Title: Cardiovascular and pulmonary systems
1Cardiovascular and pulmonary systems
2Mid Session Quiz -25
- Next week
- Will be on WebCT? assessments
- From 9 am 25/8/08 ? 5 pm 29/8/08
- Multiple choice and matching
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- Cardiovascular
- System review
- Acute adaptations to exercise
- Chronic adaptations to exercise
- Pulmonary
- System review
- Acute adaptations to exercise
- Chronic adaptations to exercise
4Major Cardiovascular Functions
- Delivers oxygen to active tissues
- Aerates blood returned to the lungs
- Transports heat, a byproduct of cellular
metabolism, from the bodys core to the skin - Delivers fuel nutrients to active tissues
- Transports hormones, the bodys chemical
5CV system
- Consists of
- Blood 5L or 8 body mass
- 55 plasma
- 45 formed elements (99RBC, 1WBC)
- Heart- pump
- Arteries- High pressure transport
- Capillaries- Exchange vessels
- Veins- Low pressure transport
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8Peripheral Vasculature
- Arteries
- Provides the high-pressure tubing that conducts
oxygenated blood to the tissues - Capillaries
- Site of gas, nutrient, and waste exchange
- Veins
- Provides a large systemic blood reservoir and
conducts deoxygenated blood back to the heart
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10Blood Pressure
- Systolic blood pressure
- Highest arterial pressure measured after left
ventricular contraction (systole) - e.g., 120 mm Hg
- Diastolic blood pressure
- Lowest arterial pressure measured during left
ventricular relaxation (diastole) - e.g., 80 mm Hg
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13Heart Rate Regulation
- Cardiac muscle possesses intrinsic rhythmicity
- Without external stimuli, the adult heart would
beat at about 100 bpm
14Regulation of HR
- Sympathetic influence
- Catecholamine (NE/E)
- Results in tachycardia
- Parasympathetic influence
- Acetylcholine
- Results in bradycardia
- Cortical influence
- Anticipatory heart rate
15CV system during exercise
- Acute Adaptations
- Chronic adaptations
16Heart rate
- At rest- 60-80 bpm
- Trained athletes ? lower (28-40 bpm)
- Pre exercise- anticipatory response
- Sympathetic nervous system release N/E and
ephedrine - Increases during exercise to steady state
17Cardiovascular Dynamics
- Q HR SV (Fick Equation)
- Q cardiac output
- HR heart rate
- SV stroke volume
18Cardiac Output
- At Rest
- Q 5 L p/Min
- Trained RHR 50 bpm, SV 71
- Untrained RHR 70 bpm, SV 100
- During Exercise
- Untrained- Q 22 000 mL p/min, MHR 195
- SV av 113 ml blood p/beat
- Trained- Q 35 000 ml p/min, MHR 195
- SV av 179 ml blood p/beat
19Increases in Stroke Volume
- Increases in response to exercise
- Is ability to fill ventricles, particularly left
ventricle - And more forceful contraction to pump blood out
- Training adaptations
- left ventricle hypertrophy
- Increased blood volume
- Reduced resistance to blood flow
20Training Adaptations Heart
- Eccentric hypertrophy
- Slight thickening in left
- ventricle walls
- Increases left ventricular
- cavity size
- Therefore increases stroke
- volume
21Cardiac output distribution
22Oxygen transport
- When arterial blood is saturated with oxygen
- 1 litre blood carries 200 ml oxygen
- During exercise
- Q 22L p /min
- 4.4L oxygen per minute
- At rest
- Q 5L p/ min
- 1 L oxygen per minute
- 250 ml required at rest
- Remainder- oxygen reserves
23Stroke Volume and Cardiac Output
- Exercise ? increases stroke volume during
rest and exercise - Slight decrease heart rate
- Increase in cardiac output comes from
increased stroke volume
24Heart Rate
- Elite athletes have a lower heart rate relative
to training intensity than sedentary people
25Saltin, 1969
Endurance athletes Sedentary college BEFORE 55
day aerobic training program Sedentary college
26- Total Blood Volume
- Plasma volume
- 4 training sessions can increase plasma volume by
20 - Increased RBC
- - Number of RBC increases, but due to increase in
Plasma volume, concentration stays the same
27Blood Pressure
- Aerobic exercise reduces systolic and diastolic
BP at rest and during exercise - Particularly systolic
- Caused by decrease in catecholamines
- Another reason for exercise to be prescribed for
those with hypertension - Resistance training not recommended due to acute
high BP it causes
28Oxygen Extraction
- Training increases quantity of O2 that can be
extracted during exercise
29Chronic Adaptations to Exercise- Chapter 10
- Cardiovascular adaptations to training are
extremely important for improving endurance
exercise performance, and preventing
cardiovascular diseases. - The more important of these adaptations are,
- ? Size of heart ? ventricular volumes
- ? total blood volume
- - ? plasma volume
- - ? red cell mass
- ? systolic and diastolic blood pressures
- ? maximal stroke volume
- ? maximal cardiac output
- ? extraction of oxygen
30Factors Affecting Chronic adaptations
- Initial CV fitness
- Training
- Frequency- 3 x p/week
- Only slightly higher gains for 4 or 5 times
p/week - Intensity
- Most critical
- Minimum is 130/ 140 bpm (av) 50-55 Vo2 max/
70 HR max - Higher better
- Time
- Or duration- 30 min is minimum
- Type
- Specificity
31Pulmonary System
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33Pulmonary Structure and Function
- The ventilatory system
- Supplies oxygen required in metabolism
- Eliminates carbon dioxide produced in metabolism
- Regulates hydrogen ion concentration H to
maintain acid-base balance
- At rest
- Air in ? Trachea- humidified and brought to body
temperature - ? divides into 2 branches? lungs
- Lungs hold 4-6 litres of ambient air- huge
surface area - 300 million alveoli
- 250 ml oxygen in and 200 ml Carbon dioxide out
each minute
35- Inspiration
- Ribs rise
- Diaphragm contracts (flattens)
- Moves downward (10cm)
- Thoracic volume
- Air in lungs expands
- Pressure
- to 5 mm Hg below atmospheric pressure
- Difference between outside air and lungs air is
sucked in until pressure inside and out is the
- Ribs move back down
- Diaphragm relaxes (rises)
- Thoracic volume
- Pressure
- Difference between outside air and lungs air is
pushed out until pressure inside and out is the
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38Pulmonary system during exercise
39Lung Volumes
- Static lung volume tests
- Evaluate the dimensional component for air
movement within the pulmonary tract, and impose
no time limitation on the subject - Dynamic lung volume tests
- Evaluate the power component of pulmonary
performance during different phases of the
ventilatory excursion
- Static and Dynamic lung volumes are measured
using a spirometer
41Static Lung Volumes Page 146 of text
42Dynamic lung volumes
- Depend on Volume of air moved
- and the
- Speed of air movement
- FEV/FVC ratio
43FEV/FVC Ratio
- Forced Expiratory Volume
- Forced Vital Capacity
- Ratio tells us the speed at which air can be
forced out of lungs - Normal 85 FVC can be expired in 1 second.
44Maximal Voluntary Ventilation
- Breath as hard and fast as you can for 15 seconds
- Multiply by 4
- And you have Maximal Voluntary Ventilation
- MVV-
- Males140-180 Litres
- Females 80-120 Litres
- Elite athletes up to 240 Litres
45Minute Ventilation
- At Rest
- 12 breaths per minute
- Tidal volume 0.5L per breath
- 6 Litres of air breathed p/min
- During Exercise
- 50 breaths p/ minute
- Tidal Volume 2 L per breath
- 100L p/min
46Alveolar Ventilation
- Minute ventilation is just total amount of air
- Alveolar ventilation refers to the portion of
minute ventilation that mixes with the air in the
alveolar chambers - Minute ventilation minus anatomical dead space
(150-200 ml)- the air that is in the trachea,
bronchi etc
47Alveolar Ventilation Minute ventilation (TV x
breathing rate) dead space
48Gas exchange
49Gas Exchange in the Body
- The exchange of gases between the lungs and
blood, and their movement at the tissue level,
takes place passively by diffusion
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51Oxygen Transport in the Blood
- Combined with hemoglobin In loose combination
with the iron-protein hemoglobin molecule in the
red blood cell - Each Red Blood Cell contains 250 million
hemoglobin molecules - Each one can bind 4 oxygen molecules
52CO2 Transport in Blood
- In physical solution
- (7) dissolved in the fluid portion of the blood
- As carbamino compounds
- (20) in loose combination with amino acid
molecules of blood proteins - As bicarbonate
- (73) combines with water to form carbonic acid
53Regulation of Pulmonary Ventilation
54Regulation at rest Plasma Pco2 and H
- The partial pressure of CO2 provides the most
potent respiratory stimulus at rest - H in the cerebrospinal fluid bathing the
central chemoreceptors provides a secondary
stimulus driving inspiration
55Ventilatory Regulation During Exercise
- Chemical control
- Po2
- Pco2
- H
- Nonchemical control
- Neurogenic factors
- Cortical influence
- Peripheral influence
56Ventilation in steady rate exercise
- Of oxygen ( V E/ V O2)
- Quantity of air breathed per amount of oxygen
consumed - Remains relatively constant during steady-rate
exercise- 25 L air breathed per 1L o2 consumed at
55 Vo2 max - Of carbon dioxide ( V E/ V CO2)
- Remains relatively constant during steady-rate
57Ventilatory Threshold
- The point at which pulmonary ventilation
increases disproportionately with oxygen uptake
during graded exercise - The excess ventilation relates to the increased
CO2 production associated with buffering of
lactic acid
58Pulmonary adaptations to Exercise
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60Adaptations to
- Maximal exercise
- Minute ventilation increases
- Increased oxygen uptake
61Submaximal Exercise
- Ventilatory muscles stronger
- Ventilatory equivalent for oxygen
- ( V E/ V O2) reduces? indicates breathing
efficiency - This leads to
- Reduced fatigue in ventilatory muscles
- O2 that would have been used by those muscles can
be used by skeletal muscle.
62Pulmonary Adaptations
- Increased tidal volume
- Decreased breathing frequency
- Increased time between breaths (Increased time
for oxygen to get into bloodstream) - Therefore less oxygen in exhaled air
- Need to know
- Cardiac and pulmonary Structure and Function
- Veins/arteries/cappilaries
- Flow of blood through the heart
- Alveoli bronchii etc
- Flow of inspired air and pulmonary exchange
- Acute adaptations to exercise
- Chronic adaptations to exercise