Chapter 10 The Nation Splits Apart - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 10 The Nation Splits Apart


In what ways did the North and South each hope to benefit from the Kansas-Nebraska Act? ... Many acts of slavery-related lawlessness plagued Kansas Territory. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter 10 The Nation Splits Apart

Chapter 10 The Nation Splits Apart
Section Notes
The Nation Splits Apart
The Politics of Slavery Sectional Conflicts and
National Politics Lincolns Path to the White
House The South Secedes
Upsetting the Balance, 1850 The Missouri
Compromise, 1820 The Compromise of 1850 The
Kansas-Nebraska Act The Election of 1860
History Close-up
The Sack of Lawrence
Quick Facts
African Americans Cautioned Poster Political
Cartoon Charles Sumner Attacked Lincoln-Douglas
Debate Political Cartoon Election of 1860
Terms of the Compromise of 1850 Effects of the
Dred Scott Decision Effects of John Browns
Raid Causes of Secession Visual Summary The
Nation Splits Apart
The Politics of Slavery
  • The Main Idea
  • The issue of slavery dominated national politics
    during the 1850s. The federal government forged
    policies in attempts to satisfy both North and
  • Reading Focus
  • What factors made slavery in the United States an
    issue before 1850?
  • How did the Compromise of 1850 seek to settle
    issues between North and South?
  • In what ways did the North and South each hope to
    benefit from the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
  • How did people in the North and South react to
    the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

Slavery in the United States
  • By 1850, 200 years of slavery in America
  • History
  • Some northern states freed only children born
    after slavery was banned and kept their mothers
  • In several northern states, slavery continued to
    exist until the 1840s.
  • By 1850 two societies existedthe North, where
    workers labored for wages, and the South, where a
    large number of workers were enslaved.
  • Many southerners believed their economy depended
    on slave labor.
  • Those who supported slavery believed that
    property rights came first.
  • To many northerners who were truly concerned
    about slavery, the issue was one of basic
    democratic ideology.

Slavery in the United States
  • By 1850, 200 years of slavery in America
  • It was difficult for opponents of slavery to
    overcome the claim that slaveholders rights were
    protected by the Constitution, just as the rights
    of all property owners were protected.
  • This was one reason why the abolition movement
    was slow to gain popular support in the North.
  • After winning the Mexican-American War, the
    United States added more than 500,000 square
    miles of new territory.
  • Now some antislavery activists wanted to ban
    slavery in the new territory. Others, mainly
    southerners, wanted to allow slavery there.
  • When California applied to become a state in
    1850, the number of free states and slave states
    were equal. The balance of political power was
    about to change.

The Compromise of 1850
  • California applies
  • Residents of California quickly approved a
    constitution banning slavery and applied for
    statehood, bringing the issue of slavery to the
  • Kentucky senator Henry Clay introduced a plan to
    Congress proposing a series of compromises on
    several slavery issues.
  • One of the most famous Senate debates resulted.
    Daniel Webster of Massachusetts and John C.
    Calhoun of South Carolina faced off.
  • Debates and decisions
  • Calhoun opposed the compromises, but Webster felt
    the preservation of the Union was more important
    than the disagreement over slavery.
  • William Seward attacked slavery itself, becoming
    known as a radical for his position.
  • Calhouns death in March removed one of the
    obstacles to the compromise, since his successor,
    Millard Fillmore, supported the plan.
  • Five laws were passed based on Clays
    resolutions, forming the Compromise of 1850.

The Fugitive Slave Act
The Fugitive Slave Act made it a federal crime to
assist runaway slaves. The law also allowed the
arrest of escaped slaves in states where slavery
was illegal.
The law was openly resisted in the North. Many
who had previously been quiet on slavery issues
were furious. Mobs rescued slaves from northern
police stations and threatened slave catchers. By
1851, some southern leaders were again talking of
seceding from the Union.
One angry northerner, Harriett Beecher Stowe, had
once lived in Cincinnati, Ohio. There she heard
tales of slaverys cruelty and horror. She wrote
a series of short stories about slave life for an
antislavery newspaper, and a year later the tales
were published in an enormously successful novel
called Uncle Toms Cabin. The book outraged many
southerners and raised tensions over slavery to a
new height.
The Kansas-Nebraska Act
The deaths of Clay and Webster led to new
leadership in Congress. Stephen Douglas, an
Illinois senator, gained power and influence.
End of an era
A proposed railroad connecting California to the
rest of the nation was a dividing issue.
Southerners wanted New Orleans as the eastern
end, Douglas favored Chicago, but the northern
route land had to be officially opened for
settlement by the government.
Railroad proposal
Douglas proposed organizing the Kansas and
Nebraska Territories, where the issue of slavery
would be settled by popular sovereignty. Southern
senators demanded the bill end the Missouri
Compromises limits on slavery. In May 1854 his
Kansas-Nebraska Act became law.
May 1854
Reactions in the North and South
  • The Norths reaction
  • Hundreds of meetings were held to protest the
    law. Northerners sent numerous petitions and
    resolutions to Congress.
  • Northerners were outraged that many northern
    Democratic members of Congress had voted for the
    act. A great number of northern Democrats quit
    the party.
  • The effect on the Whig Party was even more
    severe. Some northern Whigs (Conscience Whigs)
    opposed slavery on moral grounds. Other Whigs in
    the North and the South (Cotton Whigs) strongly
    supported slavery. The two groups refused to work
  • Rise of the Republican Party
  • The Free Soil Party was formed in 1848 by some
    northern Whigs and Democrats, and members of the
    antislavery Liberal Party.
  • The name was taken because opposition to the
    spread of slavery was its main issue. People of
    all political parties who opposed slaverys
    spread were called free-soilers.
  • The Republican Party was formed from a meeting of
    the Free-Soil Party, northern Whigs, and others
    in response to the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
  • Two new Republicans were William Seward and
    Abraham Lincoln.

Sectional Conflicts and National Politics
  • The Main Idea
  • Rising tension over slavery expanded from
    political rhetoric into outright violence.
  • Reading Focus
  • Why did popular sovereignty lead to violent
    struggle in Kansas?
  • In what ways did the presidential election of
    1856 illustrate the nations growing division?
  • What events of Buchanans presidency further
    divided the nation?
  • Why was John Browns raid on Harpers Ferry an
    important event in American history?

The Struggle for Kansas
  • Lawlessness
  • Many acts of slavery-related lawlessness plagued
    Kansas Territory. By 1856 the territory was being
    called Bleeding Kansas.
  • Kansas was a mighty stake in the slavery debate,
    and pro-slavery and free-soil forces soon were
    fighting for control.
  • Control of elections
  • Each side tried to control the territorys
    elections and, later, a vote on a state
  • Emigrant groups from both sides flooded into the
    territory in an effort to establish or prevent

The Struggle for Kansas
Settlement of the slavery issue by popular
sovereignty did not require settlers to vote on
whether to allow it. Instead, the question was
settled indirectly, electing a territorial
legislature that would then pass laws on the
Popular sovereignty
Voter fraud occurred in the November 1854
election to choose the territorys delegate to
Congress, and in the March 1855 elections for a
territorial legislature.
First elections
When the legislature met, it quickly passed a
strict slave code into law. Free-soilers refused
to accept the new legislature, electing an
antislavery governor and legislature of their
own. By 1856, there were two governments claiming
to be the legal government of Kansas.
Two governments
The Struggle for Kansas
  • The Sack of Lawrence
  • The town of Lawrence had become a center of
    antislavery activity.
  • Although a New Hampshire Democrat, President
    Franklin Pierce seemed to be under the influence
    of pro-slavery elements in Congress.
  • Pierce condemned the free-soil government in
    Kansas as rebels, prompting pro-slavery Kansas
    officials to charge free-soil leaders with
  • A pro-slavery posse rode into Lawrence to arrest
    these leaders, looting and destroying much of the
  • Pottawatomie Massacre
  • John Brown was a committed abolitionist who went
    to Kansas, settling in a free-soil town there.
  • He appointed himself a captain of the local
    antislavery militia.
  • Outraged by what happened at Lawrence, Brown
    sought bloody revenge.
  • He and a small group of followers dragged five
    pro-slavery settlers out of their cabins and
    executed them. This act became known as the
    Pottawatomie Massacre.

The Struggle for Kansas
A civil war broke out in Kansas. Large bands of
pro-slavery and antislavery forces roamed the
territory. Most settlers on both sides had
property looted or destroyed. Although federal
troops brought the major fighting to an end in
September, a guerrilla war of sabotage, ambushes,
and other surprise attacks continued.
Bleeding Kansas
Violence over Kansas spread to Congress. Sumner
of Massachusetts delivered an angry two-day
speech, directing vicious remarks at Andrew
Butler of South Carolina, who played a key role
in passing the Kansas-Nebraska Act. Two days
later, Representative Preston Brooks, Butlers
nephew, attacked Sumner, beating him with a heavy
walking stick until Sumner collapsed. Northerners
were incensed by the brutal attack.
The Crime against Kansas
The Election of 1856
The Kansas controversy dominated the presidential
election of 1856. The Democratic candidate was
James Buchanan the Republicans nominated John
Frémont, and the American (the Know-Nothings)
candidate was Millard Fillmore.
Buchanan won the election for two reasons.
Immigrant populations in the North were repelled
by the Know-Nothings nativism, and the Democrats
painted the Republicans as extremists on the
slavery issue.
As a result, Buchanan was the voters choice in
both the North and the South. Frémont, however,
won all the states of the Upper North.
Buchanans Presidency
  • The Dred Scott decision
  • Buchanan supported popular sovereignty in his
    inaugural address, giving some hope that the
    crisis was past.
  • But two days later, the Supreme Court ruled
    against Dred Scott, a slave who sued for his
    freedom with the argument that by living where
    slavery was illegal, he had become free.
  • Southerners saw the Dred Scott decision as a
  • Northerners feared that slavery could now not be
    banned in any territory.
  • Lecompton Constitution
  • This was the pro-slavery state constitution
    written at the Kansas constitutional convention
    in June 1857.
  • In supervised elections in October 1857,
    free-soilers won control of the legislature.
  • Pro-slavery leaders proposed the voters decide on
    a special provision on slavery.
  • If approved, slavery would be allowed. If
    defeated, importation of slaves would be banned,
    but slaves already in Kansas would remain

John Browns Raid
  • Attack on the arsenal
  • John Brown and 21 followers attacked a U.S.
    arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia.
  • Planning to use the guns to arm a slave revolt,
    on October 16, 1859, the group captured the
  • He sent some of his group to spread the word to
    the areas slaves to rise up in revolt, but they
    returned with a few hostages. No slaves were
    willing to run away and join Brown.
  • After the attack
  • Armed local townspeople followed by U.S. Marines
    fought Brown and his group.
  • Brown and his surviving followers were tried all
    were sentenced to hang. Brown was hanged December
    2, 1859.

Lincolns Path to the White House
  • The Main Idea
  • After gaining national prominence in the late
    1850s, Abraham Lincoln became president in 1860.
  • Reading Focus
  • How did Lincolns personal views on slavery
    differ from his political position on the
  • How did the Lincoln-Douglas debates benefit
    Lincolns political career?
  • What circumstances resulted in Lincolns election
    as president in 1860?

Lincoln, Politics, and Slavery
  • A frontier upbringing
  • Abraham Lincoln was born in a one-room cabin near
    Louisville, Kentucky, to poor parents who owned
    no slaves. Lincolns parents opposed slavery, and
    they moved to the Indiana Territory in 1816,
    settling near the Ohio River.
  • Lincolns early politics
  • In 1834, at 25, he was elected to the Illinois
    General Assembly, serving four terms. Lincoln
    studied law at home, becoming licensed to
    practice law in 1836. In 1842, he married Mary
    Todd, the daughter of a wealthy Kentucky
    slaveholder. By then he was practicing law
  • Lincoln in Congress
  • In 1846 Lincoln successfully ran for Congress.
    Lincoln charged President Polk, a slaveholding
    Democrat, with starting the Mexican-American War
    in order to spread slavery. Lincoln opposed
    slavery, but he believed each state had to
    decide. Lincolns proposal for compensation
    emancipation received little support, and he
    resigned from Congress in 1849 and returned home
    to practice law.

Lincoln and Douglas Clash
After the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act,
Lincoln returned to public life.
Lincoln returns
Lincoln helped organize the Illinois Republican
Party in 1856. He opposed Stephen Douglass bid
for a third term in the U.S. Senate. Lincoln
spoke eloquently at his nomination, taking the
most radical stance against slavery with the
prediction A house divided against itself cannot
A house divided
The debates were a series of public meetings
where Lincoln and Stephen Douglas debated the
issues of their Senate campaign. While Douglas
spoke with great flair, Lincolns manner was
mild. His strength lay in the logic and reasoning
of his ideas.
Lincoln-Douglas debates
Lincoln and Douglas Clash
  • The Freeport Doctrine
  • The second debate was the most critical.
  • Lincoln challenged Douglas to explain how people
    could use popular sovereignty to keep slavery out
    of a place when the Dred Scott decision had said
    they could not.
  • Douglass reply came to be known as the Freeport
    Doctrine. If the people are opposed to slavery
    they will elect representatives to that body who
    will by unfriendly legislation . . . prevent the
    introduction of it into their midst.
  • Lincolns social views
  • Lincoln stressed the immorality of slavery in the
  • Douglas referred to Lincolns party as Black
    Republicans and painted an image of a society
    where the races were equal, pressing Lincoln on
    citizenship for blacks.
  • Backed into a corner, Lincoln said, I will say
    that I am not, nor have ever been in favor of
    bringing about in any way the social and
    political equality of the white and black races.

The Debates Significance
  • Deciding who won
  • Douglas retained his Senate seat, but most
    historians judge Lincoln to have won the debates.
    He had argued the more famous Douglas to a draw
    and in the process made himself a national
  • Supporters
  • Douglass statements caused him to lose support
    of southern Democrats, which proved critical when
    he faced Lincoln again in the presidential
    election. Lincolns moderate positions increased
    his standing among northerners, but southerners
    still thought Lincoln was a serious threat to
  • Speaking to the people
  • Lincoln and Douglas took their arguments directly
    to the people and made the issues of the day
    clear to the nation. The outcome directly
    affected the presidential election of 1860.

The Election of 1860
The Democratic convention
The Democratic Party was seriously divided in the
spring of 1860. Southern Democrats wanted to
block Douglass nomination and a party platform
protecting slavery. Northern Democrats supported
Douglas and popular sovereignty. The northerners
managed to push their platform through and
nominated Douglas after a second meeting.
Southern Democrats split and later nominated John
C. Breckinridge.
The Republican convention
William Seward seemed to be the frontrunner, but
many felt his abolitionist views were too
radical. The Republicans settled on Lincoln as
the candidate with the most strengths and the
fewest weaknesses. The partys platform opposed
slavery called for free land in the West,
improved wages, and tariff increases and
expressed a firm commitment to the preservation
of the Union.
The 1860 Campaign
The election was really two sectional elections
Lincoln versus Douglas in the North, and
Breckenridge versus Bell, the candidate of
southern moderates in the South.
Democrats in the North used an openly racist
campaign a Lincoln victory would bring runaway
slaves pouring in. Republicans branded the
Democrats as corrupt, promising that Honest Abe
would restore good government.
The November vote was largely on sectional lines.
Lincoln won nearly every northern state
Breckinridge and Bell split the southern vote.
The split in the Democratic Party allowed Lincoln
to be elected with less than 40 percent of the
popular vote. The election results would spell
trouble for the Union.
The South Secedes
  • The Main Idea
  • The election of Abraham Lincoln led to the
    secession of the southern states.
  • Reading Focus
  • What led to the secession of the states of the
    Lower South from the Union?
  • How and why was the Confederacy formed?
  • Why did compromises and other attempts to save
    the Union fail?

  • The states break apart
  • A month after Lincolns election, South Carolina
    became the first state to secede, followed within
    months by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia,
    Louisiana, and Texas.
  • Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas
    warned that if the federal government made any
    attempt to use force against a state, they would
    also secede.

Southerners and secession
Southerners support for secession was not
universal. In some conventions 30 to 40 percent
voted against secession. Some wanted their states
to issue a final set of demands to the federal
government and secede only if those demands were
not met. But radical secessionism prevailed, and
there would be a united resistance against the
U.S. government.
Northern response
There was varied reaction in the North. Some felt
the Union was better off with the slave states
gone others bore southerners no ill will. They
merely wanted the South to go in peace. Still
others worried about the long-term effects of
letting secession proceed. President Lincoln
agreed, saying that no state could get out of the
Union without the consent of the other states.
Lincoln Waits
Newspapers pressed Lincoln for a public statement
that would calm the nations fears, but Lincoln
worried about making matters worse.
Privately, Lincoln tried to convince southern
leaders they would not be interfered with, but he
was also committed to preserving the Union.
Outgoing president Buchanan agreed secession was
illegal, but said the Constitution gave the
federal government no power to stop it.
Buchanan rejected a request to turn over federal
property to South Carolina authorities, but he
promised he would not attempt to reinforce the
forts. Federal troops were all moved to the
stronger Fort Sumter.
Forming the Confederacy
  • In February 1861, in Montgomery, Alabama,
    representatives of the seven seceded states met
    to form a new nation.
  • They wrote a constitution and chose Jefferson
    Davis as provisional president.
  • The new constitution recognized and protected
    slavery and recognized the sovereign and
    independent nature of each state.
  • They named their new nation the Confederate
    States of America.

Forming the Confederacy
  • Davis becomes president
  • Jefferson Davis was not pleased with the news
    that he had been selected as president of the new
  • His sense of duty forced him to accept the
  • Davis gave an encouraging inaugural address, but
    privately he worried.
  • Confederate government
  • The new nation had no currency or even a press
    capable of making some.
  • The first cabinet meeting was held in a hotel
  • No issue seemed too petty to debate.
  • The Confederacy was on shaky ground.

Compromise Fails
The Crittenden Compromise proposed amending the
U.S. Constitution to ban slavery north of the old
Missouri Compromise line and guarantee that it
would not be interfered with south of that line.
The plan was defeated by a vote of 2523.
The Crittenden Compromise
A Peace Convention began on February 4, 1861, in
Washington, D.C. Most of the northern states were
represented, as were all the remaining slave
states except Arkansas. It offered a plan similar
to Crittendens, but the Senate rejected the plan.
The Peace Convention
Lincoln became president on March 4, 1861. In his
inaugural address, he quoted the provisions of
the Constitution that protected slavery and
offered assurances that he would not interfere
with the institution of slavery in the South.
Lincolns Inauguration
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