Chapter 10: A Changing Nation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 10: A Changing Nation


Chapter 10: A Changing Nation Social Studies 8 A. Building National Identity Era of Good Feeling described President Monroe s 2 terms in office Building ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 10: A Changing Nation

Chapter 10 A Changing Nation
  • Social Studies 8

A. Building National Identity
  • Era of Good Feeling described President
    Monroes 2 terms in office
  • Building National Economy everyone feeling
    govt. should help secure economy
  • Henry Clay, John C. Calhoun, Daniel
    Webster all wanting better

  • Second Bank of U.S. opened after 1st Bank of
    U.S. s charter ran out
  • Necessary b/c state banks made too many loans and
    issued too much money inflation rising prices
  • Bank of U.S. controlled money supply and made
    loans to individuals
  • Tariffs of 1816 put tariffs on European
    goods, so people would buy American
  • Popular in north where manufacturing
  • Hurt the South who had to pay
    more for products and had no
    factories to benefit

  • Important Supreme Court rulings promote
    economic growth
  • McCullough vs. Maryland protected the Second
    Bank of U.S., ruled against Maryland wanting the
    bank to pay tax
  • 1. Said states cant pass laws that interfere
    w/fed. govt.

  • Dartmouth College vs. Woodward protected
    Dartmouths charter as a contract and couldnt be
    changed by govt.
  • Promoted capitalism
  • Gibbons vs. Ogden ruled state couldnt have
    monopoly over interstate commerce
  • Strengthened fed. govt.

B. Dealing with other Nations
  • Spain Spanish control in N. America weakening,
    esp. in Florida
  • Escaped slaves going to FL and joining Seminole
    nation hiding out
  • Govt. sends Gen. Andrew Jackson to recapture
    slaves, he also burns towns, and forces governor
    to leave
  • Adams-Onis Treaty -
    Spain cedes Florida to
    U.S. because it cant
    protect the territory

  • Spanish colonies wanted independence
  • Mexico won independence after Father Hildago
    organized armies of natives to fight for
  • Hidalgo was executed, but Mexico continued to
    fight and won freedom from Spain in 1821
  • 1823 Mexican constitution passed
  • Simon Bolivar the Liberator - won
    independence for much of
    South America

  • The Monroe Doctrine statement to Congress and
    rest of world that any attempt to create colonies
    in U.S. would be considered dangerous to our
    peace safety
  • Canada remained British
    colony after American Rev.
  • Gained right to self-government in 1841
  • Canada upset after we invaded during War of 1812
  • Very good relationship with Canada now

C. Age of Jackson
  • Election of 1824 Andrew Jackson received most
    popular and electoral votes, but not majority
    went to House
  • Henry Clay pushed to vote for Adams
  • John Quincy Adams elected president in 1824
  • Adams appoints Clay as Sec. of State
  • Jackson followers called it corrupt bargain and
    Adams never really accomplishes much with all of
    controversy surrounding his election

  • Jackson was man of the people - nicknamed Old
    Hickory for strength in War of 1812
  • He believed ordinary people should take part in
  • Loved by average American person
  • Jackson won election of 1828
  • Suffrage (voting) had been extended to more
    people - more people voting
  • 3x more than 1824 called peoples president b/c
    so many more people voted for him than any

  • Political parties re-emerge Jackson Henry
    Clay split Republican party
  • Jackson Democrat
  • Clay National Republican
  • National conventions now held to pick candidate
  • After winning Jackson replaces gov. officials
    with his supporters called Spoils System
  • Had been done before, but Jackson did so publicly
    was criticized

D. Indian Removal
  • Still over 100,000 natives living east of MS
  • Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek and Chickasaw
  • Cherokee adopted white ways, ran businesses,
    claimed status as separate nation
  • Led by Sequoyah
  • Represented conflict over land
  • Gov. tried to get natives to
    move voluntarily, many in
    SE had to be forced

  • Removal Georgia passed legislation to move
    Creek Cherokee Indians
  • Said that Cherokee werent separate nation and
    had to obey laws
  • 2 Supreme Court rulings first against Cherokee
  • First Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia supported
  • Second Worcester vs. Georgia supported
    Cherokee b/c said gov. had made treaties with
    Indians and treaties were protected by
  • Jackson furious, wanted natives gone
  • Jackson passed Indian Removal Act of 1830 gave
    natives land west of MS River in exchange for
    their land east of it and gave them money to move

  • Trail of Tears Choctaw Cherokees path to new
    Indian territory in present-OK
  • Indians forced to walk hundreds of miles in bad
    weather with little supplies
  • 4,000 of 15,000 Cherokee died along the way
  • http//

E. States Rights Economy
  • The Bank War Jackson disliked the Bank of the
    U.S. because he thought it favored the rich
  • http//
  • Business owners liked the bank it loaned them
  • Farmers/merchants/ordinary people didnt like
    the bank, b/c it restricted loans to regular
  • Bank closes after charter runs out in 1836
  • Jackson vetoed bill to lengthen Banks charter
  • Showed strength of president against Congress

  • Nullification Crisis caused when Congress
    placed high tariffs on goods
  • South upset, and VP John C. Calhoun said the
    states had the right of nullification cancels
    the fed. Law
  • This would seriously weaken fed. Government
  • South worried fed. Govt. would begin passing
    laws about slavery
  • Those against nullification said it challenged
    the union and could break country apart

  • South Carolina voted for nullification
    threatened to secede if govt. forced the tariffs
    on them
  • Jackson sends Proclamation to People of S.
    Carolina telling them fed. law is supreme hell
    use force
  • Jackson also passed law to lower tariffs
  • S. Carolina agreed to end nullification
  • States Rights issue of balancing power between
    state governments federal government still
  • Alien Sedition Act, Virginia Kentucky
    resolutions, and Nullification Crisis were issues
    dealing w/states rights

F. End of Jackson
  • Martin Van Buren Jacksons second VP, ran for
    president and won in 1836
  • Panic of 1837 British economy going bad, cant
    buy cotton from Americans
  • Americans arent selling cotton or making
  • Americans cant pay loans to banks
  • Banks went bankrupt Economic collapse
  • Lasted for 6 years ruined Van Burens presidency
  • William Henry Harrison beat Van Buren in election
    of 1840 Age of Jackson was over!!
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