Title: Begriffe
- Responsible Technician (vEFK)(with task and
supervision responsibility and/or
respoonsibilityto direct for operation or
equipment - Electrical Technician (EFK)(with responsibility
for special tasks) - Persons which are instructed on sepcial
tasks(EuP) - Newbies no basic knowledge
2Responsible Technical (vEFK)
- Qualified as electrical technician
- Responsible for the technical discipline and the
- Responsible technical director of an electrical
company(additional qualification is mandatory)
3Electrical Technician (EFK)
- Eletrco-technical education (3 years)
- - qualification during the job or several years
experience and working area with internal
qualification - Knowledge and experience
- Knowledge of standards
- Evaluation of technical works
- Experienced to early detect and evaluate
ciritical situations
- Tasks
- Installation, change and Maintenance of
electrical switchgears and - Training and instruction of persons
- Particiaption in conduction and technical
responsibility - Safety instructions for non-experts
4Instructed Persons (EuP)
- Instructed by a technician on technical and
safety aspects of work - Additional training
- Instructed in safety measures and equipment
- Carries out defined and selected works
- Tasks must be described in the operation
handbook - Only up to 1000 V AC and 1500 V DC no work
under voltage - Training on theory and practice must be carried
out - The company must check the ability of the person
with respect to personal and technical
- An un-trained person is
- no electrical technical
- nor a instrcuted person.
- Tasks are
- Usage of electrcial switchgear and equipment
with complete protection against electrical touch - Support on construction of switchgears and
equipment under conduction
6Qualification Levels
7Owner of the Plant
- The owner of the plant/switchgear
- plans,
- takes the complete responsibility
- is responsible for
- the technical condition
- maintenance
- rules
- network operation
8Responisble for the Switchgear
- Person with direct responsibility of a dedicated
part of a plant/switchgear. - The responsibility can be transferred to other
persons, - Capable persons with
- ? technical knowledge and experience,
- ? knowledge of relevant rules and standards,
- ? knowledge of the operation,
- ? capable to evaluate the consequences of
works, - ? capable to detect critical situations.
9Responsible for Work
- A person, who is reponsible to carry out a
defined task. - Teh responsibility can be transferred to other
persons with knowledge and experiences on - ? on the dedicated works and tasks
- ? the relevant rules and standards
- ? evaluation of their own works
- ? detection of critical situations
- ? personal leadership
- ? carrying out instructions on site
10Responsible on Site
- The responsible person on site (AVO)
- carries out by himself or delegates the work
- He will be announced on site and carries out
- Construction
- Safety
- Instruction
- Supervision
11Closed Electrical Operation Location
- Room or location, which serves only for the
operation of electrical switchgears and which is
permanently closed. Only technicians or
instructed persons are allowed to enter. Other
persons are only allowed to enter together with
electrical technicians or instructed.
12Repetitive Instruction
The company should take care, that the employees
are instructed
Before starting the work At changes of the
working environment After accidents At
introduction of new equipment or processes
The instructions must be regularly repeated, at
least 1 time per year.
Toolbox-Meetings are short instruction meetings.
They are refresher courses and have to be updated.
Most of the accidents are caused by wrong
behaviour. Therefore the behaviour of the
employees must be permanently trained.
Major goal of the training is recognition of
danger of safety and life and initiation of the
relevant protection measures.
13Repeated Instructions
- Instruction on working safety is carried out in a
personal talk. Basis are the instruction rules of
the operation handbook.The handout of a flyer is
not sufficient. The understanding must be
permantently checked. Exercises or tests can be
included. -
- A successful instruction includes
- active participation of the trainees
- happens on site
- focusses on relevant dangers
- explains the relevant protection measures
- It makes sense to give information on content,
participants, duration of the instruction and to
ask for signature after instruction. Therefore a
instruction document should be prepared and
stored with other operational documentation. - .
14 Example for an Instruction
- Safe work
- Safe beahviour
- Usage of safe equipment
- Work at safe siwtchgears
15 Example of an Instruction
Brennen- stuhl
Conrad Elektronic
Parts, which can be touched, have to be isolated.
Water and dust prove For rough operation
16 Example of an Instruction
17 Example of an Instruction
18 Example of an Instruction
- Danger Evaluation
- - Descibe danger
- - Define measures
- Example
19 Example for an Instruction
- Standsicherheit eines
- Aufzugsschachtes
- in Abhängigkeit
- von den in Beton
- eingegossenen
- Befestigungsschienen.
- Deutsche Standards
- sollen EU-weit
- Anwendung finden.
VDI Nachrichten 9. Nov. 2007
20 Example for an Instruction
- from BGR 198
- Halteösen
- Are no able to prevent for falling.
Auffang- öse
Function of fall damping equipment should be
guaranteed .
Fall- dämpfer
Operarion Manual ?
21 Example for an Instruction
22Example for an InstructionWork and Travel
23Example of an Instruction Accidents at work and
travel to work
Absolute number of accidents