vessels.
- Your heart is the muscle that makes the
cardiovascular system work.
5The Heart
- Inside the heart are four chambers separated by a
wall of tissue called the septum. - The two top chambers are called the ________.
- The two lower chambers are called
6The Heart
- Valves between the atria and ventricles allow
blood to flow through the chambers. -
- At the top of the right atrium is an area of
muscle that acts as a pacemaker for the heart.
7The Heart and Lungs
8How Blood Circulates
- Pulmonary circulation is the process by which
blood moves between the heart and the lungs. - Blood that has lost oxygen and picked up carbon
dioxide and wastes receives fresh oxygen in the
- Blood is the fluid that ______________,
___________, and nutrients to the cells and
carries away wastes.
Components of Blood
Red Blood Cells
WhiteBlood Cells
- About 55 percent of total blood volume consists
of ___________, which is mainly water, but it
also contains nutrients, proteins, salts, and
The fluid in which other parts of the blood are
- Red blood cells make up about 40 percent of
normal blood. They contain __________________.
The oxygen-carrying protein in blood
Surrounding and ingesting the organisms that
cause disease
White blood cells have one of three purposes
Forming antibodies that provide immunity against
a second attack from that specific disease
Fighting allergic reactions
- When the wall of a blood vessel tears,
___________ collect at the tear and form a clot
that blocks the flow of blood.
Types of cells in the blood that cause blood
clots to form
- Millions of each type of blood cell can be found
in just 1 millimeter of blood.
Humans have one of four types of blood.
(contains antigens)
(contains antigens)
(contains antigens)
(does not contain antigens)
- A person with blood types A, B, or AB must
receive blood from someone with the same blood
type due to the antigens or from someone with
type O blood because it has no antigens.
- People with type O blood are called universal
donors, because anyone can receive their blood.
19Blood Vessels
The Three Main Types of Blood Vessels
20Blood Vessels
- _____________ are vessels that branch into
progressively smaller vessels called arterioles,
which deliver blood to capillaries.
Blood vessels that carry oxygenated blood away
from the heart
21Blood Vessels
- ________________ reach almost all body cells.
Capillaries near the skins surface can dilate or
constrict to adjust body temperature.
Small vessels that carry blood from arterioles
and to small vessels called venules, which empty
into veins
22Blood Vessels
- The large ___________, the vena cava, carry
deoxygenated blood to the right atrium. Pulmonary
veins carry oxygenated blood to the left atrium.
23How Lymph Circulation Works
- Lymph is filtered by lymph nodes, small
bean-shaped organs found in lymph vessels. -
- White blood cells within lymph nodes trap and
destroy pathogens.
24Blood Pressure
- Maintaining blood pressure in the cardiovascular
system is important for proper blood circulation.
Blood pressure
A measure of the amount of force that the blood
places on the walls of blood vessels,
particularly large arteries, as it is pumped
through the body
25Blood Pressure
The maximum pressure as your heart contracts to
push blood into your arteries.
A blood pressure reading includes two numbers.
The pressure at its lowest point when your
ventricles relax.
26Blood Pressure
- A healthy persons blood pressure will vary
within a normal range of below 120/80. -
- Blood pressure that is above 140/90 is considered
high and places a strain on the heart. -
27Cardiovascular System Problems
Conditions of the heart that are present at
Congenital heart defects
28Lymphatic System Problem
Your tonsils help reduce the number of pathogens
entering the body through the respiratory system.
If the tonsils become infected, tonsillitis
Immune deficiency results if the immune system is
weakened and can no longer protect the body
against infection.
Immune deficiency
Also called Hodgkins lymphoma, this type of
cancer affects the lymph tissue in lymph nodes
and the spleen.
Hodgkins disease
- Glencoe Health 2009
- http//www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/images/enc
y/fullsize/19192.jpg - http//www.eurobloodsubstitutes.com/images/heartCi
rcul_arteries.gif - http//www.rci.rutgers.edu/uzwiak/AnatPhys/Blood_
Vessels_files/image004.jpg - http//www.astrographics.com/GalleryPrints/Display